God Poet Transmitting.......
Tick... tick... tick... something's coming. It could be something like this, OR...
🚨#BREAKING! People are EVACUATING Parts of Greece after over 200+ Earthquakes take place!
— In2ThinAir (@In2ThinAir) February 5, 2025
This Greek island is so popular and beautiful, it’s called an “Instagram Island.” But now, flights and ferries leaving it are packed with rattled tourists and residents. More than 200… pic.twitter.com/jtOeYGpCD8
...that might be engineered, AND... one of the strongest and most persistent arguments made about the fall of Atlantis was that they were messing with Nature through advanced technology, while there was... at the same time... a widening gulf between the haves and the have-nots; sound familiar?
We are seeing such an upheaval in the sociopolitical sphere, and the people behind the weather modification are playing into it. Surely, they have means of making shit happen. I'm not accusing or predicting. I'm just watching The Trends and Patterns like I usually do.
DOGE is finding enormous money-laundering operations everywhere they look and they haven't really been at it for very long. Meanwhile, Mother Rothschild's vampire offspring are hungry for war, which only involves a tweak here and a twink there, and... before you know it... you have fields of blood and butchery stretching over the horizon line.
Meanwhile... we are on the verge of the next technological revolution in every area of the culture, and... given the massive housecleaning that is in progress, you could say that an artistic renaissance is soon to appear as well because... true and inspired art has been mostly shut down... worldwide... by the same people who own all the art galleries... film and music industries and sundry, and... who wanted all artistic expression to be associated with bent sexuality.
You see... the same force that is expressed in sexual activity is the same force that... differently channeled... results in artistic creativity. If you poison the well... then all the water drawn from that well will be poisoned, and... that was the intent. It is what The Weimar Republic emerged out of; a poisoned well.
If you are objectively focused and capable of some degree of concentrated attention... you can see... what primary causes... all the secondary and tertiary reactions were born from. I can see these things so... surely... others can too. I can tell who is doing and not doing certain things because what they do (and do not do) is evidence of their intentions and efforts. It's kind of like being able to go from Point A to Point B, and even to jump the process from A to D, and from D to H, and you get ADH. Right? Heh heh. Cross-current looping will bring you right to ADHD.
So... the infernal architects... engaged in morphing The Hive Mind... intentionally created certain disorders in human consciousness to militate again clarity of mind; against centeredness and against balance. It's why there is Fluoride in the water and calcified Pineal Glands in abundance across the spectrum of thought and feeling in human expression. It's what The Killer and Disabling Vaccines are all about. It's what chemtrails are all about. They do not simply poison the growing areas so that the agricultural industry is compelled to buy aluminum-resistant seeds, and other psychotic offerings from Bill Gates. They also poison the bodies of the people before they even eat any of this shit.
Well, as we have been pointing out here for years... balance can only go missing for so long before it is... mysteriously... readjusted. That is where we are now. Conditions are being changed to better reflect the way things are supposed to be, as opposed to what they are not supposed to be.
President Trump... Elon Musk.... and all the other people helping out from that side of the fence, and the opposition forces on the other side of the fence, are... as we have been saying again and again... incidental to the process of change. What is really going on is a pulsing... directed energy beam... from The Invisible into The Visible; from The Inner Planes to The Outer Plane, which contains a combination of intelligence and will that inform The Hive Mind according to the new directions it is to take.
Those who cannot adapt to the imperative and irresistible forces... acting on and within them... are being slowly, and also rapidly... driven mad. This... usually... results in those affected... running wildly in all directions... waving their arms at invisible bugs, and...
You can do that all day lady… nobody cares.pic.twitter.com/dL7DFFmf1j
— Defiant L’s (@DefiantLs) February 6, 2025
...while not looking where they are going... are propelled right over cliff edges... into rushing water... down into canyons deep and winding... or out into traffic. There are many options here, with a pretty consistent result attending the process.
