God Poet Transmitting.......
Right on the heels of the Schadenfreude mention comes a big opportunity to indulge in it. I should mention... for those inclined in that direction... you might want to wait... in any case... because it has only just begun.
I don't know if it is engineered weather or not. I know those are stronger than the usual winds and the fires are convenient to the moment of opportunity. As soon as I heard about the winds, I said to my friend, well, they'll be starting the fires anytime now. Again, I don't know, but I know The Deep State is in a panic, and their Climate Change agenda... for totalitarian control of The World... is endangered and everything seems to be going wrong for them, and from what I do know; that aspect has only just begun; didn't I already say that?
No matter what they get up to. No matter what angles they play in whatever direction, The Divine has them covered, and by now... many of them have been informed of what is coming for them. Expect to see that your understanding of Strange has never really been given a chance to show you just how strange Strange can be.
You do not have to worry about anything that is happening anywhere at any time... even if you walk right into it... if it has no karmic reference point to you... it can't touch you. Conversely... if it has your number... it is impossible for you to avoid it, so... you don't have to worry about anything ever... unless you do and that does no good anyway. You can cut a deal with Heaven at any time though, in return for something; sounds a lot like a deal with the devil doesn't it? But...
...I do know that the way Karma comes at a person CAN BE adjusted. It can also be extended over greater reaches of time. There is a lot of latitude in the way things come about, which has something to do with free will AND... your level of awareness, though... generally... the actuality of free will is little understood by The Hive Mind. However... The Divine... through his representatives... is willing to make certain arrangements any time one shows a willingness to change.
I am not surprised that there is little to no mention of weather modification in The Crass Media, which is an extension of The Deep State, and only tells you what it wants you to know, but it is getting little mention anywhere. It is a tad too coincidental that as soon as we hear about high winds, the fires start, and then the first thing we are told is that New Year's fireworks caused it, even though it is a week late for that to be happening.
They did... in true LA style... appoint a bull dagger lesbian as fire chief, and now there is no water left in the hydrants. I am looking for the arcane meaning in this, but I have come up with nothing. They got a whole lot of water in recent times, but that seems to have mattered not at all.
Leading the important news... is the burning down of the Pasadena jewish center. I haven't heard that it was an antisemitic attack yet... but it is early times still. The good news, as far as I know... because I could be wrong; not a single Palestinian child or mother has been harmed. In conclusion about the matter of LA burning, the fire is zero contained.
So it goes. If you have got a moment, you might want to view this video on Bill (me later) Gates.
I don't know why anyone would be surprised at any of this happening. Kalifornia... in every possible way... has earmarked itself for destruction over the course of decades now. Neither Sodom nor Gomorrah wants to be mentioned in the same commentaries about depravity and degeneracy that include Kalifornia. I've heard that distant relatives... of those who had been out of town when the fires of Heaven came down... have even made legal motions on behalf of the original inhabitants of both Sodom and Gomorrah in recent court filings.
Once again, I do not know that The Deep State is behind any of this OR... the things that are yet to happen... prior to Trump being made the president again, but I will say that the odds are at least 50-50 in all cases.
I am told that now those rendered hapless and homeless in North Carolina have been given an ultimatum about having their property taxes paid by midnight last night or their homes would be repossessed, even if they were no longer present. Whoever has been behind this enduring catastrophe... in the affected states... and is also behind the actions of FEMA... has got very heavy juice indeed. I'm assuming it's Black Rock and associated interests.
Even with the election going in a different direction than they hoped, and... all of the houses of Congress having come along in the tailwind; even with all the bad press that has been generated in relation to it, they are just as relentlessly in pursuit of their demonic ends as ever they were. It is rather astounding.
I do not know if The Clown in Chief is serious about Greenland... the Panama Canal... Canada, and... let's throw in Musk's turnabout with Nigel Farage and his promotion of Tommy-Gun Robinson, BUT... this has to be the weirdest turnabout and... catapulting-out-of character that I have seen in many moons. WTF??? I mean... even if he were serious, do you not think he might have waited just a little... until he had gotten comfy in The Saddle? I also think it's a good idea to make sure it is a horse you are saddled to, to begin with, and... to make sure that the saddle is even on the horse... before you ride off into the sunset or... whatever it is one does now when the chances of even seeing The Sun go round the curve are as iffy as they are.
Whatever it is that he thinks he is up to, it is very confusing for the rest of us who are out of the loop. Personally, I have other more compelling interests, but I would think a lot of his more rational supporters might be a little disturbed.
I mention all of the things I have mentioned... so far in this posting... because all of them are strange. All of them are exceedingly strange. Since I am a card-carrying member of Strange, I feel it is up to me to bring it to the attention of everyone else. We have entered the next phase of apocalypse and it will apply on every level of human action, and interaction. This is an especially good time to be on your toes; metaphorically speaking.
I have already referenced the fact that The Deep State and its affiliates are getting their licks in with an intensity I have not seen before. There has been no sunrise here in a week or more. The sunset is seldom visible. The last few days have been clouded over due to massive chemtrailing that is of much greater volume than ever before. Now I am told that the air quality here is... hazardous. We have never had anything like that in previous times. They have also been doing a lot of their chemtrailing at night.
Everything is out of wack. I usually get 4 to 5 thousand visitors to a video broadcast. This morning... three days after... there were only 170 at the time I began writing this post. A moment ago the numbers had doubled! Heh heh. It is neither here nor there to me, but there is almost nothing going on that is what I would call normal and there is a wide latitude in normal for a guy like me... who is not normal to begin with OR... rather let me say that I am normal, but very little otherwise would qualify. Things have REALLY turned around in these latter days.
