God Poet Transmitting.......
As above so below generally refers to planes of being. Force descends and replicates itself from one plane to the next. So... it would be accurate to say that what proliferates in your mind WILL find its way into your body and that will magnetize The World around you accordingly, as your thoughts take form in your body... and your world.
You might also think in terms of compressed and uncompressed, and how pressure generates heat. You can extrapolate that idea out into the packed cities with people up against each other and the hellish conditions that can... and often do... ensue. You can say, as within... so without... where... once more... your thoughts take form outside of you. Your manner of labeling and identifying everything you see... accounts for how you give meaning to everything around you. Are you falsely identifying things and conditions or... is your judgment accurate?
Everyone lives in a world of their own creation. Change your mind... change your thoughts... change your world.
When I met Elvis Presley in late '67 I was just a month or so out of my Kundalini Awakening; outrageous events were commonplace, so... I wasn't that impressed by the encounter, which... had an impact on Elvis. Then when I met him two days later, while sitting on a bench in Palm Springs as he drove by... that impacted him a little more. He then drove down that street, Palm Canyon Drive a dozen more times... saying “Hi,” or something else to me each time. A crowd of fans wailed from the sidewalk behind me. They had chased him for blocks down the street. It is easy to see that people would get the idea that he and I were friends, and although I brushed it off... that had the reverse effect.
I was on that bench for a couple of weeks for hours a day, and the encounter might have accounted (grin) for my being left alone by law enforcement; even though I was wanted by the FBI at the time, AND... The Kundalini Magic had a lot to do with it too.
People talk about Kundalini and associate vague trembles with the actual experience. Osho has this thing he called Chaotic Meditation, where the people sitting in front of him would try to activate their kundalini by shaking and behaving like a crazy person being assailed by invisible bugs. However... when you can stand in freezing temperatures on a sidewalk in Washington D.C. in winter with only a shirt on for hours each evening and experience no discomfort or negative after-effects... that is another thing entirely, and something like this was small change when compared with other events that were going on with me at the time.
Today's song is about my meeting Elvis, but... why am I bringing this up? What has this got to with Above and So Below? Everything is taking place in The Mind and... if you are in control of The Mind you are in control of everything else. For a time, that was the case with me. HOWEVER... there is more than one way to be in control of The Mind, which is why there are two enduring brotherhoods in The World that come and go among us and are... mostly... unseen.
A month or so after my encounter with Elvis, I was in the hands of Federal law enforcement. They didn't catch me. I turned myself in. It was supposed to happen because then Kundalini went to prison and The John Howard Pavilion for The Criminally Insane. I hadn't even committed the crime I was accused of, which was set in motion by Scientology. D.C. was their base of operations. They weren't the worldwide organization... at that time... that they later became.
People were following me around and listening to me speak. I drew the attention of Scientologists. Their center was right up the street from the park I frequented. Some of them asked me questions about it, I said I had read Dianetics and I thought the whole thing was a con. Boom! That was all it took. The actual crime was the sale of two ounces of pot that I did not sell, but... which I was present for. It was all an act of entrapment. Ironically... twenty years later... the same thing happened again six thousand miles west.
They charged me with a Federal crime; The Marijuana Tax Act, so... I was facing 20 years. For the next couple of years, I was around the worst of the worst... people who had done unspeakable things. I met real serial killers and ordinary people caught in unfortunate circumstances.
This was all part of my education. I was confined when Martin Luther King was killed and they tore the place up, BUT... God spirited me away a few days before the rage went into action. I was still locked up, I was just locked up somewhere else. I was a young white boy in mostly black company. It was interesting times, BUT... God sorted it out, AND... I had no Bad Karma with these people. The heaviest... most connected guys in the place became my friends and protectors.
For a few years, marvelous occurrences were the order of the day. Then... as is almost always the case, and especially when one is not in the company of a master and his court... existence reintegrated into the mundane, and I learned firsthand what happens when you try to be in The World but not of it. It's not an easy feat to accomplish... when nearly everyone else lives in The World... and is in a state of accommodation to it.
