Friday, October 11, 2024

"That's How It Looks on The Surface. That is not How It is... In Actuality... Behind and Above The Veil of Appearances."

 God Poet Transmitting.......

Well... Israel is bombing Lebanese cities with depleted Uranium explosives. The theory is that... because they give birth to so many emotionally and mentally damaged people themselves... due to the tradition they are raised in... (and the poisoned genetics) they have every right to help the Lebanese people give birth to physically damaged people.

Now they have discovered that they can see... anyone they look at... anywhere they look at them... as a terrorist... the same way they did in Gaza. It's Whack-a-Mole applied through the scorched Earth construct. They have found terrorists hiding inside the mattresses... on which critically ill people were lying, and pretending to be critically ill.

The same people who helped the Saudis control Hollywood, and... who sent their FX makeup departments to Gaza... have now sent more of them to Beirut. They are calling these people, Makeup Artists, and Fake Blood and Limb removal Experts without Borders..

Israeli scientists say that Arab researchers have found a way to transport Hezbollah and Hamas fighters into the bodies of small children... babies... women... aid workers... tourists, and even household pets... so that they can assault the poor... defenseless, and picked on IDF humanitarian soldiers... who are only trying to make this a better world for themselves and you later... maybe.

We are The World... we are The Bankers... We're transporting Proctor and Gamble products in oil tankers. It's this thing we do... we're saving people's lives... cause we're God's chosen people. You know we make a better world... just us and... you later... maybe♫

A friend posted this at another site. It's about the memorials that will be springing up around The World in the next sixteen years. It makes sense we could refurbish all the old Holocaust museums... once the fraud is exposed... which should happen shortly. Take care while you watch it because I nearly burst into tears at the end

Day by day... those who are calculating monsters or insensate brutes... performing as side actors... because show business is in their blood... are being revealed to the whole world as what they are, and they can never undo the perceptions they have created.

Over previous centuries... they came to be identified with the horrific crimes they had performed on the rest of humanity. Then... as Materialism advanced... they were able to work a dark magic on the Christian mind... via certain outrageous lies they embedded in the scriptures. Soon... through the efforts of Mr. Apocalypse and Lady Awakening... The World will see them as they really are again. It's only a matter of time.

They have been able to give the perception that they are smarter than everyone else because they are not hampered by a conscience, BUT... very few people are as smart as they think they are, and that gets proven out over... and over... and over again. It is in the very nature of The Purpose of Demonstration.

The carefully made towers of evil... constructed over the centuries... are soon to topple and fall, and... that will not be all.

They could back off... even now, BUT... they are driven and compelled... to follow the inflexible course... of their own destruction. Repeatedly... they have been shown that Iran and several other countries can hit them in any location... at will... with impunity.

It is not by accident that these are people who climb hills to watch the carnage in neighboring countries... with cocktails in their hands... who sing and dance and cheer... as the bombs fall on anyone... in the wrong place... at the right time.

It is not by accident that they are led by an insane demagogue at this time... or that their best friend... the big hulking schoolyard bully... with all the knives in his back... is led by a feckless and corrupt... incompetent... hollowed-out shell of a once human life-form... or that the overseas alliance... cobbled together after the last world war... is now led by a collection of cross-dressing... and drooling pedophiles... who can't fit into the normal airline seat.

Fortunately... most of them are impotent and incontinent after the age of thirty-five, but there are still the blood-sports and dark altars remaining for their entertainment. As long as they don't run out of fresh bodies... they will be okay. Unfortunately for them... if and when they do run out of the particular bodies needed to feed The Dark Invisibles... that serve their awful appetites... it's going to be their asses for a really long time.

When you control the web of appearances; the vehicles of their delivery... through the senses and into the captive mind... you can control... to some extent... what people think and feel and do. Of course, there will always be those, like most of the readers who come here... that are immune to their bullshit. Yes... they own nearly all of The Media, and they can... usually... threaten into submission... whoever and whatever they do not own. They own the mediums and conveyances that produce entertainment. They own the people who invent, interpret, and deliver The News.

They have become so powerful that they can start wars for no other motive than their own profit. They can end the wars when they please, and... anyone with a high enough profile... who objects too strenuously... gets ruined or disappeared. That's how it looks on the surface. That is not how it is in actuality... behind and above the veil of appearances.

These dark and disgusting creatures are only permitted to do what they do... for a given period of time... in order to teach humanity the cost of turning away from The Divine. Some might say, “Wow! God's pretty self-involved, isn't he?” The truth is... we see The Divine and everything else as a projection of our own level of awareness and perception. As we rise through stages of consciousness, we come... more and more into seeing everything in a truer light.

