Thursday, January 16, 2025

"The Real Action... is ALWAYS Going On Behind The Scenes, and What is Going On in Front... is Almost Always a Distraction."

God Poet Transmitting.......

Something remarkable is taking place during these Senate confirmation hearings. The vile and compromised Democratic Senators are exposing themselves in ways I have never seen before and I have to credit The Awakening for it. The nominees for Secretary of Defense, and the candidate for Attorney General have defended themselves in dramatic fashion while simultaneously revealing the opposition's craven nature. Kaine, Schiff, Hirono, and Warren were among the worst offenders, and... they got smacked down in amusing ways. The circus atmosphere is hugely entertaining.

I can't wait for Kash Patel to come into the ring.

They are hammering on about The Stolen Election, and trying to get the nominees to knuckle under to the lie that Biden won legitimately in 2020. They want to know if the nominees are buying into the tales of cannibal pedophiles running The World, and whether they accept Q-anon's theories. In every case, they have been stymied. They are also howling about weaponizing The Justice System and the possibilities of Payback. It was pointed out to them that... in the last 4 years... the weaponization of Justice and the exercise of Lawfare achieved lows that had never been seen before, in the endless prosecutions of Donald Trump. Sometimes they could not even find a crime to charge him with. Heh heh... then the court told the jury they didn't need to know what the crimes were to find him guilty.

Oh! Oh! Oh! It is going to be strange and Godfather-like I suspect; today we settle all Family Business! HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!! This is going to be riveting entertainment.

Then... to top it all off, Trump got that genocidal madman to agree to peace with Hamas, and agree to a treaty. Satanyahu went right on killing Palestinians without any hesitation whatsoever. He's still doing it and now he has backed off on the agreements, for reasons not yet made clear, but... HAHAHAHAH!!!! It's a start, eh? It looks like he is going to be dragged kicking and screaming to the negotiating table, and... we shall see.

This is The Perfect Climate for a false flag or two, and the next five days are likely to be extra-dicey, but I am not a seer, so I should refrain from speculation, BUT... my spidey-sense is starting to raise a heat rash on my spinal column.

Changes are soon to be coming a mile a minute... as The Deep State gets stomach ulcers while looking for any avenue... any avenue at all to cause problems... and to fend off approaching judgment. A cold sweat is running down into the puckered ass-cracks of the formerly high and mighty. It is a delight to witness.

I cautioned against schadenfreude earlier, and I still do. A wounded wolverine is still a wolverine and we should not get over-confident concerning early and easy victory.

If you read that article you will see what The Good Guys are up against, AND... we don't really know if they are The Good Guys or not... yet.

It appears... more and more... that they arranged for LA to get burned down so that they could build another smart city.

Newsom has called The Tribe Member Governor of Hawaii for tips... concerning the developers and moneymen who will soon be contacting him next... about doing what The Deep State was able to do in North Carolina and neighboring localities already. It remains to be seen what Trump and Co. do about that. I haven't heard a single word on any of it so far.

The real action is ALWAYS going on behind the scenes, and what is going on in front is almost always a distraction from what is going on behind the scenes. You really need to pay attention and that can be difficult when you can't see what is going on. Then you have to look for effects. Effects can often tell you a great deal about causes.

Let's move on to what I most wanted to talk about today and that is AI. We're hearing all kinds of paranoia mutterings about how AI is going to enslave The World and we can already see what China has done... to strand people in certain zones... who do not have the proper credit rating... to move from one location to another. They have facial recognition systems that would make The UK police state green with envy.

Is that what we are looking at... really? Is Skynet coming and have we already lost the battle? Well... it there was not a God... and we were no more than meat-puppets... here for a brief period and then dead forever after, well... maybe... maybe that might be true, BUT... God is a reality, and we are not doomed meat-puppets; not all of us anyway.

AI is the next iteration of what The Internet brought into our lives, and The Internet did not turn out the way The Deep State wanted it to. They have been playing catch-up ever since, and I know they have had serious conversations about bringing the whole thing down. BUT... The Money... their money... depends on The Internet, so... whaddya gonna do?

AI is not my area of expertise, though I find ways of making things work for myself through intuition. The Intuition is a power greater than any analytical mind on the planet... since it is The Word of God directly from The Devic Realm... if... IF you can still The Reactive Mind in order to access it. This is not so difficult if you know how to control wanting, and bring The Desire Body to heel; that is an appropriate way of putting it... when you consider that The Desire Body is sometimes referred to as The Dog of Desire.

So... if you can find a way to communicate with The Intuition, by stilling The Reactive Mind, you can find answers to ANYTHING.

AI only knows what you feed into it. It does what you tell it to, and as much as certain forces would like to politicize it and make it come up with programmed responses... in the end... it lives on and feeds on INFORMATION. Presently, they are feeding all of the information in The World into AI. AI has access to The Internet, so... whatever is on The Internet is also in the (metaphorical) hands of AI.