I was given the hard road to teach me the meaning of compassion and gratitude, but... most especially; the presence of God in all things. I have learned that events go well when you let God handle The Details. This is the other feature that many scholars and pundits overlook when talking about The Mind and the meaning of As Above... So Below. Most of these people live in intellectual prisons. Nothing in life works with any consistency that does not include absolute reliance on The Divine ineffable. You can't exist apart from it and realize anything meaningful from the cycling of mind games as an entity apart in The Separated Mind.
I am bemused by the state of affairs in The World at this time. We are getting to see the stranglehold that Israel has on American politics... The Judiciary... and The Marketplace. This world is the realm of The Prince of This World, and... you are either okay with this... and... subsequently in tune with it or... you are not. I heard from more than one canny operator... when I was confined... that there were only 3 kinds of people in prison. There are The Bulls and they run the joint. There are The Foxes and they know how to get around The Bulls. Then there are The Sheep and they wind up on The Hooks. It's a rather brutal dynamic, BUT... so it goes. I saw it all first hand and what I didn't see, I heard about.
A similar pecking order exists in The Outside World as well. It is not as obvious and it is not as cut and dried, BUT... it's pretty much the same thing. The External World is like a waterwheel that is connected to a mill and which turns continuously... in the stream or river... in which the wheel is always half above the water or half submerged. You can look at that wheel as being an exact material representation of Karma. For a while... people are above the waterline and either moving to the top of the wheel or descending to the surface plane of the water. Then they are below the waterline and the routine repeats itself endlessly.
Everyone gets what they think they want in order to assess whether they wanted it or not. This tiresome process of one attraction after another has a purpose. Eventually... and it can take millions of lives... one learns that ONLY God is worth having, and... when you have God... you get everything else and you are then able to truly enjoy it because The Supreme Enjoyer is resident within you.
The rise of The Goddess, Kundalini continues through stations in the spine that represent stages of consciousness. This is reflected in the experiences that come to you in The Outer World and it can be... and usually is... a brutal progression... interspersed with brief periods of ease and wonderment. The thing is... in the life where this happens... many, many lives are lived in a single lifetime. There is no permanence whatsoever except in The Presence... which increases... by gradual and incremental stages... until one arrives at The Bridal Chamber.
The World is going through something similar and that is why revelation... awakening... and apocalyptic conditions are relentlessly intensifying. Everyone is going to get a lesson here. These are the rewards and punishments that attend the various activities people have gotten up to. These activities all contain the seeds of their own rewards and punishments. There are immutable laws that apply to EVERYTHING and there is no escaping their reactions to your actions. One does not have to be concerned with whether somebody else is getting away with anything or not because... NO ONE gets away with anything.
I know it looks otherwise. The World is a persistent deception. People who seem to have everything are compelled to give the impression that they are happier than everyone else because... the illusion of their more desirable state is all... they... really... have... and meanwhile... that waterwheel and The Wheel of Karma are inexorably turning. As Omar Khayyam said; “The moving finger writes; and, having writ, moves on: and not all your piety or wit shall lure it back to cancel half a line, nor all your tears wash out a word of it.”
So, no matter what The Deep State gets up to... in its efforts to counter whatever this present administration tries to accomplish... none of it is going to make any difference, and.. all of this administration's slavish fellatio of Israel is not going to protect Israel or make a difference either. We have two sides of an argument in constant conflict AND... then we have The Will of God which WILL finally end all arguments... in whatever fashion it pleases to, and...
... one last thing.
— illuminatibot (@iluminatibot) March 8, 2025
End Transmission.......
Today's Original Song is;
(I did not put enough care into this. I did it very quickly, and so there are a couple of small errors in dialogue, but I liked the presentation enough to overlook them. I'll have it more refined when I release it on my website.)
A New Visible Music Album Just Dropped
Links appear at GAB=
X is hosting us for the moment at= https://x.com/visible_les
Today's Original Song is;
— Les Visible (@visible_les) March 9, 2025
"Leave Elvis Along" https://t.co/s992TNy7sB pic.twitter.com/Sk01XLdhRd
Substack is here=
Nostrils to the sky.
Good post. Saw this this morning, Trumps going after Massie, one of the only decent/transparent guys in the FED GOV.
Its getting Fugly. On with the Show!
A new Visible Origami is up now=
"This Thursday Comes Purim. Then on Friday we Have a Super Blood Moon. On Saturday, We have The Ides of March."
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