Wednesday, November 27, 2024

"You Don't Actually Frolic with Basilisks, and... Sooner or Later The Basilisk is going to Eat The Unicorn and The Frolicker Too."

God Poet Transmitting.......

There is a divide and it is widening in space. You can't see it but you can feel it. At the same time... there is a coming together of what was previously divided. There are two groups of people. One of them is coming apart and the other group is coming together.

It's all part of the new Trends and Patterns emerging from The Secret Fountain of The Eternal Moment. Some people are dividing themselves and some are coming together, and it all has to do with how they see The World and as they divide themselves from each other, they divide within.

The way those who are dividing themselves demonstrate it.... is by coming apart at the seams. It can appear as chaotic acting out. It can appear in meltdowns. It can manifest in anger and rage toward others, due to unseen triggers. Life is becoming a minefield of unpredictable emotional reactions to external conditions. It is a pressure cooker effect.

I see evidence of this taking place at every level of society. It is especially noticeable in the behavior of celebrities. Ka-Mala Harris is often drunk. That is how she handles the pressure; not the pressure of the campaign but the pressure of her own self-dividing against herself. Sharon Stone is melting down over The World not going the way she wants it to go. The ladies on The View are becoming shrieking... hysterical facsimiles of Bette Midler. James Carville is getting angrier and angrier.

I have mentioned very few examples. If you go to any... of the many... media sites, you see dozens of examples every day. Something is causing this and... in large part.. it seems like fallout from The Force of Apocalyptic Awakening that is sweeping the planet. This is causing people to see themselves... in the mirrors of their thoughts... feelings... and actions, and... in the mirrors of other people. All of these mirrors are distorted and generate Fear, which triggers Anger. Anger is often the mask that Fear wears to conceal itself. Make it go away! This is what The Mind screams, BUT... can it go away? It is that part of themselves. It's not going away. It's going everywhere they go and... it is scaring the shit out of them. They are getting angrier and angrier... more and more frightened. It is initiating a schizophrenic reaction. Woke is what happens when you refuse to or... can't wake up. It is an accommodation with The Unreal. The Unreal can take any shape... because The Mind is shaping it, and... Fear is what is sculpting it into form.

It is a form of dancing with The Devil and The Devil is... you. It's a real horror show, isn't it? You can't get away from yourself and there are armies of ill-trained technicians trying to treat this phenomena. They are called psychiatrists and psychologists and they are sicker than the people they are trying to help... because they have absorbed all this false information about the human mind and it has distorted their perception of it.

I have studied both of these (cough... snicker) professions up close. The predominant perspective of the moment... is the effort to make people feel good about whatever twisted shape the culture, and their own actions have gotten them into. It doesn't matter how unnatural human appetites have become... there is someone around to tell you... or anyone else... that it is perfectly normal to be abnormal.

Now the reason that these people have come into the hands of these... these... heh heh... professionals... is that they know something is wrong with them. Their basic nature, which is always in search of balance... harmony... and freedom... is telling them... in various ways... that something is off, and here are these goofballs... who have been indoctrinated by psychopathic agency... telling them that they have to embrace their own truth and there is no such animal.

It's out there frolicking in Fantasy Meadow with the unicorns and basilisks, though... one doesn't actually frolic with basilisks, and... sooner or later the basilisk is going to eat the unicorn and the frolicker too.

Basilisks are quite small when they are young, only 6 to 12 inches, though... how something that only exists in the imagination can be any particular size is a bit of a conundrum, but... wait a minute! Maybe there's something more to it; like The Golden Fleece. Let's say the basilisk is a creature of Fear and it starts out small, but you keep feeding it and it gets bigger... and bigger... and yeah.

The subconscious mind is filled with such creatures. Let's say that part of The Mind is a pit. This pit has many levels and there are creatures at every one of those levels. If you are in the habit of tossing things into The Pit; like whimsical notions and every kind of desire and dream of appetite... you will be feeding the mirror image of these notions... desires, and dreams of appetite, and they will grow... and grow... and grow.

It's a simple thing. Don't feed what you don't want to grow, and... life is all about teaching you the wisdom of that through experience. Psycho-babblers of all kinds... who treat other people... would be much more successful at healing and recovering their patients... if they just showed them how The Mind works, and taught them how to operate it like any other piece of machinery, but... unlike most every other kind of machine... it will work in any way you try to operate it... even to the extreme detriment of the person riding in the cab.

It will work the wrong way and it will work the right way and... there's more money to be made in helping it work the wrong way. If we eliminate the sources of disease, which ALL have their birth in The Mind, what are doctors going to do? Who's going to pay for that hole in the ocean that they have to pour your money into, and which is sitting in a slip somewhere, waiting for them this very minute.

However... these psycho-babblers do not know how The Mind actually works, and furthermore, how it works best. The idea is to get it to work for you, not against you, so you don't wind up like these people I mentioned... who are coming apart at the seams... melting down... getting into a rage, killing themselves... killing someone else, etc.

It all has to do with Reality and the problem with that is that no one seems able to agree on what Reality is. Here is a classic example. We have all these religions, but... in Reality... there is only one God, but different cultures require different explanations of The Same Thing.

When The Mind goes freakish, it can manifest in any one of many pathologies... because every chain has a weakest link, and every chain is different. It's all one, but it's not, but it is. The Zen Buddhists have that angle clarified pretty well, but except for Bodhidharma and a few others, most of them don't get it so... they run around teaching other people.

Back to the idea of Reality. You have to be willing to accept it on its terms, not your terms, and that is where most people go wrong. Reality is not flexible, BUT... we are; except when we are not, AND... as people sink deeper and deeper into denial... the first thing to go is their flexibility. I couldn't tolerate that, but many people seem able to. In fact... a lot of people can live with and adapt to almost anything... as long as they don't have to face Reality and adjust to it. Unfortunately for... every....single... one... of... them, Reality will be making a house call sooner or later.

