Tuesday, December 31, 2024

"The Bigger The Limos... The Bigger The Assholes Sitting or Lying in Them, and The Same Goes for The Funerals as Well."

God Poet Transmitting.......

They are hammering the big drums of Hell. Preparations are being made for special guests... long awaited. Elaborate ceremonies are in the planning stage. There are waves of excitement in the fetid and fiery air of The Pit.

Back on Earth... the preliminaries have been set in motion. Funeral arrangements are made way in advance for The Big Ticket Items, and... as we have been fond of saying at Petri Dish, Lo! These many years; the bigger the limousines... the bigger the assholes sitting or lying in them, and the same goes for the funerals as well.

The reviews for Satanyahu's hospital visit are mixed.

When THEY say it was only routine and everything was fine, you can be sure they are lying. When they tell you they had to remove a prostate due to a urinary infection... you can be certain there is more to it. The man without a heart is on his way out. Well... one might say we are all on our way out. I tend to say that it is just another stage of The Old In and Out... as it applies to the enduring courtship between Life and Death; two of the biggest players in La Grande Illusion.

This is a remarkable year coming. According to the numbers, this is a most unusual year coming. You'll see mention of that at the very end, (of the post; not the year) but it will have to remain inconclusive until it happens, just as it will for Satanyahu... Wild Bilious Gates...

...and another of Satan's main reps on Earth, George Soros or... Little Georgie Sorrows as we like to call him here. All three of these bipedal Gila Monsters have dates with destiny in the coming year. Death is going to be the least of their concerns. The Wheels of Justice are getting refurbished in order to... grind (most especially) exceedingly small.

Ah! The Coming Year. Is it deja vu or did I actually use that term already? The Mind plays tricks as we also advance toward our own stretch of destiny-latticed time... in the coming year.

If you think Chinese Algebra is hard, wait till you take a look into Numerology. It's not that it is all that difficult. The problem is the legions of deer ticks making a living off of it. If you go to the ancients... you can get a simple view of basic meanings. Let's be as basic as basic can be; this is a 9-year coming and 9 is the number of completion... transformation... closure applies (except when it doesn't). In the same way, the number 1 implies beginnings. From this you can just extrapolate out as far as the eye can see; keeping in mind that... usually... the eye only sees what it wants to see.

Maybe we should look a little deeper into that last statement; the eye only sees what it wants to see. Therein lies the basic (there's that word again) problem for EVERYONE. What good is the truth to anyone if almost no one wants to see it? The meaning of life... the answer to all problems... the sine qua non of existence is right in front of us... hiding in plain sight, all... the... time. How come no one seems able to see it? That is the question to be asking.

That is the fundamental curiosity of The Human Condition. I can see things now that were completely obscured to me at earlier times. Through the use of the Socratic Method, I know that most people do not see what is inescapably present to me, and I cannot tell them what it is... in a way that they can understand. It can't be done. Either you know or you don't and... you still don't. Just as sure as I am of what I can see... metaphorically speaking... I am also just as certain that there is a great deal more that I do not see... because I am familiar with people who can see what I cannot (yet) see. They don't know either.

If there is so much that we do not know, then... what is the difference between one who is wise and one who is a fool? It turns out that there are things you can know and things you cannot know and a wise person knows what they are and a fool does not. Also... a fool is usually rash and... a wise person is usually restrained. This seems to indicate that a wise person has control of themselves and a fool does not. This is why it is said; fools rush in.... yadda yadda.

So... it seems that you can know yourself, and the implication in that is... that if you know yourself... you are then able to know others. It appears that by knowing yourself... really knowing yourself... all manner of other things can be known, by extension... so to speak.

Every day, and for years now without a single exception, I read passages from The Bhagavad Gita... translated by Eknath Easwaran and The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Charles Johnston. I have read them many... many times over by now. I have listened to them being read many... many times as well. I used to do the same with The Way to The Kingdom and various other works. I have read everything that Mikhail Aivanhov and Vivekananda have produced several times over. Books have been a source of continuous inspiration to me for a very long time.

Why would I read the same thing again... and again... and again? I call it Imprinting. It is like branding. I am writing deep groves into The Mind. Below my conscious mind is my subconscious mind. My subconscious mind takes these imprints and develops them further. It... is...a... process. I am deadly serious about what I do. By now... the impetus for me to do what I do is stronger than my ability to resist doing it.

