Friday, March 21, 2025

"The World is Going to Transform in Dramatic Fashion Because... a Great Change in Consciousness is Coming Soon."

God Poet Transmitting.......

I’m pretty sure most of you... who come here with any regularity... will remember what was said about The Avatar precipitating down The Planes of Being... while driving all The Powers and Principalities of Evil before him... until he arrives on The Material Plane for... judgment and the final sorting out. It’s a form of Cosmic Spring Cleaning; appropriate to the moment since... yesterday was the first day of Spring.

The World is soon going to transform in dramatic fashion because a great change in consciousness is about to come upon us and... there will be those who embrace this change, and those who resist it. You could say it is already in progress and that accounts for the ubiquity of madness and delusion that is everywhere to be seen.

It could be said that this madness and delusion have always been with us, but we weren’t seeing it before... not like we do now. You could also say that the madness and delusion have never been so agitated as they are now. So... two principles are in play here. Some of us are seeing more clearly than we ever have, and what we are seeing is more visible than ever it was previously.

For a long time... a certain group of people have been manipulating appearances to their material advantage. They make you feel secure when it serves their interests and they make you feel insecure when it serves their interests. Though one demographic is more heavily representative in this group, the group is composed of people from every race... creed... and color. They are all people who believe that what you see is all there is... that there is no hidden and invisible side to life; that we are simply meat puppets and what you see is what you get.

Ironically... these people all serve an invisible force... whether it be acknowledged or not. They believe that if they can control the interpretation of appearances then they can control the way you think, AND... behave. There are many approaches to the mechanisms of control and they have their prophets. Some of these prophets are Karl Marx... Edward Bernays... Saul Alinsky... BF Skinner... Klaus Schwab and Yuval Harari... George Soros... and many others. These examples mostly work through other people and those other people are representatives in those fields where personality has a big impact on the way people think and process information; politics... finance... science... religion and entertainment. I group those two together because they have a lot in common. (grin)

I could have been much more comprehensive in the names given and some of the most influential names were not even mentioned, and... in some cases, their names are not even known publicly, but... I expect The Reader to fill in the blanks because this is an interactive relationship.

Very rich people have ALWAYS been in the business of influencing public thought because they want to continue to be very rich. Most of the time... very rich people are engaged in hoodwinking and controlling the public. It is rare to see a very rich person working on behalf of the rest of us, though... it does happen.

The Usual Suspects... who play an oversized role in deceiving the rest of us... are getting very jumpy now because negative information about them is pouring out into the public view. I am not here to say that one side is good and the other side is evil. Let’s just say there are two sides... with different interests... who are diametrically opposed to each other. The President and his supporters are on one side and the Leftist Progressives are on the other.

In one sense it is about a clash of lifestyles. One side wants to fly their freak flag freely and influence emerging generations to follow their behavior patterns, but... it’s still about CONTROL. They say everyone should be able to go their own way no matter how bizarre or perverted it may be. They call it ‘living their own truth.’ The other side wants a more prevailing sense of normalcy to be the rule. You might ask; what is normal? I would counter with; you know what I’m talking about, rather than to get into itemizing; simply look at the Trends and Patterns in The World and at the conflicts generated when opposing Trends and Patterns run into each other.

One could say... and this would be simplistic... that on the one side are the people who follow... or try to follow... the teachings of Jesus Christ and on the other side are those who follow the one who says, Do what thou wilt, and who believe in the right to unbridled carnal activity. This might be a rough divider, but... at the same time... it would be an accurate divider.

There has always been a greater number of people who prefer to look out for their own interests before becoming concerned with the needs and interests of others. It’s just the way The World is on this plane of operation. There are people who want to consume... fight or fuck whatever stimulates them in those respects, AND then... there are those who are more inclined to exhibit restraint in these areas... based on a greater ability to correctly predict the outcome of those behaviors and their relative costs in the long run.

There are always people who want to tear things apart for all sorts of reasons; to see how they work or... to destroy what they don’t like. Those are nice... wide parameters. Then there are the people who promote harmony and a mutual accord with life and who do not need to tear something apart to see how it works.