Doctors don't make house calls anymore. Neither does the milkman or the baker. Only the postman still attends to his personal rounds, AND... Reality. Reality is a given... and when you get out of joint with Reality, you have pretty much made a phone call to Reality, and Reality will be coming to see you and set you straight. It could be an easy adjustment, BUT... people fight it, and... it hurts. In fact... Reality can really hurt.

Now... because of The Awakening... and The Apocalypse... and The Coming of The Avatar... Reality is coming more and more into dynamic action on the essential infrastructure of existence. The Changeless is not affected by any of this, BUT... that which changes is being affected... big time. Many people do not want things to change. They are very happy with their positions in The Unreal and... they will go to any length to maintain that position, so... Push is coming to Shove, and... as the song goes, ♫ something's got to give ♫ , and... pressure builds and pressure builds and... people start losing their shit in all kinds of interesting ways.

Well, you can see it happening on all sides, can't you? If you can't... you will because... Reality will be making a house call sooner... rather than later, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Today's Song is;

Lyrics are at this site

Links are at GAB=

The Substack Mirror is here=

Friday, November 22, 2024

"Whenever Great Change is Getting Ready to Visit this World... There are Disturbances on The Surface of The Sun."

God Poet Transmitting.......

Well... now we know the real reason that Matt Gaetz had to withdraw his nomination.

It's always the same thing, isn't it? That is... until it isn't... because... this is a world of change and that means Change comes to every permutation of form... no matter what it may be. I am fond of saying; kingdoms rise and kingdoms fall. I know all kinds of different ways to say that. It's like Ozymandias and The Second Coming walk into a bar and everything in the bar... including the bar... is in a shape-shifting mode... rising and falling like a sex act that never ends... just an endless symmetry of motion... exemplifying The Cosmic Process.

For decades... ever since they invaded Palestine... the AshkeNAZI Klingons have been working to displace the original inhabitants. First they... besides outright murder and exile... herded them into smaller and smaller apartheid sectors.

Disappearing Palestine

Finally... they came up with a plan to foment a Marvel Comic invasion by the desperate residents of the largest and most densely populated concentration camp on the face of The Earth.

They came in on hang gliders, and since the place they arrived at was hosting a rave, they even had a soundtrack. Remember the helicopters coming from the sea in Apocalypse Now? This was more of a Nickelodeon cartoon. Then... shortly after the hang gliders landed... Israeli gunships and tanks showed up and started machine-gunning all the Molly Zombies. They killed hundreds and then blamed it on the hang gliders.

We are told that a certain amount of hostages were taken. Time passed and most of the hostages that got released or rescued did not have horror stories about the treatment they received, not like the Palestinian men... women, and children... who are routinely snatched from the streets, and then tortured... raped... and killed in the most vile fashion, and... many... many times more of them than the number of the hostages.

So then... because a full-blown psychopath was in control of the nation of Israel... which is generally always the case, and because the jackal's share of the Israelis wants every Palestinian exterminated... they went on a crusade of totally destroying every Palestinian town... every hospital and orphanage; orphanages are a growth industry in Gaza. They did so many bad things, I could not possibly list all of them and still have room to write about it, AND... they are still doing it and The World is still letting them do it.

Yes... this is one of the most horrible acts of genocide ever committed, at least since they did similar things in Soviet Russia... Ukraine... Armenia, and other locations. They have quite a history of this kind of behavior. They are very busy people. You have to ask yourself; where do they find the time? I say this because they are also destroying Western Culture in Europe... The Crown Colonies and America... through their financing of the migration of hordes of people from the poorest nations on Earth.

This they are doing to create a controlled voting block that will eventually allow them to manifest Communist states around The World, and they will never have to worry about anyone voting again. They are looking to finish the job that they were unable to complete in Russia and other locations at other times.

The thing is though, what has really been happening... with their latest escapade... of wiping The Palestinian People from the face of The Earth... is that they are exposing their real nature to the eyes of The World, and... everyone now knows what they are like and what they are up to. Slowly, but surely... their holocaust fabrication, which gave them decades of protected-victim status... is being exposed as a lie. Their role in the 9/11 attack is being exposed, and their control of The World's finances... through their international gangster-banker cartel is also being exposed.

There is a power that is generated by The Hive Mind... when enough of that mind has been informed about something... and a reaction is generated in that collective consciousness... it begins to effect changes in The World of Form by mysterious means, and there is no way for anyone to protect or redeem themselves... in the eyes of others... once the truth about their crimes has been revealed.

Now it is a steady series of unveilings and revelations... consistently appearing through various portals of media that they no longer control. They had the flow of information contained and manipulated for a long time. However... there are forces in The World that are much older than they are. These forces maintain order and permit disorder... for The Purpose of Demonstration, and the time has now come for them to be brought up for judgment and nothing is going to stop it.

Lies and confusion have been the order of the day for a long time now. No matter how many times the tables were turned... in the aftermath... the same people were still sitting there. They had foundations and counterfeiting scams that convinced everyone else that they had better go along to get along. All of their schemes and machinations are now breaking down because an authority much more powerful than temporal authority has decided it is time for a change.

A new age is coming into play and the playing field is going to be adjusted; is being adjusted... to facilitate a new way of doing business for the benefit of all. A series of waves are about to break upon the shores of human consciousness and foment a spiritual revival like nothing that has been seen in a very long time. It began at the turn of the last century and that was compromised. The second wave came in the 60s and that was compromised. Now... another wave is coming and this one will not be compromised, and it might have to do with the third time being the charm, and... it might have to do with a divine personality coming down from The Sun.

Whenever a great change is getting ready to visit this world... there are disturbances on the surface of The Sun. Everything that happens here comes from The Sun. Everything that made anything possible here in the first place came through The Sun... from another sun too bright to see... that was itself... simply another portal for transforming force... at a truly incomprehensible level.