It can also include eating and drinking all the wrong things... relying on the black arts of The Medical Establishment, and so on... and so forth. This is how God and Nature recycle what is not able to adapt or evolve. It just happens.
What I am trying to get around to saying... is that this pulsing... directed energy beam is part of what starts to happen in The Advent of The Avatar. It is increasing by the day. It is incremental, BUT... it is always on the increase. The influence of The Avatar begins to be felt well before his arrival. The initiatory beginnings occurred between one hundred and one hundred and fifty years ago. It was at the beginning of those times that all those organizations like The Golden Dawn... The Theosophical and Anthroposophical societies came about and were attended by all those colorful characters, except for Rudolph Steiner who was not very colorful at all. (grin)
Things proceeded from there... slowly... certainly... and so forth. The cusp period between the ages is roughly around two hundred years, and the cusp between the Piscean and Aquarian Ages is now complete. So... major changes... like what we have been witnessing of late... are coming to pass. It is not because of President Trump or any of the other players who do those Lupercal dances that precede the initial construction period of a golden age, which... once it has flowered... turns again to decay and the quietude of a winter season. I'm waxing nostalgically pastoral here, but... it will pass too... heh heh.
I don't much care whether anyone believes any of this. I have the profound assurance of knowing it to be true, so... time will tell and we shall see. The Avatar... like God... for most people... is someone or something far off. They are not pertinent to the sweaty... scuffling... scrimmages of this gridiron existence of... ground and pounding yards... gained and yards lost... until time runs out on the temporary forms that dance... in and out... over and over and over again. Twas ever thus.
What shape it is all going to take... when... how... where... what... I don't know; soon certainly, BUT... soon according to who? Exactly... or genau as our German friends would say.
The thing is... this is all going to be taking place INSIDE of you... as much as outside of you. That is where I recommend you put your attention, INSIDE of you. I always recommend that because it is inside of you that accounts for everything outside of you. It's the same way with The World; invisible forces account for everything externally present. This is the reason that Know Thyself and As a Man Thinketh, and all those other pithy sayings have such a long shelf life. Pithy and Long don't usually go out for drinks together.
If you gain knowledge of self... you gain control of yourself... certainly more control than if you don't know anything at all about yourself. There is.. forever... an eternal self that exists behind the mortal self. Getting them in sync is what accounts for a successful existence. EVERYTHING ELSE is of secondary importance. Of course, I can say this over and over, just as so many other people have said it over and over, and life just goes merrily merrily down the stream or... down the tubes... or down the drain. People don't generally care about the deeper issues of life. Such considerations only come about in a renaissance or a golden age... or any of those states that precede and follow The Coming and Going of The Avatar.
Of course, it is the deeper issues that make life meaningful at all. Otherwise, it is just a gathering of fireflies in the night. So... a bunch of big deal events are going to start taking place; have already started taking place, and you might want to be mindful of the fact that the biggest... big deal events... are going to be more internal and peripheral. If you get caught up in the action, that's just what happens; you get caught up in the action.
A great deal of force is about to come rushing through. It can lift you into an extended glide of a spiraling nature or... it can rough-and-tumble you onto the rocks of tumult. We all handle or do not handle it... according to what we do... or do not know... about ourselves, and...
... one last thing.
What salt do you use? pic.twitter.com/krL9OZ74qO
— illuminatibot (@iluminatibot) January 27, 2025
End Transmission.......
Today's Original Song is;
Links appear at GAB=
X is hosting us for the moment at= https://x.com/visible_les
Tonight's Original Song is;
— Les Visible (@visible_les) February 5, 2025
"Trailing The Future Behind Him."https://t.co/IQQtRTkGgV pic.twitter.com/VBrUBLZYIx
Substack is here=
"Getting them in sync is what accounts for a successful existence."
Good post!
That line strikes me as the idea of metronomes on a fixed surface set at different rates of frequency. As long as they are sitting on the common fixed foundation, they cannot come into Sync with each other.
