Wednesday, October 16, 2024

"Heaven is ALWAYS in Charge, BUT... if You Are Not in Charge of Yourself... it May Be Very Hard for You to See This."

God Poet Transmitting.......

When I mentioned that I had prayers and rituals for every basic human function that I engage in, I was serious. I am involved in programming the mind, and you had better do so... or someone will do it for you; several someones actually. This is a fact... believe what you like; The Mind is your best friend or your worst enemy. You can have it either way. In fact... you will have it either way; one way or the other.

Everything you see in The World and hear about in The World is the result of programming. It is a world of preconditioned responses. Your personal world is being pummeled and pacified... into various stages of compliance by the neighborhood bully... who uses greed and lures... fear and intimidation... to keep you in your place; do not cross this line... but... you must... cross that t... dot that i!

You cannot help being programmed, BUT... you can have a say in who programs you. Not at first. You have your parents and the telepathic invasion that attends that Karmic duty or debt. You have the World from which the magnetic-particle dreamworld is spun. Desire and inclinations of appetite account for a good deal of programming through the attracting and repelling forces.

The society... the culture... the friends and enemies... the competitions of every kind, and the challenges that you overcome... or which send you whimpering like a kicked dog; these all play a part, and then... the least mentioned and the most important... is where you fall on The Dial (of awareness and perception). Turn it down into The Carnal Wonderland and you experience the urgings and allurements of demons. Turn it up and you gain the inspiration and strength of angels. They are each... simply frequency bands that radiate on those specific planes of awareness.

As Material Culture gets stronger... the demonic bandwidth widens and begins to generate a response from The Heavenly Sphere. Everything is kept in balance... over the protracted reach... of the various periods of adjustment. Heaven is ALWAYS in charge, BUT... if you are not in charge of yourself... it may be very hard for you to see this.

You don't like the construct of angels and demons? Okay... let's call it higher and lower nature... vice and virtue... good and evil? There are a lot of ways to play The Definition Game, and there is a secret key to understanding why Adam means 'namer of things'... what you define It as... is how you possess it or... how it possesses you.

The World programs you through your inclinations of attraction and aversion... fear and love... like and dislike. If you become free of this, The World loses its power over you. The way to do it is to achieve a Divine Impersonality... instead of being the prisoner of your own contentious personality. It is a difficult art, BUT... in The World around and within you... there are friends and allies you can call upon who will come to your aid. How do you draw them? You behave in ways that please them. You are ALWAYS being watched.

I have Invisible Friends. They go with me everywhere. You have them too. Most of us have invisible enemies too... though they may appear to be friends. Your behavior is the determinant of the company you keep, and... I might add... the company that keeps you.

The World... of course... is not what it seems or... rather... I should say... it is and it isn't. The same is true of everything in The World, and... not in The World, but still in The World... only you can't see it.

There are worlds above and below the range of your senses, BUT... and this is the case with many people... (especially in Times of Material Darkness...) if they can't see it... hear it... taste it... touch it or smell it... it isn't there, BUT... it is there. It is most certainly there, and sometimes it exerts an influence on people that is even greater than The World they think they are in.

Until you can break The Spell of The World that has your senses drunk on its presence... you are a prisoner here. You may think you can come and go as you please, BUT can you? The alternative is to be drunk on The Presence of God.

How did you get where you are? Did you just show up one day and never left OR... did you go somewhere else, and... why? What do you do with your day? What do you hope to do? How much of your life are you actually in charge of? Especially... keep in mind... that you do nothing that you think you do. The Prime Mover does everything ON... THE... LEVEL... YOU... OPERATE... ON, according to your level of awareness.

No man... not even the son... knows the hour of his coming or... by extension, we may say; no one knows the mind of God but God, which drives to the center of the secret heart, the statement... I don't know.

This is some of what is going on with the programming, BUT... you can see this, can't you?

What about the influences you can't see? Ask yourself; do I really know what is going on or do I live in a selective and subjective reality? One of the most powerful ways to break free of The Conditioning is to say and to viscerally know; I... don't... know. When you can clear your head of what you think you know, most of The Conditioning will go with it. How do I know this? I have done it.