That force is upon us again now. For the most part... The World is... as yet... still unaware of it. Some of us are quite aware of it however and know what the implications are. So... you can expect a sequence of events that are going to put The World on notice concerning the approach of this force. Some of the events to come are going to be the result of Lady Nature reacting to the impress of this force, and some of the events are going to be in the human theater of operations and will include acts of destruction that are guaranteed to get the attention of just about everyone.

It might seem... at first... that The World is about to end, but... that will not be the case, as this next age... is going to be a defining age of what it means to be a human being. It is also going to exhibit... to those paying attention... what limitless possibilities await those who are capable of taking advantage of the opportunities that are going to appear.

Everything is under control... and always has been... for The Purpose of Demonstration. Quite a demonstration is going to be made and then... it is going to ring through the centuries to come.

There is one thing that The Evildoers are always unaware of. They are a devious lot and they work diligently... to gain control of every principle and process... which anyone else might use... to defend against them. That one thing is The Power of Generations. It is a little like the sexual force that they seize upon for the purpose of obfuscation and crowd control. It is the force of Reincarnation... and all those souls who came back in with their memories and intentions to do something about The Evildoers. It is an endless battle of light and darkness that... as The Bard once said... is filled with sound and fury... and signifying nothing.

Well... the jury is still out on whether there is any significance or not. There is... indeed... a great significance but it is not all seen or realized here on this plane... because this plane is only a way-station. This plane is a basic training and recruitment zone for the onward bound. Some percentages are sent back to The Drawing Board over and over again, and some percentages swim in circles until they utterly exhaust themselves or... the power to keep swimming is taken from them, BUT... another percentage travels upward... to The Worlds of Light, and... keeps on going... keeps on keeping on.

This coming age is going to serve as a launching pad for everyone who might be motivated to a finer plane of being. You see those who like it here. They do fine... for the most part, but they never get any further. Of course, you would expect them to get good at it, and they are content to remain here and life is content to let them, BUT... there are other worlds to realize and I am not talking about Mars, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Just when you thought he was done here, Patrick Willis comes back with his best effort yet.

Web page here with lyrics

And... we have come to the end of mentioning last Sunday's radio show with James Jancik at Feet to The Fire.

Links will be at GAB=

And The Substack mirror will be here=

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

"The Way I See it... any Kind of Argument is Missing The Point Because The Resolution of all Arguments is The Point."

God Poet Transmitting.......

Mitch McConnell... AKA, The Big Freeze...

and The Wandering Man... AKA, Joe Biden...

...have apparently made plans to journey to that far country that no one can remember.

See any patterns or trends here? I do. I see them all over the place these days. Now that Pluto has gone into Aquarius for the next twenty years... while leaving Capricorn... which is a whole other thing... you can expect a good (and not so good) amount of topsy turvy... and bottoms-up Buttercup to be going up and down in spontaneous WTF to come.

I am often amused at astrological predictions because most astrologers see the implications of the arrangement of the planets... houses... and signs very different from me.... when I even bother to look in that direction... which would be... somewhere outside of me. That is not surprising because most astrologers see the trends and patterns differently from each other, no matter how many of them are swinging a dead sphinx in an empty pyramid.

The planets represent archetypal forces that are both inside and outside of us. They have specific meanings and general meanings and... it is always a matter of where you are standing and... the direction you are facing that determines what you see.

I don't look at the sign itself as much as I look at the planet that rules it, so... when they say a planet has moved from one general atmosphere to another, or... if you prefer... from one sign to another... I look at how the intruding planet gets on with the ruling planet... in the particular atmosphere of the sign.

Ah! So... that gives us a peculiar situation because... Aquarius is one of those signs that is... allegedly... ruled by two planets. They would be Saturn and Uranus. I guess they had to figure out what to do with the new planets when they showed up... cause the ancients mostly worked without Uranus... Neptune, and Pluto. Modern astrologers even associate an asteroid called Ceres with Taurus; long the bailiwick of Venus.

Interestingly... Pisces, which we are just leaving... is also... allegedly... ruled by two planets, AND... to further complicate the matter... The Cosmic Clock of the signs moves in one direction and the planets move in another. You see where it is very common for astrologers to be wack-jobs?

Look at how complicated it is already and there is way more I haven't even mentioned yet... like aspects and degrees... nodes, and.... well it goes on and on... believe me. There's even more than one kind of astrology and they don't agree with each other either. The way I see it... on the one hand it is a cosmic argument, and... on the other hand it is a pedestrian argument, so... regardless... it is still an argument.

The way I see it... any kind of argument is a missing of the point because the resolution of all arguments is the point. I don't have any more room for clutter than I do for chatter, and I regard them the same way; something other people find interesting and I find annoying. People routinely get upset with me because I refuse to talk on the phone. They are going to have to get over that because I am not going to.

I made an arrangement with myself and... something I can't define... to never adapt or adjust to The World. I did try at one point. Let's not even go there. So... I decided to adapt and adjust to the thing I can't define. That is a work still in progress, BUT... ♫ it's getting better all the time ♫

Yeah... the planets are going to go through their courses for a very long time and... they are going to generate responses in life forms... that are going to create dramas... for The Purpose of Demonstration. Wavy lines are going to go up and down... up and down (sideways too). So will people's fortunes and the fortunes of countries... religions... governments and what have you. It just ends and starts again... over and over. Great minds try to find reason and meaning in it, BUT... all theories to the contrary (except for a few)... the whole shebang is about coming into harmony with the author of the shebang, AND... absolutely nothing else.

That is not to say that there are no other things out there... there are, but they are... for the most part... just confusion and noise. Well... I have a job to do, and it does have a bit to do with the confusion and noise... so let's leave the murmurings of The Cosmos aside now and get into what applies here and now.

Here and now is all about Mr. Apocalypse and Lady Awakening. They are a celestial tag team of archetypal dancers... similar to Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. It is a romance actually because The Author... that thing that can't be defined... rather likes a good romance. You will understand this better if you fall in love with him/her/it as I have. It might not make sense from the outside where all this other shit is going on, BUT... from the inside, it makes a great deal more sense than all the things going on outside.