Destroy the fixed foundation for one that has the ability to move in the same directions as the metronomes themselves and then the disparities of each metronome are able to actively cancel out causing them to all come into sync with each other.
Makes me wonder if they got everyone on the same page and are now setting about destroying the shared common foundation that keeps people in their habits.
February is supposed to be the Market Crash Month.
Guess we'll see what shakes out.
Heres the golden pager bit. Pretty blatant tactic if it was meant as a subtle reminder to the israeli exploding pagers operation.
Not only is he a demon. He is also a jackass.
Today you reminded me of the words of The Psychonaut Philosopher
"I'm suggesting that the universe is pulled toward a complex attractor that exists ahead of us in time, and that our ever-accelerating speed through the phenomenal world of connectivity and novelty is based on the fact that we are now very, very close to the attractor."
Things are most certainly ever accelerating...
Honestly, I think Trump is too old to be riding a flying skidoo against the unicursal hexagram Emperor. If you know what I Ming.
I saw that too. You know that, that is why i didn't reply.
I return to my silence. Which is Golden. Listening in a world of 8 billion stoned apes is on remote, is a rare quality these days. I will be back to creating in the near future.
As you said How soon? Soon! As Soon as Soon will be.
Presume you mean Nitwityahoo. I just watched a clip where Sanders was grilling RFK and RFK told him he got 1.5 million from pharmacom... and that dumbshit sanders said... "out of the 200 million"... like because its a small portion of the total grift, its not a big deal... These clowns are Fuct. Either the fed gov sorts them, or they don't and they cause the People to Sort them along with the fed gov.
Fun times inbound!
Les, As you know. Something greater, yet to be seen, is moving all these personalities. I have empirical evidence that all Archetypes incarnate into a material individual persona. As they have throughout All the Ages. These Archetypes work as the proto gestalt developing The Gestalt. A German word.
As gifted as we all are here on this sight it is perfectly normal question, to wonder if one self is The Gestalt in Material form. "The Avatar" as you call into Being. I have asked myself this question. Honestly, I do not place much faith into my own hype. However, it is a perfectly normal question to ask oneself. I think it's a good question to ask oneself.
I also do not subscribe to the idea that Trump is The Gestalt. An Archetype, yes. of course. One would have to be defiantly blind to not recognize the Archetype Trump Represents. Both Trump and Elon are most certainly Material expressions of Archetypes. Archetypes are persona, moving pictures, but not The Rush of The Modern Day Warrior with a mean mean stride.
"Though his mind is not for rent
Don't put him down as arrogant
His reserve, a quiet defense
Riding out the day's events
The river
What you say about his company
Is what you say about society
Catch the mist, catch the myth
Catch the mystery, catch the drift"
Well, time to shit or get off the pot. I like listening more than speaking. There is great potential, I will be spending the summer in Italy. Nice change of pace.
Great lyrics from the Nose of Rock 'N Roll. Ah, Rush! Love that band. I swear, Neil was one of the greatest lyrics writers, though not as good as you, Leslie. (Hey! That's one of my favourite names, so. . .)
Well, times have sure gotten interesting. What are we gonna get? 12 plane crashes a week? How many induced earthquakes, and ain't a volcano by Oregon supposed to go off? Too damn far away from me. Would we notice if the Clear Lake volcano blew it's top? I think it's about 120 miles away as the crow flies. I don't feel like looking it up. Well, maybe a slightly darker sky dependin' on which direction the wind blows.
Well, what evah. NOSTRILS TO THE SKY!
This should get a chuckle outta you and others:
A new Visible Origami is up now=
"I Have no Judgments to Pass on Anyone. Everyone Passes Judgment on Themselves They do not Need My Assistance."
"So... the infernal architects... engaged in morphing The Hive Mind... intentionally created certain disorders in human consciousness to militate again clarity of mind; against centeredness and against balance. "
True and one of these disorders intentionally created is in inductive logic where
the usual explanation is : Though the same cause results in the same effect ,the converse is not always true. This is false ie the same effect is always the result of the same cause.
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