Wednesday, January 29, 2025

"People Who Have Been Riding High for a Really Long Time are about To Be Brought Low, and... I Suspect They Know This."

God Poet Transmitting.......

I'd like to point out that when Putin first ran for office, Russia was controlled by Oligarchs. Putin enlisted them on his behalf and then he showed them the door. You may be looking at a similar event developing in The US. I keep noticing things that don't add up with the accusations being made about Trump being owned by The Tribe. It's just the Palestinian Genocide that I can't figure out.

Imagine if they did the illegal alien sweeps in Israel. The place would be almost completely emptied out. Then Palestine could be Palestine again. Imagine that a foreign race of psychopaths came into The United States and started squeezing the entire population into smaller and smaller locations while raping and murdering at will; literally killing for kicks! That is what is going on in Palestine, and it used to be their country!!!

What happened was that Palestine was a British Protectorate that wound up not being protected at all. So... over the course of about 50 years... first they softened up the leadership in the UK with a bogus side run called The Dreyfus Affair. Then they worked The Holocaust Fable; a now proven scam, and Presto Oblongata!!! Palestine wasn't Palestine anymore, and this all happened because The Rothschilds gangstered the British economy. You see, they wanted to take their rackets international and they needed the facade of a sovereign nation to grant them the credentials. Meanwhile... these Satanic non-human demons had just killed tens of millions of Russian Christians. This is the Cliff Notes version, but it's all true... broad strokes-wise.

They have a 3 and 1/3rd card Monte Game where they hide the gold pebble under one of three sawed-in-half children's skulls. Then they bring in the Turkish dancing girls to distract the suckers. Then they take their money. Did you see how I used 4 words that start with T in that last sentence and ended it with a word that started with M? Nah. It doesn't mean anything. I just thought I would call attention to it while I was emptying your bank account. There! Now you're all up to date. If there are any problems, just have your lawyers contact my lawyers, and they can work out the details about what happens to your children. It's all goooooood.

Now... why do you think I started out the post with Putin and then segued like I did? Wayule, Hayule... I'm just a good old boy from Cornhole, Arkansas... making a little conversation here... passing the time (instead of doing time), and hoping you like the company; but... no matter because...

...The World has now passed into a series of bewildering stages of change. It's going really fast, and what I like to do... when shit is flying like red popcorn in a bombed theater... is to sit in the bar across the street and be seriously watchful should the action begin to expand. You know that it is easy to get lulled by all the turns of circumstance when they seem to be moving in a positive direction, at least a direction that the majority approves of, as opposed to what has been going on for the last however many years?

However... it is never good to let yourself get lulled at any time. Look at all those people who were on Molly when the rave got strafed on October 7th, and it was their own government doing it. What I am trying to say here is that when the action shifts as dramatically as it has done in the last week, you... can... be... sure... that they are going to send some people after the ones causing it. Apple carts have been upset all up and down the street and a whole bunch of people are not happy about it.

I'm not saying that the people on the losing end here are in a position to shift the tides of fortune back the way they were... because I don't think they are, BUT... you can expect some kind of a response, and names are about to start getting named, and big players are about to be getting exposed as major league criminals. The covers are about to be ripped off of a whole bunch of dirty doings. People who have been riding high for a really long time are about to be brought low, and I suspect they know this, so... things are about to get hot.

A major effort is being launched by criminal gangs of Pharmaceutical and Medical mafioso to halt or obstruct the nomination of Robert Kennedy Jr to a critical cabinet position, If he gets in... and if Kash Patel also gets in; Holy galvanized frog legs!!! Shit is most definitely about to get real up in heah! You know what I'm saying? Yeah... I think you know what I'm saying... even if I'm not saying it.

What I am saying; taking another tack in direction... is that you have probably not... seen... nothing... yet, and now... NOW!!! President Trump is seriously messing with Lefty money.

Yes, a Biden-appointed judge put a temporary freeze on something that wasn't moving in the first place. Anyway... now we are waiting to see who is going to blink first.

If you read between the lines; something I strongly recommend, you will see that a number of games are being played, and it looks like experts have been called in to facilitate the chaos. Right now it's hotter than two 3rd world AshkeNAZI presidents in a hot oil wrestling match... in backless Furry outfits. Well, I can't even picture that. I was trying to come up with something like two wildcats fighting in a pair of neoprene Lululemon stretch pants... that are already occupied by someone... who should have known better than to put them on, and who accomplished it... only with great difficulty, and the aid of a scoop-shovel shoehorn and... who happens to be walking through the crowd at an NFL Final's game... five sheets to the wind. I've never seen five sheets to the wind. I've never even heard of it before.

Anyway... this Lululemon Lady keeps going to the information booth... so that they can call for Mr. Creosote... to come to the off-white courtesy phone... cause her Lyft ride does not have the necessary heavy-duty suspension. So she is suing the ride app for not having a forklift on call.

