God Poet Transmitting.......
The World's a sand-glass, Darling. Your life is just a loan; words from a recent song that were echoing off of the walls of my mind (as if my mind had walls). Sometimes it is just words and sometimes it is words with meaning. I try not to engage words unless they mean something. It's one of the reasons I don't talk on the phone. I spend a lot of time watching what goes on in my mind; what tries to get in... what goes out. It's all extremely important somehow. I suspect it is more important than I think it is and I try to treat it that way, anyway, cause... you... never... know.
We engage in certain acts all day long. Certainly... we breathe without much pausing between breaths. We think and feel. At regular intervals and sometimes at random... we eat and drink, and... some of us pay more attention to these activities than others. The less attention you pay to what is going on inside and outside of you... the more at risk you are. Paying attention is... should be... Job One, BUT... there are all those distractions! More distractions all the time than there were before; more tomorrow than there are today.
You've heard of poor impulse control. This is the perfect world for it these days. The Mind imagines and The Mind fantasizes. Because of all the distractions... people get more and more detached from themselves, and... more and more involved in what they are dreaming about or... in active pursuit of.
The Mind plots and strategizes, cause... The Mind wants what The Mind wants. They say that applies to The Heart, BUT... The Heart is part of The Mind too. Desire comes out of some kind of electromagnetic... force of The Heart sector. It resides inside the individual and it moves like weather all around us. There are clouds of Desire that move across the mindscreen... as if the mindscreen was the sky. Some places you can go where the sense of Desire is much stronger than in other places because more people are generating... or subject to it. Saturday night at the hot club in town is a very different thing than Sunday morning in church. The former is a much more likely event than the latter these days.
I was never much for going to church. I don't care for the music... most of the time. If they would stick with Christmas and Easter music all year long, that would appeal to me more, but... then I have to listen to the preacher talk about something he's not tuned into, and that is something I really notice. For a long time now I have studied the kind of people who are drawn to specific vocations. It's kind of an adjunct to Physiognomy and I have been made aware of similarities in character between the people drawn to any particular profession.
More and more it became clear to me that people drawn to professions that dealt with The Mind were people who had problems with their own minds. People drawn to law enforcement were people who had trouble managing their own behavior, and... being in that profession... just like being in the military... gives people a sense of structure that they might otherwise miss... really miss. People are drawn to what they do. Sometimes it finds them right in the beginning. Sometimes their natural abilities cause them to gravitate in a certain direction.
These are complex issues and I am constrained within certain parameters of space; usually 3+ pages in my word-processing software. I like to wander in the museum until I see a painting or a sculpture. Then I let it speak to me. It speaks of the one who painted or shaped it. It speaks of the times when it was created and... it can speak of the contrast between those times and these times.
I think Michelangelo was one the greatest artists to appear in this segment of recorded history, BUT... I don't think he could hold a candle to Bernini, but... Bernini is nowhere near as celebrated as Michelangelo. I could name many more comparisons between the more celebrated names and those less recognized. Everything comes back to God with me. I don't care how gifted an artist is, they are NEVER as gifted as God... who paints the sunrises and sunsets every day, and... those are only present within a particular bandwidth. He creates beauties beyond what the senses can register on planes The Separated Mind knows nothing about.
Every gifted artist is only gifted because God sings through them. If any credit would be warranted to any artist... it would be to the degree that they permit the angelic muses of God to express through them. They do nothing more than that and I can't tell you how many times I have been reminded of this... directly and indirectly. I am constantly amazed at how people can be so unaware of God's Presence in the whole of creation, BUT... that is the effect that Materialism has on the mechanisms of perception.
Once again, I would like to include that comment (attributed to Shankara) that came to my attention a few years ago; "These three are difficult to obtain in this world and depend on the mercy of the gods- the human birth, the desire for salvation, and the company of the great-souled ones." I cannot express how powerfully that statement has affected me over time. I have come to believe it in a visceral manner and it has made me far more compassionate to others than I think I would have been if I had never come across it OR... other statements like it. One of my dearest possessions is my invisible friends.
Many people consider themselves fortunate for being born to wealth and privilege. Far... far more don't even think about it. They feel entitled to it. I study The World. I watch the people with power and influence... talent and contacts... beauty and charisma; all the many perks of temporary good fortune. I watch what they do and say. I consider myself fortunate for having met certain people and for coming into contact with statements like that one. My good fortune lies in things that most people put no real value on because they are less palpable; they can't eat... hoard... or fuck them. I consider these things that I value as armor against being fucked. Wisdom is priceless and Divine Luminous Wisdom is to Wisdom as a streetlamp is to The Sun.
I've had a taste here and there of strange and wonderful waters. They flow in and out, BUT I cannot find the directions they come from and go in or... I would have promptly... and without thought... gone with them. Heh heh... that is probably why they slip through and by me because I'm not finished here yet. Well... I am finished... completely finished, but certain effects have to be put in order on my way out the door. It's one thing if you are only coming back again. Then one is less concerned about the disorder they leave behind them; though... it probably does not occur to them at the time. However... if you are going to be off on something more than a merry-go-round moment... there are certain duties to attend to first.
