Monday, December 23, 2024

"The Reason Everything is Grim at The Moment is Because The Falling Kingdom of Darkness is Getting its Last Licks In."

God Poet Transmitting.......

I'll tell you what I don't understand. Instead of complaining about the dying media, which is going down faster than Kamala Harris on a political opportunity; instead of having to try to dry scrape barnacles and leeches from the blood-soaked walls of Congress; instead of trying to cut deals with backstabbers just waiting for you to turn around; why not take everything before the eyes of the public?

Use The Bully Pulpit!!! Everyone who is a multi-millionaire... while serving in Congress... who wasn't that way going in... should be investigated and their level of wealth announced at The Bully Pulpit. Musk says we are the media now; take your own observations and advice and build The Bully Pulpit in front of you in whatever direction you choose to travel in. This is what the incoming administration needs to do.

Do you think it was an accident, a whim of fate, that Musk bought Twitter and then it became X? Do you think it was just one of those things that Trump and Musk just gravitated toward each other? Well... on the one hand... the same skells were after both of them. Bad Guys ALWAYS create the people who bring them down.

Build The Bully Pulpit like a cellphone... selfie extender. Wherever you turn... The World will be looking at you; here's a clue, it... already... is. Donald Trump and his agents of change need to continue to use what they have used so effectively to rouse the public and... win, and... they need to stop worrying about their obvious enemies and start cleaning the castle of the enemies already inside the gates of the castle. The real problem is the people pretending to be their friends who shaft them just out of the range of sight and hearing.

The Rhinos and other fellow travelers need to be sent to the safari camps. Then people can drive through and observe them in their unnatural habitat.

People with splintered mind disorder, AKA- separated mind syndrome... will look at The World and say to themselves, Oh look! So and so is doing this here, and someone else is doing that there, and then there's some guy in Egypt... and some guy in Russia. They are all influencing The Hive Mind in the direction of one great change or another; like Musk over there, Tucker over here, and Trump... Tulsi, and Ramaswamy in a pear tree, as if they were all independent operators, BUT... they are not.

Unbeknownst to them... for the most part... they are all fingers on The Hand of God...extending from and upon so many other bodies, and minds... being played like pianos... by The Will of God... to a common end. Everyone is being played by The Will of God. Everyone is serving The Will of God at all times. If they are resisting it... they are still serving it. If they are not resisting it they are serving it. If they are clued in or clueless they are still serving The Will of God. EVERYTHING is serving The Will of God at all times... BECAUSE... The Divine is The Alpha and Omega; do the math on that dynamic.

Sometimes it hurts. This is because you are resisting. Sometimes it feels good... because you are not resisting. I do not mean Carnal Town feel-good. You are either riding The Wind or The Wind is battering you. You are surfing on The Force of Change or you are swimming against the currents of The Force of Change. It is a simple matter that The Mind does not see because The Mind has its own agenda, and that is also serving The Will of God. The Mind... in a state of separation from The One Mind... as it is moving through time... is like any one of countless particles of iron... scattered all about as a magnet... AKA- The Divine Unity... moves through them.

That is life... as seen through time-lapse photography... over the course of many lifetimes. Why do the times seem so grim? The Crumbling Empire of Darkness is getting its last licks in before it fades away entirely. A shadow looks the biggest in the moments before it begins to fade.

Try to set aside your fanciful notions of what God is... just for a moment. Remove the idea of religion from the equation entirely. God is a REAL and LIVING presence. Operate independent of this thought to your peril. Go with it or go against it. Those are your choices, and in between each of these two options lie the degrees of The Dial. You are moving... tick by tick... either toward greater cooperation or greater resistance. No one... but God... is standing still. You are constantly being renewed... made flexible and vibrant OR... you are getting old... fixed and... hard, on... your... way... out and in... in and out, etc.

I am not saying that Trump and his crew are The Good Guys. I am saying that compared to The Other Guys, Yes! They are The Good Guys of the moment. My friends... you need to get true perspective. You have to see that The Divine underlies and is behind all appearances and that The Devil (so far as there is one) is in The Appearances; the constantly changing and perpetually bewildering appearances of The Card Shark World. The Devil is The Mind engaged in the manipulation of appearances. It's a common sorcery that all carnal intellects engage in... with and without thinking about it.