So... because this romantic dance is center stage now, we are getting things like this.

I believe I have said this before, but... I will say it again; you ain't seen nothing yet. We are about to have... whether you or anyone else likes it or not... the biggest uncovering of... lurid and perverted goings-on... that you ever did not see before. I mean... we have often heard about things in the aftermath... once the people who sanitize the matters get done with them, BUT... this time... it's not in anyone's hands down here. It never is... not really, BUT... this time; hoo boy! Watch where you step!

Has McConnell really stepped through the mirror into WHO...AM... I... LAND? Has Biden really set off on a journey to Forget Me...What? Are they not really the latest iteration of mafia don... running a long con... in a courtroom soon to convene somewhere... with oxygen tanks... face masks, and starched white attendants who are probably black? Hunter Biden is wandering through Disneyland with a thousand-yard-stare.

Maybe it's one of those things which I... myself... am very familiar with; when you're all kinds of strange on drugs and drink... it never occurs to you how strange you are going to be... once you get off of them. This may not be the case with Hunter, but I certainly can attest to it. I kinda knew... in the back of my mind all along... that I was using all of these chemical comestibles to hold down the inevitable... as if I was pressing a balloon underwater. Once I took my hand off... whoa! But that's just me... maybe.

As I was saying... center stage we have Lord Apocalypse and Lady Awakening doing a flamenco-flavored tango... all over everybody's private business. In many cases it doesn't matter... cause no one is paying attention to the extras on stage...who feel they have to really act out now because no one is paying attention, BUT... it matters super-big-time... to those who have been at the center focus; all those celebrities of politics, show-biz, finance, and whatever it is that got the interest of the techs playing with the Klieg lights.

Now... Pluto brings a special seasoning to the festivities... cause Pluto is about as deep down low, and... far off in the concealment of other forces as one can get. Pluto is associated with The Underworld, which is where all the movers and shakers have been keeping their serial killer trophies. Sure... they know about this, which is why they killed 23 and Me, along with various people who were probing about where common sense should have informed them not to.

The point is that, no... matter... what... they... do... it is out of their hands. They can either do the, I'm on my last legs mafia don thing or... run for the bunker in Paraguay or... Patagonia or... get a new place and face, BUT... you see... it doesn't matter cause The Dancers KNOW where they are, AND... The Dancers are inside of them, so... it gives new meaning to, nowhere to run... nowhere to hide. It is why not only the extras are going to Nut-Job City. Oh! It's going to be a hoot!!! It really is.

I have long maintained... that if you want to avoid this condition... of being stripped naked in public... before the eyes of The World, you should live your life and do whatever it is that you do... as if the whole world was watching... because it is. This may lead to some preliminary embarrassment... until you realize that every natural thing you do is... natural. Then it's smooth sailing. Then... if you are always doing the right thing... you will never wind up in the wrong place.

It's about to go wide folks, and I can tell you... you never know to what desperate ends desperate folk might be driven... until they find out they are not the ones who are doing the driving. The sense of sheer terror is enough to make you freeze or... wander off into the Amazon jungle. Crazy Town is everywhere now. It's the new Levittown. It's the new normal; HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's a phase because... we are moving into a new range of awareness and people who are not centered are going to spin. You might still spin if you are centered but... it's manageable. However... the further out you get... the harder it is to stay in place, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Patrick Willis did a number on another one of my songs. I hope you find it as entertaining as I did. We'll have another one tomorrow.

Sunday's radio broadcast on Feet to The Fire is is located here.

Links are going up over at GAB soon=

And Substack is still The Mirror=

Thursday, November 14, 2024

"Here's Where It Gets Interesting and... Causes People's Brains to Explode or Melt Down. Either of Them Can Happen."

God Poet Transmitting.......

I had thought Stew Peters was a courageous fellow and maybe he is, but now I see he can be disingenuous and misleading.

He is doing that conflating thing... that Crass Media false headline scam... implying that Noem was operating in her new... as yet unconfirmed status... as head of Homeland Insecurity. She did this while governor some time ago, and I suspect it was little more that window dressing. They can't get around The First Amendment without destroying The Constitution, and that is something Trump would not do.

We already know that they get their hooks into every government official they can manage to compromise or intimidate. Of course, this is going on, but... how far? If they could have done here what they did in Europe they would have already done it.

Europe and The Crown Colonies do not have a First Amendment and that is how the insidious vipers of Satan were able to pass unreasonable laws that grant them cover for their crimes.

The irony is that The Usual Suspects are behind all the alleged hatred that is generated against them. It's the Hegelian Dialectic operated by The Infernal Kingdom. They cause trouble. They know they are going to cause trouble so they arrange to cover themselves in the aftermath. The fabrication of a holocaust against them was to this end. All while they have themselves engineered, AND ARE PRESENTLY ENGINEERING holocausts and genocides against others. The time has come for this to end and nothing they do will hinder its arrival because... Deus Vult!

I saw the link above and my head started to ping pong, and very soon I realized it was The Mind trying to engage me in apprehension and argument. Immediately it came into my mind... God is in control of everything always. It has taken me a long time to accept this as gospel, even though it was no less true at any time before.

Who owns the side that made sanctuary cities and tried to destroy all sense of identity... democracy, and the well-being of the nation... literally? You can trace it back through Soros to The Rothschild Vampire Clan. How about the other side that... for a long time... has seemed to be in contention with them? Let's simplify... on the one side is The Communist World Domination Agenda. On the other side is The Neo-Con Agenda for World Domination.

It appears to be the same genetic actors on both sides representing the appearance of conflict in ideology. Here's where it gets interesting and causes people's brains to explode or melt down. Either of them can happen.