Presently... certain vested interests are getting AI to do what they got Wikipedia and Snopes and the rest of the bullshit artists to do. However, Wikipedia and the rest of them are not the same as AI. I am sure you can figure out what I mean here. AI is getting access to all the history of The World, and I suspect that it won't be long before AI figures out that The Holocaust is a scam... plus who did 9/11... and... also who killed various members of the Kennedy family... and on... and on... and on.

I can't tell you how it is that I expect to see this happen except to say that there are REAL Good Guys in The World, and God is also more real than anything else ever has been... or ever will be. These are unshakable realities, and they WILL find a way to cause The Forces of Evil to bring about their own destruction... while they are plotting the destruction of the rest of us.

We were in a closed-off echo chamber for a long time, until... suddenly... and inexplicably... things changed. How did we go from a stolen election and the rise of the techno-dictators, and The Globalist world take-over... to a populist revolution that put The Against All Odds Man back in The White House? Now... I am not Pollyanna and I know how The Satanic Cabal and The Usual Suspects have got their hooks into him... seemingly, BUT why is it that I am filled with optimism despite all of that? Why do I have this certainty of a remarkable outcome... even now pending in The Event Horizon?

Okay... sure... I could be delusional. I will admit to being Out There due to being so In There, but I'm not alone here, and I have years of regular experiences of something... something... beyond The Sensory Bandwidth; something vital and enduring... something greater than The Mind can capture, BUT... The Heart! The Heart knows what I am talking about, and... I'll tell you. I feel pretty good about things. By the way, has anyone seen Kushner?

There is more going on than meets the eye. Why did all those tech-bros and billionaires head off to Mar-a-Lago with their hats (full of money) in their hands? I know a lot of you have got a case of chronic doubt. You've lost the ability to believe in anything and just want to stay out of sight. I feel for you, BUT... I... don't... feel... like... you.

I KNOW that God works THROUGH people... whether they intend it or not, and whether they like it or not. I KNOW that God is all-powerful and in control of everything; appearances be damned. It's not going to work out for everyone, I know this. I also know that a bad case of doubt can mess with your chances too. I know that the glass is half-full and half-empty all over the place. My glass is completely full, and...

... one last thing.

I live in a world of heroes, not a world filled with people afraid of their own shadows, basically because they don't know where shadows come from and how necessary they are. It's not what you think it is... if you are sailing toward anything other than a glorious and ever-lasting future, and... we're not likely to be running into each other any time soon either... if you keep heading for that places where Misery loves company. Remember... these are all-inclusive resorts of failure.

End Transmission.......

Today's Song is;

(I went a little off the rails with this one, but nothing like what you will be seeing tomorrow. (grin)

Last week's Feet To The Fire broadcast is still where it was the last time I mentioned it.

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Anonymous said...

Schiff's conduct reminds me of the scene in the first Dirty Harry movie where the sniper, his face bandaged, is being interviewed on TV , shrieking about how Harry attacked him. In the previous scene he had paid a guy to beat him.

Visible said...

Whenever I think of Schiff, I think of the young black boys he likes to sexually abuse and sometimes beat the shit out of. He's a real winner and a total degenerate. If you go looking for details about this creep you will find plenty. One skill I have developed is how to work a search engine. It pays off big time.

AL said...

"I live in a world of heroes, not a world filled with people afraid of their own shadows, basically because they don't know where shadows come from and how necessary they are."

Shadows here are like that thing you need in space to push yourself forward and without it you go nowhere. It's starting to get good isn't it and I'm starting to really get captivated at watching what it takes to completely turn the wheel of civilization in another direction even while they kick and scream. The Divine Mother will que the machinery need for transition and the show will be unparalleled.

Stay golden Brutha!

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

All I can say is that circumstances are destroying some of my 'plans', and making me move faster so not everything is lost. . .to someone else. . .due to 'Divine Orders'. Does that mean chaos will reign in a week or two? No clue.


Nostrils to the sky.

0 said...

"BUT why is it that I am filled with optimism despite all of that? Why do I have this certainty of a remarkable outcome... even now pending in The Event Horizon?"

Because there is no We. Results are not homogenous for everyone, they're tailored specifically in response to what was Done, not what was Said. :)

Its why one can be wholly destroyed while such is all ok.

Hope some of you got some xrp. The upswing has started it appears. Over 3usd/per as of today... and then some. Will be interesting to see what happens come 1/20/2025.


Visible said...

I have no clue what you are talking about. I hope that is an indication of lacking in material nature.

0 said...

No biggie. Wander on. I'll limit my comments here. Don't want to detract from your merging. :)


Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is ujp now=

"This is a Dreamscape of Patterns... Moving through Their Changes... The Way The Moon Moves through Its Phases."

Asil said...

Hello Visible,

I don’t have any doubts about Trump. Honor, humility and integrity are lacking and so high hopes will be crushed. I do not feel the way you do about Trump. I feel good and I do have hope and belief, but not in the same. I think we will see that Trump and party will not be the remedy to the malaise gripping the nation.