You are God... in separated aspect... traveling through life after life... in search of THE SELF-realization. What does it all mean? You'll be finding out... if you care to. If you don't care to... then those lives will go on and on... ad infinitum... ad nauseam... and ad ham-hoc. Sometimes it will be oh so wonderful for a time. Then it will not be oh so wonderful for a time... then it might even turn into a miserable progression of suffering and sorrows. Then you won't remember any of it at all.

Trying to explain what really is... to people lost in a curving corridor of distortion mirrors... that endlessly returns on itself... is a near impossibility. Imagine that you are dreaming and someone who is awake is speaking to you. You won't hear them, but the conversation will still impress itself on your mind, and... one day... a car horn will honk... a dog will bark, and a bell will chime in your mind, and what you heard... oh so very long ago... will come clearly into your thoughts, and you will understand.

In the meantime... you are adrift on a sea of sensation. Now and again you... sink below the surface. Then you fight your way back up. The effort it takes to continue fighting to come awake is superhuman. Who can manage it? Look around you and you will see the odds, and if you do awake; what are you going to tell anyone? Will they understand you? How long will it take some sensation to distract them? You will become an annoyance.

It is far better to ride the slipstreams of The Divine and let all interest in The World pass away. There is nothing of any importance going on in The World. It only looks like that because of your attachment to temporary images of sorrow... coming in or going away. There is a rhythm to it... like the waves rolling to the shore... like The Sun passing in the sky... The Moon rising... The Moon setting... The Moon getting full and The Moon disappearing, BUT... always coming back again.

There was a time when Nature was pristine. Now it is a maze of False and Adapted Nature... moving toward ever greater complexities... until it all dissolves and becomes simple and pristine again. This is how it goes on the plane of Time... the place of increasing weariness and weight. There is another place without weariness and weight... a place where you can hear the laughter of sunlight... moving among dancing reflections. There is singing that seems to be coming from everywhere at once.

Oh, The Sun is rising. Day is coming on

next thing you know, the day is gone

One day you take a walk

one day you need a cane

One day the world seems normal

one day The World's insane.

There's one thing you can count on

and that is life will change

Sometimes it's beautiful

and sometimes it's strange

Doesn't matter if you're fast or if you're standing still

If the fire doesn't get you... the frozen silence will

Now The Moon is rising. Night is coming on

Soon The Sun will rise and night is gone.

One day you learn to talk

Then there's nothing left to say

One day The World surrounds you

one day it goes away.

Maybe you find a passageway,

maybe a hidden door

it might lead you to a world

you've never seen before

The present world we live in

is a doomed and desperate thing

But I don't pay it any mind

cause I've heard angels sing.

I've heard angels singing

like glory on the wind

In my deepest dreams

the songs come back again

Is it The Sun by day?

Is it The Moon by night?

Lead me on oh gracious Lord from darkness into light

Lead me on oh gracious Lord from darkness into light

Lead me on oh gracious Lord from darkness into light♫

Well... sooner or later you will wake up or... it will be the person next to you. Someone is always waking up somewhere, and then? The time comes when a whole bunch of people all wake up simultaneously. That day is not far off now, and... last thing.

End Transmission.......

Links will appear, sooner or later at GAB=


Love To Push Those Buttons said...



Israel is living on a false history. (As long readers of this blog should know.) They're more political than religious, and this historical researcher lays it out.


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

That genocide video is something the trumpster should see. Our next selected president, from what I see. Our alleged saviour. Yeah, riiiiiiiiight. Anyone who is so pro-Yaldabaoth brat a saviour? Might as well trust a starving wild polar bear not to eat you if you try to pet it. HAS THE SWAMP BEEN DRAINED YET? It's more like in his term, the swamp was HIRED!

Another incredibly beautiful post, and more killer song lyrics that mean a little more to me than most.


M - said...

I saw a Xenomorph as well. lol

Have a wonderful weekend.

Visible said...

LTPTB; I keep holding out the hope that he is playing them. Meanwhile, I trust the almighty period

Visible said...

You have a wonderful weekend too, M

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

I think this political theatre is just that, and every player knows how it's supposed to end. I see Harris is the designated loser. From the news, they're aiming for that. I wouldn't be surprised if 90 odd percent of the people who are brainless enough to vote for that 'ho are vaccinated.

Works fer me.



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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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