God Poet Transmitting.......
Some of us get our opinions from one side of the media and some from the other. Some of us get our opinions from our observations and experiences. Some of us get our opinions from all of these, and... some of us get our opinions from all of these AND... our intuitive faculty. What is the difference between a perspective and an opinion? Not much........
Here is a video of a fellow at an anti-Doge rally.
Owen Shroyer goes to an anti-DOGE rally, and it's everything you would expect it to be. pic.twitter.com/NMP4ENCx9b
— Planet Of Memes (@PlanetOfMemes) February 23, 2025
It's around seven minutes long but it gives you real insight into the postures of the people present. I was startled by how many older people were there. There was much talk about racism. More so than about anything else. Then there was the thing about the absence of proof. Even when proof was provided that was not proof. It is to be presumed that proof... for these people... is not possible. These people had their minds made up, BUT... who made their minds up for them?.......
It is... to me... anyway... obvious that certain forces were active in shaping the opinions of these people. This I get from the buzzwords that were present, especially the term, racism. Racism is a trope that is always employed by people pushing The Communist Agenda... under whatever secondary guise they are funneling it through. There is always the talk of making everyone equal when everyone is not equal. There is always the indication that certain groups of people are discriminated against, even when some of those groups are very recent creations. The people working it even create groups for this very purpose........
It is the old Hegelian Dialectic of problem-reaction-solution... being applied to new ways of expression. Let us say you create a movement. Then you create resistance to the movement, and then you create a solution under the guise of The Will of The People........
What you notice... whenever The Left engages in public protest... is the level of anger that is present. Why are they angry? They are angry because one part of them is suppressing another part of them. There is an internal conflict because... below the surface... they know they are wrong and they are enraged at the deception, BUT... they don't know how it came about. Some of them are afraid they will be accused of being guilty of the things they are accusing others of, and their best defense against that is to accuse someone else first. The Left, at the extreme... is always Communist, and The Right, at the extreme... is always Fascist........
I am a centrist and... remember... in the manifest sense, the center is always moving. Because I know that a successful life consists of effectively weaving opposites together, I have trained myself not to like or dislike anything to the point that it interferes with my balance. Some things I embrace because they suit my disposition. Other things... I tolerate because... I KNOW that everything... sooner or later... is resolved by The Purpose of Demonstration. Believe anything and act on it and... it will meet up with the truth of itself at some point. Everything does. Everything comes up against the truth and is found wanting, BUT... some things are closer to the truth than others, or... maybe you should just stop wanting. Stop wanting altogether and your world will arrange itself around you exactly as it is meant to be........
You don't have to worry about not getting the things you want because there are rules of attraction that will bring them right to you, and... you can find out if you really wanted them or not. Otherwise, everything comes to everyone at the time ordained for it because everyone gets to sample everything. If you go about it with a light touch. If you do not clutch it to yourself and hold it with a strong grip, it will not tear you when it goes its way, as... all things... inevitably... do........
You may remember we talked about The Spindle and The Record. All of us are on a spinning record/plate and we are all at some relative distance from the spindle. The further out to the rim you get... the stronger the centrifugal pull acts on you. Most of the people at that protest were closer to the rim than they should be, and their anger comes from the internal pressure created by trying to hold themselves in place. Everyone wants to control The World, BUT... not everyone knows how. I know how; you don't try to control The World. Only a fool... or one intent on failure... tries to control The World. Control yourself and The World will fall into line accordingly........
Physiognomy is an amazing science. It is especially effective if you associate it with your intuitive capacity. Then you get insight that corroborates your outsight. You get internal confirmation of what is... suggested... by your perceptional mechanisms, i.e., eyes and ears. If you can include impartiality in your processing, you have a good chance of getting right close to a correct understanding of what you are trying to get an understanding about........
I watch Donald Trump in a very objective fashion. I don't let what I hope to be true or wish to be true intrude on my perceptions. That will derail you every time. I see his folksy... avuncular... 'seemingly' demagogic persona. I am not saying he is a demagogue, but it is not difficult to get that impression, and it is one of the reasons a lot of people don't like him. He also talks to people the way someone in charge talks to people with limited intelligence. He dumbs down his conversations to suit his audiences. Sometimes he is right and sometimes he is not. Listening to him... sometimes... is like listening to Saruman........
His indifference to The Palestinians and his embrace of the Israeli narrative is very disturbing. His equating the whole of The Palestinian people with Hamas is dead wrong, AND... his lack of understanding of the circumstances that brought about The Palestinian Resistance is mindblowing. It can't be real... can it?.......
