God Poet Transmitting.......
The Usual Suspects are the agitators behind The Ukraine War.
https://t.co/CZIv8W72FB pic.twitter.com/eBHV1xlNbb
— 𝕊𝔸𝕃𝕋𝕐 𝔾𝕀ℝ𝕃 (@SaltyGirl09) March 3, 2025
It's where they came from, in the long ago. Now their time is coming to an end. As The Divine told me recently, “the one place they cannot protect themselves in. The one place where all their money... and plots... and illusions of power and influence are to no avail, is... in... their... minds. I am right there and I am going to inform them of this... shortly. How will they escape my all-pervading presence? They will not escape it. How will they feel when they find that the one that traveled all this way with them has recorded all of their deeds?”
They have grown confident in the horrors they have inflicted upon the rest of humanity. Who can or will oppose us, they ask? All this time they have been led on the road to destruction. Their magic is not nearly as powerful as they think it is. It is a bad carbon copy of a much higher magic that has patiently waited for its time of appearance. Soon they will come from the mountain fastnesses... from Agharta, Shamballa... and the inner realms of The Causal Plane. The servants of darkness will be literally blinded by the light and their persecution of The World will end. It has happened before... many times and it will happen again.
In the process of The World being returned to balance, adjustments are made. These adjustments are automatic. A living entity... that is balance and harmony itself... brings EVERYTHING into balance and harmony with itself... as it descends into manifestation. As Hermes Trismegistus says; “This is the strong force of all forces, overcoming every subtle and penetrating every solid thing.”
In Times of Material Darkness, existence becomes like a Petri Dish teeming with bacteria. The World becomes a large... open air... dirty kitchen, in which certain types of creatures proliferate. Mercantile and material mindsets predominate. People become increasingly more callous and indifferent to the needs of others. Oh! It starts out nice enough. Life is improved by all sorts of inventions, BUT... inevitably... The Moral Sense goes South. People become stunted... craven... bestial and obsessed with Trivia. Everything is on the surface and there is no deeper meaning to anything.
It takes a while to get to this state of degeneracy. However... not everyone is on the down escalator, AND... the very preponderance of such numbers going down accelerates the process of the people going up. Ergo... it is the wiser course to be going up. How do you arrange to be going up? You aspire instead of desire.
In Times of Pervasive Madness, nothing is accomplished by exhorting the masses. They are lost and bewildered in an orchard of shiny fruits. If you want to help the people around you; create a slipstream in your passage through the vale. Associate yourself with a larger and more powerful force. Fully identify with that force and you will become a likeness to it. It is a given that things change. It is the nature of material existence for things and conditions to change, AND... you become like that which you emulate. Love will transform you into The Beloved. Keep this in mind in terms of reincarnation... on The Carnal Plane, and... also in terms of spiritual transition to more rarefied planes.
The author of all life is an evolutionary force that operates at different tempos. If you are slow, surly, and resistant, you get on one track, AND... depending on how accommodating you are to the force of evolution... on that depends what track you are moving along. The faster the track... the less the resistance. What causes the resistance?
There are people who intentionally create confusion and conflict. This creates conditions of warfare and want. Life goes further and further out of balance... as the people of The World adjust to the pressures... created by the people creating confusion and conflict. Fish are caught by colorful lures. The same principle applies across the board.
The majority of all your woes are managed by simply Not Wanting... because the people causing all the problems in The World are manipulating The Attractive Force for their own gain. If you are not buying what they are selling, you are out of The Control Loop. You cannot be led around by any particular level of being... if you are not attached to something that is leading you around. Appetite and Desire account for every pitfall you trip into. At The Inanity Awards on Sunday, Daryl Hannah declared, Slava Ukraine.
Suddenly... on social media... an assortment of clowns have appeared expressing solidarity with Ukraine.
She turned herself into Volodymyr Zelensky to stand with Ukraine 🇺🇦pic.twitter.com/pCfG1q8Xy4
— Eric Daugherty (@EricLDaugh) March 4, 2025
Popup protest groups are showing up all over The West to protest the recent action of Trump cutting off support to Ukraine. None of this is by accident. The whole of it is being organized and financed by Soros NGOs. Why is Ukraine so important? Well, The Usual Suspects have been using that location for child sex trafficking... pornography production... money laundering... chemical bio-labs, and many other awful industries for a long time, BUT... even... more... importantly... The Usual Suspects have finally worn out their welcome (a welcome they never had) in The Middle East and they KNOW they have to relocate. They came from the area of Ukraine about twelve hundred years ago. Now they hope to return there.
There is all sorts of confirmation for this happening.
— @🇦🇺AussieAnne ™🇦🇺 (@AussieAnne40897) March 3, 2025
Former Russian Diplomat Matuzov: Gaza & Lebanon Wars – Part Of Israel's Involvement In The Ukraine War; Millions Of European And American Jews Are Ready To Move To Ukraine To Build A 'Second Israel'; 80-100% Of Ukrainian MPs Have Israeli… pic.twitter.com/O1E6c0BvFT
I don't want to turn this post into Link City but... you can get snapshots of what's happening at this location...
🚨⚡️ A large number of Jews have arrived in Ukraine via Poland and are preparing to build the “New Ukraine.”
— SilencedSirs◼️ (@SilentlySirs) October 6, 2024
No wonder the Ukrainian people often complain about Zelensky being a staunch Jew. It seems he hasn’t disappointed Israel! pic.twitter.com/PcWTpSmpI9
....and also at this location.
