God Poet Transmitting.......
Well... people are buying Tesla cars so that they can smash them for video exposure. The rage against Elon is getting stronger and at a wider reach. It is being intentionally generated by misinformation operators because... certain vested interests are incensed about being hampered in their right to steal everything that isn’t nailed down, and then... send out for crowbars. One might say The Spirit of Contention is doing well at present. Whaddya gonna do?
President Trump is overhauling the ways in which we collect taxes. It looks like... given the real meaning and intention of tariffs that we are now going to be taxed on what we spend and not what we earn. I have been a fan of this system all along because it is the most equitable way to do it. This is how you get the rich to pay their fair share. This is not an easy thing because the rich have an outsized influence on government policies and money is the grease that lubricates the wheels of bureaucracy.
There are people who think the most important thing you can do is to make The World fair. That’s where Communism came from, and Communism immediately turned into one of the worst offenders... of the principle of fair play... that The World has ever seen. It was a scam to steal money and accumulate power. The truth is that any system is only as good as the people who administer it, AND... usually... the people who get into that sort of thing are looking out for Number One. Most temporal conditions adhere to the concept that a law degree is a license to steal.
Meanwhile... though The World does not APPEAR to be fair, I assure you that it most certainly is. We just don’t have the means to measure the long-term applications of fairness because it travels from life to life. In other words, you reap what you sow, BUT... it doesn’t operate seasonally the way it does for farmers. It comes around when it comes around... according to mysterious regulations... that are enforced by something you can’t see. If you want to remain sane, and especially if you want to be a balanced entity you have to operate according to a formula of faith.
Many people agree that there is some power that oversees life, but no one can agree on what it is. What you get are a bunch of pundits and experts who are running their hands over an elephant’s leg and have decided they know what there is to know about elephants. They also think that if they can keep one hand on the elephant’s leg and one hand on their ass, they will be able to find both of them the next time that becomes a consideration. Meanwhile, they will be glad to tell you all about it and you can listen to them instead of counting sheep. I don’t remember ever having done that. Perhaps when I was a kid... back in that period of time when people could bullshit me with impunity.
Anyway... I do not write these words... each weekday morning... for the rest of The World to read them. I do not expect the rest of The World to EVER read what is written here because the larger portion of The World’s population would find nothing to interest them here. This is not a surface level... snatch and grab... meme clearing house. We don’t do fast food of any kind... and we advise against eating on the run and/or talking with your mouth full. These two seem to go together. These are the people who insist that life is not fair and they probably know why too. Well... of course... they do not know why... but that has never stopped them from giving you an earful at every opportunity if you have nothing better to do.
The truth is that the deeper issues of life do not concern most people. Most people want to eat... sleep... acquire whatever they desire, and... hump it for dear life... if it will hold still for a minute. Actually, they would prefer it to move around and wiggle a little bit while they are at it. Then they are on to the next thing. For them, The World is an amusement park... a delight for the eyes and the ears... for things that do not... later on... agree with their stomachs. That is one of the ways that life equilibrates existence; ensures Justice and makes everything fair... whether you can see it or not.
As The Gita teaches; you are a farmer and your body is a farm. Whatever you plant in your body is going to materialize in one way or another. Some harvest well-being and some harvest disease. Some move through life with ease... though their numbers are few in times like these (rhyming alert), and some move through life with disease. Contentment is a strange animal. Few can agree on what generates contentment or what contentment actually is. So... The World is filled with restless souls and most of them do not realize that peace of mind is one of the finest possessions to be had, and... peace of mind is a principal source of contentment.
In Times of Material Darkness; times of advanced materialism... there is more and more unhappiness... sensations of emptiness... dissatisfaction... ennui... weltschmerz... contention... envy... and all of these feed a criminal mentality. The best thing you can do in times like these is to get as far away from it as possible. That is becoming increasingly more and more difficult because the cancer of materialism and its effects are reaching to all points in The World. It’s making wide highways in The Amazon so that a lot of pointy-headed people can get together and find ways to prevent highways from being built in the Amazon. Give them enough time and it will become a petting zoo with a McDonalds and a Starbucks on every corner.
Materialism creates a culture where only what you see is real. There is no invisible hierarchy that administers existence. There is only an external temporal hierarchy composed of the greediest and most sociopathic shitheels on the planet, AND... when there is a curiosity for the hidden side of things, you can be sure there is a visible agency filled with visible entities who will instruct you concerning the implications of what you cannot see.
Humanity’s freedom of movement and expression become increasingly more constricted and regulated by those who have no interest in freedom. Freedom is one of those things that can get out of hand... unless the proper authorities are permitted to control the ways and means by which it operates.
