God Poet Transmitting.......
Well... now we know the real reason that Matt Gaetz had to withdraw his nomination.
— Truth_teller 🇷🇺 (@Truthtellerftm) November 14, 2024
✡️ Florida congressman Matt Gaetz is shedding light into the influence of Israeli operatives and the depth of corruption in the US government.
✡️ Gaetz holds that he and his father, Don Gaetz, are being… pic.twitter.com/t2t04rA7C1
It's always the same thing, isn't it? That is... until it isn't... because... this is a world of change and that means Change comes to every permutation of form... no matter what it may be. I am fond of saying; kingdoms rise and kingdoms fall. I know all kinds of different ways to say that. It's like Ozymandias and The Second Coming walk into a bar and everything in the bar... including the bar... is in a shape-shifting mode... rising and falling like a sex act that never ends... just an endless symmetry of motion... exemplifying The Cosmic Process.
For decades... ever since they invaded Palestine... the AshkeNAZI Klingons have been working to displace the original inhabitants. First they... besides outright murder and exile... herded them into smaller and smaller apartheid sectors.

Finally... they came up with a plan to foment a Marvel Comic invasion by the desperate residents of the largest and most densely populated concentration camp on the face of The Earth.
They came in on hang gliders, and since the place they arrived at was hosting a rave, they even had a soundtrack. Remember the helicopters coming from the sea in Apocalypse Now? This was more of a Nickelodeon cartoon. Then... shortly after the hang gliders landed... Israeli gunships and tanks showed up and started machine-gunning all the Molly Zombies. They killed hundreds and then blamed it on the hang gliders.
We are told that a certain amount of hostages were taken. Time passed and most of the hostages that got released or rescued did not have horror stories about the treatment they received, not like the Palestinian men... women, and children... who are routinely snatched from the streets, and then tortured... raped... and killed in the most vile fashion, and... many... many times more of them than the number of the hostages.
So then... because a full-blown psychopath was in control of the nation of Israel... which is generally always the case, and because the jackal's share of the Israelis wants every Palestinian exterminated... they went on a crusade of totally destroying every Palestinian town... every hospital and orphanage; orphanages are a growth industry in Gaza. They did so many bad things, I could not possibly list all of them and still have room to write about it, AND... they are still doing it and The World is still letting them do it.
Yes... this is one of the most horrible acts of genocide ever committed, at least since they did similar things in Soviet Russia... Ukraine... Armenia, and other locations. They have quite a history of this kind of behavior. They are very busy people. You have to ask yourself; where do they find the time? I say this because they are also destroying Western Culture in Europe... The Crown Colonies and America... through their financing of the migration of hordes of people from the poorest nations on Earth.
This they are doing to create a controlled voting block that will eventually allow them to manifest Communist states around The World, and they will never have to worry about anyone voting again. They are looking to finish the job that they were unable to complete in Russia and other locations at other times.
The thing is though, what has really been happening... with their latest escapade... of wiping The Palestinian People from the face of The Earth... is that they are exposing their real nature to the eyes of The World, and... everyone now knows what they are like and what they are up to. Slowly, but surely... their holocaust fabrication, which gave them decades of protected-victim status... is being exposed as a lie. Their role in the 9/11 attack is being exposed, and their control of The World's finances... through their international gangster-banker cartel is also being exposed.
There is a power that is generated by The Hive Mind... when enough of that mind has been informed about something... and a reaction is generated in that collective consciousness... it begins to effect changes in The World of Form by mysterious means, and there is no way for anyone to protect or redeem themselves... in the eyes of others... once the truth about their crimes has been revealed.
Now it is a steady series of unveilings and revelations... consistently appearing through various portals of media that they no longer control. They had the flow of information contained and manipulated for a long time. However... there are forces in The World that are much older than they are. These forces maintain order and permit disorder... for The Purpose of Demonstration, and the time has now come for them to be brought up for judgment and nothing is going to stop it.
Lies and confusion have been the order of the day for a long time now. No matter how many times the tables were turned... in the aftermath... the same people were still sitting there. They had foundations and counterfeiting scams that convinced everyone else that they had better go along to get along. All of their schemes and machinations are now breaking down because an authority much more powerful than temporal authority has decided it is time for a change.
A new age is coming into play and the playing field is going to be adjusted; is being adjusted... to facilitate a new way of doing business for the benefit of all. A series of waves are about to break upon the shores of human consciousness and foment a spiritual revival like nothing that has been seen in a very long time. It began at the turn of the last century and that was compromised. The second wave came in the 60s and that was compromised. Now... another wave is coming and this one will not be compromised, and it might have to do with the third time being the charm, and... it might have to do with a divine personality coming down from The Sun.
Whenever a great change is getting ready to visit this world... there are disturbances on the surface of The Sun. Everything that happens here comes from The Sun. Everything that made anything possible here in the first place came through The Sun... from another sun too bright to see... that was itself... simply another portal for transforming force... at a truly incomprehensible level.
That force is upon us again now. For the most part... The World is... as yet... still unaware of it. Some of us are quite aware of it however and know what the implications are. So... you can expect a sequence of events that are going to put The World on notice concerning the approach of this force. Some of the events to come are going to be the result of Lady Nature reacting to the impress of this force, and some of the events are going to be in the human theater of operations and will include acts of destruction that are guaranteed to get the attention of just about everyone.
It might seem... at first... that The World is about to end, but... that will not be the case, as this next age... is going to be a defining age of what it means to be a human being. It is also going to exhibit... to those paying attention... what limitless possibilities await those who are capable of taking advantage of the opportunities that are going to appear.
Everything is under control... and always has been... for The Purpose of Demonstration. Quite a demonstration is going to be made and then... it is going to ring through the centuries to come.