The driver... in his defense... did not want her getting into the back seat of his Mercedes because he said the car couldn't take the weight. I think she had booked a Golden Corral meet-and-eat that she was going to be late for, and everyone was waiting for her, but given the likely crowd in attendance... they were not going to wait long. That is probably why she is suing.

So... maybe you are getting the idea that it is only a matter of time before an irresistible force... moving at a high rate of speed... meets an immovable object. Push and Shove will probably be the opening act in a tag-team match against Fuck Around and Find Out.

Do not even try to get tickets, the event is sold out, which should tell you how many people with a death wish are in town. Even the scalpers are being found scalped and wandering in a daze on the streets outside the venue. I am trying to impress upon you the extreme nature of the times, and... trying to get from Point A to Point A-2.0

Somewhere in large rooms and convention halls... rented for the purpose... are large crowds of seriously disaffected people... trying to figure out what they can do to get back at the trough. They had a place at the trough for years. They had seats with their names on them. They had standing orders for the Carbo-Deluxe platters. They had nepotism agreements written in the blood of their victims... who often fell... or were dragged into the troughs... during a feeding frenzy, at what the participants simply referred to as... Weekday Lunch.

Someone gave John Podesta's bastard son a terminal hotfoot... in another part of his anatomy... for publicly stating that he was going to spill the beans on Dad and associates concerning certain long-time pedophilia get-togethers. How stupid do you have to be to advertise something like that in advance? The only proof I have that Chester Bennington was Podesta's offspring is that Reuters says he isn't.

(you have to click on the article to make it bigger)

That is usually an indication of the truth... just as if Snopes denied it.

You see what the internet does? Just wait till it starts really jumping off and sending sparks forty feet high in a fireworks factory because... Revelation is coming to a neighborhood near you... real soon.

We are only just getting started here, AND... as The Avatar gets closer and closer to the manifest plane; he... who is The Spirit of Truth... intensifies the exposures of everything... which... has... been... long... hidden. (by the day) The influence of The Avatar... prior to his literal appearance is very powerful, and it sets in motion a chain of events that prepares the ground for his walking upon it, which he WILL MOST CERTAINLY DO... just as he has done so many times before.

Materialism clouds the mind and blinds The Mind's Eye to the reality of God's complete control of all existence. Free Will exists only to give us the choice to align with or resist The Will of God. If one resists, The Divine turns that resistance to the fulfillment of His Will. EVERYTHING serves His Will, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Today's Original Song is;

I am still recommending---
The Life and The Way by AK Mozumdar.

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AL said...

"Free Will exists only to give us the choice to align with or resist The Will of God."

I see it everywhere in really big letters, get rich buy crypto, get smart use AI, be popular get a new phone and go with the flow and get the vax come on man get with the program. In the age of digital everything, which amounts to nothing one would hold in the hand, people are being drawn to the bug zappers of life en masse.

I'm a lot more grateful by the minute these days to not have to worry about "the new shit" coming around since I am very well attended to by what has always been. The greatest bait and switch ever is being run by that which desires to know "what's in your proverbial wallet or heart". Asking everyone to decide what line will you attend. Ours is the short line straight and true, membership does have it's privilege's eh.

Be well Brutha!

0 said...

As regards the Trough.

"Many people, including many Americans, are confused about who is who and what happened to this great country. So we are breaking it down in very simple terms and using an analogy everyone can understand:

Joe is a farmer.

He has two kinds of pigs, brown pigs and white pigs.

It doesn't matter to Joe what color the pigs are. It doesn't matter to the pigs what color they are, either.

What matters to the pigs is what's in the feeding trough and how much of it they can get.

What matters to Joe is how much labor and material it costs him to feed the pigs.

It's the same exact situation with the Democrats and Republicans. Just think of them as brown pigs and white pigs.

These "political lobbies" try to sell Joe with their respective ideologies and their narratives about what they are going to do, if they gain access to the trough.

They gain access to the trough by being elected to political office. Not public office. Political office. They got away with this, because nobody in America knew there was a difference. LOL.

Remember, these "politicians" are lobbyists, just like lobbyists who work for the Tobacco Industry or Big Pharma. They serve their "constituencies" --- the other people who are members of their political party, not the Joe, the Farmer.

Just like the pigs on the farm, they want Joe to fill their trough, but they don't care about him or each other or their constituencies --- except to the bare minimum performance the pigs need to get re-elected.

Once in a while, these Political Party Pigs are so incompetent, that even their own political party bosses get disgusted and throw them under the bus. We are seeing that now with "Governor" Gavin Newsom in California.

Is this any way to run the government of a country?


Is this the way our Forefathers set it up?

No. "

Rest of the article here:


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Wow! Mike Rivero actually posted this on on WRH! Not that you care, but. . . I wonder if someone alerted him to how good and relevant this piece is, or if he 'secretly' reads you every day. Well, what ever. Nostrils to the sky!



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