The war in the Ukraine is Ethnic Cleansing and they are all in on it. Jews are already celebrating their new Heimat in the Ukraine. Over 14,000 Jewish immigrants from Israel and across other parts of the world arrived in the small city of Uman in Ukraine this month. pic.twitter.com/lbb5twRcHS
— @🇦🇺AussieAnne ™🇦🇺 (@AussieAnne40897) March 4, 2025
Meanwhile, with a twist of irony... huge numbers have been going the other way too. Heh heh. Ah well.
This is why Ukraine is so important, besides being an agitation and an irritant to Russia, which they already did a number on during The Bolshevik Years. I don't need to list and itemize what we have listed and itemized in an exhaustive fashion here, for years now. It was what it was and it is what it is.
Everywhere you look, they... are... trying... to... kill... you. Whether it is The WEF, which they own and operate, or... The Killer Vaccine industries, which they own and operate, or... The Dark Side of Climate Change, and all the sexual perversities they fund and promote throughout The World, they... are... actively... seeking... to... destroy... you.
Now... personally... I am not concerned about this because I understand the dance of good and evil, and I recognize what is resident above Good and Evil. I understand the dynamics of who is really in charge and who appears to be in charge. I am familiar with The Laws of Existence that balance all actions and conditions. I KNOW that greater is he that is in me than he that is in The World. I also know that if God is for me, who can be against me? The reason it has gotten to such a pass, and the reason the appearances are so alarming is because it has all been pushed out into the open because it is being dealt with.
It is often hard to see what is really going on because... so much of it is indirect and also operates in a convoluted manner. It is even harder to see what is going on when you are being led around by your appetites and desires. Then you lose focus and via a multitude of desires, you wind up with a splintered will. You are diminished and weakened. You will then wind up on... the... hooks... in one fashion or another. The World is a looping slaughterhouse because complexity is a nightmare. Simplicity is your saving grace. Start living in a cabin by the woods in your mind, and... because of the way the mind and imagination work... you will wind up there in an actual sense... sooner or later.
Of course, it doesn't have to be a cabin in the woods. It can be a hut by the seashore. It can be a boat on the waters. Living on a boat will teach you the meaning of simplicity. You might not have the skills and attention level necessary for living on a boat. You need to discover where your skills lie. Everyone has skills and could profit largely from knowing what they are... if they were not always trying to live someone else's life all the time. How many times has something looked remarkably different from the outside... until you wound up inside?
Whatever problems you may be dealing with... or come to be dealing with... are resident inside you. They don't actually exist outside of you in any meaningful way... except... to mirror and adjust to your problems... because that is what life does. It provides you with an external representation of whatever you are carrying around inside you. This is due to The Law of Like Attracts Like.
Everything comes under the sway of one or more of The Divine Laws. The sky... the ocean... rivers and streams... mountains and... cities; whatever adaptations we have made upon Nature... exist according to a law that regulates what happens there, AND... what results from what happens there. You can either operate in a harmonious fashion or an inharmonious fashion and you will get the results that apply to those forms of behavior. The evidence of this is all around you.
I learned about The Commandments and The Rules by breaking them and trying to get around them. You do not need to be the fool that I was. Fortunately... for me... Love conquers all, and I was adjusted accordingly... based on my Love... gravitating to the source of Love, and thence... resolving my foolishness. I HIGHLY recommend that you pay attention to what is going on inside of you AND... outside of you, and if you can manage to become still... the mirror of existence will settle and clear, and... you will be able to see your reflection, and...
... one last thing.
No words...💔
— Spetsnaℤ 007 🇷🇺 (@Alex_Oloyede2) February 18, 2025
Meanwhile the EU discusses more ways to kiII off the Ukrainian male population in an unwinnable conflict. pic.twitter.com/xCTRKSzdnG
End Transmission.......
Today's Original Song is;
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Tonight's Original Song is;
— Les Visible (@visible_les) March 4, 2025
"Mirrors and Mirrors."https://t.co/mYPBAGEKio pic.twitter.com/hUgm9nE06m
Substack is here=
What causes the resistance? I'd say ego has a major play in that. I got into some hairy situations because of mine in the past.
Daryl Hannah is an idiot to the nth degree. So are many other celebrities, as we well know. Amazing how deluded we become after we're born, due to misprioritisation and misinformation. Gods, I will never understand the 'mink coat/tiara, Maserati' mindset. Seaview Terrace? Nice place to visit, but what a hassle to own. Not worth it. In fact, what is worth it? Not anything you can touch, from my perspective. Also gotta remember that if you can touch it, it can be destroyed. BlackRock and Vanguard may find out about that very soon. (Muahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa. . .)
I'd say the (dark) Khazars are celebrating a bit early. They have no idea.
Well, all we can do is wait. Lovely for an entity of no patience, whatsoever. Grrrrrrrrr.
Excellent, Nostrils To The Sky post!
Great post -!!!
I suppose we should hope they arrived in Ukraine before the final show... so they will all be dealt with in a location already destroyed by their own antics.
Always best when like to like causes people to self identify and aggregate in a single locale to be dealt with en masse.
That anyone is in a rush to "Move to Ukraine"? You mean a new Heimat in the midst of a shelled-out frontline of trenches and minefields? That makes zero sense...
Why not simply explore the links and the deeper history of the location? Then it won't be so hard to understand the obsesssions in play.
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