God Poet Transmitting.......
I keep waking up at 5-something in the morning, which is half an hour or less of the time I get up anyway. There is an undercurrent of apprehension each time. Last week when it happened for the first time, there was a sense of dread. That has progressively lessened. So... now it is reduced to a vague uneasiness. (grin) I have no reason to grin, but... I have no reason not to either.
I guess it could be the planetary alignment, but... the planetary alignment doesn't mean a great deal astrologically because none of them are in the same house. Nonetheless, it always means something. Everything means something. I keep getting the feeling that something is going to happen. All the tension in the air... between the different political camps... seems to indicate that. The Left is a really bad loser, and it is even worse when it gets caught with its hand in the cookie jar... cause that affects all the pompous self-righteousness, AND... that is a core value of The Left.
Meanwhile, President Trump is mercilessly trolling them, by-the-day. He started right out with his wild claims about annexing Greenland... making Canada the 51st state, and reclaiming The Panama Canal. I seriously doubt he ever intended to do any of those things except for the canal. Now he is linking a ridiculous video about the transformation of Gaza, which includes a big statue of himself.
Turning Gaza into a playground for the rich is also an invention with no possibility of happening anytime soon. As insensitive as he can pretend to be at times, I doubt he is that uninformed.
Though there are no details yet, it looks like Gene Hackman wanted to go out like Egyptian royalty. I mean... you don't usually see the husband wife and dog depart at the same time as a matter of coincidence. He was one of my favorite actors.
Now The Epstein Files are coming out and they are coming out today.
Now this is interesting. What could they have possibly discussed? 🤔
— ȺɾìҽӀ (@Prolotario1) February 26, 2025
Do you think Donald Trump sent Elon Musk to get a briefing on the Jeffrey Epstein files?
Because DOGE is in the business of exposing corruption correct?
And what did D. Trump tell E. Musk to do a few days… https://t.co/XIhD3OrynU
Pam Bondi gave... as a reason for the delay... concern about protecting the names of the victims. That seems reasonable, BUT... that is still quite a delay given all the support staff that has to be involved; certainly a legal team... if no one else.
There hasn't been any mention of Israel... yet, though Epstein was an Israeli intelligence asset, and this is their usual modus operandi when handling compromising information about anyone... anywhere.
And now guess what the whole Epstein operation was really about?! This is their playbook—blackmailing entire governments into submission. Israel isn’t your greatest ally. Wake up! pic.twitter.com/YsKRHQApVy
— Dr. Simon Goddek (@goddeketal) February 26, 2025
Oh well... there's no need for hashing out the obvious about these paranoid... narcissistic... psychopaths. Something is very wrong with them and it has got to be genetic since it has been going on for thousands of years; you and me together at the expense of The World; whether they like it or not... whether they know it or not. There's a song in there, I'm sure. Well, there is a song to be woven from anything one cares to run off the spinning wheel of the creative imagination, BUT... sometimes it's not worth the bother.
I do not... usually... have protracted periods of disquiet and foreboding. I'm usually up and positive, which should be expected since The Sun is my role model, as a material expression of something too bright to see, in... the... interior... sense. Meanwhile... I haven't spent any time thinking about it. However... it also occurs to me that it doesn't have anything to do with me. There are big currents. You could call them astral and mental rivers that run through the human dynamic, on the plane of action where human affairs are conducted, as opposed to the mineral... vegetable, and animal planes or... angelic plane... for that matter.
These currents are caused by planetary interaction... prior to material manifestation, as events and conditions; be they periods of peace or war... famine and plenty; you know, all those times that history records as having preceded these times. They tend to repeat, AND... IN FACT... all of them are going on somewhere at all times. Imagine the state of affairs in The Congo at the moment... juxtaposed with Dubai... parts of North Carolina with Montecito... Davos with Burma. The Media is very selective with what they cover. Most of us have no sense at all of what is transpiring in many parts of The World, or... in the house across the street or around the block.
There has been a distinct shift in the tenor of the currents moving in and around us. I would say we are in deeper waters than usual because the widespread change that is occurring... now... is below the revealed surface of life. There is agitation happening at a deeper level. This has caught the manipulators by surprise. They always think they can see what is coming, but... they cannot. They have gotten quite complacent about their protected coves where they torture children and where other horrific forms of behavior are commonplace.
The way that Satanism works is to reverse the behavior patterns and mindsets of the structured and commonplace world. It's why they recite The Lord's Prayer backward and spit and piss on consecrated hosts... then trample them underfoot. All of the rituals of Satanism are directed at causing changes in The Mind. That is where the real magic happens. In ceremonial magic, they have circles inside of circles with symbols and letters placed between the circles. They have pentagrams in the center and they employ the use of elemental substances. They have wands from certain wood and metals... and they dress in specific outfits, and... well... there's a lot of detail, BUT... it ALL has to do with setting mental states.
The idea is to invite possession. If you study Obeah and Voodoo you see that this is demonstrably true. Contemporary Shamanism likes to pretend that it's at a more palatable level because it's flavor-of-the-month trendy, BUT... it's the same thing. Whether you are operating at a lower level or a higher level, depending on your intentions and objectives... you are looking to be possessed. Higher spirits go one way and lower spirits go the other way and it depends on the level of the materialism of the day... which direction is more prevalent. Things tend to degenerate depending on how long it has been since Heaven sent someone to clean the place up. Right now it's pretty bad.
So... now The Apple Cart of The Deep State has been turned over and they don't like it one bit. They are now gunning for whoever did it. These are times to be wary if you are on either side of the affair. I tend to feel these things and I suspect this is the cause of my uncertainty about what the Hell is going on. The Forces of Positive Change; and I am talking about the invisible workers of The Light, are well aware of the mendacity that is being whipped up on The Visible Plane and I suspect they are waiting and watching because this time... this time... it's not going to go the way it usually does.
