Thursday, October 24, 2024

"The Truth is that There is a Fellowship of Souls Whose Membership is Drawn from Every Corner of a World With No Corners."

God Poet Transmitting.......

I see where a fellow commenting at Truthseeker mentioned that Jesus was not Jewish. This we have maintained for some time here. We go so far as to say he was Syrian, and... there's more to it, but we will let Mr. Apocalypse do what he does best.

There are reasons... why all real historical mention of the personality... who changed The World... more than any other figure... over the last millennia... has been scrubbed from the record. It has also been stated... by insightful souls... that the tale of Jesus is much like the tale of Shakespeare, where several personalities are mentioned as possibilities for being the man... that the sock puppet Shakespeare... certainly was not.

The truth is that there is a fellowship of souls whose membership is drawn from every corner of a world with no corners, and it is they who accomplish the remarkable works of history, and who remain anonymous because... they are that kind of classy.

In The Gita, Krishna holds forth about how wherever excellence is demonstrated... in ANY field... it is him doing it. Anyone who is good at anything... is good at it because of Krishna... or whatever other names he goes by. Even so... no one is as shy... retiring, and modest as God is. He is as elusive and hard to contain as a handful of water.

Anyway... there is this fellowship of souls that are his agents and representatives here, and those who are members... agree to perform their works in relative obscurity. In some cases, it is understood that they will be briefly celebrated while they are here or... following their departure... or disappearance... which is often enough the case as well, but... their true aspirations... never depend on that... or any other return whatsoever. Their greatest joy is to serve in the emulation of The Master.

There are wide-ranging testimonials about such characters, and you come across them in occult history, but rarely in revisionist history. The Comte De St. Germain was such a fellow, and... for all the legitimate members... there are many others who pretend to be members... who create bogus mystery schools for their own gain... or who have learned some amount of the mesmeric tricks... forms of legerdemain, and hoodwinking that are the necessary skills of mountebanks and charlatans.

The World is a magic show, and few people realize just how much of a magic show it is. Krishna/Christ AKA this... that... and the other name brands... being the best at anything and everything... is also the greatest magician of all. He is the overflowing fountain of miracles that no one seems able to perceive, but which happen all day... every day... in plain sight.

Certain adepts have spoken of a particular marvel that is passed... by hundreds of thousands of people each day, and none of them see it for what it is. Circe has gotten her hands on most of us, and... like Lancelot... virtue has its powers, and they can be greatly missed once they are gone. Few people are aware that Galahad was Lancelot's bastard son. Then again... few people realize the significance of The Arthurian Legend. You certainly get enough insight from it... into the workings of Destiny... to discover that you know very little at all.

Yesterday... we mentioned the wheels within wheels, and how few people... can see deeper into their workings. Some force distracts most of those who might make the effort, and it requires a relentless persistence and determination indeed. Only a truly aspirational love... will provide the energy needed to attain to that level of seeing. The Bible (a book of Gematria) mentions The Wheel of Ezekiel. Then there is also The Buddhist Wheel of Life. It has to do with that force that prevents our seeing deeper into the meaning of life, up... to... a... certain... point.

It seems that on the cosmic level... there are wheels everywhere. There is also the mystery of salt that dries in perfect cubes. This relates to The Divine Mystery of The Tears of Mary. Is there such a thing? If not... there should be. The Secret Book of Nature reveals everything one could hope to discover of spiritual truth. The question remains; where can I get a copy? The answer would be; seek and ye shall find.

An interesting feature that attends the lives of those who spend their lives studying symbols and signs, and the mysteries they generate, is... at the end of their life... they are likely to be more perplexed than when they started. Certainly... they have a large storehouse of information, which turns out to be less than a fragment of a fragment, BUT... it is impossible to come to realization through Knowledge alone; “the way is barred. You shall not pass!” So it goes.

A simple equation... a metaphysical construct... tells you all that can be known... considering it is delivered to you through speech and sensory apparatus, and... that is... that Love and Wisdom must be gained and combined in order for Truth to be revealed. You also require new eyes to see it with.

It is said that only Galahad was pure enough to see The Grail and understand what he was looking at. Percival saw it but did not understand it. Lancelot was able to see The Grail Reflected. I assume The Reader can understand that this has to do with The Love of God. The tale of Arthur and his knights is the stuff of legend, and... we have plenty of those. However... legends... like fables... fairy tales and allegories... are teaching devices and they exist in every culture.

