Monday, January 13, 2025

"All Those People with Money and Power... Die in States of Regret... Uncertainty... and Dread... Hooked Up to Machines."

God Poet Transmitting.......

I need to make something clearer to certain readers (or so it seems) about where I am coming from. I have already done this over... and over... and over, but... it just doesn't take with some people. What it is... is that God is in control... absolute control of everything at all times. I do not just believe this. I know this. It is one of the few things that I do know, and it influences everything I think... and say... and do. That is my measuring stick. That is my motivating mindset. Everything else is everything else.

Whether Trump is a scoundrel and he is going to let you down... whether he is corrupt and Musk too, and... all the rest of them... is not my concern because God is going to see to it that every one of them behaves according to The Purpose of Demonstration. PERIOD!

Good and bad are not my concerns either. There are two different types of angels and various orders of angels within each type. One type speaks to and advises The Carnal Mind. The other type addresses spiritual issues, although they are all spiritual issues; come to think of it. If you are going one way... you are guided by the one type. Otherwise, you attract the other. Think of the angel on one shoulder and the little red devil on the other... such as you see in cartoons.

My job here is to remind The Reader that God is real and to talk about that... to encourage the pursuit of Faith... Certitude, and Determination. Although I make mention of political and social scenarios... they are not my area of concern. All of that is incidental. Believing that Trump or anyone will alter the course of life apart from The Will of God is an unfortunate thing for the people who believe it.

I am not going to judge Trump or anyone else ahead of time. I do not believe in the long-winded conspiracy bullshit that some amount of you believe in. I believe in God. God is my conspiracy. Everything else... for me... is speculation... brainwashing... red herrings... disinfo... wild-eyed ravings, and almost none of you have got any hard cold facts about any of it. It's all something someone else said and you believe them. I believe almost nothing of what I see and hear, BUT... that's me.

I am told things and they always turn out to be true. Most of the time I keep them to myself. I'll stop hearing what I hear if I become indiscreet. Sometimes, I know things from simply paying attention and using my reason. As soon as I heard those high winds were coming to LA, I knew those fires were a given, and I knew they would be big because of the velocity of the winds. I also knew that Climate Crazies and The Deep State technicians would be the arsonists. That's just using reason and logic.

The insanity runs so deeply through Kalifornia that it is likely to keep getting worse. People are running around trying to set the sewers on fire. The levels of controlled incompetence are acts from The Theater of The Absurd.

Oregon sent 60 firetrucks and Sacramento stopped and impounded them because they did not have smog certificates.

The lessons not learned from this disaster... will not impact on the general trend of suicidal madness running wild. What can I say? Superfragileisthiscaliforniagotbroken.

Whatever the good and evil among us do; God is watching. God weaves these destinies into the story of life... according to The Purpose of Demonstration. Now LA looks like GAZA, and these are the people funding GAZA. It's a penetrating irony. The fires are a gut punch for DEI. The empty hydrants are like the military exercises going on when 9/11 happened. All the other false flags that have been taking place over the years... are part of a systematized takeover effort; a step-by-step progression of control tactics... employed by The Agenda Nazis... who want you face down in the dirt with your ass in the air. They want GAZA everywhere; not going to happen.

They will get some mixed results and... those in line for experiencing that side of it... will get what they have been asking for. Horrible shit goes on down here all the time. If you have scheduled an appointment with that dentist (Laurence Olivier) who wants to know; “is it safe?” is it safe?” You will be present for the interrogation. Others... like myself... have made other arrangements. We will not be seeing that dentist... or any of the other psychonauts... who are sailing the seas of terror... in search of some greater suffering on the part of whoever they run into.

That is the way of things DOWN HERE... during periods of The Kali Yuga. Most of the various periods that are now in the far and unremembered past... were much nicer, and times will be much nicer again. First, comes Judgment and Transition, along with The Summing Up and The Avatar. I know there are people who think that is a fantasy. History says otherwise... and occult history goes back much longer than our revised versions, BUT... believe what you like! We'll see.

The World programs a disconnect into every separated mind, which impresses on it the idea of free will, and uses systems of government and religion to enforce parameters of thought and behavior; meaning that you are only as free as they permit you to be and... if you are really set on being free... you had better get used to being an outlaw. I know this to be true. It has proven out in my own life.