One way to make sure of being in command of what other people think and do is to control the culture. You need to control what gets said and displayed in the arts; in music... in books and in films. You need to regulate what is seen and heard. This way people become conditioned to the routines of thought that you control. It serves your interests to make people carnal and stupid. As you can see... unless you are one of the people who have become conditioned... it is working pretty well. Unfortunately.., pretty well is not good enough; not if an apocalypse and an awakening come around... and they have.
You see... all the contention that exists... from domestic arguments to world wars, and all of the distractions and... seemingly limitless possibilities of experience that surround you... are what compose the challenges you encounter and determine what you are made out of. In Times of Material Darkness, life is filled with specters of threat. Sometimes they are far off and perceived through rumor and hearsay. Sometimes they are close at hand and sometimes they are both.
Presently, The World is in a state of dramatic change and this is driven by something other than what appears to be the cause. This is ALWAYS the case. Your eyes and ears are lying to you and... there are people who know how to work that to their advantage by manipulating appearances. It is a world of... seeming. The thing is... neither the manipulators nor the manipulated... are aware... most of the time... of who is really running the show. It is the process of evolution demonstrated in the rise and fall of one world into and out of the other... over and over again.
It operates according to The Long Haul principle because most people are enchanted or mystified by what is going on around them, and they live in The Department Store Mind. So... it can take a REALLY... REALLY long time for most people to get a clue about anything other than what seems to be going on around them. So... there is The Long Haul AND... there is The Express Line.
As The Divine is reported to have said at some time in the past; success is speedy for the energetic. If you don’t want to get out of here, you don’t have to; I mean... you do have to leave at certain times and go back to The Wardrobe Department on The Moon, BUT you can keep coming and going here... pretty much ad infinitum OR... you can jump aboard God’s Starship Enterprise, which is actually your soul, and... go off in search of new worlds to conquer... provided you have conquered yourself first because... that needs to be stamped on your passport before you can go to most places at a higher and finer altitude. It is best to have a guide and you do have one. The main problem is being able to become still enough to hear your guide, AND... that is a feature that comes with self-control. It’s all connected (grin) and...
... one last thing.
Preventing card cheating
— Massimo (@Rainmaker1973) March 12, 2025
[📹 jeremytanmagic]pic.twitter.com/wh0oPRSPry
End Transmission.......
Today's Original Song is;
A New Visible Music Album Just Dropped
Links appear at GAB=
X is hosting us for the moment at= https://x.com/visible_les
Tonight's Original Song is;
— Les Visible (@visible_les) March 13, 2025
"Pure... Sweet... Love." https://t.co/i5WPVrkH6l pic.twitter.com/bjow2bj9Cu
Substack is here=
I remember as a little kid where I was before I was born. It was wonderful and free. After I was born I had vivid dreams of flying with birds and Angels. Contact with the world beat that out of me and I accommodated material life.
I didn’t remember where I was from until I wrecked my truck. God gave me a dream from 10,000 lifetimes ago, I woke in the dirt. It looked like Italy, I was 20 years old and strong as a bull. I ran down the side of a mountain to the ocean, there were docks, and mentally powered surf boards. I stepped on to one and could see a big stingray and a multitude of brightly colored fish looking up at me. It was apparent the all had souls and divine intelligence.
It was all so real and vivid. At that point it was time to go back to Gods way.
Great post as Always
Life is not fair. LOL! Oh, how many times have I gotten slapped upside after an unconditional random act of kindness. Of course the immediate thought, is:
Testing, testing, 1,2,3.
Flunked that one, baby.
OK! Flunked that one, ya bloody bastich! Better?
Much. T(h)ank you.
For me, the world is slavery. Hey! I am a dishwasher/janitor. Low nose on the totem pole. A U.S. Dalit, but strangely enough, my life has never been better. Even better than when I made tons as a computer operator or lettershop operator. Gods, at least I don't have to consider 4 hours of sleep every night a luxury these days. A lot of nights I got 2, and on my day or two a month I got off, I'd sleep for 17-18 hours straight. . .with trips to the loo, of course. (Tank de gods fer low overhead and very few obligations which I can blame no one for but mine own self. They are worth it, though.)
I swear! This post proves I'm dead waitin' fer de body to catch up.
Still reading thru the Door to Everthing.
As the great life force expressed itself, in you or anywhere in nature, its
most essential action is taking place on the microcosmic level. The little
things in life really are the things that make the difference. The activity that
goes on in a realm invisible to your natural eyes is a very orderly
perpetuation of chemical processes which make it possible for
consciousness to experience. You are presently living in an organism which
could properly be called a specialized chemical workshop. In this
microcosmic world of cellular activity, the major work, being done at
lightning-fast speed, is that of tearing down various molecular substances
and synthesizing new kinds to fill the cellular needs.
