Tuesday, December 10, 2024

"Woke is what Happens when Arrested Development goes South... Instead of Remaining Stranded in The Intersection."

God Poet Transmitting.......

Woke is a disease, like alcoholism and drug addiction, but it is more dangerous because you can recover from the other two, but woke is a patterned regressing, a series of incremental degenerative changes... that will eventually take you back to the place... where the creatures who first emerged from the water to live on the land... began to do so. It's a little awkward at first, BUT... you've been there before and it's kinda like having a script this time; which will come in handy when you advance to the state of reading and writing again... somewhere in the remote future.

Woke is very much like MS. MS is a mysterious and shadowy malady that attacks the nervous system through the spine. It can roll along for years... not getting better and not getting worse, and then suddenly getting much worse... seemingly overnight. Woke is exactly the same thing but... it attacks The Mind, and herein is the differential between the two afflictions. Woke is a disease of The Mind and the medical practitioners who operate in the area that deals with problems in The Mind... are the least equipped and capable of doing so because they know next to nothing about how The Mind really operates or even what it is.

If it were the brain then you might say there were definite parallels. However, it is not so. The Mind can and does operate through the brain, but it can also be operated independent of it. I'm not going to go any further with this because my understanding of The Mind is based on metaphysics... the understanding of which... divides the subject into two separate camps. Let me say... in this regard, and it is as close as I can get; Heraclitus weeps and Democritus laughs. Heraclitus weeps and Democritus laughs.

What I am trying to say will become more clear as we move further along.

There are two kinds of Madness. One of them is a requirement of the spiritual path at a certain point because... one comes to a place where Madness is a rite of passage, and unless one does go mad... one can go no further on the path. At that juncture... those who are unable to make the leap... veer off and become an academic... a pundit... an expert; someone who knows nothing about spiritual matters but is able to effectively confuse their audience... with bullshit sufficient to convince the audience... that they do know something, but... they can't tell you about it until you move further along under their guidance, which involves a great deal of time and a lot of money.

You might think of the whole process as an internship that never ends until you catch on. Woke is what happens when arrested development goes the wrong way, instead of remaining stranded in the intersection, which is the usual state of impasse.

Humanity is approaching a great divide that is going to funnel it in different directions. The Awakened are going one way and The Woke are going another. One will be riding a spiral that moves upward... and at a certain point... travels beyond the physical plane. The other is going to Crazy Town, and I am talking about a very large group of people in this case. These are the people who also cannot wait to be vaccinated... and take all of their social cues from Hollywood, and... consider green and purple hair with face masks a fashion statement.

Those on the spiral path are leaving The False Self behind and trending toward a return to sanity. Those on the other part are acquiring pathologies, and as they go... in some cases... the psychosomatic transforms into the psychopathic. First, your ears begin to wag without you telling them to. Then that part of the cheek under the eye starts twitching. Then you start to notice that the guy at the neighborhood deli... the postman... perhaps the pharmacist... is sending you harmful radio broadcasts, and... unless you do something about it... you're going to be abducted by aliens. It's only a matter of time.

If you went to school somewhere... a few years before this began to happen to you or... your family... friends... whoever it was that held up the net that kept you from contact with The Earth... suddenly let go and walked away... it's possible that you might have to do something about them. It's what those inner voices keep urging you toward.

Let's talk about the voices for a moment. Remember The Dial? The Dial also works like the dial on a radio or even a TV remote. There are a lot of frequencies and channels out there/in there, and if The Dial is set to all-day looping of Death Metal... or The Self-Harm Channel... sooner or later... the mood is going to be right for something.

It seems like it... somehow... all comes together by itself. Everything falls into place in a good way or a bad way, and then... sooner or later... when the forensic people get around to you, they're going to start looking at your early influences. Were your parents swingers who went to Boca at certain times of the year and left you with you with Auntie Wilber? Were they strict disciplinarians... operating from a distance between their hearts, and then your heart, and then... increasingly... more extended periods of isolation became a factor, and... you found yourself alienated from everyone?

