God Poet Transmitting.......
Mitch McConnell... AKA, The Big Freeze...
— Craig (@CraigDelray) November 18, 2024
and The Wandering Man... AKA, Joe Biden...
...have apparently made plans to journey to that far country that no one can remember.
See any patterns or trends here? I do. I see them all over the place these days. Now that Pluto has gone into Aquarius for the next twenty years... while leaving Capricorn... which is a whole other thing... you can expect a good (and not so good) amount of topsy turvy... and bottoms-up Buttercup to be going up and down in spontaneous WTF to come.
I am often amused at astrological predictions because most astrologers see the implications of the arrangement of the planets... houses... and signs very different from me.... when I even bother to look in that direction... which would be... somewhere outside of me. That is not surprising because most astrologers see the trends and patterns differently from each other, no matter how many of them are swinging a dead sphinx in an empty pyramid.
The planets represent archetypal forces that are both inside and outside of us. They have specific meanings and general meanings and... it is always a matter of where you are standing and... the direction you are facing that determines what you see.
I don't look at the sign itself as much as I look at the planet that rules it, so... when they say a planet has moved from one general atmosphere to another, or... if you prefer... from one sign to another... I look at how the intruding planet gets on with the ruling planet... in the particular atmosphere of the sign.
Ah! So... that gives us a peculiar situation because... Aquarius is one of those signs that is... allegedly... ruled by two planets. They would be Saturn and Uranus. I guess they had to figure out what to do with the new planets when they showed up... cause the ancients mostly worked without Uranus... Neptune, and Pluto. Modern astrologers even associate an asteroid called Ceres with Taurus; long the bailiwick of Venus.
Interestingly... Pisces, which we are just leaving... is also... allegedly... ruled by two planets, AND... to further complicate the matter... The Cosmic Clock of the signs moves in one direction and the planets move in another. You see where it is very common for astrologers to be wack-jobs?
Look at how complicated it is already and there is way more I haven't even mentioned yet... like aspects and degrees... nodes, and.... well it goes on and on... believe me. There's even more than one kind of astrology and they don't agree with each other either. The way I see it... on the one hand it is a cosmic argument, and... on the other hand it is a pedestrian argument, so... regardless... it is still an argument.
The way I see it... any kind of argument is a missing of the point because the resolution of all arguments is the point. I don't have any more room for clutter than I do for chatter, and I regard them the same way; something other people find interesting and I find annoying. People routinely get upset with me because I refuse to talk on the phone. They are going to have to get over that because I am not going to.
I made an arrangement with myself and... something I can't define... to never adapt or adjust to The World. I did try at one point. Let's not even go there. So... I decided to adapt and adjust to the thing I can't define. That is a work still in progress, BUT... ♫ it's getting better all the time ♫
Yeah... the planets are going to go through their courses for a very long time and... they are going to generate responses in life forms... that are going to create dramas... for The Purpose of Demonstration. Wavy lines are going to go up and down... up and down (sideways too). So will people's fortunes and the fortunes of countries... religions... governments and what have you. It just ends and starts again... over and over. Great minds try to find reason and meaning in it, BUT... all theories to the contrary (except for a few)... the whole shebang is about coming into harmony with the author of the shebang, AND... absolutely nothing else.
That is not to say that there are no other things out there... there are, but they are... for the most part... just confusion and noise. Well... I have a job to do, and it does have a bit to do with the confusion and noise... so let's leave the murmurings of The Cosmos aside now and get into what applies here and now.
Here and now is all about Mr. Apocalypse and Lady Awakening. They are a celestial tag team of archetypal dancers... similar to Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. It is a romance actually because The Author... that thing that can't be defined... rather likes a good romance. You will understand this better if you fall in love with him/her/it as I have. It might not make sense from the outside where all this other shit is going on, BUT... from the inside, it makes a great deal more sense than all the things going on outside.
So... because this romantic dance is center stage now, we are getting things like this.
Everything you need to know about the patently false, official account of the Oklahoma City bombing of April 19, 1995 in under 4 minutes. pic.twitter.com/4Q0Btvueux
— illuminatibot (@iluminatibot) November 18, 2024
I believe I have said this before, but... I will say it again; you ain't seen nothing yet. We are about to have... whether you or anyone else likes it or not... the biggest uncovering of... lurid and perverted goings-on... that you ever did not see before. I mean... we have often heard about things in the aftermath... once the people who sanitize the matters get done with them, BUT... this time... it's not in anyone's hands down here. It never is... not really, BUT... this time; hoo boy! Watch where you step!
Has McConnell really stepped through the mirror into WHO...AM... I... LAND? Has Biden really set off on a journey to Forget Me...What? Are they not really the latest iteration of mafia don... running a long con... in a courtroom soon to convene somewhere... with oxygen tanks... face masks, and starched white attendants who are probably black? Hunter Biden is wandering through Disneyland with a thousand-yard-stare.
Maybe it's one of those things which I... myself... am very familiar with; when you're all kinds of strange on drugs and drink... it never occurs to you how strange you are going to be... once you get off of them. This may not be the case with Hunter, but I certainly can attest to it. I kinda knew... in the back of my mind all along... that I was using all of these chemical comestibles to hold down the inevitable... as if I was pressing a balloon underwater. Once I took my hand off... whoa! But that's just me... maybe.