There is one God and many ways to misinterpret the idea of God. God appears on the manifest plane as a fantasy character with horns, a red body... and a black cape; (except when he's an old man with a stern visage and a white beard.) It is the combination of the powers of The Red and The Black... Tamas and Rajas gunas... Ignorance/Sleep and Passion/Hunger. It's the carnal plane of operations. If you live there. If your heart and mind are attracted to and directed by these forces... that character is the personification of your deity.

Now add in Sattva, which is light... intelligence, and a blissful nature, and... as the atmosphere changes... the character with the horns and the cape (or batwings) morphs into something internal, and so variable in perception that we will leave off at this point. It's not germane to the argument about who owns one side or the other and could get us lost in The Great Hall of The Mirrors of Complexity.

One force is operative... on both sides of the endless argument and conflict that takes place on a specific plane of being. It's the cops and robbers... cowboys and Indians dynamic. It goes on forever because there are two kinds of eternity that exist. One is the eternity of endless change. The other is the eternity of the changeless spirit.

Those who are the servants of the character with the horns have doomed themselves to the cycle of necessity. They like the action there. It is the simplest and most accurate statement I can make regarding it. If you are operational on the level they operate on, you are going to run into them, and you are going to have to come to some kind of accommodation with them and... the being they are in service to. It's still God, but it is an error of perception. It is God the way the wicked see him.

Wicked is a limiting term. We need to include; deluded... mistaken... misled... obsessed... possessed... compulsive... impulsive... yadda yadda. You can't get out of this cycle alive and it routes you right back as soon as you leave... after an interim which varies... depending. You can't get out on your own either, AND... in those times when Materialism under The Spell of Mammon is at its greatest point... it is even harder. You need help and you have to seek help,

The Devil doesn't exist. The Devil is The Mind turned upside down; allegorically speaking. It is a matter of seeing what isn't there... as something other than what it is; if that makes the slightest bit of sense. It means it is and it isn't so... how can you be in two places at once when you are nowhere at all?

It's all explained in The Bible or any of the other holy books of inspired scripture if... you know what you are looking for. Jesus summed it up nicely over and over again; about the things of this world... about sowing and reaping... about doing unto others... about being kind and generous... about where not to store up your treasures... about The Ruler of this world... about rendering unto Caesar... about The Kingdom of God being within you.

Why then is it so difficult for so many people when there are so many handbooks for the right behavior... when there are commandments and rules that operate as highways that lead to specific places and states of being? It is because of wanting... and the desire for things... and experiences... that cause Attachment to that which causes suffering... and is also known as; that which is outside of you.

All this stuff going on outside of you is in a turmoil of change because... it being in form... is doomed to endless change. If you let yourself get sucked into it physically... or in your mind or your heart to begin with it still becomes physical; ♫ let's get physical... physical... let me hear your body talk ♫

Stew Peters... Alex Jones... and all those people selling paranoia and sensationalism are looking to make a buck, and looking to up their profile so they can make more bucks. It's why... when you go to the Infowars sites and their direct spinoffs... you wind up in a bewildering marketplace of tonics and potions... shiny labels for lotions that you have to put in the basket or you get the ho's. All of them weave degrees of truth through the bullshit. If you go to Rense it's the same thing... or Mike Adams the health ranger; vast virtual aisles of shopping market magnets in colorful packaging... looking to magnetize you.

I'm not complaining about them. It's what they do, but I certainly don't go to them to find out what is actually going on, and maybe... maybe every one of them, and... all elected officials... have signed on to work the cash registers and various kiosks and features of The Big Department Store World. That means deals with The Devil (or your upside-down mind), and fealty to his servants... once they get you on their glueboards and can squeeze you dry.

Maybe all of them have convinced themselves that they are doing the right thing or... at least they won't get caught if they are careful. It's the only show in town... everywhere... night and day... though it appears they are independent operations... they are all connected like mycelium communities, but that part goes on underground outside the bandwidth of the sense of sight.

It seems like things will get noticeably better, and they are surely going to get a lot better in some places and a lot worse in others. You will be in that place that reflects the attractions of your heart and mind (really just different sections of the same thing), and... you will be there until that salt has lost its savor. As long as you can spice it up you'll come back for more, BUT... eventually, you can't taste the food anymore, and parts of your system will no longer operate properly; cycle in... cycle out... rinse, and repeat.

We are all at various stages of getting out of here or getting more firmly trapped. Some desire. Some aspire. You have to lose your taste for one level before you can move on to the next... unless you're Lot's wife or you head back into The Dark Splendor like a dog returning to his vomit. Sorry, but... that is how it is.

It takes a strong and committed will to get to the dare and then... to the be silent part, and it takes some degree of knowing to get the will engaged. For those who may be a little confused here, it's a play upon the occult maxim; to know... to will... to dare... and to be silent. I'll leave you with something from Eliphas at the very end of this post which... heh heh... is now.

On the plus side... The Avatar is coming and for those tuned to the frequency... he's already here, and...

... one last thing. (follow the thread below)

End Transmission.......

Links are at GAB=

Today's song is=

They Don't Walk The Talk

♫ God don't wear no Rolex watch

God don't shine his shoes

God don't have no blow-dried hair

Or fine xpensive suits

God don't deal in Hunger Porn

Or dirty little lies

Like painting sugar water under

Starving children's eyes

To attract the flies

For the photo op

please God make it stop

Oh! those color snaps

White Christians in Safari suits

with black kids on their laps

what kind of psychopaths

come up with shit like that

Oh it's a crying shame

what those missionaries do

Sucking all that money

out of clueless you.