As I said earlier... The Usual Suspects AND that much larger body of folks they influence, control, or... have on their payroll... are getting very jumpy because the... time... has... come... for all the things they have gotten up to to be revealed to The World. One of the ways they are trying to counter this undesirable exposure... is to employ crisis actors... who are paid distraction employees of your local misdirection services... to direct the public’s attention over there...

...or... to generate interest in more distant happenings.

Some people are saying there were no astronauts marooned in space and they have curious videos as their idea of proof. Some people might be saying that the recent discovery at the pyramids is another action of misdirection to turn the public eye away from the implications of The JFK files, much as the holocaust was created to divert public attention from the murders of tens of millions of Christian Russians.

All the other files are going to show the same connections that the JFK files are showing. As much as we talk about it here, many people do not believe in the validity of an apocalypse... even with all the historical precedence of other time periods. Also... very few people come here and very few people are talking about it anywhere else either.

We live in a time of the controlled imprisonment of the gross senses on the plane of matter, even though there is no such thing as matter in the cosmic sense. Everything is energy in different states of being. Even though we see energy transitioning around us each and every day... the imprisonment of the senses in a dream fog of low-level appetites and desires keeps people in a state of constant mental disconnection from The Real; whatever that is. Going further, let me point out that EVERYTHING is composed of sunlight in different states of being... including you.

So... believe it or don’t believe it, both an apocalypse and an awakening are HERE and getting stronger by the day, which... is causing more and more extreme reactions... depending on whether you are in harmony with... or opposition to them. This means more and more of what has been concealed for generations is going to be revealed, and some people are going to grow and evolve accordingly, and some people are not going to be able to handle it; just as you see is happening right now. It is going to get more... and more... and more intense. This will lift you up to previously unrealized heights within yourself, if... you... let... it or... it will grind you under the boot heels... of the force... of your own resistance to it.

Basic principles are at work here.

Now... isn’t it curious that all of this information is coming out when... it appears that the president is utterly sold out to certain vested interests that are associated with the reverse-kabbalah boys? Apparently, there is more going on than meets the eye, and... this is not surprising because there is ALWAYS more going on than meets the eye. The Eye is the great deceiver of the mind and the heart, and... last thing.

End Transmission.......

Today’s Original Song is... a strange one;

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Anonymous said...

boasberg has an interesting face in reference to physiognomy , very unpleasant. On another note. I am holding out hope for the President . As you say, we never know what is happening behind the scenes. If it proves he is not what many of us thought he was , then so be it, it’ s too late now .I don't drink kool-aid and I will probably never vote again .Maybe something unexpected is about to unfold. time will tell and we shall shall see

Visible said...

I know what you mean. It is why I said what I said at the end. All I know is that God is directing the traffic and everything winds up where it was headed.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Is the world really crazier or do we just know about it due to the internet? I'm thinking Nero, Tiberius, Gaius Germanicus, Elagabalus, Lizardbreath Bathory, Tamerlane, Emperor Norton, Edward Low (Don't let your nose see what he did.), Arnaud Amalric/Amaury/what ever, Attila, Vlad Tepes. . .and the list goes on.

To me, it seems like same ol' story, different technology.

As for the programming of us by the bottom dwellers known as the elite, it's easy to go against the status quo when you're contemptuous of how the world works. Too bad those are so few in number. Then again, if they threatened to become a majority, would they face a modern Albigensian Crusade?

Can ya imagine if 80% of the people belonged to the Holey Order of the Septum? Well, the world would be less crowded, and a lot of industries wouldn't exist, factory farming being one of them. Is that a bad thing?!

Nostrils to the sky!

MogwaiHunter said...

today i was very sensitive to the lights and electronics in the house. I would turn on a light and i could hear the frequency, then i would walk near the radio and could hear a buzzing was coming from the light. I unplugged a lot of stuff around the house. I wouldnt mind if the power went out for a while. could you imagine if the whole world turned off the lights for a few minutes what we would see up there? And they keep saying its gonna happen one of these days that its just a matter of time.



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