One needs Regenerated Innocence to see and comprehend the deeper mysteries. Otherwise... you're out of luck... especially since luck has nothing to do with it. One also needs Impersonal Love. Personal Love will avail you not at all unless it is fixed on The Personality of God.

Every master... every adept... hosts the same true master in their form. There is only one. One who appears different because it shines through a specific personality. It isn't different. There is ONLY ONE. These are the workers behind the scenes... the ones who eschew personal gain or celebrity in the eyes of The World. Sometimes... The One decides to make itself known through a certain vehicle. Often enough, once illumination is effected... they step off the known highways and onto The King's Highway... which runs through every other road unseen.

There seems to be some confusion Out There about why anyone would seek to unite with someone... or something... outside of their own self. The implication seems to be that this is what Religion promises. It is not what we talk about here, nor have we ever indicated that. The Self... The Personality of God that one seeks. in... my... understanding... is your own self. That is why it is called The Higher Self; is it not?

Jesus Christ is The Soul... in the demonstration of union and resonance with The Spirit. The Soul is The Vehicle of Spirit, and... if, as scripture states... you are made in the image of God; what does that mean? What does that imply? Why would you be made in the image of God? Surely there is a reason for that.

You are the thing you seek; if you are seeking, and... in truth... no matter what you think you are seeking... it is ALWAYS this that you are seeking. The reason that wanting results in no lasting satisfaction, and leads only to more wanting... is due to the focus of The Wanting. No matter how much fuel is thrown on a fire... it is never satisfied. It would eat the whole world if it could. The key is not in feeding the fire. The key is in adjusting The Flame. The Key is in turning the flame down and making it smaller and more still.

Those are just words, but they are the best possibility that I have in this medium. Still... they are not comprehensive, which is why there are always people coming around saying, what about this? What about that? It is foolish to expect anyone to cover the gamut of any metaphysical subject in a single commentary. It is even more foolish to think they can. Not even The Wise believe this and it accounts for their silence on so many things.

What I do here is to transmit... what I receive internally... concerning specific guidelines of right living... right thinking... right speaking... right acting. I only know what I am told, and what I have tried... tested... and verified. In the scheme of things that is not much at all, and no claims are ever made here to that effect. I am crystal clear about how little I know.

The point of this is not to set myself up as some kind of authority on ANYTHING. The point of this is to be useful, and... as we have said many times here; take what is useful and leave the rest.

The Mind is the enemy of Understanding. Understanding does not come to a mind in turmoil, and beset by constant argument with itself... about things it does not understand in the first place. When The Mind is still, the image can be seen in The Mirror. When it is not, all you get is a blur, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Links will be at GAB=

And yes... we continue at Substack

Today's song is;

The Truth is I Don't Know

♫ Everybody's searching,

searching for a home

In the lives of others,

or by themselves alone

What they all are looking for,

is only found within

Once you understand this

your journey can begin

Everybody's chasing down

their slice of daily bread

Is this something actual

or only in their head?

someone said it somewhere

we don’t live by bread alone

When you know why you hunger,

you are almost home

Does it take forever?

Is it close at hand?

Does it even matter?

Can I understand?

One day you’re in the mountains

next day you're on a beach

and you can see forever

And it is in your reach

Everyone is falling.

they hope they fall in love

They’re looking at the ground

while it pours down from above

What they're really looking for

is not outside of them

Once you understand this

then love will reel you in

Everybody wants what they want

and that means now

They don’t know what it is

but they chase it anyhow.

graveyard's full of sailors

who heard the sirens call

When you do know what you want

you will have it all

Does it take forever?

Is it close at hand?

Does it even matter?

Can I understand?

One day you’re in the mountains

next day you're on a beach

and you can see forever

And it is in your reach

Someone told me somewhere

it was probably long ago

if you're looking for the truth

the truth is I don't know

the truth's not this and the truth's not that

the truth is I don't know

so if you're looking for the truth

the truth is I don't know

The truth is I don't know ♫


0 said...

That one last thing was hilarious. :)


Anonymous said...