Building big cathedrals

so you can hear them talk

about all the good they do but-

they don't walk the talk

they lie and cheat and steal and kill

but they don't walk the talk

they rut and eat and drink their fill

but they don't walk the talk

they sing and dance they dance and sing

loaded down with tacky bling

but they don't walk the talk

they don't walk the talk

Now they've got a holy war

in the Middle East

Killing in the name of God

while they serve the beast

Brand new shiny hypocrites,

let's put 'em in a zoo

Yes famine is a money game

like holocaust and war

and they keep making more

Got this place called Israel

a throne room for The King of Hell

It's the synagogue of Satan

and a crime lord enterprise

a barren land of hatred

in a wilderness of lies

telling them is easy but

they can't walk the talk

They got their undercover spies

in every single nation

where they eat at the foundations

till the nation falls apart

and when you turn to look around

you see that they all left town

before the news had got around

cause they can't walk the talk

The time is coming when a change

it going to set the world aflame

For some the fires in their hearts

for some, it burns like shame

They can talk and talk and talk

but they can't walk the talk

they're gonna tell you it's not their fault

but they can't walk the talk

you may say we got you wrong

we were misled all along

it must have been the other guy

but we know that that's a lie

cause you got all that sideways talk

that two-timing double-crossing talk

but you can't walk that talk

you can't walk that talk ♫

Something from Eliphas Levi to think about;

The Magical Ritual of The Sanctum Regnum
Chapter 16 - The Tower-La Maison de Dieu

That is why it is said, to know... to will... the dare... AND TO BE SILENT.

The Substack Mirror is here=

Monday, November 11, 2024

"I Am a Supporter of God, if Trump Happens To Be in Sync with God THEN... then I Am a Supporter of Trump as Well."

God Poet Transmitting.......

Well... it didn't take long. Mitch McConnell... who has Property of The Deep State tattooed on his ass, and... is either retiring or has been forced out... called a secret meeting of the necessary subcommittee of willing toadies... in order to shoehorn in one of President Trump's worst enemies... from his own party... into the head Senate Honcho seat. Both Senator Cornyn and Thune have been put forth. Each of them is from The Benedict Arnold wing of The Republican Party. It seems as if they are about to be headed off at the pass. We'll see.

This brings me to an important point. Anyone who reads these blogs on a regular basis and pays attention to what they read... knows about my apprehensions concerning the earlier version of Trump. However... I am a pragmatist in many ways and it is easy for me to understand that Trump got in over his head in the beginning, AND... when he went to make sweeping changes... he alerted the hidden and deep cover agents of The Globalists in both parties and... they did everything they could to shut down the force of change.

He's had four hard years to learn what he was up against and I... personally... think that he has learned a few lessons in that time. I see no lessening of the bombast or... lack of Gravitas... which I have bemoaned repeatedly here, BUT... I am not a believer... per se... in any politician period. Anyone drawn into that racket who doesn't soon run into the bathroom... to cleanse their system of the inevitable violations... that occur when you try to play on that court... is someone who can take a degree of corruption with their breakfast every day.

Then again... because it is ALWAYS then again... isn't it? I don't know, and I am not one of the 99.9999999% who also don't know, but insist on forming an opinion anyway. I try to gain at least a small grasp on what I am engaging... otherwise... I will eventually wind up in Dumbass City with the other clowns who know just enough to be dangerous, and... the process of doing what I do here... under the guidance of invisible friends... I have to be really careful not to offend the easily offended who are always around... even if their numbers are smaller here than at other locations. I heard from a reader recently; not one of the easily offended, BUT... it so happened that this reader had lodged a comment during a time when several other people had commented, and I... without being specific... responded to one of them (without publishing the comment) who... is often looking for trouble but does it in a sidling manner.

So... as it so happened... I managed to cause concern in the mind of this reader and perhaps others too, who might have thought I was talking to them... which I was not. That was my fault for not being clearer in the direction of my response... with the actual target... who has pulled this sort of thing with me on previous occasions, and... who promptly went to one of the other sites I am posted at, BUT... he had no luck there either. How sad.

Anyway... I bring this up because talking about President Trump... usually... causes all kinds of strafing and... various forms of conflict... because people are either full-on Gung Ho or... at various stages of distrust or... at least (like me) in a wait-and-see mode.

I am looking more... these days... at those he has chosen to surround himself with. This seems to be a massive improvement over his previous foray. I am also the sort of person to give out second chances. This comes in handy if you are a person of foresight who might need a second chance or two yourself at some point.

Regardless... Trump was... of magnitudes... the better choice, and I am even more hopeful than I was. You see... it is not about President Trump with me. It's not about the opposition either. It's about The Divine... the ineffable... God or... whatever anyone may be calling the indefinable these days. I do not concern myself with what other people do... unless I have to directly adjust to it. I rely on God... Period, and... I KNOW that God uses who he chooses... his will to be done.

The appearance of The Amish is an example of how God gets things done. Yes... he is guiding humanity in a certain direction, BUT also... away from other directions. It is not about right or wrong because ONLY God is right and Good. This is how he does things, by playing both sides to the middle... and forging a spiral that turns back on itself. There are no straight lines that go on forever. There are only people with short-term perspectives.

As far as I am concerned... if you are in that place of shifting loyalties... that place where fairweather friends gather, and you base your thoughts and actions on what... is... going... on... outside... of... you, that makes you an inadvertent materialist just like those more deeply enmeshed. It's like being a little pregnant.

I hate being in conflict with people, and I know... irrespective of the ways that people like to portray themselves... they are often a hotbed of seething resentments... quick to take offense, and are late to forgive. I try to stay aware of the vagaries of human nature. You can say the wrong thing to someone, with zero intention of doing so, and they will hold it against you for a very long time. Most of the time... they are looking for that sort of thing to begin with, so... I try.... without anything like complete success, but... I try... to be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove.

So... perhaps I am mad (of course I am, and gratefully so) or... beset with wishful thinking or... some other option on the menu, BUT... I am convinced that The Avatar is directly engaged NOW. I do not know his stage of embodiment and I do not need to. It is enough that I feel his presence more and more strongly by the day, and I KNOW that he is coming more into presence with me... while eliminating all taint of self in me... from those interior locations... where the remnants like to hide and plot its return to power.

The purification rituals I am experiencing are brutal at times, BUT... no doubt... necessary and I accept them with what little grace I possess. Regardless! I am convinced he is at work in me... and in The World... and in every other soul who is working to prepare a place for him to operate through... according to the specialties of each. As a result, I am less concerned about whether President Trump will fulfill all of the stated missions.

