Monday, October 21, 2024

"I Read for as Long as It Took... to Get What They Meant, Then I Pitched It into The Dumpster of Already Forgotten."

 God Poet Transmitting.......

In this election, the issues are the difference between all-out depravity and living an orderly life. When you distill it down... that's what you get, a grotesquerie of excess leading to moral bankruptcy or... living in alignment with the principles upon which the nation is founded. I am not implying we have always lived up to that, BUT... the effort has to be in that direction or... you are doomed.

That is what a greater influence of The Usual Suspects involves... whether it is Babylon or The Weimar Republic... they are ALWAYS promoting a state of degeneracy. It is a religion with them. Their spiritual leaders own pornography centers, websites, and sex toy industries. An old AshkeNAZI couple in Brooklyn owns The World's largest gay sex website. If it has to do with selling anything having to do with carnal engagement, they... are... there.

It is not just facilitating perversity, it is also about controlling the academic perspective on the human sexual climate; Freud... Reich... trending from there to the smut of Al Goldstein and names too numerous to list. It's all about the single focus on The Material Plane. Communism is a natural outgrowth of that mindset translated into dialectical materialism.

Without the higher input of spiritual qualities, you have The World through carnal eyes... where conscience has no place. When we humanize the animal nature in ourselves we humanize that plane of being in extension. When we celebrate the carnal nature exclusive of the intrusion of higher mind, you get... dog eat dog.

I don't want to needlessly intellectualize the thing. I've kept it mostly simple... at the risk of losing the interactive poles... of logical argumentation... to flights of speculation... absent The Cube of Supreme Reason... that which anchors all sensory report... as it applies to the relative state. Did that sound like a lot of gobbledygook? I know exactly what I meant to say, but... there lies the problem; did you? Did you know what I meant?

I understood Freud when I read him... briefly. He sounded like a schizophrenic snake trying to perform auto-fellatio, and all of his conclusions applied ONLY to that genetic demographic he belonged to. Anyone with the level of intelligence necessary to see where he was coming from can get this. When you go fumbling about in the vast estates of The Subconscious... you can find anything, and then... if it suits you... you can call it anything... and then you can decide what it means. Someone will believe it.

I read widely and I read... for as long as it took... to get where someone was coming from; whether it was from any of the fields of applied speculation... because it is all speculation to me or... whether it was metaphysics or the mind control games of the various priesthood factions... I read for as long as it took to get where they were coming from, and then I pitched it into The Dumpster of Already Forgotten.

People actually spend their lives reading this shit so they can talk about it to the other people that no one wants to hang around with either. All of these people were and are fucked up. I understand it because I myself was fucked up on more than one occasion, and... I am not referring to chemical agency, but rather to that condition where one has talked themselves into a corner in their own heads. It's not far from The Cul-De-Sac De Self Frottage.

I keep it simple because that is where God is. Complexity is something else, and why they say The Devil is in The Details. I was born with certain gifts that have made it impossible for me to fit in. I also live in the future as a result. That can make the present intolerable if you develop any attachments to it. Fortunately... I'm not into time. That was supposed to be funny, but... most of what is funny these days is not hah-hah funny.

If it's going to happen... it's going to happen in the next two weeks. You don't have to have read a lot of books to know this. Somewhere, Reid Hoffman... Klaus Schwab... and that Ethiopian serial killer at The UN... along with Bill Gates... Little Georgie Sorrows... Satanyahu and sundry are having a fierce tete-a-tete. They're burning up the secure lines on their SAT phones.

Evil likes to be in control. However... Evil is never in control. It only thinks it is, and in the times when Destiny and The Inevitable are not messing with it... it is likely to have its groove on. As we have said here any number of times, Evil is the raw material that Good uses to effect social transformation, and that is when Evil gets uneasy... when the invisible front-loaders of Good... start scooping out their product from the mountainsides of Evil.

Then it is that Evil knows a change is gonna come, and then Evil starts getting frantic... trying to get out ahead of the curve so that it can control the outcome... so that when the tables are turned they are still sitting there. Ergo... they are going to pull something. They have to because... perception AND... the election indicators... have moved into that area of imbalance... where it is too big to steal.

