God Poet Transmitting.......
Let's see; disturbing trends... disturbing trends... predictable patterns... bait and switch... badgers and pickpockets... oh! Here we are... similes, apophenia, and pareidolia. I knew I had seen this sort of thing before. My indexing and cross-referencing systems are not up to the standards of The Mind Palace Memory tactics. I tend to do things differently for some reason; not because I want to be different. Style is not under consideration when it comes to efficiency, and wanting to be different strikes me as lacking in necessary certitude from the get-go.
I have my own mnemonic devices. I think I inherited them OR... it's something my higher self uses and... I just happen to see it in action here and there. It's easy to get your various selves confused, given the mind's habit of playing tricks. Sorry! I'm digressing. Let's go back to where I knew I had seen this sort of thing before. We've all seen it. It's when camouflages and concealments are employed to specific ends. The human and animal kingdoms share some similarities when it comes to getting something to eat... sex, AND... dealing with danger.
Yes, sometimes you want something to look like something else, say... when a new administration is coming into power and the old administration was a pack of evil reptiles. All sorts of scams and diversions are employed for the purpose of covering one's tracks. Animals have little tricks like that, to throw a pursuer off of their scent.
Okay... we're 3 paragraphs in and working into a fourth, so... what's this all about, Viz? Well, my friends... it's about the drones in New Jersey, and now... other locations as well. Also... sometimes when you are shooting an insurance agent, it's not really about shooting that insurance agent. It's about creating a climate of uncertainty, which is what the climate emergency people are doing with the weather. Then you get pop-ups of people from a certain mindset... now out of favor... talking about how it's a good thing to shoot these people, None of this is by accident and that is my point.
I was getting there, people. The ones who presently rule over us. The ones we are not allowed to criticize, have a saying about how they do things. It's called, by way of deception. That's what those big words were about in the first paragraph... thing made to appear as other than what they are. Drones flying all over the place? Why hasn't law enforcement or the military shot down or netted any of them yet? Well... the obvious thing is that word has come down from on high to leave them alone. Do you think aliens would be behaving like that? They are usually the byword for subtle.
Usually when the tables are turned the same people are still sitting there. Appearances shift, but it's business as usual on the material plane... where the coin of the realm makes you master of the realm. That sort of thing is the very essence of short-sightedness where I come from. What's the point of being King for a Day... or a week... or ten years when you are just going to die? That is what happens to people whose mindset is focused on temporary things in the world of time.
The people... running the sideshow... that is The World of The Moment... are all magicians. They know how to use images... symbols... material attractions to imprison the mind and make it operate within certain parameters. They employ a form of herd instinct manipulation similar to the tactics used by people who work with livestock, AND... I assure you... they don't see you as anything more than livestock. Whether you live or die... whether you are comfortable along the way... none of that makes any difference to them. They are only concerned with turning a profit.
The people who owned the slave ships are still in the slavery business, but now they use musical programming... films... social media, and other consciousness-shaping devices to herd you one way and the other. It's not illegal. It's how capitalism works. It's a form of slavery and... Communism comes in... after you have become enslaved enough to be agreeable to it. You become a slave when you cease to be your own master. This can happen without you ever knowing it took place. I see examples in every direction I look in.
What's any of this got to do with drones? Drones are just the latest things. The Deep State who runs the government is using them to engineer public reaction as a preliminary to the next steps they are going to be taking. I haven't heard anything from the Trump camp. Have you? Here's a bunch of gobbledygook on drones that says a lot without saying anything at all.
How could they not know where they are coming from? That's big-time bullshit, but... when you have an ever-increasing amount of the population that is only concerned with getting to act like a cartoon character... life has... pretty much... become a video game for them.
The whole point of creating different camps of progressives and conservatives was in order to manage the tension between them. The point of legalizing all sexual behavior, and drugs; which are really important for manipulating identities... is more of the same. Then you throw in people who were intentionally imported... who brought their own culture with them... you get different types of clashing. Before you know it, the latest cookbook is about preparing household pets for the dinner table.
Drag Queen story hour is not something some woman in San Francisco came up with to promote reading AND diversity. It... like gangsta-rap... and pedophilia... are assembly-line sub-cultures that are 3-D printed into captive human minds for the purpose of enslavement. It's all about enslavement... within specific parameters... that connect to each other like soap bubbles.
Contrary to the bullshit that so many people believe, the music of the 60s was not created at Tavistock and other mind-control locations. There was a blossoming of creativity that came along and caught The Deep State of that time flat-footed. It was just like the original LSD from Sandoz and Owsley... and The Brotherhood of Love. What happened was that once it happened, then... THEN The Deep State got involved and that is when all the engineered bad acid showed up, and that was when speed, heroin, and crack cocaine flooded the culture.