I don't mean to be flippant here, but something was the driving force that made life appear like a video game in your head or... arranged for parts of your mind to start talking to one another as if they were separate entities. Usually, it starts with your parents because... they started shaping you before you were able to. The way I look at it... it was you, who... through the process of reincarnation... arranged to have those parents in the first place, BUT... I am not a brain-care specialist, nor do I do in-call... out-call emotional re-weaving. I generally tend to create invisible environments that... over time... can restore a degree of normalcy in you.

What are you saying, Visible? I'm saying that life tends to operate according to Monkey See... Monkey Do. We also rub off on each other, due to proximity and pecking orders, and that is where parents, friends... and early training periods come into play. You can reverse the effects of patterning by providing a location for it to unravel in. That's what I do without ever saying anything about it, (except for rare moments like this) and that is what anyone does who wants to make The World a better place. You go around BEING... acting... thinking... speaking in a reassuring and consistent manner and anyone who is around you starts becoming more like you. It's called being a good influence.

This is why... sooner or later... the conversation always turns to God with me. That is... God absent religion. Religion has screwed up far more people than drugs and alcohol and is often the cause of using them, to begin with. When I talk about taking direction or moving in a certain direction... according to certain rules of the road, I am never talking about religion.

If you want to find out how Woke comes about, start looking for Nanny-state infrastructures... helicopter parents, and bad educational systems. Here you will find also the source of all those little boys who become convinced that they are girls and girls who think they are boys... that is until massive advocacy groups start coming around with the intention of recruitment... to swell their numbers. They don't reproduce after all; do they? A lot of that starts with Mommy, cause Mommies are the part of the equation that gets most bent out of shape... when Nature...out of which IT all comes... by adaptation... gets all bent out of shape.

Here's the thing. Whenever The World is transitioning to a new state of being... most especially at the inception of a new age... things and conditions tend to get out of wack before they find the new groove and get back into wack. If you are already out of wack, to begin with, then... you often just ride with the current; the downside is that there are unpredictable aspects because... most of the time... what is going on with large bodies of water... is going on under the surface, and that means the possibilities of rip tides... undertows, and so on.

Another consideration is that when you are out of wack... everything around you will also appear to be out of wack... even if it is not actually out of wack. This is how Normal comes to be an endangered species. This is how what is not normal... and that means not healthy... starts to seem normal when it is not, and you adapt to it because your brain-care professionals tell you that living your own truth is the way to go. No such truth exists... however... and that means... you have a date in the future with obstructions you are unable to get over... under... or around. This causes a certain kind of brain freeze.

These brain freezes also happen when you have been an especially wicked or corrupt individual, like Mitch McConnell... or Joe Biden... or any one of those taking the rest of us down the garden path... who know nothing about gardening.

If you know people who are Woke or you want to do something about helping these people... while still not getting close enough for them to take a finger off or try to scratch your eyes out... simply go about your business with a sure and certain knowledge in the rightness of your direction, and... you will set up invisible slipstreams and tailwinds that are irresistible. If you are dedicated and devoted to this, you will find the whole world coming back into balance without your seeming to have had anything to do with it. It's how The Divine does it, so... of course... everyone following The Divine mirrors the action, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Today's Song is;

(you might want to read the explanation
below the song while you are there)

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Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Parents. I was dumped with grandmother and great grandmother until they were on the verge of transition. 6 odd years, thank the gods, sorta. Well, maybe not. I might not have survived to complain about survivin' if I was stuck with the psycho bitch I used to get here, though I must admit I was compelled to be the exact opposite of what she wanted to turn me into, which I am under the impression was. . .a predatory bimbo breeder cow like herself who only used sprog (necessary evils) to entrap sausage casings into legal hosts, better known as husbands. I passed. I like my freedom, sleep, standard of living, lack of gratuitous inconveniences too much.

I admit I've done some uber stupid thangs in me life. Gods, but not nearly as stupid as what does the majority. I suppose I had to do some of those stupid things to get to where I am now, which is a place that defies the conventional reality in a very good way; though of course I'm still dissatisfied with it, considering what I've seen during my NDE; which has me having arrived at the conclusion of, 'No matter how good it get's here, it's still the black hole of Calcutta as opposed to Seaview Terrace, which is 'there'. (Hey! I have gothic/steampunk tastes, Okaaaaaay?)

