Monday, December 02, 2024

"Where were God and The Archetypes when The Usual Suspects were Poisoning Humanity with The Killer Vaccines?"

God Poet Transmitting.......

Once again, I am reminded of Trends and Patterns. Everything comes and goes in a Trend or a Pattern. There are patterns in trends and there are trends in patterns. What are they? They are the weaving of people and objects... through time and circumstance... in the lives of people coming and going. Every Trend and Pattern emerges from the vibration of an archetype... whether that be directly or indirectly... due to harmony or conflict occurring from the contact.

Archetypes set the standards and appearances of an age. When an age changes, then the manner in which an archetype presents and influences... changes as well. The archetype doesn't actually change. Its appearance and the general understanding of it changes... according to the tenor and temper of The Times. What does that mean? You ask? Well, Justice is an archetype, and there are more and less enlightened periods of time where the archetype is more or less veiled, and that would be the same with any archetype.

There was a thing called British Justice... a kind of cruel joke; mentioned as a kind of vile oxymoron. It was a euphemism for revenge... hearkening back to a time when a young child would be hanged for stealing a loaf of bread... a little before and around the time of Dickens.

The state of Justice in his era... led Dickens to write about it or... something did. I don't remember Chuck and I being friends so, I don't really know what his thought processes were. I'm reaching, yeah? Let's call it an informed guess.

If you think of Justice as a dancer... then certain dances were popular in certain times and the archetype of Justice was seen to be dancing through specific moves that were understood to be... the way things were done... in certain time periods. Justice was raised to a perverse art form during the reign of The Khans and The Roman periods of decadence... which proceeded during the long fall. People are still crucified here, but the mediums of application have changed.

So... Trends and Patterns... which are generated by archetypes, and perceived through social filters and the general mindset of the times... that they go radiating into, and weaving in and out of are... a thing... in constant presence; whether they are noticed or not. Just because you can't see something doesn't mean it isn't there. The Divine is the most telling example of this. The Divine surrounds and interpenetrates us, but most people just motor right by, never thinking about what makes it possible for the motor to go in the first place.

Mostly... we notice and don't notice Trends and Patterns all day long. We see and we don't see, and... often enough we might see but not recognize or understand what we are seeing. We just fall back on the common misidentification of everything because that is what everyone else says it is, but... solid things aren't solid, water isn't a solid mass, it's a bunch of drops presenting a unity of form that is misleading to the eye, and there is an entire world in every drop of water. It's one thing... until it is not, and then... it is one thing again.

This is The Petri Dish here, so... we talk about things like this, but... it is usually only a mechanism that provides another way to talk about God. I don't really care to talk about anything else. Nothing else interests or excites me. If someone says This... That... or The Other Thing is beautiful, I think... well... not as beautiful as God. Maybe they say something is unique... or wonderful... or amazing... or highly entertaining... or moving, BUT...

...none of it is as unique... or wonderful... or amazing... or highly entertaining... or moving as God is. Everything devolves... evolves... or revolves around The Divine for me. It doesn't matter what it might be... it all has to do with God, and I like that just fine. I foresee a day; in fact, I know it is a certainty... when it will be All-God 24/7. Sleeping and Waking will have merged into something else... some state of consciousness in which the social filters... and archetypes... trends and patterns or... whatever else... are just spokes rotating around the central hub of The Divine. Yes... they already do.

I shall see myself as a drop of water in an immeasurable ocean, and I WILL see myself as The Ocean and The Drop at the same time, though time itself will have retreated back into the foliage... seen from a distance... across a vast expanse... that no mortal mind can traverse, and I will have my companions on that distant shore, and... instead of hearing their laughter at a far reach, as I do now, when I can hear them at all, I will... instead... hear The World's noise and confusion from a far reach... when I can hear it at all.

This is the direction I have chosen to go in. The choices one can make are countless. In earlier times... when I might find myself on a many-laned highway... surrounded by other many-laned highways... above and below the lane I am in, and turning in cloverleaves... figure-8s leading in all directions... it was a confusion of so many ambitions and desires that... from what I could see... were always changing into something else as time went by. It all looked too temporary to me.

All these people. This vast sea of souls. They did not arrive here by accident, all of them at the same time. This should be a clue to the scale of the transformations coming in The Event Horizon, no matter what direction anyone thinks they have been going in.

