God Poet Transmitting.......
This is the one glaring cognitive disconnect in The Trump Presidency. For weeks, Israeli hostages have been released and they all say how wonderfully they have been treated. Now... they pull someone out of Central Casting with a simulated wasting disease claiming that Hamas was starving him. How does this match up with all the other hostages with a different narrative???
Meanwhile... during this (cough cough) cease-fire, Israel has been bombing Jenin; bulldozing Palestinian homes in the West Bank, AND... bombing Lebanon and Syria. So what does our president of peace, who surely has more information than me do? He threatens to end the cease-fire... that never ceased... unless the rest of the hostages are released. Simultaneously with this... Palestinian hostages grabbed off the streets...; for no reason... have been beaten... tortured... raped and killed FOR SPORT!!! Yeah! This is true... we have the videotapes and all kinds of other evidence.
I can only hope he is playing a game to catch these psychopaths out... especially given that all the left-wing Tribe Members are his biggest foes, and it's the same in Congress with Schiff... Schumer... Raskin... and Goldman; who was just caught with 30 million dollars in a bank account in The Cayman Islands that were stolen through USAID, AND... in the meantime, it now comes out through sworn affidavits that Josh Shapiro; Governor of Pennsylvania was behind the Trump assassination attempt in PA. Something is really wrong with this picture. Is it me? Am I just not getting whatever it is?
Behind the scenes, The Joint must be jumping! Imagine the conversations that are taking place, and... you know... history has proven it out time and time again, that there are two primary reasons for which people are killed more than for any other reasons and those are Money and Love.
Now... the talk is ramping up about auditing The Federal Reserve, which is the medium through which The Usual Suspects have been controlling The World for a very long time now. They have killed presidents over it... sunken big ships with their opponents on board... and eliminated peripheral characters right and left with routine efficiency. Yeah... THEY are thinking about getting rid of all kinds of people; besides the billions they have been trying to eliminate... through recent pogroms... that have been veiled behind less threatening-seeming agendas.
It's getting hotter and hotter, and hotter. It is getting hot because pressure creates heat. Who is behind the majority of the ills presently assaulting our peace of mind? It is The Usual Suspects and now they have created a situation where their involvement has been detailed every step of the way.
They are on Uneasy Street because... all of what they have stolen is too heavy for them to carry on their backs, and the computers are watching. Oh! They are watching. These criminals are being relentlessly forced out into the daylight, and they want to run... they want to run so bad, but! All of their stuff is in danger!!! It's like the monkey with the mango in the vase. All he has to do is let go of the mango and he can get away, but he can't get his hand and the mango out of the vase at the same time. What is a Monkey Mind to do?
In Kali Yuga there are always wars, such as we have in Ukraine now, and other locations with a lesser fury, and these are the fruits of worldwide contributions of angry and hateful thoughts and emotions... that get channeled on astral winds... that move in courses like The Jet Stream and... influence human weather. We all make this weather by the thoughts and emotions we generate each day and they find their way to the battlegrounds of human conflict. They find their way into sidewalk confrontations. They find their way into domestic disputes. They find their way into every situation where the building pressure is seeking release. I might add there are many different forms of war.
Sexual perversity adds a great deal of misshapen energies to bad conditions in specific locations, and sexual perversity is the root source of the energies of bad magic.
A Philadelphia Eagles fan was seen practicing witchcraft during the Super Bowl, using a voodoo doll of quarterback Patrick Mahomes.
— Shadow of Ezra (@ShadowofEzra) February 11, 2025
Mahomes had one of the worst games of his career.
The game took place in New Orleans, a city known for its deep ties to voodoo and witchcraft.… pic.twitter.com/qzxd7W0v9O
This sort of thing is usually of marginal force... because of the lack of focused concentration on the part of the practitioners, BUT... when you get a bunch of marginals all directed at the same target, you will get stronger results. I'm not saying there is a connection in this specific case, this... I do not know... but I do know it goes on.