The way to know or un-know... anything... is by proving it out. Trust but verify. When you can have a clear understanding of what you do and do not know... you are at The Gates of Liberation and The Mind's Emancipation, and The Mind becomes... no longer your worst enemy, but your best friend, and let me be very clear here. Until you are able to make The Mind your best friend, you have no idea how good a friend (and enemy) The Mind can be.

There is ONLY one mind, I might add, though... there is the appearance of many separate minds. These are The Fallen Angels that The Divine gathers back together during the periods of The Manifestation of Mindstuff. He shatters creation into a countless multiplicity and he brings it all back together into a sublime unity. This is the purpose of creation and... God's passion for self-discovery through human experience.

Existence is The Spirit of God in search of experience. To The Clueless World, he seems to be a fool because... (to paraphrase scripture) the wisdom of God is foolishness to men.

So... now I am going to present something for your consideration, and I must preface it with a few caveats; Ron Unz does not like me, and that is for the same reason that so many of the webmasters at the large alternative news sites do not like me. It is because I talk too much about God. I am no longer welcome at most of these sites... where I was once a regular... because of this.

That said... I have no animosity toward Ron or any of the rest of them, most of whom are members of The Tribe, and most of whom are... by their nature and for that reason... automatically atheists.

Ron has a new article out and at the last part of it, he has a few things to say about Miles Mathis.


I have no animosity for Miles (if there is such a person), but I have little interest in him because... he sees everything as being fake, and every famous person as being part of a conspiracy. I've read enough of his work to know that he and I have no business with each other, and though I have said this to the various people... who keep bringing him to my attention, they generally assume that I am opposed to him, and don't like him. I HAVE NEVER SAID THIS! He's just not in my range of interests and I've been clear about that.

All along, I have thought that the Miles Mathis thing is a group of people working at a common theme. I have generally assumed that it was some cooperative of intelligence workers from various backgrounds who... have... their... reasons.

It was an eerie experience for me to read what Ron had to say about him because... much of it reflects perspectives that... I had already arrived at. I skimmed the first long... long... long intro, being already familiar with Ron's generous verbosity. I recommend you do the same or you will never get to the Miles Mathis section.

Once again... let me say... though it will likely be disregarded as it has so often been previously... that I have nothing against Miles, he just has no interest in The Divine, so... I have no interest in him. I am not critiquing him. What I am doing is pointing out... yet again... the obvious reality of Mr. Apocalypse turning up the heat on everyone and everything; nothing shall remain hidden, and that does not bode well for The Father of Lies and his minions, and...

... one last thing.

(twice now... in a row... when I put up the one last thing link... it was removed. Odd, eh?)

End Transmission.......

Links will be over at GAB=

As I said, I am recording these several albums now. The music is all done and there remains the vocal tracks and the mastering. I will post some lyrics each day. I've changed my mind about alphabetical order, we'll go by feel (grin)

I am Beside The Waters of The Nile

♫ you are myself as seen to me

behind the mask... the covering.

instead of roses growing

in the fields of Avalon

I am beside the waters of The Nile... carry on

into the quick imagined heart

of dreaming masquerade

the lamps are blooming in the night

of stars out on parade

across the velvet kingdoms

of the vast unknowing sky

deep within the spaces

where we hide now you and i

by one upon the other

and in blending we become

the music of that golden road

that leads to kingdom come

I am hard upon the saddle

where the ocean rushes through

and rides off into the beauty of

the wonder that is you

come here beside me merry

many moons of long ago

was taken there for granted

you are everything I know

we once upon a fairy tale

and dreaming lay within

the solitary wonderland of soft upon your skin

you are myself as seen to me

behind the outer covering

instead of roses growing

in the fields of Avalon

I am beside the waters of The Nile... carry on

I am beside the waters of the Nile... carry on

Here beside the waters... carry on ♫


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Some of us are reverse programmed, and are also so far out in left field; we are out of the stadium. I need what I need, and the HELL with everything else. I want my TIME, which I actually hate, because I'm still on this nostril forsaken planet and a prisoner of time, but if I'm stuck in it, I want that time to be MINE! I've had little enough of it in the past, and if you take one nanosecond of it without my approval, I WILL blow a gasket. Thank the gods I have a hardware store across the parking lot of where I work so I can easily replace 'em.

