Tuesday, March 18, 2025

"As Often as I Remind Myself that God is in Control of Everything All-The-Time, It is a Hard Sell to The Separated Mind."

God Poet Transmitting.......

President Trump was not elected by the American voters to start a bombing campaign in Yemen. In all the worst ways... in respect of a continuing conflict... Yemen and The Houthis are worse than Afghanistan for it getting nowhere in the short term or the long term. This is a very stupid venture, which I could detail extensively but what’s the point? It’s not my department anyway. It makes no sense unless Israel is driving American policy.

Read em and weep, folks. This is what we are complicit in.

I can’t wait to see the new and improved... low-cholesterol JFK files. I wonder what kind of preservatives they are using? God is watching and the time approaches when the veils upon the mind and heart are removed and we all see ourselves for what we are.

President Trump was elected to attend to domestic matters and avoid foreign wars... since we already have a war at the Mexican border with the cartels.

There is also a war being waged against the administration by Soros/Gates and sundry, as well as a collection of NGOs... whose long-term agenda is to loot and destroy The United States. I could also exhaustively detail this, like the Yemen assault, but it should be a matter of common sense.

One of the primary things that any politician should always avoid is... grandstanding. That is the province of demagogues... so is pandering and picking fights when you already have numerous other combatants to defuse; if that is on the menu. Do you really want to be up to your ass in alligators when your primary intention is to drain The Swamp? Let me add that it is NEVER a good idea to go to war against someone who has nothing to lose. You can’t win a battle of attrition, which Israel is discovering to its dismay.

The One Mind is a consolidation of hives. These are natively segregated by language... race, creed, and culture. It is a kind of automatic segregation that happens by default. Each of the variables acts upon the whole to create whatever it is that you get; race has so much impact... creed has so much impact... culture has so much impact, and often the first two create the third.

When you know what you are dealing with... when you care enough about results and are motivated to study the matter, you can consider yourself better prepared than some who just blindly go their way while paying little attention. History bears the record of what happened to people when they were and were not paying attention.

When you pay more attention to the effect your personality is having on people and overlook everything else, you can consider yourself poorly informed... on what is going to prove more important than you thought it would be... when you were ignoring it.

When I can see that someone is not rising to the needs of the time, that is not a good thing. I should not be noticing this. It’s not my field to have a comprehensive understanding of people in the public eye. I don’t work with them or in an area that would bring me into direct or indirect contact with them. I don’t know all of what might be influencing them, and yet... when people are so obvious and cavalier that it comes to my notice; like I said... that’s not a good thing.

Yes, I do have the benefit of certain insights that come to me through experience, Physiognomy, and The Intuition, but still... I think you would agree that I am out of the loop. I wish I wasn’t seeing some of the things I am seeing, and then... I think to myself... maybe I am letting too much exposure to The Surface Level affect my perspective; step away from the computer, visible. Perhaps.

As much as I advise people to be less attached to phenomena, I may not always take my own advice. The Divine actually brought that to my attention several times recently, informing me that what I write is as much for myself as it is for anyone else, AND... when I consider that in a cosmic sense, I can see where it might well be true... in the sense that we are all the same person... prior to the emergence of The Ego, The Personality, and The Separated Mind. The first two are the cause of the latter.

As often as I remind myself that God is in control of everything all the time, it is a hard sell to The Separated Mind; as much for me as for anyone, and I actually get to spend a certain amount of time in The One Mind. Psychedelics and a difficult childhood saw to that long ago. You see... some schizophrenics are not just fragmented personas. Sometimes they are people with a wider perspective. The boundary lines have been set further apart. Certain artists fall into this category. In other words, it is not a liability, it is an asset, AND... having lived with it for a considerable period of time, I can confirm that it is true.

This brings me back to the truth that existence looks different from the inside than it does from the outside, and sometimes... it can be a bitch to try and explain it. I try to see everyone as myself, operating according to a different schematic. I believe we are all reflections of The Single Self. However... when I look at public figures... politicians and entertainers... it can be hard to tell if they are sociopathic... just stupid... or controlled from some further reach.

It is a lot harder to read President Trump than people like Zelensky, Starmer, and Macron who are examples of all three of these possibilities and perhaps... more than one of them. Sociopaths are usually not stupid, BUT... it does happen, and... no matter who you are... you are compelled to be aware of the press of foreign influences... unless you are just stupid. Quite obviously, there are forces intent on controlling all of us, and in some cases do... at the least... affect all of us, such as cosmic forces; the gunas... The Will of God and the blandishments of the lower regions.

I do not like to take anything as gospel unless it is gospel or Ageless Wisdom because, almost everything we take in is some version of he said- she said. It’s all second or third-hand, BUT we have such a strong desire to know... that we cut corners in what we tell ourselves is true. I don’t really know what President Trump is dealing with behind the scenes. The one certainty I do possess is the rock-hard assurance that no matter what anyone’s intentions are, even the slightest of their actions triggers some cosmic law... that is a validation of the comprehensive Will of God and is the why and how... by means of which... God does control everything because His Laws are ubiquitous to the extreme. He is everywhere.

The Separated Mind never ceases to believe that there is some way around whatever gets in its way... in the pursuit of whatever it has convinced itself... it must have. If you can see your mind as a monkey, literally, and your desire nature in the form of a dog... also literally... you will have a good grasp of the matter. These two atavistic influencers have a profound impact on everyone who is still sleeping and even on most people who are partially awake. The smarter you think you are... the easier it is to deceive yourself. It’s one thing to be clever and another thing entirely to be wise.

If you are wise and you have managed to move beyond your disappointment in The World, you have realized that there is little you can do about other people, and for as long as you believe you can change them, you are headed for more disappointment. In the end... you just have to learn to love them and let them go their way. The best course is to find that self within... that is the same as the self in every other creature.

I want to add that there is one particular method for the improvement of others and I have seen the efficacy of it more than once. We affect others through telepathic transmission and the force of it is determined by the degree of self-command we possess over ourselves. Bonafide masters and sages accomplish this through the expansion of their aura and the radius of their thoughts and feelings. This is also the way that sanctuary is created. This is what happens when the monkey and the dog are fully trained. Then The Mind becomes your best friend, and oh! What marvels it will show you. Existence becomes like a magical mystery tour, and the origin of this is Love.

What the common soul thinks is love... generally binds with the force of attachment and creates a state of confinement. Instead of lifting the spirits of others... it becomes a controlling obscenity. Each of us has... on at least one occasion, and... these days... often many more than one... wondered to our dismay; where did the magic go? I was so in love and now? If you love someone... you must set them free of you.

"He who binds to himself a joy

Does the winged life destroy

He who kisses the joy as it flies

Lives in eternity's sunrise."

This is also the case with giving. You must always give without conditions. Life is determined to teach us this and you can be sure that it will. If you cannot maintain a childlike state of mind, you will get what adults get, and...

...one last thing.

End Transmission.......

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(in her honor)

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