The Truth of the matter is that The Inexplicable and Incomprehensible Divine is in complete control of everything, and... the only real freedom anyone can have is to align their thought and behavior with The Indwelling Singularity that is the all-in-all. It is conscious in every particle as well. We are not conscious in every part of our being, BUT... we can be... when we unite with The Divine and cease to exist as a separated mind, and... come into a harmonious accord with The One Mind. There is ONLY one mind. This has also been proven to be true... in my own life... as well.

Someone might say, “Sure, Visible. Where's the evidence of that?” The evidence is in the experience of it, and it is non-transferable. However, one can bring their entire world into alignment... by coming into alignment... without anyone being the wiser, and that can be a good thing; if you would prefer to avoid crucifixion... or being torn apart by The Mob... or running afoul of The Church and State. There is a reason certain individuals pass themselves off as simple and/or crazy. Something does not have to be demonstrable... on the sensory bandwidth... to be confirmed as being true. There are plenty of magicians running around... if that is your kind of thing.

Material success... visible expressions of money and power... are not evidence of what I am talking about. It is not surprising that so few people know about what is real and what is not... because they have taken the unreal to be their standard of verity. When I say things are upside down and backward, that is exactly what I mean.

All those people with money and power die in states of dread... uncertainty, and regret... hooked up to machines. They were never self-aware and they do not become so on their departure. There is a great mystery in life. All the holy books speak of it... each in their own way. There is a pathway out of The Mortal Realm, and... certain determined souls with the proper credentials find it in every generation. It does not make the newspapers or TV. That is in the other direction. I have met more than one person who was outside the common thoroughfares in this fashion. Others have too. Most who encounter them do not recognize them in passing. Those destined for the experience do recognize them.

What is happening in The World at this time is a much bigger deal than it seems. The groundwork is being laid for a monumental occurrence. Even so, most will not be able to identify or relate to it. I have mentioned the many super-highways that lead in all directions. All of them wind up in places where there are various concentrations of people drawn there through similarities of Karma and affinities in lifestyles, and the propensities for specific attractions. Every one of these areas... is further subdivided into neighborhoods... where there is a commonality of mind... even to the degrees of aggression that are present. This is all just surface musings upon a much deeper theme.

I've learned that The Personality is a prison and The Individuality is a boundless landscape in every direction. I find truth in the most surprising places. There was this TV series called Lucifer. I used to see it advertised for all the years that it was listed in the program guides. I told myself I would never watch it. I had the same reaction to Jesus Christ Superstar before I heard the album; that's a whole other story. Anyway... one day... for reasons unknown to me... I started watching it. Lucifer proved to be one of the most amazing series I ever saw. It started to fall apart in the last two seasons, as all of them seem to do, but... there were moments throughout that were pretty mind-blowing. I've watched it several times now.

It was network TV. Sometimes truth leaks through in surprising ways. I gained insight and wisdom from stone-cold killers and bad guys in prison/mental wards and the streets. Existence is a learning experience, and... either you do learn or you do not, and it will keep happening until you do. Sometimes I was a quick learner and sometimes I was not. These days, I am a quick learner... period.

The same thing has occurred in life with people who initially put me off, and... there have been many occasions when I saw that it was my own perspective that was limited. That's The Personality. The Individuality has no such limitations. It is all-embracing because it is all of it. This is what the great spiritual teachers have ALL agreed on in their own way. I watch very closely now. I pay attention.

One can only talk around these things. That is where parables and allegories come from. Just like the seeds that find fertile soil and those that land on stony ground... life does what it does, in a seemingly hit-or-miss fashion, but there's more to it. There is always more to it. That is why God set the whole thing up in the first place; to experience it through us and to surprise himself. He is a child in that regard.

God-impersonal... as The Macroprosopus... is one thing. God-personal is another and experiencing something is one thing, and reading about it... or hearing about it... is something else entirely. Either we adjust to existence or we mess with existence. Both sides are represented Out There, even though... behind it all... there is only the one thing. Some find it and most don't, though... eventually it does find them. It's a game of Hide-and-Seek and that... is pretty much (but not entirely) it, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Today's Song is;

(I just wrote this one a few days ago)

The Feet to The Fire broadcast is
still where it was last time.

(at one point there is an interruption and you have to just fast forward a tad. Inexplicably we were being messed with again and it ended the same way)

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Anonymous said...