I hold out the hope that he is playing a deeper game. The political power of AIPAC and Jewish money is supreme in the political arena. so... he can't get very far opposing them. I often think of what Putin did to free himself of The Oligarchs. He sucked them in and then he kicked them out. They were the old residue of The Bolsheviks who amassed fortunes through criminal activity... including torture and murder. They controlled the resources of the country. Putin is a chess master in the game of life. I keep hoping that Trump will also prove to be and that his schoolyard boasting and general intimidation of his adversaries are surface efforts at distraction........
I have to keep reminding myself that Trump is not the real square dance caller, God is. God is THE INVISIBLE INFLUENCE. I saw Trump say that very thing. He pointed upward and said that Jesus (the) Christ is The Boss. That struck me. I have also taken note of the many kindnesses he extended to ordinary people who crossed his path. He was at pains to conceal these acts of generosity. It was left to others to point them out. I notice that he doesn't drink or take drugs. That is a rare thing among his peers. What is most extraordinary is that he was dragged over the coals for the last eight years+ and they couldn't find a thing to nail him on. They LITERALLY had to make shit up........
In New York they let him be sued by a Loony Tune who accused him of rape; a truly ridiculous claim and the damages were astronomical. The sleaze bag who fronted for the false claims said... in various ways... that she found rape sexy. I've seen the women that Donald Trump is attracted to. Beauty and Class are at the top of his list of attractions. E. Jean Carrol was in no way at a level to catch Trump's eye........
The fact that none of them; Mueller... Schiff... Raskin... Cheney... the corrupt judges and prosecutors, AND others... could find any real dirt on him... a man in his position... with his wealth... in a world where corruption is the air they all breathe... is remarkable. So... I cannot assess the situation yet. I just can't. How could he be what I have a lot of evidence to suggest that he is, and yet... be so indifferent to the plight of The Palestinians?. How can he call out Bourla from Pfizer as a fine person... in a public setting... (he did laugh though) and not know what the truth is... especially with Kennedy being in his ear for so long?.......
I watched some amount of the Senate confirmation hearings and I saw all of the nominees hedging their commentary with restraint... and a great deal of non-committal reserve because... to an extent... you have to play the game. Any competent politician knows to keep their own counsel and mind what they say. Trump seems to like to play the buffoon and the level of immaturity he displays on occasion is shocking. Even I know better than that and I get honorable mention in The Loose Cannon Hall of Fame........
Then... there is The Musk Factor. Musk is a genius and a visionary and he has demonstrated that adequately. (grin) He also behaves like a kid sometimes and talks like an Aspergers-driven dyslexic. Here again, I am of conflicted mind. I could understand him being an agnostic. I cannot understand him being an atheist, which he once was. HOWEVER... now we get this.
So... (tap... tap... tap...) Hmm... here is what I suspect; God has gotten very proactive of late and he is tapping into all available players for His Will to be done. There is a lot of sorting... cataloging and collating going on........
In the final analysis... I am not paying as much attention to the visible events that occupy The Hive Mind as I am paying to the invisible hand of The Divine in human affairs. There is a lot of action going on outside the bandwidth of the senses. I have some access to my spiritual senses and I can tell you... it is getting hot and heavy outside of the line of sight. Keep your powder dry, and...
... one last thing.
The heaviest element yet known to science 👇 pic.twitter.com/qRVT33Tu09
— Not A Number (@myhiddenvalue) February 21, 2025
End Transmission.......
Today's Original Song is;
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X is hosting us for the moment at= https://x.com/visible_les
Tonight's Original Song (hot off the press) is;
— Les Visible (@visible_les) February 24, 2025
"Jesus Came... From Palestine." https://t.co/7oVhAgL9Uv pic.twitter.com/LK2aUPpr77
Substack is here=
You familiar with "The Family" which is what Stalin called the committee of 300? And which seems to be rooted in fundamentalist christian teachings? might explain their coming to jesus moments.
There was a documentary by the same name on Netflix back during trumps first term in office. They didn't connect "The Family" to the committee of 300 but it was a weird documentary to watch.
The inbred are calling for distillation of their corrupt side under the guise of accountability. They will hang out their insiders who were thorns and shrink their "party" back to a manageable size, while publicizing it all to try and regain the public trust. Same old hoodwink.
The All has it under control, but its a fine line they walk with their accountability attempts... either it does enough the critical thinking tax payer is sated and no longer out for their blood or it doesn't. And if it doesn't then it was all just a play to buy time. The injections are thinning the masses, and they who took them are losing their ability to reason objectively. Yet another reason they form up at protests like that.
Its going to get Uglier before it gets Prettier, Ride it all out.
