Tuesday, September 17, 2024

"We all MUST Wallow in The Murk for a Time. It is a Peculiar Rite of Passage that We Traverse on Our Way to The Light."

God Poet Transmitting.......

Another day... another post, and who does Mommy love the most? I guess we'll find out; won't we? Well... it does depend on the level you operate from. The lower you go... the more the clouds and confusion; the noisier and dirtier it becomes. The intent of Materialism... is to shrink-wrap The World, with all the bad things on the wrong side of the Polyvinyl Chloride.

The higher you go, well... the less you will see of the things below... except off in the distance... with that smudged color appearance... that makes hills look easy to climb, and valleys more beautiful than treacherous. Yes... many creatures and things are less intimidating when seen from a distance. This is a thought more people would have profited from BEFORE they got down... into the rough and tumble of civilization's washing machine.

It's not a washing machine though. That is only what it looks like from a distance. It is actually a thresher. Ukraine is a thresher, only it's not wheat they are threshing these days. You can get a foot-powered thresher that does 50 pounds at a time for around 1,200 dollars. However... many shotguns cost less than that, though... these days... I would recommend a Street Sweeper.

It all hangs on a thread... sort of; doesn't it? At any moment... the wrong domino could fall, and then it will be too late for most people to arrange to be somewhere else... when so many people... all of a sudden... are arranging to be somewhere else. It's what I imagine LA or NYC would be like... if everyone decided they needed to get out of town at the same time.

I'm not a Doomsday David or a Peter Prepper, and I only have my head in the sky because the sky begins where my feet touch the ground. I don't live by fear for several reasons. One of them is that I don't want to see it manifest in my body. The other thing is that both of what you fear and wish for... never materialize in the forms you imagine them in.

I think a short digression with no explanation is called for here; do you have any idea how powerful a force your imagination is? It is far more powerful than the most powerful thresher ever built. It is more powerful than any rocket or machine of any kind ever built. It is powerful beyond the imagining, and The Imagination is only one of the force generators you possess.

Do you know what is more powerful than The Imagination and all those other force generators I did not mention? It is the mind of the one who is in total command of his/herself. Nothing but God is more powerful than one who is in control of the self. In fact... they are indistinguishable from each other. One is much larger in a certain sense, but that is of no consequence.

The Avatar is God and there is no diminishment in power... don't get sucked into that... my father why hast though forsaken me bullshit. Here's a good primer to watch about related matters.

I have direct confirmation of what he says.

So... all this leads me to another consideration; The Power of Speech... The Power of Words, and... let us not forget... The Power of Thought that generates the words. Thoughts and words travel the world at variable speeds. The speed of thought is instantaneous. That is what is faster than the speed of light. There are people present on Earth that can go from here to Arcturus with the speed of thought.

An ability such as that and many other fantastic skills are ALL the product of Self-Mastery. That is where you start, and that is why you are here, to begin with. You are a thought in the mind of The Divine... in search of a realization of the same. You are The Divine in miniature... to some degree short of... a more complete awareness of it. The thoughts in your mind... are living things... in the same way you are.

The power of the words... spoken by one who is in a state of self-mastery... is incalculable. Often they are time bombs... depth charges. This I also know by direct experience. There are relative degrees of power in everything we read. They are footprints that lead to places of indescribable beauty, as well as the conveniently placed dumpsters that no one can see, but that everyone sees without recognizing them.

We are what we have thought ourselves into being, with certain amounts of harm and help from others, and all of this continues to the moment you are reading this in. When you speak... that is an act of force or a dissipation of force. All through my life, I have listened to people talk themselves into things.

If... when... you can speak Truth... you can revolutionize your surroundings. You can paint landscapes with words and step in and out of them. If you are in any kind of a state of depression; anxiety... restless apprehension... confusion... disorder... it is a situation you thought and talked yourself into.

In fairly recent times, there have been a number of people who have been representative of the positive side of this process; Ernest Holmes... Mary Baker Eddy... Napoleon Hill... Bishop Fulton J. Sheen... Norman Vincent Peale and they all came from a particular period in the recent past. There are others I have not mentioned for no particular reason.

The Sun is the single greatest expression of The Power of Positive Thinking that we know of, but something greater even than The Sun exists within us. That which hung The Sun in the sky is present within us.