Eventually, those grooves became a fast track... down which another form of information... not written in books... could flow to me, and... as the grooves got deeper and wider... the flow became more constant and the force of it stronger.

We are ALL doing our versions of this. Depending on what each of us includes in this process; we are getting good results... bad results and... mixed results. I don't think I need to say any more about this. Those paying attention will get what I am saying. Otherwise, it will make no difference.

Everything we think and... say, and... do... has a future. Part of that future is written into our nature... kind of like the caterpillar... to the chrysalis... to the butterfly or... the animal... to the human... to the angel. There is more to it, depending on your level of cooperation, and there is still even more to that. You find this out by looking and continuing to look, and by looking harder, longer... and with more focus... until... until whatever.

Our works have a destiny. Satanyahu, Bilious Gates, and Little Georgie Soros (Rothschild frontman extraordinaire) have a destiny. It can be clearly seen what these destinies are... by applications of methods... already mentioned. This should be quite a year for all of them. I mention these three, but there are more. This is also going to be quite a year for The Usual Suspects as a group. Think of it as being like harvest time.

Especially in Times of Material Darkness, Humanity and The Hive Mind tend to get into ruts. These ruts are like the grooves I mentioned only... they happen in an unconscious fashion... as opposed to the conscious act of making grooves. So... most especially in times of transition from one age to another, Humanity... en masse... must be shaken out of its shoes because of the blinders it has manufactured as a result of the ruts it is in.

This can be a painful affair OR... it can range all the way to being rather pleasant; freeing... is a word that comes to mind. It's all determined by levels... of... attachment. It WILL happen regardless! It can't be gotten around or avoided. It is a necessary passage. You might think of it in a scene from the old days... when grandmother makes you take a spoonful of Castor Oil. It's good for you!

I realize that many people have given up expecting The World to change, which is rather foolish because the basic nature of The World is... change. I thought it was going to change dramatically some decades ago. I suppose it did, but... not in the ways I was expecting it to, BUT... that turns out to be okay because... regardless... I changed.

Yes... many have come to the conclusion that it's not going to get any better because all of their short-term hopes keep turning into long-term disappointments. Don't let yourself get lulled into a state of depressed complacency. I cannot find the ways and means necessary to impress upon the reader how strongly I mean the things I am saying. I am quite convinced of them. I do not have The Details. That is not my department, but I have a pretty good picture. Keeping in mind that it is going to turn out differently for different people, like the poster boys and their minions I have already referenced several times.

It is what it is AND... it is most definitely going to be what it is. That's a given. Over the long course of time and evolution... it is going to work out for everyone... according to how it works out, if you catch my drift. I'll see you on the rebound because it ALWAYS rebounds; that's how it works, and there is nothing you can do about that except to control the direction of the rebounds. That factor is in your hands, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Today's Song is;

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We've been on X for a bit now too.

(this makes it less possible to get shut down)=

Substack is here=


AL said...

"Humanity... en masse... must be shaken out of its shoes because of the blinders it has manufactured as a result of the ruts it is in."

Indeed it must be done which must somehow include a lessening of distractions of the day to day kind. Novid19 harnessed some of that shakemup energy so I'm wondering what comes next, dunno but it will be all encompassing to achieve it's goal. Financial meltdown, illegal immigrant wars, lack of food wars, lack of medical care wars, government corruption wars, war wars, alien invasion psyops with so many at the table it's hard to say what combination gets played but something will.
The Divine is placing everyone where they will be most effective at change towards "Hey stupid, I'm God and it's time you pay attention to what I want" coming down the line.
I'm hoping it will be a more personal approach so as we need not go the madmax route wholesale.

In any case much Love Brutha and have a happy new year. I don't celebrate it now myself but look more towards March 20th for the new year to begin.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Gods, I hope I can leave the planet next year. Anyway, I found a really cool, awesome link that I totally GROK!

The Gnostic Story of JESUS: What You Were Never Told


He's a teacher here to set us free, not a saviour; which made no sense to me. I mean one individual taking responsibility for all of humanity's evils? WTF? Don't theenk so. I also don't think he was crucified. The bible was so corrupted, who knows what's what?


Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now=

"And You Try So Hard to Gain a Stable Purchase in a World of Temporary Things. You See that This is Impossible, Yes?"



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