I get a text from my oldest friend this weekend, says he was in the hospital after had a heart attack. It hit me really hard. I have tried to tell him for years what’s going on but for the last 45 years, he hasn’t put 2 and 2 together about vaccines natural health remedies and so on. He had a bout with cancer and went the slash and chemo route, now it’s a heart attack, I’m sure he is fully vaxxed. If you get your info from the lugenpress you are definitely, misinformed. You are right you can’t tell anyone about anything they have to learn for themselves.

Tried to watch “The Paasion of the Christ” yesterday but turned it off because it was too ugly. Somebody gave me 6 seasons of “Game of Thrones” I could only take about 10 minutes of the first episode.

Any how my faith certitude and determination waxes with the moon!



0 said...

And another Comet comes into view on Soho over the weekend. Currently on the further out blue display. Just about over the top of the sun Today.


Anonymous said...

Hallo Les! That song, Beautiful River is wonderfull, soothing and warm. Pardon my ignorance, but that is you singing, right? Your voice is so light, and young. It's been ages since I listened to you sing and your voice sounds clearer and stronger than before. Are you reverse-aging like that BenjaminButtons character ;) or is it that some things/people age better than most? Yeah, that's it:)

Hey, thanks for sharing that, and for this essay. Take care, am

P.S. Gonna sample some more later, ciao

0 said...

Finally getting to Reading todays post.

Being Aware of is not the same as Believing. Can't account for what ones not aware of. And if something shows up that wasn't being accounted for, the understanding has to be sought out regarding where such came from. (or at least thats how I tend to go about it.)

What happens happens. It is what it is, even if no understanding about any of it is had. Its the understanding that lets one Not Act when the world is trying to induce action of some sort.

Beyond that, the only one I can speak for being ok is myself. However it goes I'll be ok. It doesn't mean it will go OK for me, it means even if I am destroyed in ridiculous pain, its ok. It must have been what was needed for the All to have its way in this objective world of iterated forms. That I am at all, is due the alls drawing forth. (as are we all in varied ways and means.)

Its all ok.

Take it easy pal,

0 said...

That was a good one last thing. Almost like Gods there to Dupe individualities into acting badly and Enjoying that ride, just so in the next iteration of form, one is then indebted to the all and must do Better to make seeming amends. Interesting aspect being asserted huh.

Hard to split the hair of if its what God Wanted to Do versus just the individual instantiated doing what he wills while avoiding any other perspective but their own.

Sort of a "we have to let it happen, to take them to Account" which is sorta what the last 4 years+ has been... an allowing things to happen so they can take they who seemed to have done such to Account.

I wonder what one has to do to become a watcher. :P


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Yes, the things that cannot be talked about, or they go away. I know all about dat.

What's next? Fall of CCP? NYC? DC? All the major cities. . .of the world?

Well, what ever. This is another post that really tells it. Nostrils to the sky!

Visible said...


No, that's not me. I write the song and choose the presentation but the singing is AI. I'm glad because my voice was having problems and that is what provoked this happening when Patrick Willis introduced me to it. Glad you like it though!

Visible said...

Nobody; You watch,

In the process the watcher appears. It might take longer that most might like to wait or practice, but it does come about.

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is now up=

"A Remarkable and Intuitive Dance, Not Seen in a very Long Time, Now Begins With Promising Opening Movements."

0 said...

... and withold action yeah?

Action ends up forced by the circumstance of the context, if any needs to be taken at all. Lots of people watch, Few watch unbiased with the aim to understand without profiting self. (usually not realizing the profit to self is the understanding, not how to use the understanding to Get something.)

All good, for some reason it felt like you were talking to me so I took it more personally than I shoulda.

I don't believe in Anything. I either know or don't know and if I don't know, then I trust the All to sort it should it need to be.

But I do think one has to actively take as much in as possible for it to be localized to the individuated awareness housed in this iteration of form.

Take it easy Viz!

Visible said...


I do not know, specifically, what you are referring to, BUT if I comment to 0... Nobody... Gene, then it would be in answer to you. If I do not include such a salutation, it is not to you but in a general sense, regardless of how it might seem. I am very direct but my replies are almost always without emotion of any kind and are focused on the subject under discussion and not the personality. I realize it is a ticklish thing to navigate, but I try to do my best. (grin)



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The Sacred and The Profane

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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