By this time... quite a few people who are not lifelong bureaucrats... have gotten their hands on information that certain parties did not want them to see. I should also point out that no matter how much evidence gets destroyed... you always leave a trail, AND... just because you wiped certain information does... not... mean... it... cannot... be... recovered. There are creepers and spiders moving among the ones and zeros and plenty more than that. What is happening has been a long time coming, and... I would say... certain people are long prepared for exigencies.
The truth is that it is all an ongoing war between the forces of darkness and the forces of light. That is the real conflict going on outside of the sensory bandwidth. We are all mechanisms who do the will of whoever it is we are in service to, AND EVERYONE is in service to something. Generally... it expresses in degrees of self-service and selfless service, BUT... in every case... it really has to do with The Prevailing Winds and whoever is directing the currents. A time of real change is upon us and it is going to touch everyone no matter who they are and no matter where they are.
Just as is the case with ordinary seasons... the same applies to cosmic seasons only... the latter... takes a lot longer to transition. No one you have ever heard of... I don't care how far back you go... have seen anything like what is in The Event Horizon. As I have said many times previously... that is why so many people are here. Few of them are aware of why, BUT... earlier on they had a burning desire to be here. Slowly but surely... The Hive Mind is being awakened to what is really going on. In the cosmic sense... this is all a preparing of the ground for the coming of The Avatar. People usually mock what they don't understand, BUT... that doesn't change anything.
It's easy to get caught up in material states, especially when technology and convenience get to a certain point. That's where we are now, and most people are far more engrossed in what is going on around them than they are in what is going on inside them. However... there is a reason that so many people are going crazy at this time, and we've gotten into that over and over here. You might think you are in a position to resist change but you might as well try to catch the wind, and...
... one last thing.
That's just harsh. pic.twitter.com/SQUyFtyFKc
— Planet Of Memes (@PlanetOfMemes) February 27, 2025
End Transmission.......
Today's Original Song is;
Links appear at GAB=
X is hosting us for the moment at= https://x.com/visible_les
Tonight's Original Song is;
— Les Visible (@visible_les) February 27, 2025
"Vanity"https://t.co/jOboEVNCb8 pic.twitter.com/2fK9q8ebzj
Substack is here=
Last week I experienced a "shift" although it did not manifest like yours did. Not of dread but more like an "aha". These shifts are most likely coming from the same place...
I have my magic wand. Every morning before sun rise for the past several months I pray to the 4 cardinal directions, “Om shakti shakti shakti pfat!”
I thought it was just me waking up with a sense of dread.
Thanks for pointing me in Gods direction.
Vanity is very accessible; Visible version of easy listening carrying deeper meaning effortlessly. Reminds me of the pop revolution in the 60's, which I trust you will take as a compliment!
Love Is Bound:
Several moments bound in the structure, not quite free to move. The lyrics just too deep for the melodic clothing, the female avatar vocal still chained to the ideas expressed in the lyric, not quite radiating emotionally. A promissary note for the meaning to be made but some haunting scintillations in there! Thank you brother!
Nostrils to the sky!
I was pissed off today. Really pissed off. until I realized that every single person who received a binder. Are Influencers paid by Mossad. As they stood there with smiles on their face, posing for pictures to gain clicks off the pain of children. I am still pissed.
I still don't fucking like it. not one bit. Bondi is turning out to be a bad egg. She changed her story 3 times in the last 48 hours. I get it making an example out of people. Pushing them in the spot light then letting them fall from grace. But we are talking about children who were raped. Which is the worst of crimes. Use something else to make an example out of them. Not the pain of children.
I imagine none of this goes over well with One True God. The idea of Building lavish cities on the bones of starving children tells me all I need to know.
The sun is out, I look around and everything is wonderful in my life. I have a hot date with a super cute blonde who could convince me not to travel the world... I will go enjoy that for a while..... and let the circus run itself into the ground without my input.
Dear Visible.... I shared info with you on EDTA years back after your hip fracture.
Vitamin k2 mk-7 reduces heart attack by 50%~ by pulling calcium from arteries and putting it back into the bones. After 30 years of age 1% of our bone mass every year dissolves into our internal organs, even brain, causing brain sand. K2 Also reduces fractures by upto 80%. K2 does what EDTA does but without any of the side effects, such as chelating the good metals.
Best video on vit k2 I could find... this guy sums it up very well. Something I will recommend to everyone over 60.
Best brands for the price I could find on Amazon:
K2 Mk-7 takes the calcium out of your heart valve, heart, arteries and puts it in your bones and teeth, this is 200 micrograms. A few months of this should remove all calcium from your soft tissues system wide.
k2 Mk-4 strengthens your bones 400mcg, mk-1 helps with clotting; also has 50 micrograms of mk7.
Combo should be taken with D, at least 10,000 ui daily; I take this combo with 30,000... pretty small investment for long term benefits.
To sum it up, the combo of these two =250 mcg of MK7, every 10 micrograms of vitamin K2 reduces rate of death by 9%. This could tack a few years onto your life. You won't have any risk of fractures after this for a few years, and a significantly reduce risk of heart attack. Some studies have found an increased risk of heart attack by 86% in those who take calcium supplements. Study concluded those who get calcium from their food had lower risk, but supplementation made it worse; K2 is what prevents that. This was part of a large cohort study following nearly 24,000 participants for over a decade, published in the journal Heart in 2012.
Grok deepsearch on this topic https://x.com/i/grok/share/ufZdZ3La5ArkdBTtLLI80oHSD
A new Visible Origami is up now=
"There's No Way of Getting Around The Law of One Way or The Other. You Might as Well Meet... It... at... The... Marrow."
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