God Poet Transmitting.......
I sit here turning the possibilities over in my mind. I can hear... poor fool... off in the distance of my thoughts. It keeps returning on me, again and again... that if it is a movie, and... it is a movie... then it is happening on The Mindscreen, and it is as real as my level of involvement in it, and... no more. It's the same thing as a dream. A dream seems real enough when you are caught up in the experience of it, BUT... it fades like the dew on the meadow beneath the rising sun. That rising sun... is reality... painted in shades of light upon the canvas of the temporary as it appears and disappears from view.
Time and Gravity are the same thing... existing on different planes of being. The former is... in fact... a plane of being unto itself. Everything is composed of mindstuff. It is born into shape... whatever it is... through the force of thought... descending through 3 stages... until it appears before us in the final stage.
Think about it in the context of sleeping on a bed. First, there is the idea of lying on a bed. Then comes the blueprint for every kind of bed. Then comes the industry that causes the bed to appear in form. Then...you have a bed. You can apply this to ANYTHING.
Magic happens in this very same way because... as Eliphas Levi said, “All magic is in The Will.” Depending on how sharply, and... to what degree of concentration you can focus The Will... on that depends how quickly the form of it comes into being; keeping in mind that there is only one will, all else is a departure from and opposition to it. A tyro might require a lot of time and effort to accomplish it. An adept can materialize it in no time and with no effort at all. Effort is actually your resistance to its appearance... except by the most vulgar means. Huh? Think about it.
Thinking... in fact... is what you do, and... thinking... properly applied... makes you a channel of The Divine; if you can manage that. Is it you... the little i... making it happen OR... is The Big I acting... as The Little i... channels the force of it? The whole process is remarkably simple. It is The Mind that complicates it, AND... ironically... it is The Mind again that permits it to be realized. Of course... except ye become as a little child, yadda yadda,
If you can still The Mind past all objections to the comprehension of it, you will see... clearly... how it is that we all live in a world of our own creation. Still The Reactive Mind! Golly, Mr. Visible, how am I going to do that? By struggling against it... through countless episodes of resistance... until you have become strong enough to step aside, and allow The Divine to step in. Wait a minute! That doesn't make any sense? Really? (maniacal laughter resounds in the background.) Yeah... there is that. However, I can assure you that is how it works.
I know... it befuddled me no end when I first had it revealed to me. You'll get the hang of it or... you'll just give up. It takes a special kind of desperate and inspired soul to stay at it. It will grind you down, and... in the grinding down, that which has prevented The Divine from manifesting in you... for so long... will be worn away.
In these days the entertainment from every source and medium is not only Godless, it is... in strange and precise ways, directed at everything scripture admonishes us against. Saturn and Satan do not sound similar for no reason. Saturn is the planetary force having to do with limitation... restriction... energy trapped in form. Satan is The Mind in bondage to the illusion of form... as manifested through... the dark fire of the attractive force. Attachment is the anchor that pulls you down.
In Tarot Key 15, you see The Devil or...call it Baphomet or The Horned Goat of Mendes. Two naked figures stand in front of it... chained to the half-cube of limitation... on which sits a ridiculous figure.

The human images indicate a devoted carnal affiliation. The chains around their necks are very loose and can easily be slipped off over their heads. The chains... the bondage... is illusionary. These are the conditions we subject ourselves to.
Materialism... the religion expressed through fascination and attachment to the external world... is a massive glueboard of misery. It looks tasty but it is not, and you are the one who gets eaten. When Materialism becomes the ruling authority in the minds of the people, God is evicted. Without God, there is no real sustenance. Still... the whole routine... is part of a cycle in The Purpose of Demonstration. Going through the transition is painful indeed, BUT... you do not have to experience the forced detachment from the object of false desire, if... you... don't... get... attached... to... begin... with.
Global Warming... as you know... is a scam devised by the people who think they rule over us. It is a defense on their part against our waking up, which the top membership of The Satanic Bottom Feeders knows about, and are desperately trying to get around, BUT... they cannot. They will not. Prior to this latest shit show... we had wars... famines... plagues... nations, classes, colors, and creeds set against one another. They're still doing that.
You have to understand... these people who are... indeed... habitations of demons, are without mercy of any kind. They are not like you and I, and... here I am assuming that the readers here are all like you and I. (grin) They get an actual kick from the suffering of others, most especially because they are the authors of it, at least they think they are, BUT... it always takes two to tango, even if you are a hapless victim and think you are a roadside motel because of the vacancy sign hanging in your eyes, which you kind of notice every time you look in a mirror.
The thing is... it's all set up this way to exist as a challenge for you to free yourself from it. In order to do this, you need the assistance of Heaven, which you must call on for it to work. However... when you... when the nations of The World turn away from God then... all roads lead to Perdition.
Fortunately... FOR MANY... that is the purpose of The Awakening and the tireless efforts of Mr. Apocalypse. Both of these two are angelic entities sent forth to prepare the way for The World Savior... The Avatar... who is coming into palpable presence as I write these words, I know this to be true because I can feel it, and have been feeling it for some years now.