I watched it all. I was an eye-witness. That is how the music turned to disco, cocaine became a thing, and the gay and metrosexual trends exploded into the culture. It was the same thing with MMDA. Before they made it illegal, it was a pet project of the California university system. It was being used to treat alcoholics and schizophrenics, as well as people with emotional disorders and it was a beautiful thing.
You can't get it now because Israel... the Kingdom of Satan on Earth... saw the possibilities of re-engineering it so as to influence sexual attractions. They cornered the market on it and flooded the planet with this programmed feel-good chemical that makes it seem perfectly alright to have sex with anyone or anything at any time.
I watched all of this take place, AND SO MUCH MORE. I knew what they were up to. I am watching it all now. I can see behind the artifice and deception they create. I watch them play off the blacks against the whites... straight against the alt.sex... old against the young... man against woman. Some of us can see what they are up to because we are connected to something outside of their range of awareness... something everlasting and eternal... something that really is in control of everything, and which just lets this all play out for... The Purpose of Demonstration.
Certain mentally-compromised conspiracy heads want us to believe that some all-powerful network of evil-doers... Masonic-Illuminati-corporation-owned-governmental-apparatus is in charge of everything and there... is... nothing... we... can... do... about... it. Bullshit! Utter bullshit! It's just a phase. These deluded... power-hungry... perversity junkies come and go. They might could do you some harm, if... you buy into their bullshit. If you believe their smoke-and-mirrors nonsense and woo-woo about how nobody knows nuffin bout no drones or... anything else. Then you might have a problem, but...
...the smart money, the only currency worth anything... because it is cross-platform, and you can use it in Heaven... as well as on Earth, and which has a get-out-of-Hell clause built into the power to flash it... before the eyes of all the door wardens... of every kingdom of being; that money is on the power that powers The Sun and every star. That money is on Ageless Wisdom, which is a mindset that transcends all earthly conditions, and it is a magic carpet that will take you anywhere you might... really... want to go. This ALSO... I have witnessed and do witness, and I know... for a fact... that greater is that which is in me than that which is in The World.
So... feel free to believe that they don't know where these drones are coming from; what if they're holograms? It's just one more step in the effort to soften you up... to get you to believe whatever is going to be in the next ration of shit they feel like sending your way. It's got nothing to do with me, and sooner or later, a certain something is going to start to dawn on their minds, and then... they are going to have a lot more than they can handle. Oh yes... watch for it, and...
... one last thing.
“Beautiful things happen when you distance yourself from negativity.” pic.twitter.com/BgAbzGmlY7
— The Mindfulness Meditation Institute (@TrainingMindful) December 12, 2024
End Transmission.......
Today's Song is;
Links appear at GAB=
Substack is here=
We've been on X for a bit now too.
(this makes it less possible to get shut down)=
A new Petri Dish is up now=
— Les Visible (@visible_les) December 13, 2024
"They are Assembly-Line Subcultures 3-D Printed Into Captive Human Minds for The Purpose of Enslavement." https://t.co/FXWFHXK7ns
Agree 100%. The drones, Luigi whomever, Syria,etc etc etc. Now even hip boots are not enough protection any more. We need a full suited Hazmat suit. I feel blessed . I was sent to catholic school from grade 1 to 6 until I finally flat out refused to attend any longer .My point you ask? Even my 6 yr old to 12 yr old brain knew this place was complete bs even if I did not yet have the vocabulary to express it or enough wisdom to gather my thoughts into why I knew this. I just felt it in my gut, Just like the vax all these years later along with so many innumerable events that have taken place in my lifetime.. my gut knew it,I suppose I came into this world wearing a tin foil hat which turned out to be a very important gift. Anyway 🎶The Beat goes on🎶. hoping soon its a choir of angels.
A comment or two about my childhood, it was a series of beatings followed by psychological abuse, which set me up for a lifetime of self loathing and self sabotage.
After college I continued to read philosophy and the most useful thing I read was by Nietzsche,”if you don’t face the truth about yourself, your issues will find subterranean outlets.” I meditated on this and took it to heart. The first time I did this, I felt like I was cured. I continued for a few years. Then later when my abuser was dying of stomach cancer, I watched as he badmouthed my maternal Grandfather, who at 13 became the man of his family and farmed well enough to raise 12 brothers and sisters. My abuser tried to take every one who had helped with him, I could see that this was the same thing he had done to me. I saw a little selfish snarling chihuahua. It was pathetic.