I am pleased at the changes taking place in The World. I am also aware that The Creatures of The Darkness are not going to part willingly with what they have stolen, so... eggs are going to be broken to make this omelet. I can see The Hand of God at work in so many ways. I am both in wonderment and amusement at the people chosen to play significant roles in The Coming Drama. Heh heh. The real entertainment is barely getting started. Yeah... when God wants your attention, he is assuredly going to get it. I would rather not put him to any trouble. (grin) I would definitely prefer to offer my attention in advance of any effort God might expend to get it.
On a good day... even for bad people... there is a certain assurance... that is much like money in the bank... when you consider who you know and what they can and will do for you if you need them to. On a bad day... when your fortunes have taken a turn downward... all those people you know and rely on... start to no longer look like friends in high places and more like partners in crime. Ah! How quickly the tables can turn.
Pressure has come down on all the players in The Deep State, specifically the trained seals that do their tricks at the behest of The Monkey Grinder... who plays the tunes written by The Prince of Darkness, who is God in Disguise. People! There is only one power. There just happens to be more than one way to look at it. There is ONLY... God, and there is... ONLY... one God. He does have a lot of helpers. Sometimes people confuse the package with the contents.
Sometimes people mistake the job being done with the appearance of authority being presented. HOWEVER... whatever mask or uniform the helpers are wearing, they are all only extensions of The Thing Itself. They are not The Thing Itself because... you can't see The Thing Itself. You know what? Let's say they are and... they are not... at all times simultaneously. I don't want to confuse anyone, even if that is precisely what appearances and presentations... of words and gestures... most often accomplish.
Once again, I did not expect the post to take the turn it has taken... to bring me to this point of the post. That's pretty much how it is anymore, and...
... one last thing.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) February 13, 2025
End Transmission.......
Today's Original Song is;
Tonight's Original Song is;
— Les Visible (@visible_les) February 14, 2025
"The Department of Government Efficiency Blues." https://t.co/S6aoCA1xVt pic.twitter.com/S3m9RLCQjQ
Links appear at GAB=
X is hosting us for the moment at= https://x.com/visible_les
A new Petri Dish is up now=
— Les Visible (@visible_les) February 14, 2025
"The Real Entertainment is Barely Getting Started. Yeah... When God Wants Your Attention, He is Fer Sure Going to Get It." https://t.co/v9IwXxrDv7 pic.twitter.com/ikAQzXx0fs
Substack is here=
Ran into this rendition of Always, Always after hearing it in an old home improvement episode... Happy Friday!
I've always liked tight atmospheric Blues Jazz. Great song for late night drunk at the piano nostalgia musing.
I'm enjoying the entropy of what is, myself. Nostrils to the sky!
Not sure when you came Vis, it was the early Spring of 56 for me, and lately I have been recalling just how different those first seven plus years were for me, compared to what has followed since that day in Dallas. My "friends" disappeared that day. I tried telling my parents and siblings that I seen "people", all the time, in the house, at school, they used to take me flying with them at night, and they would answer questions that I would ask, if they were able too. At times I was told in response to a question I would ask, that many things are on a need to know basis, and I did not need to know about that particular issue. One question I never forgot was " When will I know I am Married?". I was given the answer, " you will know you are married when you turn 26 years of age" Fast forward to 1980 . I was hired on at Sunrise Hospital where my Mother had been a nurse since we moved to Las Vegas in the summer of 1971 when I was 15 from Massachusetts. Orientation for all new hires from all departments was held in hehe, The Rendezvous Room. So I take up my usual place in the back of the classroom, and I am watching people come in, and in walks this small Asian girl, with the biggest smile on her face, and as the thought enters that says, She is beautiful, a voice clear as day says, " She is also your Wife" I had not heard that voice since before Dallas, but I recognized it the moment I heard it(no seeing as a 24 year old). I will get to the chase and say yes we were married in June of 81. In early March She gave birth to our oldest daughter, and that child just melted my heart, she slept in our room in her bassinet( none of our 4 children spent one day behind the bars of a crib) and literally that child softened my heart toward Life once again. 17 days later on the day of my 26th birthday, I was awaken to her having a soiled diaper, and as I stood over her getting ready to pick her up, that cheerful voice said, "I told you so, all those years ago", I just smiled with a big grin and said, yes you did. Vis, I am willing to share more about the Women in my Life , but not in a public setting, because honestly not everyone can be trusted. I know that is not the case with you. If you desire to talk hit me up through your notifications and I will respond sir. God be with you always.
I consider myself fortunate for having access to all that you communicate & have been saying for so many years :)
If you want to hear music from the castle of heaven, listen to the works of Johann Sebastian Bach. They are ALL divinely inspired. Here is an aria from his Easter Oratorio. Turn it up loud and let the thrumming basses penetrate your soul. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azveArCs5GY
A new Visible Origami is up now=
"Nutjobbery is Ubiquitous. You Can Only Go So Far Down The Garden Path Before It Is Gone, and You Are in The Weeds."
My first and last live jazz in a pub event was back in my early 30s (20+ years ago) at a santa monica jazz joint... It was a nice atmosphere, but wasn't really my bag. My uncle is who turned me onto some Jazz with the Ripingtons tho he used to tease me about the French Gypsy Kings... who are clearly spanish... haha He passed last year... from lung cancer. He liked to play on my gullibility... which due that he helped me get past. :P
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