Each of us carries a self-contained climate around with us, and it touches every other life form that it passes by. There are few creatures more positive than a dog, and dogs don't know nearly as much as we think we do, so... that's something to think about. How is a dog able to do this? It is because of Love. Love seeks Unity... ALWAYS, but it generates devotion... fealty and fidelity... courage and constancy, and... most definitely... positive thinking.

I like to think of myself as a dog, but one that is not devoted to licking itself and other dogs. In some circles that is a badge of honor, such as when one hears, “you dog” as if that were a positive. It is not.

We all MUST wallow in The Murk for a time. It is one of those peculiar rites of passage on our way into The Light. We have to pass through it. We do not have to stay there. There is a profound spiritual reason for why we are not permitted to travel unscathed through The World. We are meant to be lost so that we might be found and some times are darker and denser than others.

Existence is a dynamic. It's a story. It's a timeless ritual that operates in the field of time. What would life be like if there was no struggle... no up and down... no inspirational tales? God likes drama and life is for God's amusement. Though a portion of him/herself might sit back... apart from The Fray... it is not a place of contemptuous laughter. It is strictly impersonal at that location. Otherwise, he/she is right down in action with the rest of us. He/she lives in us and lives through us as well.

There is one major difference; he is in it but not of it. I'll stay with my personal pronoun because I am speaking from that aspect, but I do think of every creature... human and otherwise, as a particle of God itself. Dirt... animate or inanimate is still God... still Light in extension. I haven't gotten it down entirely. I just said fuck you to my keyboard, so... there is room for improvement, BUT I do know what I am, even if I don't know who, however, that is part of the arrangement I made before I came here.

Anyway... the difference between God Consciousness in us, and... us blocking that state... is Attachment. The Divine is not attached to any particular part of it more than another. Some parts of it are more attached to him, but that is a matter of choice. It is a choice I made. Attachment is Suffering. Detachment is apart from Suffering. We are attached... by choice... to our suffering.

Some people will argue that that is cold. What about my family? What about any part of it that I identify as mine? You're dreaming, Pilgrim. Attachment will not keep them... or it... by your side. You WILL lose it all. Of course, you will only lose it to find it again in another permutation, BUT... you will lose everyone and everything. What you will not lose is the essential part of you and that is The Soul. That is part of God.

God is absolutely still and ceaselessly busy. He can play anything and everything, and any time you see genius in play... that is God demonstrating through someone permitting it. He composes the soundtrack to life, and... we hear what we want to hear, so... there are a lot of soundtracks, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Links will appear at GAB=

Continuing The Sutras of Patanjali; Book One-

7. The elements of sound intellection are direct observation, inductive reason, and trustworthy testimony.

Each of these is a spiritual power, thinly veiled. Direct observation is the outermost form of the Soul's pure vision. Inductive reason rests on the great principles of continuity and correspondence;

and these, on the supreme truth that all life is of the One. Trustworthy testimony, the sharing of one soul in the wisdom of another, rests on the ultimate oneness of all souls.

8. Unsound intellection is false understanding, not resting on a perception of the true nature of things.

The great example of unsound intellection is materialism, whereby to the reality and eternity of the soul is attributed to the evanescence and perishableness that really belong to material things. This false reasoning, therefore, rests on a reversal of the true nature of things.

9. Phantasy is a fiction of mere words, with no underlying reality.

One may say, perhaps, that there is this difference between imagination and fancy: imagination is the image of unseen things, which are real;

fancy is the imaging of unseen things which are unreal. The power of phantasy has a wide scope and range. Ambition, whereby a man sets up within his mind an image of himself, great, rich, admired, to which all men shall bow down, is a form of phantasy. The pursuit of wealth is largely phantasy, for men seek not commodities but food for their cowardice and conceit. The fear of death is a phantasy, nourished on images of tombs and funerals and black robes.
All these are fictions, with no underlying reality.

10. Dream is the psychic condition which rests on mind states, all material things being absent.

In waking life, we have two currents of perception;
an outer current of physical things seen and heard and perceived;

an inner current of mind images and thoughts. The outer cur-rent ceases in sleep; the inner current continues, and watching the mind-images float before the field of consciousness, we "dream."

11. Memory is the holding fast to mind images of things perceived.

Here, as before, the mental power is explained in terms of mind images, which are the material of which the psychic world is built.
Therefore the sages teach that the world of our perception, which is indeed a world of mind-images, is but the wraith or shadow of the real and everlasting world.
In this sense, memory is but the psychical inversion of the spiritual, ever-present vision.
That which is ever before the spiritual eye of the Seer needs not to be remembered.