Just brilliant! This poem is brilliant!!!
Smiling, nodding and laughing all the while reading this. Thank you Les, merçi buckets, grazie mille :) am

Anonymous said...

Dear Visible,
The last few days were very stressful and fearful for me and my beloved daughter and most of the time I was praying to God for the best outcomes in our troubles, which is what eventually happened, even way better and beyond expectations. But it came in a long run of little everyday miracles which, combined with my praying more than probably any other time in my life, has left me in awe and a sense of gratitude of great proportions. And throughout this crises I could not help but remember regularly your advice to leave everything in the hand of god and I focused instead on getting my stupid old self out of the equation, and in all cases what I was getting was people doing for me all that I couldn't have done myself and removing us from all danger, just by praying for it and restraining my reactive old self.
So after a good nights sleep after 4 days of little and troubled sleep, I woke up today feeling a tremendous love for God which saved mine and my daughter's asses and taught us tremendous lessons. And as I was looking at the sun rising and the light of the sun warming my heart and filling it with love and courage and all the good things god gives to people that love him, I felt like I instantly understood why there is what people call free will. It felt like what I was getting at these moments with my heart overflowing with gods love was the real reason for free will, its because he is a father who allows you anything and punishes you for nothing, but the moment you turn back to him and love him back, oh what a forgiving and loving father he is! The best there is! And that was my story, I sincerely hope everyone feels this love someday in their life, and the Devil, well without him leading us in the opposite direction, we might never turn to god. So I agree with you that the Devil is how the wicked see God, since in the end the result is he leads you to the father, if you repent that is!
Thank you for helping all your readers come closer to god, at least you have done this for me for many years now.
Much Love from a friend from Greece.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

I'd love to know what one of the political extortionists would have to say to a member of The Holey Order of the Septum, not that they'd be so stupid as a person identifying as a cat. And if he did identify as a cat, why did he speak English and not Catonese?

Nostrils to the sky on the post.

Visible said...

Friend from Greece;

As I read your comment I was filled with Gratitude for your well-being. I pray that God shower you with evidence of his presence in succeeding days. Oddly enough, I had just been thinking... a short while ago... about a time when I arrived at a prison that was also a gladiator school. That is what they call those prisons where the majority of the inmates are young and all doing under ten years.

These places are constantly violent with people proving themselves on the less fortunate or getting a taste of their own medicine. Just before I encountered the mass of them, I was put in a fugue state by God where my attention was riveted upon the divine without respite and it filled me with a degree of power and force that kept the beasts at bay. Incredible things happened during the 60 days I was kept there.

I had just been thinking how grateful I am that at so many moments like that... God showed up. I made some comment to him, wondering about what might have been... had it not gone the way it did, and I was informed that that was the way it was meant to go and hypothetical speculation is not only pointless, but stupid as well. I embraced that without argument.

Thank the ever-present Divine Being for his kind watchfulness over us.

Anonymous said...

"One needs Regenerated Innocence to see and comprehend the deeper mysteries."

The more I know, the more I know... I don't know shit!

Thansk you for keeping me on the beam!

robert said...

Spiritual survival and thrival wisdom transfer succinctly rendered to be intelligible to those on an earnest quest

The more we trust the unwavering light within, the more we trust the One, the more we live above our mean streak and share in the expression of Being here, always now

Get ready to find the rock that does not roll!

Anonymous said...

In the realms of spirit the language of the profane is not spoken.

Anonymous said...

Dear Visible,
Thank you so much for your comment, the moment I started reading it Gods love showered me once again and gratitude overflowed my heart, what an amazing feeling! The weirdest thing is that our misfortune (or fortune as it turned out) involved problems with the law and prison cells, and you mention these things as if you knew in some way what my problems were! If I were not a reader of your work for 23 years now I would have been awestruck, still gave me goosebumps though. I also pray for you my dearest friend, and all your readers to find God more and more everyday.
A friend from Greece.

Visible said...

In the lands of Tutti-Frutti everything is all Arutti... or so I have been told.

Visible said...

Friend from Greece. I was told this was the case before I wrote the comment; absent details of course because they are none of my business, but I was given to understand it was associated... or would be.

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now=

"ONLY Those Who Master Their Carnal Nature Know How to Tango, and They Don't Have to Peel their Clothes to Do It."



Joseph Brenner

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The Sacred and The Profane

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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