Try to make the world a better place? Huh! I can't stand it! Why should I? Not that I go out of my way to make it worse. I try to ignore it to the best of my ability, though I do interact with those that the fates have shoved down my throat in a good way, sometimes with hilarious consequences. All else, I see as a ratchet in the wheel that I try to avoid, except for what I have no choice in. After all, I have to shop, go to the credit union, do my 25 hours a week at work, give or take, plus those annoying holidays, but a nose has gotta do what a nose has gotta do.

Still, nostrils to the sky. Glad my self-imposed prison sentence is closer to coming to an end, with each day.

0 said...

You know I had a friend who treated his MS with oatmeal. Seemed to Work to reduce the symptoms. Something for any who suffer from that malady might give a try.


Anonymous said...

Mas and Mas Visible
even the title by itself is the essence of the follow-on content, like a good and congruent wrapping of the 'Christ-mass' gift under the tree, after the Santa had his cookies and milk.
Cheerful Love
GrizzlyBear hug

0 said...

The thought just occurred to me that the CEO murderer and his quick apprehension are likely being used to Scare Individual Minded Americans from taking similar action against individuals seated in the FED GOV for life.

Course given the current conditions of the Tax Payers, I doubt it will have the Effect they Expected it to have.

Reach out and Touch someone. Huh.


Visible said...

Something is really off about that whole thing.

0 said...

Do you remember that old "killroy was here" thing... has that sort of Feel to it... curiously was reminded of that after re-watching the old film "Kellys heros" last weekend... Will be curious to see where it goes.

Curious finding about his Back issues too. That sorta pain prevents ones rapid movements. Didn't see the spacer between the discs bridged with the plate and screws so he didn't get the gap restored... just fixed in place so it wouldn't further degrade. They put a disc between my vertebrae to restore the height and alleviate the compression of the nerves.

Guess we'll see what shakes out.

Anonymous said...

had a young woke come to the house when we were building a new barn he was selling solar systems in some gov scam. i spoke to him a little and i started breaking things down and showing him things to look at and his eyes opened he started thinking, maybe, then all of a sudden he is asking me if i was interested in talking to people maybe, then i pollitley excused myself that i needed to help with work and it was nice conversation. sometimes they can be reached. does anyone know about what happend during the last age changeover when everything including all the animals turned against the humans

Anonymous said...

Not post related but a recommended video for you and everyone else Les. OPERATION WARP SPEED EXPLAINED https://cairnsnews.org/2024/12/04/operation-warp-speed-explained-and-why-the-military-carried-it-out-defeating-the-nwo-and-who/

Anonymous said...

Dear Visible
Thank you once again, today you had me thinking with your first paragraphs more than usually. First it was this: “Let me say... in this regard, and it is as close as I can get; Heraclitus weeps and Democritus laughs. Heraclitus weeps and Democritus laughs.” Given that I am a student of ancient Greek philosophy since I am Greek and I love philosophy, I beg for a further explanation of this mysterious (for me that is) pronouncement. I feel there is something there but I cannot grasp it. Then you write “You can reverse the effects of patterning by providing a location for it to unravel in. That's what I do without ever saying anything about it, (except for rare moments like this) and that is what anyone does who wants to make The World a better place.” Where is this location you talk about, is it our “heart” as Christians would say or the solar plexus as some others would call the same center in us? A place where god’s love enters us and from which we can forgive everything and everyone just like our father forgives all of us? Including ourselves first and foremost? Certainly not the brain I would imagine! I really love it when someone makes me think, thank you for all you do and for making me think about spiritual things. And I also loved this sentence: “Those on the spiral path are leaving The False Self behind and trending toward a return to sanity.” What a trip!
A friend from Greece

Visible said...

Friend from Greece;

I will try to get to it in today's post. Otherwise I will do so in the comments.

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now=

"Personalities Die. The Individuality Does not Die. Nothing Dies, It All Changes... Except The Part that Does Not Change."



Joseph Brenner

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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