Thursday, October 03, 2024

"Insanity is a Product of Imbalance... as The imbalance Gets Worse... It Will Spin Right Off The Surface it is Turning On."

 God Poet Transmitting.......

I had two links... from last night... put aside for today. I was going to include them... with the post... as evidence of the main topic, BUT... I think not. We don't like to do gruesome here. If it bleeds... it leads... is for the people I got the links from. However... a brief synopsis might be called for. A young thug... age 19... went to live with his grandmother.

The grandmother hired a local handyman... much beloved in the community for his kindly and helping manner; a veteran of 65. The thug killed the handyman for no apparent reason. He did not know that a camera caught part of his exploit... where he ran up behind the handyman and clubbed him with a bat.

The handyman got up... hardy fellow that he was, and chased his assailant into the house where the orc stabbed him to death. The orc said it was self-defense. That's not going to fly. Then he was promptly bailed out on $50,000 bail. This took place in the Seattle area.

Then... in Michigan... a 13-year-old girl stabbed her sister to death for... no apparent reason.

Meanwhile... from what I hear... the reason there has been no large response to the hurricane disaster regions is because everyone is on call for Israel's Middle East Extermination Program and their Ersatz Israel... from The Nile to The Euphrates bullshit

Biden said, (believe it or not) I just gave 7 billion to Ukraine, so there is no money for the devastated South. (where so many deplorable Republicans live.) He was going to give a whopping $750. bucks to each wiped-out resident... from those wiped-out areas. That is what Kamala said. Apparently, that is off the table now too.

And what is going on here???

Here we have a true psychopath, whining about the fictional Holocaust as a defense against his relentless effort to destroy America; when he's not green-lighting assassination attempts. The link was removed. It was about Mayorkas.

I've been saying for some time that the atmosphere of crazy was going to intensify to such a point that things both large and small would stop functioning. Insanity is a product of imbalance... as the imbalance gets worse and worse... it will eventually spin right off the surface it is turning on. Large swaths of the public are going to be affected. Smaller amounts will show no signs of the internal disorder that is already producing its own form of chaos; its own weather system.

The Diddy Chronicles are now in a big shutdown on Big Media. There is little to see or hear... except on X and a few smaller venues. That will prove to no avail because Mr. Apocalypse... who set the whole thing in motion... is not going to be dissuaded by anyone or anything... because he is acting under Heavenly Fiat. 

The pandemic of Insanity that is sweeping The World... although generated by a fever of advancing Materialism... is also under Heavenly Fiat. Apparently... in order to bring The World back into balance, it must first be knocked right off its hinges.

Here is only one of a great many examples of Crazy on The Road to Denouement... To get there... you take the left-hand fork on Straight Street. The right-hand fork leads to and thru Damascus.

Let us return to that great and immortal quote by Euripides; Those whom God wishes to destroy, he first makes mad. This is LITERALLY acting out before the eyes of The World at this moment. The reason people have such a difficult time seeing Trends and Patterns... the obvious end results of actions, and the invisible projection of thoughts into matter... is for the same reason that most people are not very good at Algebra or Chess.

Even people who are good at Algebra and Chess often have a hard time seeing where the moment is headed because of their general motivations in life. Their focus is sustained and directed by their pursuit of personal gain. This skewers the real picture... narrowing one's field of sight... so that it is impossible to see what is coming in from either side or... from behind, and giving a limited view of what lies ahead.

It provides a great advantage when you can see five or six moves ahead. God does not need to interfere in or micro-manage life. He will sometimes appear for The Purpose of Demonstration... via an individual or thru invisible force, BUT... he has set laws in place that handle every possibility of outcome, and which route it to its appropriate end. Willful sorts... scoff at the incredible poetry... that is perpetually expressed in the dynamics... of natural and supernatural law, as set forth by The Divine.

Nothing escapes the net of cause and effect, and... only those who do good... without thought of reward... escape all negative consequences. What does this seem to indicate? Does it not imply an impersonal and selfless perspective? That is the manner in which God comes and goes, and those who emulate him adopt the same mirror-persona.

Yesterday we said, God is... IN FACT... real AND present. Today we say, Insanity is a state of imbalance, and... God's Presence... is the cure. God's Presence directs an automatic return to Harmony of Being. Insanity comes about, and intensifies... by degrees... the further you depart from your center. Materialism draws the senses outward... toward the objects of attraction. The further out you go... the crazier you get. This is also a law.

People have schemed for countless years to get This... That... and The Other Thing. Everything is present on an invisible web. A current runs through this web, and the slightest tremor of thought... activates a force that responds to our actions upon anything. It generates a response appropriate to the actions of anyone... at any level... on anything.

God does not have to step in for any reason. He chooses to appear... now and again... for a specific reason, AND... that is that the object of all desire... PERIOD... is union with The Divine. It doesn't matter what you or anyone else thinks your motives are, at any point of your animated ignorance. Essentially... everyone is seeking union with The Divine because that is THE ONLY THING THAT SATISIFIES, and... you will wander in various states of dissatisfaction until you attain it. So...

...he steps in... now and again... as a reminder that he is... in fact... the true goal of all thought.,.. feeling... and action. His very presence rights The World. He doesn't actually have to do anything. He goes through certain motions... that create holidays, and causes for celebration, BUT... it is his presence alone... that accomplishes and generates Harmony.

So... all this disorder and wild-eyed madness is headed somewhere; collectively and individually. You have to be able to see ahead a few stages. Otherwise... it could be alarming.

What happened in the southern states... despite evidence of obvious weather modification... is part of The American People being awakened to the monsters in our midst, and much of this monstrous behavior is being generated by The Devil's Offspring, who are also getting an exposure before the eyes of The World... such as they have not experienced in a long time.