As I was saying... center stage we have Lord Apocalypse and Lady Awakening doing a flamenco-flavored tango... all over everybody's private business. In many cases it doesn't matter... cause no one is paying attention to the extras on stage...who feel they have to really act out now because no one is paying attention, BUT... it matters super-big-time... to those who have been at the center focus; all those celebrities of politics, show-biz, finance, and whatever it is that got the interest of the techs playing with the Klieg lights.
Now... Pluto brings a special seasoning to the festivities... cause Pluto is about as deep down low, and... far off in the concealment of other forces as one can get. Pluto is associated with The Underworld, which is where all the movers and shakers have been keeping their serial killer trophies. Sure... they know about this, which is why they killed 23 and Me, along with various people who were probing about where common sense should have informed them not to.
The point is that, no... matter... what... they... do... it is out of their hands. They can either do the, I'm on my last legs mafia don thing or... run for the bunker in Paraguay or... Patagonia or... get a new place and face, BUT... you see... it doesn't matter cause The Dancers KNOW where they are, AND... The Dancers are inside of them, so... it gives new meaning to, nowhere to run... nowhere to hide. It is why not only the extras are going to Nut-Job City. Oh! It's going to be a hoot!!! It really is.
I have long maintained... that if you want to avoid this condition... of being stripped naked in public... before the eyes of The World, you should live your life and do whatever it is that you do... as if the whole world was watching... because it is. This may lead to some preliminary embarrassment... until you realize that every natural thing you do is... natural. Then it's smooth sailing. Then... if you are always doing the right thing... you will never wind up in the wrong place.
It's about to go wide folks, and I can tell you... you never know to what desperate ends desperate folk might be driven... until they find out they are not the ones who are doing the driving. The sense of sheer terror is enough to make you freeze or... wander off into the Amazon jungle. Crazy Town is everywhere now. It's the new Levittown. It's the new normal; HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's a phase because... we are moving into a new range of awareness and people who are not centered are going to spin. You might still spin if you are centered but... it's manageable. However... the further out you get... the harder it is to stay in place, and...
... one last thing.
“Don’t talk to MAGA A-Holes”
— Concerned Citizen (@BGatesIsaPyscho) November 18, 2024
“Please can we use Gender neutral language”
Watch what happens when a load of Woke Socialist Comrades get together.
It’s amazing they’ve all survived this long. pic.twitter.com/8D5jIBlpOm
End Transmission.......
Patrick Willis did a number on another one of my songs. I hope you find it as entertaining as I did. We'll have another one tomorrow.
Sunday's radio broadcast on Feet to The Fire is is located here.
Links are going up over at GAB soon=
And Substack is still The Mirror=
The world. It's kinda hard. . .no, impossible to adapt or adjust to something you hold in utmost contempt. This place is STOOPID. Perpetually inconvenient roller coaster where TRUTH is impossible to be found with our false histories, and I can't believe the traditions, ignorance, and priorities of people. They go out of their way to make their sojourn here as difficult as possible. I don't like illusions, limitations, and inconveniences make me blow gaskets left and right. I carry on so I have as few of those as possible. That includes dealing with people in person as little as possible, and defying every pointless trend there is, which is about 98% of them on a good day.
End result, fewer problems, less stress, fewer of those INFERNAL inconveniences, and no homicide charges.
NOSTRILS TO THE SKY! Also, 16 nose pets, two snorfles and 3 nose hair clippings.
That x clip of the liberal numbnuts was hilarious. These people are MORONS. Zero Self control, they need Everyone ELSE to check themselves while they run amok. FUCKEM.
There are thousands of these people loose in The World and I do not fancy their hopes for survival. They show up briefly when The World loses its mind and then they are gone like a fart in the winds of change. It's indulgent helicopter parents who are responsible
I agree and disagree. If the financial incentives weren't backing the move into the world of pretend, alot less people would be trying that out. Given the stakeholder shenanigans it makes sense why they got all the incorporated entities on the same page before starting the series of engineered events huh.
Nevermind all the social media playing along and pretending opinions matter over Facts and how one Feels has to be fixed by what someone ELSE besides self is doing.
They've removed the ability for these willful pretenders to see anything but what they Want as real. Objectively real, nah, don't want it. Just want what they believe is real to be what they interact with. Everything else is an inconvenience that has to be beaten into submission thru loud whining and justification/excuses of why oneself can't deal with oneself objectively.
The inception of the correction is now under way.
I'm hoping it incinerates all the players on all sides and leaves they who didn't conspire towards specific results to move the world forward.
All the ones who figured they could tell everyone else how to be while they acted however they wanted, will soon be learning the objective reality of such behavior from the Decent.
The tolerant have tolerated all they're gonna tolerate from people who are objectively INTOLERANT and they ain't gonna tolerate no mo. Prolly why they're now lining up the nuclear exchange by christmas. Come. Take. Huh.
'Here and now is all about Mr. Apocalypse and Lady Awakening. They are a celestial tag team of archetypal dancers... similar to Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. It is a romance actually because The Author... that thing that can't be defined... rather likes a good romance. You will understand this better if you fall in love with him/her/it as I have.'
Luv Kazz
LV! Pluto is my home and nothing is hidden from me.
I will return when HE says it is time.
Just pulled Ace Of Pentacles for random Tarot, entertainment purposes only.
I agree the stoopid is strong in this realm and on some level I feel sorry for them.
Was there myself until HE made me awake.
BBL-Praying and giving thanks.
A new Visible Origami is up now=
"Some Amount of What Exists... Beyond The Range of The Senses... is Also Beyond The Reach of Words to Describe It."
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