Wednesday, February 19, 2025

"At Any Time... in The World... Certain Cultures can be Found in Every State from Youthful and Energetic to The Last Gasp."

God Poet Transmitting.......

There are some strange Trends and Patterns going on these days, and one of them has to do with certain women in the public eye. There is Jacinda Ardern of NZ.

There is Celine Dion of Celebrity Row...

...Meret Schneider, a Swiss political who wants to ban X...

...and... Arianne Grande.

They all have some kind of wasting away syndrome. Some say it's Adrenochrome. There are other theories going about. I'm not much for theory unless it is musical or mathematical; I don't know. What I do know is that whatever it is... it isn't natural, BUT... that is another Trend these days; The Unnatural.

We've been on about this sort of thing for some time here. Some people are getting crazier and crazier, and some people are getting more and more sane. On the one hand, you have The State of Woke for the nutjobs. On the other hand... you have The State of Awakening... for those coming more and more into true self-awareness.

There is an old standard that I have found to prove itself out time and time again. That is; follow the money. There is a lot of money to be made from making people crazy and helping them adjust to it... as if it were a new kind of sanity, which... it will never... ever... be.

A few years ago they came up with a virus that didn't do much of anything because it had been a common affliction for centuries. They called it COVID. Previously it has been called the flu or the common cold. COVID was grafted over the common cold and the flu, the same way that Christianity was grafted onto all the archetypes of the preceding religions, just as Zionism is doing to the features of historical Palestine. Nothing really changes but the labeling.

Now... I have nothing against Christianity. It's just that there are enduring fundamental realities... that exist no matter what terms you use to describe them. The Sun and The Moon... the forces symbolized by the planets... the seasons... day and night. These are constants, BUT... they continued to be whatever they were no matter what you called them. The people trying to control The World... always take control of the interpretations given to symbols... right from the get-go.

When The World suddenly or gradually begins to transition to new models, no one knows exactly why this happens or what causes it to happen. They just have a lot of theories. The Truth is that the force for material change comes out of The Invisible and then The Visible changes according to the prompts that are outside the general sight-line. For periods of time... The World is very traditional... then it becomes non-traditional... which becomes traditional again.

Cultures go through seasonal adjustments. They are predictable. To begin with, they are vibrant and filled with energy. The usual ten percent of the population that is at the forefront of all change is inspired... and then... so is the art and the architecture. It hits a mid-season when it is at its height, and then... it goes into decline, and then it dies as if the life force were drawn out of it... which is the case. At any time in The World... certain cultures can be found in every state from youthful and energetic to The Last Gasp.

A few cultures seem to be able to reinvent themselves... a few times anyway. America... China and Russia all seem to have elements of this. Then there are the primitive cultures that always seem to stay at a certain level and exist in a cycling dream state. When the colonists come to town... that dream state goes into a nightmare phase. For example, we have King Leopold and The Belgian Congo. There are many samples and specimens to be had of the impact of civilization on the uncivilized. Certainly, America went through some of these from inception to the present state. Some would argue that The Civilized often behave in an uncivilized fashion, AND... that calling any primitive culture uncivilized is simply a matter of perception. If it works for them it works for them.

One thing we can be sure of is that life here... is at best... managed-chaos, and often... poorly managed as well. At any time in any culture... certain elements are rising into greater prominence and some are going down the toilet or... being recycled; if you prefer a less colorful descriptor. At present... those moving into more and more outrageous examples of insanity are headed South, metaphorically and literally. That's just how life works... for some reason. Gardeners weed out the undesirable growths and prune away the dead and dying detritus. Jesus Christ had all sorts of parables and metaphors about this very thing.

During the more confusing times of transition, there are always the opportunists. They are a kind of vermin that appears when cultures are in decline. They seek to take advantage of conditions for profit, and... they are unhindered by any sense of right and wrong. They have no moral inhibitors. Normal people are constrained by conscience and that often puts them at a disadvantage when dealing with people who will say or do anything to get their way or... obtain to a greater degree of control. Bill Gates is like this. So is George Soros and that wack job in Argentina. Quite a few American politicians answer to the type; Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren... Chuckie Schumer... Shifty Schiff... Nancy Pelosi. These are all criminal types who are devoted to feathering their nests with material siphoned off of the rest of us.