I am currently into 'be something no one wants, and have nothing anyone wants'. Have been there for a long, long time. Yeah, this is a good time to leave the world behind. Be dead, and wait for the body to catch up.


AL said...

"Mr. Apocalypse turning up the heat on everyone and everything; nothing shall remain hidden"

For me that is the very core of how things will change simply because the outside world is fucked to put it bluntly with no hope of saving. Inside is where things are going to change and vastly. There will be no outside savior coming this round but many will rise to the occasion from inside changes having been made whether they like it or not.

Put every politician, celebrity, business mogul or what not's name into a grab bag and they will make up with their doings less than one percent of the changes coming. Most of those types are merely the resistance needed by rest of the worlds souls to effect or not a change of being. I wonder how many realize how selfish they actually are and how selfless they will need to become when living for The Great One and not their personality.
I'm glad though that the usual suspects are here because we all need the dirt and fertilizer to grow the seed. My only hope is that more choose to no longer be the compost and move on to the seedling.

Much Love Brutha!

Visible said...

AL; sometimes... unfortunately... devastation and desperation are required to put peple in the necessary state of vulnerability that they might receive a higher understanding. The shell of resistance must needs be broken.

robert said...

Les Visible, Mas shining through!
You initiate a dialog to which we must respond

About will:
If you will from a fractured perspective what comes into view is a shattered vision
As we fall from ego excursions, we reconnect with who we are

Not a merely human having an experience
Grand unity having a particular experience
intimately connecting with every particular experience
in ways mysterious to time limited mind

If we ever reflect enough on our journey from subjective pain to objective joy
based upon the Whole, not an owned piece

We see that we were always one door knock from entry into a complete consciousness
But we must thoroughly learn that our perception is but a shadow
crossing the sun, double-crossing our will to live with a will to die apart

There is space for will to be free but not while we identify as slave

Any moment we still breathe and hold our mind still
We see glimpses of the Vision
That sees it all together
That feels as one being

Our will is free to express the One Will locally, with universal coherence

To sing like a baby laughs and cries
Naturally being sovereign, expressing without a doubt
We are exactly, precisely, minutely where we are meant to be
By the deepest of wisdom, the vastness of knowing what we are feeling is perfect

The self-imposed length of our sentence is from choosing familiar personal pain
over the unknown passion which leads us out of our pen forever...

The insurmountable, overwhelming gap between our state of being and the One
is what lures our inner stories, to take the long road every time

The power of grace to transcend all time and space, all debt and karma, all fear and loathing
in a single click of attitude, from unworthy to beloved, overrides all human experience

The long labor which ancient tellings picture for us to perform
Is cut short if our will is ready to unite without looking back or down

The fact of universal law contains the God-power Easter egg
stepping behind the veil to notice how it is to be done
how WE have been doing ourselves wrong by our stoic ignorance

Refusing to believe we can float, we sink
Forgetting to breathe like a baby, we age and die
Slapping away the offered hand because our imagination’s programming to see serving life in joy as too hard

Tradition rubs our nose in the suffering of prophets
Distracts us from the hidden pay of inner certainty and partaking of the big picture
Personal perspective makes it seem too hard to be more
So we settle for so much less that our spirit flees from bonds of inertia.....

Only as long as our mind entertains the world's spell as real do we languish with unquenchable thirst
Change the channel, tune the radar, learn the basic reality from the inside out

The best way to learn is by doing from a place of being free and certain in the Hand who holds us

Any creative action, taught by intuition, serving at first, our learning to be free
Is the basic foundation of getting more capable over time to serve the Will

When we fall, the distance to the ground is less, as we are lifted higher
Any pain from falling short is shortened as we know we are learning to be free

Free of material anxiety, perceptual blindness and personal arrogance
We are becoming more useful to the Vision and to all stuck in ignorance

Not selfish to desire to be free!
It is who we are, Who One Is

Flying lessons raise us about the flood of tears, the winds of dammed change
Now is the time to know we are One and always have been



Joseph Brenner

Visit the recommended reading page for many more.


'The Miracle of Love' from the Les Visible Album
The Sacred and The Profane

Visit the Blog Music Page
to stream all of Visible's music for free
(purchase is always appreciated but entirely optional)


A classic Visible post:

With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

Click here to watch and comment on Vimeo and here to read the original text.

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