Monday, February 03, 2025

"There is No Closing The Barn Door at this Point. There is Nothing Left but Bales of Hay and The Occasional Tangled Lovers."

God Poet Transmitting.......

I think we can pretty much assume that the aircraft mishaps of the last couple of days were The Deep State telling the new administration they are vulnerable. I've seen a lot more information than this... recently... and someone caused this to happen. The Philadelphia crash was also suspicious. I don't know what God has planned but he is more aware of it than any of us, and this gives me the opportunity to point something out... that I have already pointed out many times, but... for some reason... it seems to evade the parameters of General Consensus.

The Divine... who is ALSO The Incomprehensible Ineffable... is ALSO The Indwelling Overseer and interpenetrator of ALL CONSCIOUSNESS... everywhere. What I am saying is that God is in The Mind of everything that has a mind; is... in fact... The Mind that every other 'seemingly' separated mind is in.

You know what? Let's see what Joseph Brenner has to say about it, which is echoed by a wide cross-section of metaphysical and spiritual thinkers over the reach of thousands of years;

In the ONE MIND there is the consciousness only

of wholeness, completion, and perfection. In it,

there are no ideas of lack or limitation of supply

of any kind.

To every center of that Mind—and every human

mind is such a center—there flows naturally every

needed idea, even as air rushes into a vacuum, or

as the blood carries to every cell of the body every-

thing needed for their growth and sustenance.

Remember, that One Mind is in You—Is YOUR

MIND—as there is only One Mind.

Also remember, by your realization of this great

Truth, and making it the dominant fact in your

consciousness, are you and your Father truly One.

For it unites your consciousness with His Consciousness,

He who is your REAL SELF, and Whose

Mind is the ONLY Mind (of course it does for you

are then in His Consciousness); and therefore You

ARE all that He is, and ALL THAT HE HAS IS YOURS.

Once believe this—once KNOW it, and you will

be free from ALL lack and limitation FOREVER.”

Okay... now to my point. Those among us, who have been put in positions of authority... due to the complete lack of any moral sense... by The Prince of Wickedness himself... are... no matter how separated they may think themselves to be... still part of The One Mind and... answerable to The One Mind... which resolves all evil through The Purpose of Demonstration here... or wherever it occurs.

What I am saying... in all simplicity... is that everything is Mind or the creation of Mind, AND... nothing in Mind can escape the awareness or the judgment of The One Mind. We are... each of us... like thoughts in God's Mind... similar to the thoughts in our own minds, AND... for which we are responsible, just as God is responsible for us... OR... why would he drop back in every couple of thousand years and set it all in order again? And guide us in the interim as well? (those that will permit it)

So... what has all of this to do with the helicopter hitting the plane? God is in The Minds of all the players in that event, the planners of that event, and every other event... good... bad... or neutral (if neutral is a possibility)... at all times. Nothing is hidden. Nothing escapes The Mind of God because it all goes on in The Mind of God. You can believe this or not believe this. It makes no difference to The Truth of The Matter. Torturing Galileo had no effect on whether or not The Earth circled The Sun.

You can think of everything that goes on in The Mind as adhering to the principles of electricity... magnetism... and the combinations thereof... where neutral does indeed apply

No one gets away with anything, BUT... at a certain point... those doing Evil go mad. It is another principle that is ALWAYS in play in human affairs. The General Ratio of Crazy to Sane has now gotten to a state of severe imbalance, and Auto-Correct has been activated in The One Mind. These adjustments are taking place all the time. They happen in minor ways throughout, AND... occasionally they happen in a larger fashion worldwide.

Conditions like this and... there are many similar conditions... all Trend toward certain objectives ...which should be obvious... once the Pattern emerges. All it takes is paying attention to become aware of them. They are moving in a certain direction. Will they transpire as the demonic architects intend OR... will they be confounded by what they do not understand, and which is right there... in their minds... watching them as they go about their nasty agendas? Let me... metaphorically... slide my chair back... put my feet up on my desk, and... put my hands behind my head and say... to all who seek to harm the rest of us in these times; good luck with that! You're going to need it, and... by the way... there is no such thing as luck.

Alright then... The World is inside your head, and The World you navigate externally is a projection of what is in your mind. Your mind is The Command Center. If you are not controlling The World from there, then The World is controlling you.

2025 is the year that the crimes of Israel are... most profoundly... exposed to The World. Everywhere I go now, I see the signs, I see The Trends and The Patterns emergent. I see fellowships evolving between countries... to band against these tormentors and killers of indigenous Palestinians... driven from their land by merciless invaders. They are meeting at The Hague. They are meeting in all those places where world-shapers and shifters meet.

In every social media landscape... the major area of commentary is The Genocide of Palestine by the non-Semitic invaders. It's coming. We are told that the JFK files are to be released... and 9/11... and The Epstein List, and... all of these are areas of Israeli enterprises against those who hinder their interests.

I am not the only one who is praying; Lord... let the day come soon when the boot-heels of the oppressors are lifted from the necks of The Palestinians. Lord, free The World from the financial and magical slavery imposed upon it by The Reverse Kabbalists. A state of extreme imbalance has been manifested by those intending to steal The World. As is usual... the response from The Cosmos... has been the activation of certain immutable laws... immediately... following The General Balance being tipped into The Red Zone.... bzzzt!!! Bzzzt!!! Bzzzt!!! That's not how the alarm sounds. You will have to use your imagination.

Regardless of what the president says or does. Regardless of the AIPAC and Lobby boys from J-Street and backroom syndicate planning sessions, The... Word... has... come... down. It's all over... except for the remaining precipitation and materialization into form. Tick... tick... tick... tock... kablooey!!!

When you can read The Signs, then you can see the implications of The Trends and Patterns. You can see the possibilities of outcome. When The World degenerates into disorder... The Wise retreat to their mountain fastnesses and hidden sanctuaries. Only the disguised and camouflaged move amidst the chaos and confusion. There is no closing the barn door at this point. There is nothing left but stacks of hay and the occasional entangled lovers. Tick... tick... tick... kablooey!!! In hoc signo wink and nod.

If there is anyone present who objects to the uniting of the tinder of the unreal and the fire of revelation, speak now or forever hold your peace. Will the congregation please take one hundred giant steps backward and then run like Hell?! Thank you! And so it goes.

Right now... the two opposing sides and... the compromised in the middle... who are suffering the hemorrhoidal discomforts... brought about by the pressure of their asses on the cold... rough fence rails, are all probing for weaknesses or... scanning for possible exits. That's what the helicopter/plane collision was all about. It was a warning shot across the bows. There will be more to come, and... last thing.

End Transmission.......

The audiobook that was posted here for The Life and The Way is not ideal. It is robotic and far too rapid for the digesting of the contents. I appreciate the effort made by the person who did it, but... we are going to need a more measured and slower-paced rendition. As I continue to read, I see the book is not for everyone. It is dense, and you need focus and a disciplined intellect to take it all in.

Today's Song is;

It's the Jabberwock, Cuz... It Will Give You a Buzz.

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Joseph Brenner

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