AL said...

"If you are in any kind of a state of depression; anxiety... restless apprehension... confusion... disorder... it is a situation you thought and talked yourself into."

True at the beginning but there are those who sweep in to gorge on the carcass so to speak. I only mention this for those who think just because they opened the door to the beast all by themselves that they must or will get themselves back out the same way. Not so much in many cases so ask for help when you're at the edge of the merry go round and do not try and go it alone. Why bother with that when you are never alone to begin with.

Carry on good Soul!
Good stuff today man.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Murk? I'd say the biggest sewage/effluvia vat in existence. This post reminds me of an old question I have. Is every atom a sentient being in its own mind? does it have a moral compass? A personality? Is it part of a consciously interactive society? OK, 4 questions.

Attachment. Then there's the other side o' de coin. Revulsion. See above paragraph. Though me thinks it's a little less unpleasant than wanting. At least with revulsion you're just biding your time until it's over, and not driven to do moronic things; which I have done when I was young and stupid thanks to counterproductive social programming which wasn't quite as deeply ingrained in me as most, but still. . . (Contempt for society at a young age helped, but only to a degree. An extreme aversion to inconvenience also helped with that.)

Yes, what you said is true about entities building themselves. I am everything I wanted to be as a teenager, and I tried to force myself to act like it when I was that teenager, and it didn't work out too well, 'cause I wasn't there yet. Wish I'd known about Krishnamurti, though I'm not sure his philosophy of 'DON'T FIGHT YOURSELF', in so many words would have sunk in when I was such an idiot, but who knows? Same thing with imagining life's plans. I am now closer to the ideal life than I ever was before, but of course I still bitch, because it's still too far from perfect in my opinion.

Gotta crawl before you can walk. Nostrils to the sky.

word bird said...

In Researches into the Phenomenology of the Self, C.G. Jung writes "According to Irenaeus, the Gnostics held that Sophia, ..., in the form of a dove, descended into the water and begot Saturn, who is identical with Yahweh."
What Sophia created in error is the Demiurge. In the Secret Book of John, the Savior gives the best description of God the Father, as distinct from the Demiurge who masquerades as god in the Old Testament.
In the text, On the Origin of the World, "at the consummation of the age, ..., Sophia will take off her wise flame of afterthought and put on irrational wrath", to drive out the Demiurge and his ruling cabals, ushering in heaven on earth.

Asil said...

Hello Visible,
I did not listen past the snake in the Garden of Evil – the fact is that the Divine wants us to have all the knowledge. The idea is to choose the Divine on a decision based from knowledge and of course everlasting love.
I have read a bit from the Gnostics and what I take with me, as a true and beautiful belief is the Song of the Pearl.
I believe to choose the Divine based on fear and ignorance lacks all real meaning – there is no love when that is present. Belief is superficial when fear is present and based on protection of the flesh, body/mind dominated.
The Bible offers many wonderful things . . . but must be understood and taken with discrimination. It was written by men and a council of men made decisions on what was and what was not to be included
I love Psalm 23. Nothing else much stays with me and I never studied the Bible so I am sure to have missed many wonderful writings . . . but I also instinctively have no motivation to study or believe that it is the absolute WORD of GOD.
Some may think they know God because they can quote the Bible.
A blessing is to have even the smallest amount of the logos –a grain of sand of the word of God written in our soul/mind.
And, dogs are a priceless gift. I have six dogs, all little puppies left on the road by my house 12 years ago. I have them all with me and the love they have for not just me . . but for each other is profound. I have witnessed communication and cooperation with this pack of dogs that is amazing and no one would believe.
I was always curious how the Dog Poet became the God Poet. They are intertwined – God spelled backwards. I asked the nun about that in the sixth grade and all the erasers on the blackboard were thrown at me before being escorted form the schoolroom.
I imagine that the word “God” is our best idea of a name until we will be blessed with all the light.
Love your mind Visible – and thank you for all that inspires thought.

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now=

"The One Big Conspiracy Cable... is Actually One of The Suspension Lines... of a Bridge... Someone Wants to Sell You."

Anonymous said...

I saw this in a bookshop window the other day: " All was well on the earth and God was in his heaven. But God gave us the one thing that would guarantee all would not remain well......free will."



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