Tuesday, October 08, 2024

"They Are to be Trapped in a Maze of Their Own Creation, and... Pursued by The Beasts of Their Poisoned Imaginations."

God Poet Transmitting.......

Well... it's not Wednesday yet, but it will be, and then... those who have chosen to be there will be in the way of this.

Obviously, the storms are directed and managed by the same people who operate the FEMA response. I've no way of knowing what their intentions are, but they are certainly announcing themselves to The World, and... sooner or later... retribution will be calling on them.

We are less than a month away from Judgment Day, although that might not be Judgment Day but... only the coming attractions for Judgment Day. They have several major efforts of disruption about to go into play at any time, so... each day creates a greater intensity of a white-knuckled thriller ride; for those of you who do not know that the whole scenario is scripted... at a location very distant from... those who think they are writing the script.

It is always the case with people who like to play God... to assume there is no God, and then to act without concern for the fallout from their actions. Of course, they lack so many vital features... qualities... that are possessed by the actual Divine Being... which leads to them setting themselves up for... being ridden over, and mercilessly roughhoused by characters... as ruthless as they are... at some future time. The Recording Angel misses none of their behaviors...

...as Omar Khayyam said, “The moving finger writes; and, having writ, moves on and not all your piety or wit can lure it back to cancel half a line, nor all your tears wash out a word of it.”

This is especially true of those who insist on preempting with their own... malformed personality... the greater... by magnitudes... personality of The Divine... who radiates perfection because... perfection is only one of the assets... possessed by The Divine.

Those bringing such harm upon others... in these times... are going to rue the day. They will be permitted... over the course of a great length of time... to regret... at their leisure... all the horrors they have visited on the rest of us. Others... who are experiencing the present return on their own bad behavior... are in a position to call out for the mercy of The Divine, and... mayhap... in this time of The Coming of The Avatar... an abundance of Grace may be waiting for those in desperate need of it... who possess the grace needed to ask for it.

People who live in the make-believe shadows of their own... self-created... anthropomorphic deity... have the misfortune... of limiting the descent of Mercy and Grace upon themselves... because they see their God as being as inflexible and unforgiving as they are themselves; NEVER... limit God according to the lens of The Human Personality.

Those living in an atmosphere of fear and apprehension... concerning a God that does not even exist, should commit the greatest act of self-kindness there is... by fundamentally... and viscerally... acknowledging that they... do... not... know God at all... nor much of anything else... including themselves. This is the true beginning of Wisdom.

It is a grim panorama indeed... at this time... in The Land of Appearances. Don't get sucked in by that nonsense. The course of events has already turned to the disadvantage of The Usual Suspects and everyone like them. It just hasn't dawned on them that in their frenzy... for world conquest; they have far outdistanced themselves from the supply wagons... their armor is no armor at all... their weapons are insufficient... their deals with The Devil are null and void, and... they are exposed on a vast plane... where no shelter can be seen, as they march toward the doom that awaits them.

This is going to be one of the most epic comeuppances that ever there was; Shakespearean doesn't half cover it. In an hour... in a day... their fate will be revealed to them... the dream glitter will fall from their eyes, and they will find themselves in an unknown and friendless landscape... with neither comfort nor companions to be seen. Oh! They may hear voices crying out, but... march as they will... they will never come in sight of the authors of it.

They are to be trapped in a maze of their own creation and pursued by the beasts of a poisoned imagination. Tick... tick... tick. Onward move the hands of Karma... on the watch-face of anxious time passing; whatever it is... it's getting closer and closer.

The FCC just let one of Satan's arch-demons on Earth buy 200 radio stations. That would be Little Georgie Sorrows.

The Crass Media is in a lockstep not seen before, as they drive for total domination... of every access point on The Information Highway. Ah! They can taste it... oh... yes... they... can. They can almost touch it. They just have to reach a little further until; Ah! Becomes Ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (echo diminishing as the source of the sound moves further and further away.)

Appearances... appearances... always the spectral march of the Fata Morgana continues. The ghost armies of what might have been... sweep by on the screen of the imagination; what might have been... continues out of sight... around the curve of The Earth. What is can never surface because it cannot be seen. However... seldom do appearances match up with predictions. Life continues. Heads rolled down the chute at the daily executions in revolutionary France... yet The Terror lasted only 90 days, and then the heads of the revolution also rolled down the chute.