I am really hoping that Trump does not start saying, "How very much I loved you, How very much I tried to give you a good life. Now drink the Kool-Aid brothers and sisters.” That is what Jim Jones is supposed to have stated (among other things) while he was conducting the mass suicide. I feel like that was what was going on in the last four years of the stolen election. If Trump had not won. This country would be toast, and I... likely... would be bound for The Far Reaches of Somewhere Else.
It's not like I am afraid of these people, I tend to look at them the way Alice looked at the characters in her psychedelic journey, but... I am not attracted to noise and confusion. I am not attracted to Excitement and Terror doing the tango in my section of The World. I tend to... especially of late... prefer to be at a greater remove from The Action. Looks like all those books I have been reading have finally had a telling effect on me.
Dear reader... do not despair. Better times are coming. However, you can expect a whole lot of gunfights at the Not-Okay Corral in the process of getting to those better times. I feel like I left a number of things out of this post, but... they elude me still. Just remember, God has got it all in hand and is directing it to his appointed ends, and... NO ONE is in a position to dispute the ways or the means to the certain outcome... already a reality on The Higher Planes, and...
End Transmission.......
Today's Song is;
The Rumble broadcast with James Jancik is still languishing at this location.
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Weather modification? We've been 15-20 degrees F. all cool season, and the summer was absolute HELL. If that ain't weather modification, what is? San Diego Winter temps in the Bay Area? It's also a bit on the dry side. They're nuking our weather systems. Hey! We're gonna get rain from the looks of the map, in two days, then the system's gone. Annoying.
I hate L.A.. Was it DEWed? Well, what ever. Seems like they've got it out for southern Cali. Cali in general. And in January? That is uber weird. Deliberate destruction, no doubt; from the news reports. Wonder if the Bay Area is gonna be hit again soon? We're just as dysfunctional as L.A. as far as I'm concerned. And isn't it interesting that insurance companies revoked fire insurance 4 months before this happens? What were they told?!
North Carolina, and the L.A. area. I wonder if any sprog are askin' their parents, IS THIS WHAT YOU HAD ME FOR? If any, the number is probably low, and if asked, I wonder what those parents think after that question is asked?
I think there is going to be a split. Nothing like this 3D/5D crap which makes no sense to me. After all, how can a physical 3D realm suddenly become something else? I think the idiots who seem to be incapable of thinking of consequences are gonna get roto-tilled, and those on the right side of history and capable of seeing how you should not live are gonna be OK, but I suspect by February it's gonna get kinda crazy. You implied in a previous post you see November as a high point of the drawing and quartering of what is, but me thinks that's gonna happen in stages. I kinda hope I'm off planet by November, but with my crappy luck I'll probably see next year.
Well, what ever. NOSTRILS TO THE SKY!
Worrying is using the imagination for things you don't want - so I don't - or at least try not to. As for the post - only you, Visible, can make the apocalyptic
experience a tad entertaining. Plus the fact that "one last thing" left me re-
assured that God knows what he's doing. Thanks much!
Oh, here's my "one last thing" - I just now listened to " I Don't Know Who I AM" -
loved it!!
Hey Visible!
Your latest featured song is haunting and the passion you evoke from a vocal avatar must be due to the melody and ?
Can you dial in the level of vocal intensity per phrase?
What producing skills you wield, on top of lyrical, melodic and harmonic excellence!
Stretching our strange detector all out of its former atrophied capacity!
We all have to become willing to live in wonder!
Normalcy has left the building
Rolling and rocking with the changes is becoming the required dance move
Can we observe the strange in calm serenity?
See the Hand directing the show for universal edification?
Appreciate the heart and courage of all those under public scrutiny?
This age is not for the faint of heart
(Cue Betty Davis line: "Old age ain't no place for sissies!")
All old souls here, despite infantile acting out on display
Hard truths shock soft minds
But the truth is far more loving than the slave-adopted lies leading to slaughter!
Worrying is using the imagination for things you don't want - so I don't - or at least try not to. As for the post - only you, Visible, can make the apocalyptic
experience a tad entertaining. Plus the fact that "one last thing" left me re-
assured that God knows what he's doing. Thanks much!
Well said, Priscilla!
A succinct way to get the operational manual into play by more players!
Showing HOW we use/misuse our creative power as living souls:
We can waste love making fear balls of smothering fire
We can make love into realities that raise earth, create joy of living water
IOW: Using our inner holodeck properly
The hard part?
Keeping the deck clear of all the injected waste products of parasites
HOLDING our image clearly and still enough to accumulate star dust and emerge into this plane
Nurturing our nascent image of some greater good until it can stand as chaos dies away
Until WE can stand on the Real and sway only to the cosmic choir rocking the Universal tune!
Robert; my part in the process is limited to specific areas. I write the content and I choose the medium of musical presentation. The software then adapts my preferences to possible outcomes and then I choose from among them or I keep on trying. This has been a great learning experience for me and my voice is improving also. (for some reason-grin)
Thanks for the clarification of the process!
A producer has to audition enough takes to select the best but can coach the talent directly toward the esthetic target
You must select from among machine learning outputs, whichever comes closest to your vision (or is that audivision?)
Your challenge is, can your patience and attention span hold out until the machine gives you a result that fits what your ear is after!
Glad to hear that your voice is getting exercised in the process!
Have you looked into using vocal tubes?
Straw phonation
Straw phonation in water
Water resistant voice therapy
Water resistant vocal training
Used in general vocal rehabilitation and for singers/voice over artists to safely warmup and exercise the cords
Has been useful for my voice
www dot vocaltubes dot com
I'm using Vocal Mist and I have the assurance of my mentor that it will be handled in time.
By the way, thanks for the penetrating insight and list of vocal options, I will look into them.
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