There is one thing that The Evildoers are always unaware of. They are a devious lot and they work diligently... to gain control of every principle and process... which anyone else might use... to defend against them. That one thing is The Power of Generations. It is a little like the sexual force that they seize upon for the purpose of obfuscation and crowd control. It is the force of Reincarnation... and all those souls who came back in with their memories and intentions to do something about The Evildoers. It is an endless battle of light and darkness that... as The Bard once said... is filled with sound and fury... and signifying nothing.
Well... the jury is still out on whether there is any significance or not. There is... indeed... a great significance but it is not all seen or realized here on this plane... because this plane is only a way-station. This plane is a basic training and recruitment zone for the onward bound. Some percentages are sent back to The Drawing Board over and over again, and some percentages swim in circles until they utterly exhaust themselves or... the power to keep swimming is taken from them, BUT... another percentage travels upward... to The Worlds of Light, and... keeps on going... keeps on keeping on.
This coming age is going to serve as a launching pad for everyone who might be motivated to a finer plane of being. You see those who like it here. They do fine... for the most part, but they never get any further. Of course, you would expect them to get good at it, and they are content to remain here and life is content to let them, BUT... there are other worlds to realize and I am not talking about Mars, and...
... one last thing.
Impressive tree climbing skills
— Massimo (@Rainmaker1973) November 21, 2024
[📹 leo.urban]pic.twitter.com/fD2azKR7dt
End Transmission.......
Just when you thought he was done here, Patrick Willis comes back with his best effort yet.
Web page here with lyrics
And... we have come to the end of mentioning last Sunday's radio show with James Jancik at Feet to The Fire.
Links will be at GAB=
And The Substack mirror will be here=
The Fulcrum is present. Watch the Weight Shift. The Alls Lever in Action.
Wow and WOW! The post was excellent as usual and the song was off the charts. What would we do if it went viral?
So fun...tee hee...have a great weekend everyone!
Hi Vis, thank you for another great post. Keeps me focused on the straight and narrow. It has to stop, THEY have to be stopped. It's the main focus of my daily prayer. Any remotely human heart simply cannot cope with their utter inhumanity. 'Unfathomable cruelty' is what the slaughter in Gaza was called somewhere. Those words were spot on.
Thanks for the hummingbird in the flower, if I may take this opportunity to introduce you to a modern French expression, it is 'trop chou'...literally that says... it is 'too cabbage'! Too cute is what it means but I do like 'too cabbage', for its seeming randomness and because I do love cabbage. Thank God for exceedingly cabbage-y things, they warm the heart. :-)
Much love
OK! I'm in altered states after this one.
What an amazing week of synchronicities.
Our friends the jackals, took another run at me. I saw it coming a mile away, and God had me buy the appropriate counter measures years ago.
Every day since then I thanked God 10 times a day for his blessings.
With faith, certitude, and determination!
P. S. The songs are fricking awesome!
Get it to the ALT nation stations, stirring new sound of music , love you Les , terry
Terry; I just finished processing my first effort. This is eerie. I feel like I stepped into another dimension. I'll be posting them as I go.
read what 1000s of hindu indians are commenting here in this post. They are so full of venom, spite, hate, rage.... and they are trying to provoke the entire world into violence against them
At this point, it will be a miracle if the entire world DOESNT fucking genocide and exterminate hindu indians. That is the level of hate the indians are spewing, and trying to provoke. No race has ever been this hated before. The indians are doing this to themselves. Read their incredibly nasty, spiteful, hateful comments. Read what they are saying. And then tell me that these demons dont deserve to be holocausted.
If you still support hindus at this point, you are just a fucking retarded moron, Les.
To fulfill these opportunities to come. I suspect we would utilize selflessness vs selfishness, Self control vs chaos, wisdom vs emotion, and love. Or am I barking up the wrong tree……
And thank you for your help
Farmer Maloney
I am not supporting Hindus or any other ethnic type, anonymous commenter, and I only let this through for others to see the vituperative hate you try to spread but you will not spread it here. This is actually mild on your part and absent the usual Hail Satans and certain yogis being sodomized by the devil and other lovely commentaries you make that never get published here. I don't even read your comments and haven't in a very long time. As soon as I see it is you, I blip them. For some reason I let this through. I never will again. Finally, I am a student of all religions but most importantly... the teachings behind religions and what is generally not available to the public. I know you hate Indian people. Something obviously happened to you; some guru stole your girlfriend or took your money. it happens, but I support these people no more than any other group in aggregate Humanity. Another guy thinks I hate the Chinese. People think whatever their deluded minds bring to them, but... he is wrong and you are wrong.
Hello. I tried to post a comment the jist of which was the language of the birds is what unites us. I thought Dave Brubeck was a jew., but apparently he''s not. This would have helped my point but the point is music is , at least to some , a language of the birds I think this is well demonstrated here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEOCUllXN2Y&list=OLAK5uy_nMwIVg-x2N41tNqVPiWh0cPapF9RmzYMY&index=7&pp=8AUB
I hope this link works. It's a beaut!
I'll try and post this again, Visible. Jimmy Dore goes over the Gaetz smear:
MIND-BLOWING Story Behind Matt Gaetz Sex Allegations! - https://rumble.com/v5s9tze-mind-blowing-story-behind-matt-gaetz-sex-allegations-w-ian-carroll.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp
Excellent as always. Thanks!
Stew says because 'occupied' is so controversial that the only place that would it would play was locals behind a paywall... not true, I found a free version here: https://t.me/c/1439847624/22026
Thank you for that. I had found one too, ironically. Really appreciate your bringing this to our attention and it will be in tomorrow's post/
A new Visible Origami is up now=
"When is The Mind The Devil? It is Whenever and Wherever I... Me... and Mine are Present and Running The Shop."
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