They flourish for a time when certain conditions are widespread... when there is a general cultural malaise. When the state of things is in decline. Women often suffer the most because they are deeply connected to Nature, and... when Nature is fucked with they get the nasty end of things. Any thriving culture MUST HAVE respect and enduring recognition of The Divine Feminine. This is why India... with all of its serious drawbacks and violations of women... continues to endure. Any culture that you see... at this time... that holds women in contempt has... effectively... dammed themselves. There are certain segments of certain religions that are egregious examples of this. They are going down.

Somehow... they got the idea that women are responsible for The Fall of Man. If you view this as women representing the sensitive side of life... there is some truth to this... (the same as when you say; to fall in love) if one happens to see this as a negative, even though there would be no culture without them. However... regardless... even if women were... somehow... engaged in The Fall of Man, it is ONLY through women that Man will rise again. Period. If you do not know and honor this, you... are... a... fool.

Women are especially suffering the most grievous injuries from the sexual re-engineering of basic nature. Regardless of the source of their misery... the women illustrated at the beginning of the post, and the countless others suffering from one thing and another... are essentially victims of this sexual re-engineering, which... for the most part... is financed and promoted by The Usual Suspects. I know... many of you wonder when these agents of the darkness will be brought to heel, especially given the support they have from this present administration. I tell you... that is going to be handled sooner rather than later. I have been told so in no uncertain terms.

Look on the bright side. Conditions could be and would be a whole lot worse if Drunk Girl had won the election. Now... that sociopath of a black lesbian is going to play Jesus in a production of Jesus Christ Superstar and the deep-pocket crazies are not backing off one inch... from the persistent depravities and perversities... that are their stock in trade. Fear not... every act both natural and unnatural... has a destiny assigned to it. I don't care what appearances tell you. The Divine is in absolute control of existence through the immutable laws he set in place from the beginning.

A significant portion of recent generations have been lost due to intentional bad parenting and Munchausen by Proxy. These are just those branches that will be trimmed back by the unopposable fate that attends every material expression of every immaterial idea. There is going to be a period of protracted normalcy and The World will now be conditioned in ways... dramatically different... from what we have been exposed to for far too long now.

It's Materialism that has been at the root of all the maladies and miseries of contemporary life. It has made people stupid... lazy... dependent on convenience... selfish and self-indulgent... perverted and... just generally bent out of shape. This will ALL be composted and plowed under. It is the way of things. The course of existence is like the movement of a snake over the sand. It goes thisaway and then it goes thataway. It still winds up where it was meant to be, and...

... one last thing (examples of when it's not your time, and the degree of control that exists invisibly in life)

End Transmission.......

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Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Traditional. A lot of traditions are pretty stupid and destructive. Some are just financially inconvenient, some occasionally kill you. FGM? Other rites of passage? Some are pretty inconvenient, like having 12 metal rings around your neck? High heeled shoes? (I'll never understand how Yandis Marshall got into those, but boy can he cut the rug in ways I never imagined could be done in those infernal thangs. I wouldn't have lasted vertical for 2 seconds if I tried any of that in my heyday.) A lot of traditions don't do the individual following this or that tradition any favours. . .unless you like to work really hard on cleanup.

Israel. I'm wondering if. . .reading betwixt the lines. . .Trump is the catalyst to surreptitiously bring them down? I still see him as a mixed bag, though he is doing a lot of good. Wonder if Israel will even last 2 years from now, though I don't think the u.s. is the one who will destroy them. Maybe Hamas and a few Middle East nations. The u.s. will just let it happen. This is what I think, though who knows? Prophesy ain't my forte.

Well, nostrils to the sky!

Anonymous said...

The girlfriend and I went to Berlin a while back…”Do you like Klimpsch?” She asked.
“Never heard of him”
We went to some gallery and looked at this “modern art” garbage.

Then we went to the Berliner dome. The sculptures, art and architecture was breathtaking. As we climbed the stairs to look at the angels, someone started playing the organ…might have been Bach. The power that blasted through my soul was freaking amazing! Germans have made it through these resets for a thousand years…and will survive this time, I have no doubt.

The problem with Americans is that their cities have never been bombed-Charles Bukowski

Later bro.



Anonymous said...

Al’s volks Deutsch, I love you all.!

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now=

"Twelve Years Ago, Mr. Apocalypse Told Me in Detail what was Coming and It has been Exactly as He Told Me It Would Be."



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