A certain cabal of demon-possessed reprobates that include Klaus Schwab... Bill Gates... George Soros... Larry Fink... Mayorkas... Garland... the Pelosi/Clinton Medusa; agents of The UN... The EU... NATO, and a host of agencies and international bankers... billionaires, and sundry... have put a whole lot of time and money into trying to turn the world into a dystopian wasteland of gulags. The only one who can singe these degenerate Satanists, and... send them flying away into hidey-holes on the dark side of passing asteroids or... The Dark Side of the Moon is... The Avatar and his legions of angels.

See... this is what happens when The World goes out of balance. It gets to a point where no one... at our level... is equipped to deal with the evil that has proliferated everywhere... through the force of advancing materialism. The good news is that this happens in regular fashion. It's just one of those things. It's not an anomaly. It happens again... and again... and again, and... The Avatar comes and sets it aright and... The Aquarian Age cannot advance... further toward the coming Golden Age... until The Avatar comes in and sets... it... all... in... order... again.

This is happening! This is REALLY REALLY happening. Be mindful... rely on The Divine AND... pay attention!!!

So this is not about Trump and it gets tiresome hearing from people that I am a supporter of Trump. I am a supporter of God, and if Trump happens to be in God's template for change THEN... then I am a supporter of Trump as well.

A variety of people from Hawaii with Pineapple Brain-rot Disease, and people from other locations... some of them of a fundie orientation... some of them Tribe Members... some of them with Advancing Stupid Syndrome... believe that I have gone to The Dark Side, never realizing that it is their own form of materialism that has got the best of them.

These people profess that they used to be friends of mine, but... I know for certain they were never friends of mine because all of my real friends are still around, and... like me... are of the thick or thin... Hell or Highwater variety. I am very much a Marine in that sense; I leave no friend behind. Friendship with me is a sacred trust, and NOTHING and NO ONE inhibits my love and devotion to my friends.

I bear no ill will toward those who misread my allegiances. They will see one day and understand that friendship does not rely on outward things. Nature is the reflection and bride of Almighty God. We are a depository of The Spirit of God and The External World... is a reflection of the projection of ourselves... that we place upon it. TRY to see Good ALWAYS. Follow the lead of The Sun and shine on everyone, and... concern yourself with nothing else.

I cannot do these things yet, but I aspire to them and that is my guarantee that I will do them when God decides to make it so. Everything rests upon his will to be or not to be, and that is either to be... formed as a translucence through which God shines... or to exist in temporary opposition for The Purpose of Demonstration.

Let God be the centerpiece of your existence and let God handle The Details. When you try to handle The Details, God will permit you to, so that you can screw up and realize that you should allow God to handle The Details. Clear? Sooner or later it will be, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Links are at GAB=

The most recent radio broadcast is still broadcasting, AND... the next one will be streaming this coming Sunday. I'll probably have the times in a day or two

Today's song is;

The Victory Goes to Love

♫ Oh how many times I fell

In battle and in love

how many times I raised my hands

To the living God above

And the end was the beginning

Nothing ever really stops

yea gravity keeps pushing

But the victory goes to love

resistance makes us stronger

but the victory goes to love

The whirling mother dances

everything into their forms

she shelters those who trust in her

and they never come to harm

Above the forest and the trees

I saw a shining dove

the darkness may consume itself

but the victory goes to love

the darkness may consume itself

but the victory goes to love

the trials of this world are hard

but bear them... yes we must

I've made it all the way to here

through grace and faith and trust

Nature turns in circles

and push will come to shove

while fools draw lines upon the sand

but the victory goes to love

fools draw lines upon the sand

but the victory goes to love

the end was the beginning

Nothing ever really stops

yea gravity keeps pushing

But the victory goes to love

resistance makes us stronger

but the victory goes to love

yea gravity keeps pushing

But the victory goes to love

gravity keeps pushing

but the victory goes to love ♫

The sub-stackables are This Side Up=

Wednesday, November 06, 2024

"You Have Already Assumed The Position Otherwise. Do Something Before it is Your Turn in The Barrel Again. Wise up!"

God Poet Transmitting.......

Oh, ye of little faith! So... it went as we said it would AND... it all got done last night! Of course, the scheming reptiles will be back with a new subterfuge. Have you ever seen maggots swarming in a wound? That is how the reptile Deep State behaves. The difference is that the maggots will clean the wound. The Deep State infects it in the first place. However... corruption must be initiated first... or there is nothing for them to feed on. They convince you to feed with them, and so it is that the unwary consume themselves, through... assisted self-deception.

As I have said for a long time now, I have nothing against Trump. I wish he had more Gravitas and did not get into brawls with people beneath his contempt. Especially... it is the slavish genuflecting toward The Kingdom of Satan on Earth that troubles me, but... even that doesn't trouble me because... it is all God... all the time.

People are chess pieces on a multi-dimensional gameboard. This is at the end of The Bhagavad Gita. Krishna/Christ is speaking;

The Lord dwells in the hearts of all creatures

and whirls them round upon the wheel of Maya.

Run to him for refuge with all your strength, and

peace profound will be yours through his grace.

I give you these precious words of wisdom; reflect

on them and then do as you choose. These are the

last words I shall speak to you, dear one, for your

spiritual fulfillment. You are very dear to me.

Be aware of me always, adore me, make every

act an offering to me, and you shall come to me;

this I promise; for you are dear to me. Abandon

all supports and look to me for protection.

I shall purify you from the sins of the past; do not grieve.

I KNOW those words to be true. I have experienced them and I am experiencing them. I let myself down every day, BUT... The Divine NEVER lets me down.

I pick myself back up... with strength given to me by The All-Encompassing. I leave it all on the court. I do not grieve. I do not regret. When thoughts of the past arise unbidden in my thoughts, I banish them with a snort.