Now they are shifting to control the congressional races, BUT... the tailwind is fierce and the down-ballot secondaries are coming along for the ride. Last time, Trump had a weaponized Congress on his ass. This time... it is not likely.

Somebody got into Schmuckerberg's ear and he publicly announced that he was not going to do what he did last time. His infusion of 500 million dollars and all those drop-boxes... was what was needed to poison the actual outcome. They still lost, but it was close enough for the creative bookkeepers to go to town on. Then they orchestrated the January 6th thing and were able to make Trump's life a living Hell for the last four years.

Owning the media... which The Usual Suspects do... has been a real force for programming the minds of that block of mutton heads they need to fill the seats for The Short Bus Concert of the controlled opposition, and the bobblehead brigades of the mind-douched... walking dead.

There is a reason that 90% of Hollywood, which runs from The Great White Way... across the continental US... to the porn-industry in Sherman Oaks (♫this land is our land. This lands not your land♫) has been doing the lockstep Montezuma's revenge dance... against Trump and for... the Shmoo candidates. Someone is pulling their strings. It is the same people who pull the strings at the networks; in the education system... in every government agency... in publishing and entertainment... in the art world, and anything having to do with sensory stimulation and... its effect on The Reactive Mind.

Behind the scenes are the hand puppet minions... who finger bang the subconscious minds of those who stand in line or... already signed up for it; whether that was on The Casting Couch or... in the wired hotel rooms... private estates or... wherever The Prince of Darkness sends his hand puppets to do the nasty... with or without 13-year old girls and chocolate syrup... on The White House lawn. (cue Frank Zappa)

This nonsense is permitted to go on down here... for as long as the percentages of chain-gang enthusiasts... are high enough to buy into the bread and circus acts, and... keep the thing running at a profit, even if that profit is only counted in desiccated foreskins and sneaker mousse. It's like what the guy following the elephants at the circus with a shovel said... when he was asked if he had considered another line of work; “What! And quit show business?!!”

Surely you have seen The Mysterious Hand at work here and there in recent times. It's not what you see in front of you or... what goes on in the boardrooms and high towers that decides what goes on down here. It's The Mind of God working The Mysterious Hand... enforced by Nature and angels... that decides what goes on down here, and... the decision has been made, so... all the waving and shouting from the peripheral sidelines... all the pricey illusions and mesmeric massaging... all the invisible broadcasting aside... in the last desperate effort to really fuck shit up, they are still going to be finding out that it was, and is... too little... too late.

God decided long ago to make accommodations for Free Will. He tells me it makes things more interesting, and... gives people the illusion they have anything to do with something... or other; dream on.

So... they won't be able to help themselves... they are going to do something monumentally stupid... in broad daylight... with the whole world watching, and it will probably be on videotape or... they have decided to let it all go down, and then sneak up behind all the good vibrations and do something really awful because... for a short while... no one is paying attention.

Here is something to ALWAYS keep in mind. When you are approaching the finish line... when you have made it out of Shelob's lair... when you are at the victory dinner... that is when you most need to pay real... close... attention, in case someone is sneaking up on you, and... last thing.

End Transmission.......

Links will be waiting there at GAB=

Today's Song=

No Deposit No Return

When you're young the world is loud

and all around you, there's a crowd

Unless, of course, you're all alone

and then you're probably on the phone

Normal life's not normal now

it would be illegal anyhow

I don't know how it turned to shit

I do know we're all part of it

No deposit... no return

this is one thing I have learned

In a world of useless things

and all the sorrows that they bring

the cellphone humping fools are lost

don't know the value or the cost

these few things they will not learn

No deposit no return

Barbie dolls and Ken-bump boys

Live in a world of plastic toys

vibrating phones and dildos sing

glory to the pronghorned king

Hell on Earth mercy reviled

Looks like Satan had a child

Nothing's like it used to be

Not for you and not for me

No deposit... no return

this is one thing I have learned

In a world of useless things

and all the sorrow that they bring

the cellphone humping fools are lost

don't know the value or the cost

these few things they will not learn

No deposit no return

Times not what it used to be

When did we stop being free?

our heroes have all turned to shit

and that's not even half of it

It seems that I have lost my touch

maybe it's cause I know too much

I wish I knew what I should say

Maybe I will some other day.