On another plane of vile activity, child sacrifice... performed for mercenary ends... is a very common thing these days. It's always been peripheral, but... lately, there has been a terrific upswing (downswing?) in the practices. Here is a detailed look into child trafficking and its associated horrors.
All of these awful conditions and agendas are the result of The Avatar cleaning The Invisible Planes. One might ask; why doesn't he leave well enough alone? Look back over the last several thousand years and you will see there was precious little well enough. He forces these Principalities and Powers (which are also ranks of angels) in high places down into the manifest in order to restore balance at every level and the direct result of that is a golden age.
All of what transpires here is For The Purpose of Demonstration, and... because of human nature, these demonstrations are... as often unfortunate... as they are fortunate.
All of the thoughts and emotions... that we generate each day... flow out into the world-circling currents of The Astral Winds, and they concentrate in different locations, and create conditions similar to skin conditions like acne and boils. The inflammation presses upward and breaks forth upon the skin. These are the fruits of imbalances beneath the skin and they find their target outlets through the circulatory system. Are you getting the connection between larger bodies and smaller bodies?
Finer conditions are created by other kinds of thoughts; thoughts of peace and love... thoughts of unity and harmony... thoughts of beauty and joy... compassion and mercy. These also travel on The Astral Winds which is another kind of circulatory system. Telepathy operates on its own circuits and it is possible to become very acute at this sort of thing, simply through intention and practice. Such abilities also come naturally as blessings that attend spiritual advancement. However... wherever there is an upside... there is a downside. As Above... So Below is a constant.
The Skeleton Key to the whole affair, inwardly and outwardly is balance... harmony... equilibrium. Bring yourself into accord with yourself and you will bring yourself into accord with the whole world. You can control The World from The Central Point of The One Mind where IT... IS... ALREADY... UNDER... CONTROL. It means that you come into resonance with The Mind that is already commanding all things.
So... you might ask; why is there so much disorder if God is in control of everything? That is because of the free will exercised by all those separated minds. You won't see any of the disorder if you are not in a state of ping-ponging attractions and aversions. You could be... in it but not of it. You could be on the lily pad... that rises out of The Murk... where the troubles of The World... roll like water off your back. The Murk is always there. You do not have to be in The Murk. People choose to be in The Murk or they trip over something and fall into The Murk. It is much easier to land in The Murk than it is to crawl out of The Murk. I have had this effectively demonstrated to me.
All the pervasive unhappiness makes happiness possible. Attachment will always lead to the one and detachment will always create the other. People find their way over the long and tedious course of evolution, BUT... you do not have to be restricted to such a glacial pace. You can hothouse your spiritual evolution simply by letting go of all the things that hold you down. Your basic nature will lift you up to the heavens if you let go of your Earth anchors. It's simple physics demonstrating metaphysically.
I do not like being smacked around by The World so... I do not try to make The World behave according to my standards. Leave The World alone and The World will leave you alone, BUT... you must remember to check through all of your pockets. You must scour your mental and emotional planes to see if you are still in possession of something that belongs to The World. These things WILL draw The World to you.
What I am talking about are basic spiritual principles that you will find repeated in every legitimate spiritual tradition. It's called Ageless Wisdom because it applies in every time frame you will ever find yourself in. Take these things as your personal Frommer's Guide. They will see you safely to your destination. Remember... you are already in the place you are headed too, (and you are already the person you are trying to become. It is all contained in The Memory.) It only appears that you are moving... like the train next to you setting off, and... you think it is the train you are on. Appearances are deceiving.
Good and evil currents move forever through The Ocean of Existence. Find the current you seek and it will take you to what you want, whether you still want it once you get it is one of those questions no one seems capable of providing an answer to, and...
... one last thing.
Playing Jianzi, a traditional Chinese game
— Science girl (@gunsnrosesgirl3) January 31, 2025
End Transmission.......
Today's Original Song is;
We are a few songs short of our Blue's Album so that is why you are getting a stream of blues tunes for a few days. I don't actually have The Blues. It is just the current I am traveling on until I crosscurrent in another direction. It's my way of playing the game you see in today's ...one last thing.