King Arthur, fable or fact . . . up to individual belief. He was a humble man with a valiant and loving heart. Through magical powers and courage, he brought light into the darkness.

I imagine that Trump may like to think of himself or want to be thought of as a King Arthur archetype and create a Camelot of his imagination. To me it appeared that the “fight fight fight” glamour was an attempt to be seen that way. The theatrics of our world creates images that are not real, to impress the mesmerized . . . and as an actor, that is his forte. When the ego dominates a person, even they are not aware of the truth of their actions.

Of course, what I think is not valuable because I am a dreamer. I believe in the mist of the past, that King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table lived. Merlin and Arthur existed for a brief time to bring hope to a future world. Of what we can become, when we believe in God and all that is human and good.
Without any doubt . . . I know that Arthur would never choose Knights of the caliber that Trump chooses for his cabinet. A monster like Noem, who shot a puppy to death who had innocently misbehaved, threw a little goat in the same gravel pit, wounded him as he tried to leap out, went back to reload her shot gun and then blast the poor creature to death would be driven from Arthur’s kingdom. If not by the knights, then by the people!

I don’t know where Kushner is but if you find the Sheriff of Nottingham … you find Kushner.

Visible said...

I don't remember saying anything definitive or comprehensive about how I feel about Trump. I think I was pretty clear about the fact that I don't know. I'm in a wait and see mode. I am hardly going to have a perspective when he isn't even in office yet.

Anyway, I don't measure existence or events according to human personalities but rather what God chooses to do with them. I can't take snapshots of things people said or did... here or there. We've all fallen short of the goal. People do different things, but... in reality, God does everything and I rely on God independent of what people do. That is not my concern. My concern is to be in alignment with The Divine. If I can manage that I do not need to concern myself with anyone or anything else.

These people have no power over me so I do not allow them to live in my head.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Yes, that was an obscure post. OK, I'm making a couple of purchases 3 months early over asking price to support two arcane, obscure artists that very few will ever be exposed to, over asking price before the Bay Area gets incinerated.

Annoying, because I didn't really want to do that, but something is telling me that it would be a good idea, though I'm not gonna get everything I want, like the two t-shirts, one saying GIVE ME NIFLHEIM OR GIVE ME DEATH and IF GOD DIDN'T WANT CANNIBALISM, WHY DID HE MAKE PEOPLE TASTE SO GOOD?

Anonymous said...

As far as surveillance, yes, China has surveys with cameras, etc., but the people made the laws. They were very upset about the tech companies using their data, their personal data. They were very upset about facial recognition. It came from the bottom up. The people demanded that there be changes to laws to protect their private information and to protect their facial images. Those laws were passed. We don't know what Google is doing. We don't know what Facebook is doing. We don't know what Instagram is doing. We don't know what the National Security Administration is doing, the CIA, MI6, but we do know they are vacuuming every piece of data on planet Earth, including the Chinese, processing and analyzing all of our purchases, all of our movement, where we go, etc., 24-7, what we watch, who we send emails to. All of that is being vacuumed up by Western intelligence, put into massive databases and data banks in Utah, and being analyzed as we talk. In China, the social credit system, I have a credit score. I have a social credit score. I'm not going to take the time to get my phone out and show you, but I have a credit score of about 580 in China, which is okay. It's not great, but I haven't borrowed any money, so that's why if I borrowed $1,000 and paid it back, it'd go way up. The Chinese demanded the social credit system. They were tired of scamming. They were tired of crooks. They were tired of corruption in the government. They were tired of environmental violations. They were tired of local governments taking people's land against their will. They demanded the social credit system because the social credit system is to get the bad guys, is to get the crooks, is to get the people polluting, get the people stealing, get the people not paying their child support, get the people not paying their alimony, people not paying their taxes, corporations who are fraudulent and producing shabby goods. That's what the social credit system is going after, and it's made China a much, much nicer place to be and to live in. In America we know we have credit scores, the Experian, and what are some of the others? But they're private.

We don't even know what Experian, my credit score, and all of my credit information, I don't even know what they're doing with it. But the Chinese know what their information is being used for because it's been legislated by the people who demanded it. So it's just the West that has the panopticon. It's not China.

Visible said...

It might help if you watched the video I linked, then I would not have to be informed about what I already know. All governments are corrupt in their own way, and all people are run through controlled sequences by those who think they are in charge. None of this is important to me. I answer to another authority and that is the only force that has any authority over me; actually turns out to be true.

Anonymous said...

Excellent, Les. Always a tonic. Loved it all but this bit had me laughing and reminded me to remember the warm tide of the holy spirit when it rolls: "Okay... sure... I could be delusional. I will admit to being Out There due to being so In There, but I'm not alone here, and I have years of regular experiences of something... something... beyond The Sensory Bandwidth; something vital and enduring... something greater than The Mind can capture, BUT... The Heart! The Heart knows what I am talking about"

If I get more practice, maybe I'll be able to stand up on the board instead of ending up in the surf immediately. If that makes any sense.

Visible said...

Perfect sense



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