I am familiar with The Committee of 300, as I am with all of the ones publicly announced, like The Club of Rome and the rest of the private clubs... whose membership provides certain perks of station. I don't bother looking into them any more than I have. I've heard all kinds of things but I assume they are temporary bastions of lies sprinkled with half-truths and red herrings. The only ones these people fool are themselves and their associates. They are welcome to what they think they have. They're just a floor show for the gawkers. Sometimes God steps in... dressed like them... to watch for his amusement. Sometimes he pretends to be the guy with a top hat and tail. Otherwise he is in concealments appropriate to the moment. It's like dog fights and... by invitation poker games. They all have their clientele. I am not one of them. I suppose they all get sorted out at some point. Shit is... indeed... going to get wild... shortly before the main event. I expect to be out of town.
Hehehe, yeah it will be quite the show I expect. Your comment reminded me of the old book "dashed against the rocks; a romance of the coming age" by colville. I don't much bother with understanding them either. That book you wrote years back that saw the last guy left with his cannibal brute seems an apt end to they who TAKE ADVANTAGE. I expect to see that realized in certain corners as Accountability calcines the shit out of the Takers. And if the all needs an iteration of form to combust to produce the needful accountability, LIGHT ME UP!
Trump right now strikes me as being the TERMINIX dude on steroids, getting parts of the world cleaned up of morons. (By the way, I came across that 'one last thang' a while back, and it's HILARIOUS, and oh so true.) Me thinks he's one of the 'fix the world' catalysts, but boy is there gonna be a lot of collateral damage. It's what we signed up for, though isn't it?
Palestine. Good potential resource that was never developed, huh? Some civilisations just freeze. They stay stagnant forever, since if it works (Or even if it doesn't work, since they don't see it that way.), why fix it? On the other hand civilisations devolve as well as evolve. Egypt is a classic example. It's not even 10% of the Kemet of yesteryear, or should I say yestermillenia? Not a place I'd go to, considering what I've heard. And now everybody wants the area to develop it and take the resources, huh? I've seen pictures of all the bombed out towns and cities, and all I can think about is Hiroshima, Dresden, Carthage, Turtle Island, Tasmania, and so on. Nuts.
One thing I do not like about the trumpster, is he wants to take over all this land. Greenland, Canada, Ukraine, Palestine, Panama, and hell knows what else. I mean, who does he 'tink' he is? Tamerlane? Alex of Macedonia? Genghis Khan? How little things change over the course of thousands of years.
Well, we shall see what the world is like in another year or two, though I rather hope I'm no longer on it. Nostrils to the sky!
Dayam, what a zone case/space cadet be I. All you say about the Divine. The 'insane death metal Viking metro' who I watch selectively, reminded me of ABRAXAS, and it is what you say.
I like that name.
Have you ever wondered why cat references in songs are more spiritual while references to dogs are...well..dogs. As is "she's a dog" "F*ck like a dog."
Picture a “crazy cat lady.” For many, the image might be of an older, single woman whose cozy sweater is covered in cat hair. She probably owns between two and twenty cats, whose pictures hang proudly on the walls of her house, which remain stuck in an 80’s interior designer’s wet dream.
She loves cats, absolutely. But why is the “crazy” part a given? Is it because she has a lot of cats? We don’t call people with several dogs crazy. Is it because she’s older and single? We don’t call older, single men crazy. Is it because she’s a woman? We don’t call men crazy just for being men.
That is what the World is like right now. F**k them and f**k that!
" I hold out the hope that he is playing a deeper game. The political power of AIPAC and Jewish money is supreme in the political arena. so... he can't get very far opposing them. I often think of what Putin did to free himself of The Oligarchs. He sucked them in and then he kicked them out. They were the old residue of The Bolsheviks who amassed fortunes through criminal activity... including torture and murder. They controlled the resources of the country. Putin is a chess master in the game of life. " and so is Mr. Trump. Those who follow Q anon always remember " we are leaving Israel till last"
I suggest you will not be disapointed with the result. : )
A new Visible Origami is up now=
"Sometimes... You Get The French Revolution, and... Sometimes You Don't, but... Heads Are Gonna Roll in Any Case."
Les, you nailed it on Trump and Musk. And the poor, aging hippies who took the spotlight away from the Berkley educated, anti-war crowd when they were conflated into one movement by the media, have no legs to stand on because they did not do the intellectual work to understand government power and control of narrative. They were handed a movement and just let themselves slide off into drugs and degeneration thinking it would all still be there whenever their rave was in danger of being inconvenienced. All emotion and no discernment make Jack a dull group indeed!
Thanks again for the inspiration! -Dan
HaHa...trope, a favourite word of the tribe when they're scratching the paranoia itch. Whether intentional or not it's a great "return of serve".
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