Elizabeth gets more into The Details. If you want more of The Details you can read her latest article. I work with The Big Picture, and The Big Picture says that God is in control of everything so... why... not... adjust... to... that? How do you adjust to that? Take Love as your basis of expression, and then take Harmony as your basic objective in everything you do. Let Love empower... guide and direct you, and then let Harmony be your intention. Adjust to everything and everything will adjust to you.

God brings things into balance simply because God is That Which Sets in Order. Imitate and emulate that.

Go lower than the low and everything will flow down and into you. Do not resist or grab hold of anything, and everything will flow right through and around you. Go low and stay low and everything else will lift you up. It's Physics... people. It is Math. Everything in The Cosmos is mathematically based.

I have used this image before. Let me use it again. Look at The Himalayas... The Andes... The Alps... any mountain range that winds up ringed in snow every winter and sometimes the year around. Nothing grows up there but snow (grin) and rock. Yes... rock grows. You can hear it growing... if your ears are properly adjusted, and you live on Cold Mountain; Cold Mountain being a state of mind.

Okay. When the snow on the mountain melts... it runs down through the ravines and channels in the rock of the mountain (that have been carved there by previous runs of melting snow) and it sweeps through the valleys and floods the areas with the life-giving waters, and then what happens? Nature responds and a riot of color and life appears. So... the icy mathematical aspect of life melts... and runs down the mountain and becomes all the colors and forms of existence.

That is literally how it works according to every example you can think of. It is yet another permutation of... as above so below, where an idea suddenly appears... then moves down a stage to where it assumes a form... then it moves down to the stage where it gets constructed (however that comes about), and then you have the thing itself. It's four steps that everything coming into being must pass through, and you can make things come into being the same way. It's what everyone is trying to do all the time anyway, and... often... badly. The World is filled with clumsy and ham-handed magicians.

However... if you let the magic pass through you and do not taint it with personal will... you will... literally... see The Will of God in action. What is the supreme magic? The Supreme magic is impersonal love, a love based only on giving with no thought of return; like The Sun.

Trump and all the rest who will follow after are not themselves the initiators of what is coming. The Will of God is the initiator. They are simply in line with it for the moment. Change has become necessary because a few grasping materialists have thrown The World out of balance and also infected the minds of many others, AND... a new age is in The Event Horizon, AND... The Avatar is here. I am not saying what stage of manifestation he is at, I do not know that. I do know that his influence is active. I am experiencing it, and I am not alone in that regard.

The Avatar... every avatar... comes through The Sun. From the nameless and formless... in direct descent... The First Emanation of God proceeds to The Sun and then into materialization. We have our seasons here, and God has his greater seasons overall If you want to know what is going on with The Avatar, I suggest you commune with The Sun because... The Sun would know. Once again, it is a matter of degrees on The Dial, and you have to come into a harmonization with The Mind of The Sun... in order to read what is there. This is why sages, mystics, and masters have communed with The Rising and Setting Sun for ages beyond counting.

The Sun is within the secret chambers of your heart. Everything outside of you is... literally... inside of you. You are actually made from The Sun. Your body is sunlight... frozen in form. Everything material here is sunlight in extension, and... last thing.

End Transmission.......

Today's Song is;

The Victory Goes to Love

Links appear at GAB=


We've been on X for a bit now too. (this makes it less possible to get shut down)=

Substack is here


M - said...

No matter where you give or how you give, it’s the giving that matters. It all comes back around... Who you save saves you, as well.

Anonymous said...

Great post today! I really needed it.

The holiday season really get me down. My brother was born in October and was killed in a car crash when he was 17. My son was born in December and he has spoken to me in years.

Anyhow onward and upward Deus vult!

It is already better.



Anonymous said...

Hey Vis, hey All, my guests have arrived so I don't know if I'll be able read the blog the next few days. I want to thank you all and wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!

Much love


0 said...

Great one last thing. It tears me up seeing people be Good to each other like that.

Merry Christmas to you Les and the crew here in the comments.

As bill and ted would say, Be Good to each other.




Joseph Brenner

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