Up Close and Personal... it is hard to see the positive aspects of these times. Those who are at the head of the line... for being dealt with... by Cosmic Justice... have gone truly insane. They feel the invisible heat and pressure on them from all sides, and this has resulted in the most profane and violent forms of acting out.

The news you are receiving... from The Crass Media... is heavily censored and scripted... to divert your attention from how bad it is getting in the World. Already... people are scrambling to the stores... for shopping carts filled with toilet paper, which is perhaps more than just a symbolic indication of being in deep shit. People seldom realize what they should have been stocking up on until it is too late.

All signs of disorder and pending chaos aside... the fact is that a new world is coming... a new age is being born, and... it will rise from the ashes of old corruptions. A new compact with humanity... a new gospel, and... a new testament... based on Brotherhood is to manifest, AND... a whole new series of dramas... For the Purpose of Demonstration is coming into being... for future demonstrations, and... last thing.

End Transmission.......

Links will be at GAB=

Patanjali's Sutras continue from Book One=

38. Or a pondering on the perceptions gained in dreams

and dreamless sleep.

For the Eastern sages, dreams are, it is true, made up of

images of waking life, reflections of what the eyes have seen

and the ears heard. But dreams are something more, for the

images are in a sense real, objective on their own plane; and

the knowledge that there is another world, even a dream-world,

lightens the tyranny of material life. Much of poetry and art

is such a solace from dream-land. But there is more in dream,

for it may image what is above, as well as what is below;

not only the children of men, but also the children by the shore of

the immortal sea that brought us hither, may throw their images

on this magic mirror. So, too, of the secrets of dreamless

sleep with its pure vision, in even greater degree.

  1. Or meditative brooding on what is dearest to the heart.

Here is a thought which our own day is beginning to

grasp: that love is a form of knowledge; that we truly know

any thing or any person, by becoming one therewith, in love.

Thus love has a wisdom that the mind cannot claim, and by this

hearty love, this becoming one with what is beyond our personal

borders, we may take a long step toward freedom. Two

directions for this may be suggested: the pure love of the

artist for his work, and the earnest, compassionate search into

the hearts of others.

  1. Thus he masters all, from the atom to the Infinite.

Newton was asked how he made his discoveries. By

intending my mind on them, he replied. This steady pressure,

this becoming one with what we seek to understand, whether

it be atom or soul, is the one means to know. When we be-

come a thing, we really know it, not otherwise. Therefore live

the life, to know the doctrine; do the will of the Father, if you

would know the Father.

41. When the perturbations of the psychic nature have all

been stilled, then the consciousness, like a pure crystal, takes

the color of what it rests on, whether that be the perceiver,

perceiving, or the thing perceived.

This is a fuller expression of the last Sutra, and is so lucid

that comment can hardly add to it. Everything is either perceiver

perceiving, or the thing perceived; or, as we might say,

consciousness, force, or matter. The sage tells us that the one

key will unlock the secrets of all three, the secrets of conscious-

ness, force and matter alike. The thought is, that the cordial

sympathy of a gentle heart, intuitively understanding the hearts

of others, is really a manifestation of the same power as that

penetrating perception whereby one divines the secrets of

planetary motions or atomic structure.

42. When the consciousness, in perceiving, is successively

occupied by the name, the idea, and the understanding of what

it is dwelling on, this is the distributive action of the mind.

We are now to trace the ascending stages of perception,

from the most external observation to pure intuitive vision.

We begin with the perception of gross substance, or as we

might say, external and objective things, observed by the

physical senses. In perceiving these external things, the mind's

action may be either distributive and analytical, or non-distributive

and intuitive, the second being the higher, as nearer to

unity. Thus we may think analytically of something, say, a

cow, first by name, then according to its appearance, and then

through what we know of its nature;

or we may think non-distributively, entering into

the idea of the cow, as a famous

painter of the Netherlands

entered into the inmost being of the

sheep he so lovingly depicted.



0 said...

Israel Doubled down, blew up russian managed bases in Syria overnight with the Russians shooting back...

And on that note, heres a version of Sound of silence I enjoy. Should be quieter in the World soon.... one way or another.


0 said...

Given the closed airspace over Washington DC, I wonder what the chances are they'll use the russians nukes to wipe out all the DC buildings and data?

Better than being held to account for all the stuff they've done in The Americans Names eh?

I just hope it doesn't angle into setting up the FED gov in all 10 FEMA regions, be 10 times worse than it was the last 250 years.

Beyond that, what comes comes. Hope everyones prepared!


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

About that hurricane, and the government out to kill everyone. It's money. Lithium and quarts in NC. Tesla is in on it:

She Said "The Government is telling people, DO NOT help your neighbors" WOW

Spread far and wide. People can make this backfire, but they probably won't.

This is like Maui all over again, but with high water as opposed to Hell. (And I'll never forgive 'em fer missin' Moore County, but then again, what have they got except for one psycho bitch who I have it out for. Oh well. Another hurricane is allegedly on the way, so. . . HEY HAARPSTERS! ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME??????????)

Is dat snark? I'll let you decide. (Actually, I'm not out to destroy the world, but like Hell I'm stoppin' anyone else from doin' it, bein' philosophically opposed to it. I mean, come on! Compared to the Otherside, it's a stifling, annoying, perpetually inconvenient prison. How many of our innate abilities and knowing is put on hold down here, barring the few that can override the limitations with an incredible amount of self discipline that most don't have 2% of?!


Visible said...

Good catch LTPTB!



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