Links appear at GAB=
X is hosting us for the moment at= https://x.com/visible_les
Tonight's Original Song... hot off the press, is;
— Les Visible (@visible_les) February 11, 2025
"Rain Upon The Sea"https://t.co/HXgqXW4QLN pic.twitter.com/HPDmz5CIk7
Substack is here=
So be it.
Peace my friend
We are programmed to desire the murk. I guess it is hard to get out for the majority. Being I had nothing but contempt for this place and the way it works, it wasn't that difficult for me; though I admit to having dark thoughts over this place, still. I'm philosophically opposed to this realm, and if the CEO of the Nose-iverse decides to destroy it? Meh. No, good riddance. Gods, if we haven't learnt already after all these gazillions of years via this realm of illusion where TRUTH is sparse and idiots teem, there's limited hope. Well, the Cathars had it close to down, but you can see what happened to them.
The world. As we should know by now, GET ME OFF THIS INFERNAL THANG BEFORE I SPONTANEOUSLY COMBUST is my desire, but again. . .a contract is a contract, and since I was stupid enough to ask for this, I deserve every feckin' nanosecond of my self-imposed prison; but at least I can be an arse aboot it. (BBBBBLLLLLLLLLPPPPPHHHHHTTTTTT!!!!!!!!) But at least I avoided the worst of this vat of effluvia, being I'm not as masochistic and programmable as most. Thinking the collective society has an IQ of 2 on a good day helps.
Table of The Eternal Fellowship is being set.
If one man drink of the cup of Love? Then all who dine at the same table shall also be filled with Love. and therein impart Love to all humanity.
If one man eat the meat of wisdom? Then all who dine at the same table shall be filled with wisdom. and therein impart wisdom to All humanity.
if one man feast upon bountiful bread, then all who dine at the table shall become prosperous and there in impart a renaissance to All Humanity.
If one man eat the fruit of immortality? Then all who dine from the same table shall also become immortal. and therein transmit the divine and regenerative force to All humanity.
it is the way of things, in times such as these.
I can only hope he is playing a game to catch these psychopaths out... especially given that all the left-wing Tribe Members are his biggest foes
Since ALL players on the board are acting out the will of the Playwright, any expectations we project are only our personal perceptions, as Visible has so aptly pointed out.
Not his game, the One game for the purpose of divine demonstration, once and for all genomes to enfold for all future generations!
Give enough rope...
Get out of your opponents way, then give them aikido assistance with a balanced dance move
Give the crazed and possessed no trigger or excuse to divert their fear crazed attention upon anything off the path they tread so that their inevitable fall is clearly the path of their intentions, unmarred by and interference, however well-intentioned
Recall how our previous Avatar handled satanic sycophants:
With the exception of one outstanding outburst of righteous fury, he let the sleeping dogs lie...
Appropriate as the miniaturized minds of the minions lie as their way of dying:
lie about who they are
lie about what they do
lie about what they believe
lie to themselves with cone-headed consistency in order to remain blind to the reckoning come-uppance up ahead...
Let the Father deal with the karmic balance!
Way above our pay grade and we would only mess up the perfect dramatic climax anyway
We only need stand up to our own internal enemy with continuous courage
Abide in neutrally-centered yet spiritually positive, holistic perception of the Vision while the external plays out
We came to observe, ourselves and others, choose the timeless over the timed release of mayhem
Our part is to stand watch over our consciousness that we desire ever closer union with the One
Nothing more
Certainly, Nothing less!
Are we there yet?
Loved the song; loved the post especially the paragraph about "The Murk."
Thank you, Visible!
Good news! I see closed captions are now working on Feet to the Fire. I can watch your spot now!
I pray that your situation; if needs be through miraculous agency... is only temporary. God's power is limitless!
A new Visible Origami is up now=
"Look as You Might, You Would Be Hard-Pressed to Find Anyone More Full of Shit than a Psychologist or a Psychiatrist."
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