No deposit... no return

this is one thing I have learned

In a world of useless things

and all the sorrow that they bring

the cellphone humping fools are lost

don't know the value or the cost

these few things they will not learn

No deposit no return

and what are we to do my friends

at this point where freedom ends

Where buggery is normal sex

and who knows what is coming next?

Where speaking truth's against the law

and two and two's no longer four

Humanity has lost its way

and there is little one can say

License is not liberty.

Whipped and bound, you call that free?

You're chasing shit that isn't real

You'd better bring that dog to heel

Hell and Heaven both exist

I think there's something that you missed

once you've heard the mating call

you must go and that is all

once you grasp the magic ring

You will hear the demons sing

Once you let the ring go by

You will hear the angels cry

for joy

cry for joy

no deposit no return

no deposit no return

no deposit no return



Love To Push Those Buttons said...

LOL. I live in the future too, so I get things done yesterday. I can't stand the here and now, and living in the future is what makes me a Schrodinger's Nose. I'm dead, but the body still has to catch up. Well, it's better being dead-alive than alive. There's a lot of power in that, really.

Media. Not gonna happen, but oh if everyone ditched their telly, their pointless newspapers, their stupid magazines, and the intolerable radio stations of the day, imagine what would happen. That's my life, and it works fer me. Go against the status quo. Makes life so much better. A lot easier when you ditch the superfluous garbage that everyone expects you to treasure. There's more than one way to leave the world behind.

One thing I see, is the normie materialists are gonna git thar jaxies reamed. Well, that's what they signed up for; I suppose as a lesson to get their priorities right. Glad to say in the distant past I was only a materialist in my head. Never actually lived it. In times like this, the less you have to lose, the better.

Your latest set of lyrics explain a lot. Then again, what of your writings doesn't? NOSTRILS TO THE ENDS OF THE NOSE-IVRSE!!!!!!!!!!!!

0 said...

Whats been willfully prevented is Accountability.

What happens when you prevent a thing from happening that should be Constantly Happening? Pressure Builds... till it finds a release.

Maybe Accountability is the REVOLUTION the DECENT PEOPLE Are looking for.

Let it fall like Rain!


M - said...

I don't know why this question came to me this morning. I really should've asked it a long time ago...
Why is Israel officially the STATE of Israel? Even wiki states it as such and not the country of Israel.

This makes sense: It is (unofficially) the 51st state of the USA.

Visible said...

Could be state of consciousness to; in this case similar to demonic possession. Many countries in The ME are referred to as states. Maybe it has something to do with size. I thing they should rate according to the amount of tentacles.

0 said...

You could spend some time reading Anna von Reitz's claims about how wording is used to defraud. The State of Kansas is not the same as the state of Kansas, is not the same as the State of State of Kansas, etc.

Fundamentally what a place is depends on the jurisdiction its defined under.

All incorporated governments are not in the unincorporated LAND and soil jurisdiction. They are either in the Municipal or Territorial jurisdictions which both require INCORPORATION to be the defining instrument. Curiously Incorporation can be done simply by REGISTRATION. Thats how the incorporated, twice over, fed gov under the municipal and territorial jurisdictions created the Strawmen for every Born on the land American by using automated hospital processes to then REGISTER every birth certificate trafficking the unincorporated newborn into incorporated jurisdictions to be claimed against by these clowns using the frauds of personage and peonage to Screw every Laboring American.

They cannot create the unincorporated country of Israel, so they claim its existence under the incorporated jurisdiction that makes it a "STATE" of israel instead. The state being a fictional logical overlay asserted and given priority over the unincorporated actual nation of Judea.

I hate Legalities as they seem to exist only to make the water so muddy people stop trying to understand it all. My Goto for LAW is a small book called "The LAW" by Frederic Bastiat that makes the law really SIMPLE.

You might find it a useful read too. :)


Visible said...

I liked my answer better, (grin). Anyway... the more tightly words are compressed against each other the more likely they are to be about profit motive and the more likely they are to combust, making them not worth the ashes they... previously... were writen on, which will... no doubt prove true... in this case. The World may be getting a Christmas present soon.



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