Where do you go in this hashish dream of temporary complexity that will... eventually melt back into an enormity beyond the comprehension of any mind but The Makers? Everything revolves around something else; from the tiniest atom to the largest galaxies and they are all rotating. It gives a whole new meaning to the statement; rotate on this!

Everywhere I look, I see evidence of God... because everything existing in a state of separation can be traced back to God, if... one... chooses... to. Well, they say that God is Love. Love is the impetus to Unity, whether that be on the grossest or most refined level. So God must be what exists when there is no separation, and The Horned Presentation of the profane apprehension of The Divine must be what is present in the state of separation. What is the point one should take from this? Don't be separated. Rest in Unity and... you are there!

Be a uniter and not a divider. It's one thing when a mystic says it and quite another when a politician says it. Now we have Trump, but Trump is just a feature of the Trends and Patterns... emerging from the unity of the vibrating archetypes... in this period of time.

It's not about Trump. It's about all of us. Trump will be there but this is a global thing. The Spirit of God is moving through the heart of humanity, and everywhere you are going to see more and more of this.

A vibrating archetype is coming for every one of them.

Mr. Apocalypse is just such a vibrating archetype. Lady Awakening is also a vibrating archetype. They have a job to do, and I know that many of you have been wondering; where were these archetypes and where was God when The Usual Suspects were poisoning humanity with The Killer Vaccines at the behest of The Globalists?

Well... you have to realize... this whole production is on a grand scale and it stretches beyond the reach of any human life, so... at any given moment it may well not make any sense to any human mind. You have to see The Big Picture! How do you see The Big Picture when the best you can manage is The Panorama Lens?

That's where Faith enters in. You see, I KNOW that God is the essence of benevolence... compassion... and Love, so... I trust him. Whatever is going on... He is working it out. He REALLY IS WORKING IT OUT, and all of these cartoon elites are being guided and directed to a state of exposure they cannot finagle their way out of. Meanwhile... they are only playing a role as well. Someone has to be the bad guy. It is best for us not to focus on these miscreants, but instead... let us focus on ourselves... lest we become like them.

Someone once said that we should be very careful when pursuing monsters so that we do not become a monster in the process. I believe that to be true. People running around trying to enforce righteousness eventually turn into Inspector Javert, and that will lead you to a Hell of your own making.

People who adhere to Conventional Wisdom often get misled by misidentifying essential meanings. It's the kind of stupidity in logic that you see in medicine and science where there are terms like open heart surgery; what other kinds are there? Do they have closed heart surgery? What I am trying to say is impossible to say; at least for me at my level of expertise. I'm saying that it is and it isn't... at the same time... forever and always on this plane of operation, BUT! As above, so below, but... not exactly, and that's the point. It is like that... but it is different too, and that is a VERY important factor!

Here is a good take...

...from a specific perspective about what is and isn't according to who or what is presenting it... to the end of controlling how you think, and... it is a model of brevity, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

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Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Nostrils to the sky.

AL said...

"All these people. This vast sea of souls. They did not arrive here by accident, all of them at the same time."

Can you imagine the shear amount of data contained within just a small percentage of the karma being worked out by the billions of seen and unseen souls currently in house.

I sit and marvel at His mathematical prowess to administer that much complexity untold number of times per second. I have no use for justice nor the desire to see how it pans out for the bad actors. I only seek to see their work load discontinue so Great Spirits dreams for the next act can manifest sooner than later. It's gettin old and boring this old act of the play we're in.

Much Love my Brutha

0 said...

Dang, no Nuclear Thanksgiving.

XRP is on a tear with everywhere seemingly Suddenly Adopting it at once.

And still the samo samo.

Nevermind Anna von Reitz pretending being chosen by a black cat, same as evidently elon musk was, somehow marked her as being more than she or he is.

The lunacy continues.


Anonymous said...

Hi Visible and Friends,
I keep having the van Halen song from the 80's
Blasted from The Avatar- "Why can't this be Love"
"Coz, it's got what it takes!"
Faith is the substance of things unseen,
Never has there been a truer quote.
Love to one and all!

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now=

"Self-Interest is a Blinding Force; a Cart put before The Horse on Its Way to an Empty Field where Saturn is The Master."



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