I have been working on this for decades and came to the point where I was actually not self sabotaging any more, and have learned to life by the faith of my convictions.
Awesome week of posts!
My faith, certitude, and determination waxes with the moon!
Not related directly to this post, but look what I found:
Billy Carson - The Dark Side of the Bible | What They Don't Want You to Know!
Now, back to the post. It makes me glad I go out of my way to be one of the worst consumers out there via minimalism. Also, there is a way to fight back that could bring a lot of the system down. Go against the status quo. If they want you to do something, don't. Go all out cost effective pragmatist. Do as little as possible for the system. Starve it. I've lived my whole life sans credit card, cell phone, new car, stupid overpriced clothes labels, am 62 and on no pharma drugs, avoid allopathic garbage (That goes for both drugs AND doctors.) like rabid honey badgers, and the list goes on.
I'm also avoiding all the stupid drone news. Might as well read David Booth, by any other name. Not gonna happen.
Nostrils to the sky.
Joe; we have a similar history. Mine was exceedingly brutal, physically and psychologically. I made peace with all that. I am convinced that what happened was necessary for me to be the man I am today. I regret nothing, except my own stupidity here and there, and even that is fading. Anything like that tries to get in my head and mess with me, I evict it right off.
"The whole point of creating different camps of progressives and conservatives was in order to manage the tension between them."
Nailed it.
This is why one be-comes whole. If ones whole, one can hold the disparate tensions of extremes in self without polarizing until one Wills which way to polarize and that knowing comes in the moment that is the Now.
Most people don't seem to realize you can hear or see things without Taking them to heart and having to Do anything about any of it. Stillness and consistency cause Others to step into Action roles and they enact that which needs happening without on lifting a finger... tho should they show up on the doorstep, more than a finger will be lifted. :)
Enjoy the wReckoning!
Heh heh. God has told me, more times than I can count or remember. "My job is to take care of The Details... ALL OF THEM! Your job is to let me do this. Your main job is to permit me to handle everything and to rely on me at all times. Your job is also to pay attention, and especially pay attention to relying on me. Also... you are to stand guard in the mind and follow The Greatest Commandment, which you have had no difficulty with. That pretty much sums it up."
Trump is going to save us. He actually will be a large part of the demolition event on the horizon. He works for one faction of the deep state I mean there are several vying for position with equal portions of shit to dump on the population in several forms or another. They have differing opinions on how to rule the world and how to play the plebs to get there from here.
Trumps just looking to save his kids not America nor anyone else. He's the false hope card lulling reasonably intelligent folks into thinking he will save them. What he will do is implode the big guv and begin the cascade of smaller yet larger guvs of various states until nothing remains but small local guvs as it should be. This will be a global phenomena because the world simply will not change with big .guv, big ag, big pharma, big med, big business etc still in well, business.
Nothing of lasting value can change with any part of the status quo still in place so look for that to change even with the best laid plans of mice and kabalists.
Have a great weekend Vis!
Les, been a while.
Within every single apple seed holds the potential for a thousand thousand orchards. Within every miracle holds the potential for a thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand miracles.
I have my own site now. I have been, creating. I don't concern myself so much with what the other kingdom is doing. I'm busy being about The One Kingdom.
Have you ever heard how the city of Seattle started? in 1851, 25 adults and 25 children landed on the shores of Alki beach. That simple first step of faith created the future home for over 2 million people in King County alone. The future home of Boeing, Micrsoft, Starbucks Coffee, Google, Cray computers and Amazon to mention a few. It became a place of countless love stories never told, countless dances and countless smiles, babies being born.
When those 25 adults and 25 children stepped on the shore that day in 1851 they had no idea what awaited them in the tree line past the shore. They couldn't run down to store and pick up a bag of funyuns. In their wildest dreams and imaginations, they could not fathom automobiles, jet planes, computers, high rises and high-speed rail systems.
and yet that simple act of faith produced all that 173 years later. Within every single apple seed holds the potential for a thousand thousand orchards.
Even the Garden of Eden started with a seed. The word of the Spirit.
It is all the same Spirit expressed in different forms. The Entire Constitution of the Gospels is the uninterrupted series of miracles.
Good to see your words again Vis.
Mountain Dude. :)
I forwarded this to Reader's Digest
A new Visible Origami is up now=
"When Life's on Your Side, You Can Let it Ride, and Win The Game of Drones on The Sword Throne of Sorrow in The Casino"
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