The surface mind has no idea how this work is done. It is carried on
below the level of awareness. It is directed by the wisdom of the soul. The
orientation and condition of the surface mind, however, do play vitally
important parts. They determine whether the body is a free and open outlet
for the dynamic force of life, or whether only a trickle of this life force
seeps through. A turbulent surface mind, oriented around the human self, is
like a dam thrown up across a river, holding back its surging waters. But a
quieted surface mind, oriented only toward my glory, is no longer the dam
across the river but merely the banks through which the water flows.
This is why the Christ message teaches that you may be transformed by
the renewal of your mind.
May the Merging continue in all who make way.
Curiously my mind was taken back to some books from A. E. Dolbear that I read maybe a decade ago now. Dolbear picked up where Tyndall left off with Heat as a mode of motion and worked to figure out mechanical analogies to explain the actual methods for electrification, magnetism, as physical analogies.
I ended up buying another copy of "The Machinery of the Universe" as all my books are in boxes in storage since the divorce. I will have to begin reading that book once I complete the Door to everything but wanted to share its name and author in case others might be curious. He has a few other books as well.
Supposedly A.E. Dolbear was seen in texas getting off a Cigar shaped aircraft that had no wings back towards the end of the 1880s. There are even books written about the event that happened in Aurora Texas at that time. If accurate, then some people have had flight capabilities without the need to use atmospheric gasses for lift. (which was also somewhat covered in the old Colville book "Dashed against the rocks; a romance of the coming age". )
Curious stuff. They who constantly seek to understand are storehouses of Faith as evinced by their Action of constantly Seeking. Its good to know that such effort isn't just pissing into the wind.
Much has been learned about the physical endocrine system from the
animal kingdom, even from the caterpillars. When hardly even a piece of
skin or bone can be exchanged among my children without serious
consequences, it is apparent that hormones of the endocrine system are of a
very exclusive nature since some of them may be exchanged among
species, human or animal, without harm, often with interesting results.
The endocrine glands manufacture, and secrete into the bloodstream,
potent hormones that play a major role in regulating the chemistry of living
matter. The amounts and types of these hormones make tremendous
differences in the functions of the body. What happens to the caterpillar
when its metamorphosis-hormone is released is a common fact of life.
There is a certain kind of salamander, not so commonly heard about, which
was injected with extracts from the human thyroid gland. This little
salamander is a water-lover; normally it spends its entire lifetime living in
the water. After being treated with the thyroid extract, it lost its gills and tail
fin, developed air-breathing apparatus, and moved out of the water to live
upon the land, a dimension new to it.
Endocrine hormones are life-giving, life-balancing, life-altering
proteins. This is true in the case of animals just as it is in the case of men.
At the moment, your endocrine glands are supervising the major chemical
functions of your body, working in close cooperation with your mind. The
glands are fully equipped to do more, much more than the mind has let
them do.
As their primary function, the function of greatest importance, I
intended that your glands should effect in you a more remarkable
transformation than the caterpillar undergoes—changing you from mortal to
immortal—just as soon as your “wave of determination” lets them know
that you are willing.
Personally I think this whole ’karma’ business is one big con! I can understand that the Supreme Being allows humans and even children to suffer because, after all, humans are quite stupid and deserve to suffer (on-going so-called ’sins of the forefathers/mothers’ etc) but why the hell does he allow ANIMALS to suffer..?? There’s no excuse for that! Don’t tell me, a cat gets run over and seriously injured by an idiot motorist because in its ’last’ life (yawn!) it was a crocodile that bit off someone’s leg! I don’t think there’s anything ’fair’ about that. Even that Earl of Oxford guy who wrote all Sheakespeare’s stuff stated that ’fair is foul and foul is fair’. Nah, there’s something wrong somewhere!
Look, anonymous, I know what you're up too. This is not a trolling location. There is no room for sophistry and straw man arguments. Go grandstand somewhere else.
Nobody; I'm glad it has hit you in this way. When The Real has such an impact on a person, it is ringing proof that they also are real.
The efforts to troll and harass me here are at an end. You might as well not waste your time. What I do and my reasons for what I do are my business and no one else's business. None of you will see print here.
When one interacts with so few, one becomes pretty selective about who one tolerates, thanks for tolerating me. I appreciate it, and I appreciate the things you share. I tend to do what I say so I'm careful about saying I'll do things. Its one of the things I like about myself. Still have another 20 pages or so to go to finish that book. Will be sharing that one with my kids and whoever I bump into that shows a spark.
Thank you, Les, for posting the 'The Door to Everything' by Ruby Nelson.
A new Visible Origami is up now=
"Many Pointless Wars have been Fought in The Name of The Prince of Peace. This Is Just One of Life’s Terrible Ironies."
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