I have mentioned those faults I am troubled by in President Trump. No doubt I am plagued with similar indiscretions. I do not see President Trump as a separate and independent figure. I see him as someone whirled around on The Wheel of Maya. God uses everyone for The Purpose of Demonstration. Sometimes it is to teach them a lesson, and... sometimes it is to teach others a lesson thru them. I always remember; there but for fortune goes I.

So... God will use President Trump to make a point... to us... and to himself. Recall... please... that all along we have maintained that Mr. Apocalypse is here to uncover and reveal The Truth about everything. It is that time of the season (cue The Zombies) when what has been hidden will be brought into The Light. We have also stated that he has... only just begun. President Trump coming back into temporal power... WITH A MANDATE... will be a vehicle for this.

God uses everyone for his purposes and it is ALWAYS for The Purpose of Demonstration. The Bible is filled with evidence of this. The Mahabharata is the same. The Ramayana is the same. These are all teaching devices... having to do with the same allegories... playing out in new forms.

Worlds are about to collide. The scepter has changed hands. It is no longer in the hands of a doddering... corrupt marionette who danced for the sport of demons. President Trump... despite the bombast and lack of sophistication (which surprises me, considering the circumstances he was raised in) doesn't have a mark on him. If he did, they would have found it. They had to make shit up. I am beginning to think he plays the clown for a reason, and... mind you...

...he could not have gotten elected by going after The Bankers. It could well be a matter of keeping his enemies close. I don't know, so... I am not going to speculate. I am going to stay positive... optimistic, and believe; always... believe.

I have been hearing people talking about how nothing is going to change; how The Deep State will simply adjust and continue to rule as they have, BUT... this entirely misses the point of an apocalypse and... it also misses the point of The Coming Age. It further misses the point that everything changes all the time. Change is the cornerstone of eternity.

I hear defeatist attitudes on a regular basis. I hear about Annunaki and Archons... shapeshifters... yadda yadda. All the people caught up in this prison world mentality are atheists and agnostics. When you know God is real... none of this negative... soul-deadening bullshit is real. God is real. Either God is real or appearances are. God is real and appearances are The Veil. You have to get behind The Veil. Then you will see The High Priestess. Then you will understand the flow of the fluid mindstuff on its way to taking the shape your thoughts project them into.

You will understand how we all live in a world of our own creation, AND... you will change the state of your world, AND... you will be then able to welcome others into the sanctuary of your own world... in which The Light of God shines without obstruction. You are/were the obstruction. Get... out... of... your... own... way!

You are God in potential... allow The Soul... which is your higher self... to descend upon you and swallow up your shortcomings and burn them for fuel to light the way. If you were not God in potential, why... would it be called The Higher Self?

The Mind is the source of all trickery and confusion. The Mind is the monkey of distraction driven by The Dog of Desire from one thing to the next... always trying to keep your mind focused on what is outside of you. Hanuman is The Mind when it has come into accord with The Indwelling.

Don't make your life harder by running after the mind. Put The Dog of Desire on a leash and learn the commands that make The Monkey Mind the servant of your will by unveiling The Divine Will within. It already propels you hither and yon... running you ragged... with no end in sight... under the blinded guidance of your separated will; this thing you call free will, and... there is nothing free about it.

It is what enslaves you, BUT... as we said about the figures in The Devil card... chained to the black block of ignorance... upon which sits the ridiculous figure... generated by our poisoned imagination... at the behest of carnal attractions... the chains around their necks are quite loose, and... can be lifted off at any time... were not the attention focused outwardly... upon that which forges the links in the chain.

You are caught in a Sisyphean absurdity... up and down you go... the pawn of pointless distractions. Give it a rest! Everything is under control! Take the reins of The Mind and guide all things along their appointed courses. Oppose no one. Cease all arguments. Become an inspired physician... dispensing healing balms as you go. Heal yourself and then heal The World. Rather let me say... become still and be healed. The Divine is waiting on you to assume the position.

You have already assumed the position otherwise. Do something before it is your turn in the barrel again. Wise up! Why does everyone insist on making it so hard for themselves? It is because you have convinced yourself that you know where you are going and you know what you are doing. You are wrong in both cases. Your constant failures make you angry at others when you are really only angry with yourself, BUT... life's a mirror... isn't it?

The Divine is in control of all things For The Purpose of Demonstration. Why not permit The Divine to make a positive demonstration out of you? It's effortless once you get into the groove, and...

... one last thing.

(There is a new world coming. Let your imagination be put to graceful acts of perpetuating beauty! First, let it be so inside you, and then the outside will respond.)

End Transmission.......

Sunday's radio broadcast awaits you
if you haven't dropped by yet.

Links are waiting at GAB=

Today's song is;

Angels of The Sun

♫ oh... those Angels of The Sun

how They shine on everyone

This is timeless work they do

The angels of The Sun

Clouds will come and clouds will go

Like some people born too slow

but one thing that I surely know

it ain't raining yet.

The Sun it shines on one and all

From one perspective I recall

It pays no mind to bad or good

It shines for Brotherhood

I can see them in the air

turning in the golden light

how they shine with God's own love!

like The Sun that shines above

They say that day will soon arrive

When everyone that is alive

Will see the truth of what they are

or never see at all

In this world, God's work is done

by Angels of The Sun

life is made more beautiful

by angels of the sun

I can see them in the air

turning in the golden light

how they shine with God's own love!

like The Sun that shines above

One day when the time is right

and hearts have opened to the light

The Sun will speak and we will hear

what before was never clear

The Sun it shines on one and all

From one perspective I recall

It pays no mind to bad or good

It shines for Brotherhood

In this world, God's work is done

by Angels of The Sun

life is made more beautiful

by angels of the sun

I can see them in the air

turning in the golden light

how they shine with God's own love

like The Sun that shines above

I can see them shining

all the way to Kingdom Come

may that kingdom come to earth

and may his will be done ♫

And Substack is still stacking up=