The Spanish Armada... the greatest fleet of its kind that ever there was... and it was harried and turned away by its more disciplined adversary... only to be torn apart by storms on the way home. Napoleon had the heads of his army handed to him at Waterloo; the best-laid plans do not survive first contact with the ineffable. It has always been, and it will ALWAYS be... about The Purpose of Demonstration.

Israel has put itself into an indefensible position, and not even the greatest army... that used to be... is going to be of much help. That greatest army... that used to be... is going to see its ships sink in foreign waters and its ring of bases reduced to ash. Someone had better tell the people... who won't listen... what they can expect; oh! (head-slap) Right. They don't listen, well... those who cannot hear must feel.

On we go, as cross-purposes abound, The geo-engineered storms are exposing both the malice AND the incompetence of the present administration and its chosen bimbo to follow as well, BUT... but... aren't the storms being created by this very administration? No! Wait! It's The Russians!!! The Russians are doing it. One must ask; what's really going on here?

And there's more.

It's almost as if They are being forced... against their will... to be exposed to the eyes of The World. It makes you wonder... doesn't it?

What I see is... The Hardest Working Archetype in Show Business; Mr. Apocalypse, and his queen, Lady Awakening... moving like a zeitgeist of the seasons coming and going, and trailing the weather... that forms in their footsteps... on every level of human residence; from the gross material plane... all the way up to the cornucopia it is flowing out of... The Causal Plane... that plane where the thoughts that become things... are forged by The Smithies of Heaven. Clang! Da Dang! go the hammers on the anvil... sparks fly as invisible winds carry them... like temporary fireflies... into a winking in and out of existence.

What is going on? Who is doing it? Doing what?

Doing it... you know... all that stuff that someone is doing, BUT... ah... it is so confusing. It's making my head hurt. Why would THEY be doing things that only expose the monstrosities of their nature to the rest of us? Meanwhile... the big brass band that follows Mr. Apocalypse around wherever he goes... keeps playing, Oompah! There it is! Why would they be doing... in broad daylight... the things that hurt them most? It doesn't make any sense.

Yeah... that's a good question... isn't it? Sooner or later The Media is going to start smelling something so horrible they can no longer ignore its presence, and everywhere they go... the smell attends them. This is going to happen to a particular nation of bloodthirsty scoundrels... who are no longer able to stay where they are... because everything suddenly smells bad, and they don't know where it is coming from or what they can do about it. Imagine their consternation when they find that no matter where they go... the stench goes with them.

I'm not just pulling rabbits out of a hat here, nor is it that I know anything at all, except... what... I... am... told, and what I am told is that there are certain immutable laws that apply to persistence in bad behavior; you start to look... and feel... and smell like what you are, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Links are waiting for you at GAB=

(For my Facebook readers. I've mentioned this many times but it seems to have not had any effect because people keep messaging me on Facebook and I ONLY go to Facebook to provide news of a post being up. Otherwise, I avoid Facebook entirely. I do not even follow links that lead there. They more or less ban my posts... via AI... according to the links I include or commentary I make. So... I make mention of posts there and the reader then has to come here to read the posts. Despite all my notifications, people still try to contact me or communicate with me through Fascistbook.

Mark Zuckerberg and his minions have the table manners of Nosferatu and the social skills of Jefferey Dalmer. I can't... in good conscience... have any contact with the place and I only do so as a favor. My point is... if you don't hear back from me... I am not being rude. I simply don't see the information... comments or messages. If you want to reach me you can do so at the blogs or by email. Sorry about that, but I'm not going to accommodate with this site at all. Thanks for understanding... if you do. (grin))

We'll take another hiatus on posting something spiritual here, BUT... it won't be for long.


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Israel. Will it see 2026? Don't think so. I don't think much of it will be left be 2025.

Wonder how many people are gonna end up evicted from the planet back east after the storms are done. A few million, I imagine.

Geo-engineering. We got whacked here too, but I must say that 20 degrees above average for 4/5 of the dry season is a bit less inconvenient than getting a raging waterfall dumped on ya for a few hours. Wonder when the left coast is gonna get whacked, by quake; no doubt. I'm hoping for a record breaker on the Richter scale whilst I'm home, or at least on the west side of the range I gotta go through.

Gods, we sign up for some strange things. Yeah, my life's been a roller coaster too, but at least the car never ran below sea level.

Nostrils to the sky, as this stupid era finally buys the farm.



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