God Poet Transmitting.......
When God drives specific individuals crazy... because they have designated themselves for destruction... due to their behavior, well... that’s one thing, and we’ve seen plenty of historical examples, especially in the Shakespearean sense. However... when large segments of a population goes demonstrably... and observably mad... what does that indicate?
Of course, chances are (whether you wear a silly grin or not) that they are slated for destruction en masse, and both the historical record and... present trends... indicate the likelihood of that... BUT... and this would be a big but... (no pun intended) when the wholesale craziness of a nation or several nations are accompanied by an awakening... there is also a good indication that some other portion of the population is being directed to realization and then... by extension... to salvation.
Apparently, at least in a cosmic sense, redemption and salvation are a big part of what is really going on down here. The general mindset is that material life is the only life. This is why Fundamentalism is so widespread and... by far... the largest religious bloc in every tradition. It worships the dogma and cant... the structure and other material expressions of the religion, and pays little heed to the inspired portions. Lip service and mind-numbing repetition seem to be the order of the day.
There’s no sizzle in religion anymore. All of them are vehicles for self-hypnosis or hypnosis by proxy. If you just keep saying it over and over, some believe you can make it true, but... You can’t, can you? It is either true to begin with, or it isn’t. These are the same tactics used by government and its boy-toy media. The idea is to either petrify people with the fear of an artificially constructed boogeyman or... put them to sleep with a soporific lulling constancy of sameness.
Society gets stratified. Then it gets rigid. Then, it becomes more and more confining. That’s what the idea of 15-minute cities is all about. From my perspective, given what little I know and... what I suspect... these sorts of environments are very similar to petting zoos for aliens.
Permissive societies lead to cultures of self-indulgence. Pioneers live grim lives of struggle. Their children have it easier and their children even more so. The easier and more convenient life gets, the lazier and more morally compromised the people are. Well, just look around you. Why is it that almost all the time, the litter you see blowing by or... stuck in the chain link fences or... lying by the sides of the roads, is fast food containers... candy wrappers and soda cans? There is a reason that Sparta was Sparta and Athens was Athens.
The more Material Culture impacts human thought... the more it feminizes the male principle. To use urban-speak, it turns men into bitches. As Nature is moved more and more from Nature into artifice, sexual perversion is a predictable trend. Oh! I could go on for days about all of this. The whys... wherefores, and results... the small print minutiae of connections... that form yet another gossamer scarf... to blind the mind’s eye... are both observable and predictable.
As we have been saying over... and over... and over again, the greater the immersion in Material Culture... the more insane you become. Men running around in women’s dresses... sports like t-ball... with performance trophies... the godless and Satanic perspectives of material science for profit... lead inevitably to a marketplace of transgenderism and from there... to The Island of Dr. Moreau.
The more the sense of self is reflected back in a bewilderment of carnival mirrors... the more... that more and more people... no longer know who they are, so... then you have body modifications... bones-in-the-nose... tattooed faces... multi-colored hair and legions of angry... out of shape... screaming hysterics... who smell bad. It’s all in the Trends and Patterns, folks, so... you should be able to see where it all inevitably leads unless... salvation is actually a thing... and it is, BUT... you have to be open to it.
You cannot reason with unreasonable people. You cannot show a blind tourist The Empire State Building. It requires an awakening in the mind for the mind to come back into balance, and that is why trauma and hard times play a big part in most people’s coming-to-Jesus moment. Every time conditions get to be like they are now AND... this has happened many... many times; some people never lose their way. Some people lose their way and then find their way, or... someone shows them the way, AND some people go down the tubes. Sometimes, the percentages skew more in one direction than the other; usually, they skew more in one direction than the other.
Why is there so much violence in the culture of transgenderism? It’s quite simple: the sexual force... the attractive force... operates on every level from goat mind to God Mind (it actually spirals into The Light Worlds as Higher Love), and... it is the most powerful force in manifestation. It keeps the planets in their regular courses. It shines from The Sun, which rules The Moon... which rules the winds and the tides and pretty much everything directly OR indirectly. When the sexual force is repressed or perverted, the weakest link dynamic ALWAYS comes into play.
You can be (and usually are) fucked in the head long before you get screwed in and by Life because Life is a mirror; you get back what looks into it. This is how animals get transfixed by what they see and why the animal in each one of us gets confused about who is who and what is what. It’s how religions become anthropomorphic and... from there into that stratified and rigid fundamentalism we were talking about at the beginning of this post. If you can’t even see into the mirror, well... do the math.
So... when a culture is in decline, you wind up with demonic mindsets that see a profit to be made in the promotion and proliferation of perversity and... wrongness. Whether it’s peanuts or penises... pastry or pussy... the wholesaler gets so much... the retailer gets so much, and you get it (allegedly) cheaper than stolen!!! Every day is Black Friday somewhere, in... every... sense... of... the... term.
So... bottom line... You are either going deeper into material culture... where it is hotter and denser (with all sorts of allegory attendant), or you are stepping away from it and into a cooler and less dense environment, which is more about The Mind and Heart than it is about The Body. You are either gravitating toward The Spindle with less centrifugal force acting on you OR... you are sliding toward The Rim, and the sound of the howling winds of the invisible centrifuge grows louder. Both of these states have a soundtrack.
I’m not knocking Material Culture if your mind’s right; “you got your mind right now, Luke?” I’m calling attention to what you can expect if your mind is not right. If your perspective is true, then no harm will come to you, and your intention will be what becomes of thee.
You got your In Crowd on The Spindle, and you got your Far Out Crowd on The Rim, and The Rim gets lots of attention because they are the ones making all the noise. The Spindle People are quiet and watchful; more Clint Eastwood than Kevin Hart. On the one hand, it is generally less serious than the movies might indicate. On the other hand, it is not nearly so much fun as they make it out to be, and... the movies aren’t funny either.
Of course, if there were no bad guys, there would be no excitement and no broken hearts. On all accounts... from what I can see... it is better to be the one and watch the other because excitement and suspense can go in a whole lot of different directions and often... without warning. I’ve been on both sides of the matter enough times to be a bonafide expert, which is what anyone winds up as if they survive the switching process. It’s like playing musical chairs with Death. You never know when the music is going to stop.
I’m not knocking rock and roll either, I’m just saying you got to pay attention so that the rock doesn’t roll over on you. If you are of good heart and divine nature, you will get a pass up to a point. No one rides for free.
So, why am I going on about this... yet again? Well... once again, and... anyone who is not a fool can see it, the crazy people are getting crazier and crazier. It can be contagious. It’s time to get closer to The Spindle. Fortunately, the guy who owns and operates the turntable is making one of his periodic appearances to do the necessary maintenance. If you took the trouble to read the warranty details, you probably know what’s covered and what isn’t. Mind how you go, and...
End Transmission.......
Today’s Original and off-the-wall Song is;
A New Visible Music Album Just Dropped
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Tonight's Original Song (extemporaneous) is;
— Les Visible (@visible_les) March 26, 2025
"We Got Too Cool for School." https://t.co/HgIGq9hofD pic.twitter.com/elUB3ysAR9
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