The Killer Vaccines... Turbo Cancers...The variety of ills flooding The World... is the last desperate gasp of a departing age. They are all shadow shapes... specters without substance. These become more real as your fear feeds them and gives them an ever more defining shape. Those who have made arrangements with The Dark Side are trying with all their might to pull as many of us along with them as possible. They have been told that this will give them a better seat at the table... in that world where it is better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven. It is NEVER better to rule in Hell.
Suffering is the very bread of life in Hell and everyone gets their portion. Everyone who has been insistent on residence there... will find... that their every fear and apprehension is arranged to dine with them. No one is more cleverly lied to and convinced of the lies than those who have depended on lies to make their way home to The Father of Lies... who knows his own just as The Glorious... Eternal and Triumphant Divine... knows his own.
Cusp periods are always difficult. As some of you can tell... this latest inexplicable wave of relentless optimism that is roving about now...seemingly from every direction...is an indicator of our coming to... the way out of the trials and tribulations... of that cusp period... and into the next age.
I have it on good authority that agents of The Divine are knocking on the door of every heart... this very moment. Some hearts are so hardened and bound with sound-deadening baffles that the knock cannot be heard. Some have had the hinges blown off of their doors. The rest of us are at some degree or another between these opposites.
Right now... The World is making a great deal of noise. It is rumbling and howling on all sides... arousing anger and frustration in those who do not understand what is happening to them because of invisible radiations...poisonous waveform exciters, and all manner of agitations of unknown origin. Some cannot handle it, and those who can... still find it trying, BUT... a change is in the wind. There is a lessening of pressures and a new wave of positive reassurance, which is also of unknown origin to many.
Still... when you're feeling good, your head is not filled with questions about how it came about, and...
... one last thing.
Aevrage Mongolian.
— Massimo (@Rainmaker1973) October 31, 2024
There are 3.2 million people in Mongolia and roughly the same number of horses.
«A Mongol without a horse is like a bird without wings»pic.twitter.com/2vZeaT0YU3
Oops... how about... really... one last thing?
Whenever you're having a bad day, just remember this guy. #Retired pic.twitter.com/zjHZSY2TH1
— Steve Inman (@SteveInmanUIC) October 24, 2024
(somehow it finds you, doesn't it? Whatever it is.)
End Transmission.......
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And God is in his Heaven and all is to be made right in those places that have prepared a place for it.
Today's song is;
When The Shit Hits The Fan
♫ They've been playing with the future
They've been fooling with the past
They've been lying in the present
and you know that just can't last
Now it's bigger than they've noticed
And they're smaller than they think
It's not a good religion
to be using blood for ink
Yes we'll all be together
Yes we'll all take a stand
Yes we'll all be rewarded
When the shit hits the fan
You might ask me who is they?
It's all those people in the way
When the truth is on their doorstep
and its got nowhere to stay
Of course, I'm not the one to point
At what we all can see
and I might be more concerned
If it was not true of me
Well I know sometimes I'm wrong
we've all been lost at night
But once you get informed
it's easy to get right, so
give a hand to your brother
and give a hand to the fan
give a hand to everybody
they... just... don't... understand.
Yes we'll all be together
Yes we'll all take a stand
Yes we'll all be rewarded
When the shit hits the fan
Tell me where will you stand
when the shit hits the fan?
Tell me what will you do
if the fans are aimed at you?
Bill Gates... and Georgie Soros
and Satanyahu too
oh my... oh my...
what will they do?
Yes we'll all be together
Yes we'll all take a stand
Yes we'll all be rewarded
When the shit hits the fan ♫
Its bizarre how people don't realize the 2016 popular vote sat hillary clinton and the Electoral college Sat Trump in spite of Losing the popular vote.
People don't think it can happen, they think the popular vote will seat the president the Electoral college seats. Even tho it ALREADY happened.
Eh, don't care who wins so long as ACCOUNTABILITY is restored and the clowns playing at being everyone Elses Authorities return to Enforcing the LAW.
Lacking that, Hope it all goes Hot domestically so this shit can be sorted without another decade long slide deeper into the shitpile.
And still don't have a preference which way it goes. I figure by now Everyone Deserves what they got coming. ;)
Have a great Weekend!
Re: #1
Me thinks everyone knows how it's gonna end, and who's been selected to be the next prexy. I have a feeling it's the trumpster, but we're so far gone not only in the u.s.; but the whole world, that everything that is, is gonna have to be destroyed so the real healing can begin. It's gonna take a HELL of a lot of work to clean this mess up, and I'm too olde fer dis shoite. I pray I go out with the era, and I NEVER wanna come back. After all, no matter how good it gets, this realm is still a locale of limitation. Limitation is a cuss word in my dictionary.
Great article, your poems/verses are stellar, and NOSTRILS TO THE SKY!
A new Visible Origami is up now=
"This is how Deep States get Buried in Deep Shit when The Time Comes, and The Time Always Comes... Sooner or Later."
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