Friday, September 20, 2024

"Let Me Take this Opportunity... to Be... The First of Many to Say that... P. Diddy did Not Kill Himself. It Was an Accident."

God Poet Transmitting.......

Someone always has to be the first, before others come in to insist... that they were the first, so... let me take this opportunity... to be the first... to say it... “P. Diddy did not kill himself.” It was an accident. I have the details right here before me in The Minority Report on my desk. I don't know if there is a Grassy Knoll at MDC. If not... be assured... one will be constructed... if necessary.

I was also held at this location at an earlier time, in the original location. They have since built this new facility. I do not expect to be a resident there again any time soon. There must be a reason that this character is being held without bail. I'm sure a decision has already been made by people much worse than he is, about actions... soon to be taken... concerning the short future that remains to him.

I have watched this guy, and... his pretend gangsta thing... for years. He came around when all the sex-freak fashion moguls decided that Rap was going to be a thing; shortly after the private prison investors saw the profit to be made from... creating a certain soundtrack... for the godless dystopia... they have planned for the rest of us.

I don't know how you plan a godless dystopia when there is an actual God... that you feel able to take off The Guest List... whenever it pleases you, BUT... servants of The Dark Lord always have ambitions that outstrip their knowledge and common sense. The personality profile comes with a tunnel vision that replaces the Pineal Gland that most of the rest of us possess; even though the majority of us have a Fluoride calcite coating... to protect us from contact with entities who are not on The Guest List.

Back in The Day... you used to see designers like Tommy Hilfiger... designing 8-ball jackets... with their names in foot-high letters on the back... for central casting thugs... who play rappers on TV. Diddy was part of that scene, and it wasn't long before he got into the garment district side of Globoctopus Industries that owns... or influences... all material things. Then he got very uptown and had quite a time of it... until his shelf-life expiration date came around.

He is what those in the business... of giving people the business... to people who got in the way of business... or were unable to mind their own business call... a dead man walking. He'll never make it to being R. Kelly's bunkmate. He'll be staying at The Epstein Elysian Apartments over on Hart Island shortly... for an indeterminate stay... until his reentry as a cockroach in Chinatown.

I had some insight into the doings of this creature for years before this happened; when he stepped in the wrong kind of shit and was about to track it all through certain carpeted hallways where the heavyweights live. I imagine that Jay-Z is pulling at his collar a bit more these days; is it hot in here or is it only me?

See... this is the problem with a genyouwhine apocalypse. The vermin predators who feed on the varieties of garbage... that are generated by people... forced to live in too close proximity to one another, get itchy and antsy about the lights shining on their formerly dark areas of residence, and they start tossing high-profile members of their august community out into traffic, as a distraction... so that they can get away to Israel... or Argentina... where legend had it... that the Nazis fled to after the fall of The Reich.

You need to keep sharp eyes and ears on the lookout... for the provenance of stories... that come into the general areas of mindless conversation... that serve as mediums... for the lies that shape... the false narratives of your time. Most people don't bother, but most people are caught up in the thrall... of the tingly sensations... of it all, and pay very little attention to The Man Behind The Curtain, and that is why they are generally used for one kind of cannon fodder or another.

Diddy is a classic Shakespearean character, perhaps someone from Macbeth... Hamlet... Richard III... Henry VIII... something along those lines. Most of Shakespeare's villains were not of the street-smart variety, like Diddy, BUT... we have to make adjustments, and probably allowances as well... for the exceptionally dumbed-down times we find ourselves in.

Looking at the physics of the matter... the dynamics in play, and... considering the speed of travel... on all levels... in this twisted period of forced devolution, I would say it is possible now... for one born to a bipedal station in life... to drop down to all fours, and migrate to the nearest meadow... in the space of a single lifetime.

These days we have Harris laughing while America burns. Biden pretending he was Claudius... when he was more like Elagabalus with Down's Syndrome. These are the times when people... with high public profiles... delight in playing the villain... while robing themselves in the most transparent sanctimony they can find, and they are really not that buff underneath.

These are the times when one can justify every kind of excess and mean-spirited behavior as necessary... for the protection of The Realm. They really do have to destroy the village to save it. What stuns me... what absolutely stuns me is how The American People can simply stand around... with glazed eyes, expanded guts, and playing pocket pool, while The Barbarians are loosed on their neighborhoods.

I keep trying to understand what keeps people in these bubbles of delusion; social justice warrior bubbles... progressive liberal bubbles... neo-con bubbles... sexual perversity bubbles... gym rat voyeurs of the Lululemon... aerosol spray-on outfits... worn by chicks with tunafish for brains who videotape the voyeurs for Tik Tok,... true believers of every stripe... yadda yadda... the list goes on and on, and every single one of them is a case study in Demonic Possession.

It must be true that The Avatar sweeps the planes on his way to manifest being, and drives all the vile entities... out upon The Material Plane... where they look for any untended mind in reach.

No one is watching The Store anymore. George Soros and his hench-orcs took control of the enforcement end of The Justice Department... with the objective of utter chaos, and not a single redeeming thought otherwise, and people... people who are supposed to do something about it... do nothing.

When I say there are no accidents... no one says anything. They see where Fate might be a thing, BUT... when I say there are no innocent bystanders... Moray eels with speech impediments... climb out of the dark spaces of the coral reef... to dispute it when... they are... both... the same thing.

So... even though I do write with a degree of outrage now and again... I am not at all disturbed by what is going on. I know there is a point and a Purpose of Demonstration taking place. I know that The Divine is in charge of everything, and has a specific resolution in mind for every single blade of grass... sparrow falling... grain of sand on the endless beaches... of time stretching to a bright... reclining eternity... in endless repose, so... put the lotion in the basket or... you get the hose.

Civilizations rise and fall... and... shit happens. Rivers sometimes run red with blood for a time, BUT... usually, they run muddy and sometimes clear. You need to have the discernment to know when to be standing by the river, and when to be somewhere else a long way off. That... that... is the key feature in material existence. In the meantime... you learn as you go or... you don't.

Everything happens for a reason. There are no accidents... no innocent bystanders... and no injustice. You just happen to be in a time period where all the odds and ends are being handled. This is ancient wisdom. This is Ageless Wisdom and not something I came up with. I took the trouble... probably over quite a few lifetimes... to pay attention, and... it has paid off.

Here are the basics that I have learned... if you have an interest in ease of passage... in a more serene existence... and a life of less conflict and confusion, follow the commandments and the rules, so that you are on the right side of things, and then... rely on The Divine to handle your affairs... in front of and behind you, and... through you. Pay attention. Pay attention all the time. Stand guard at The Gateway of The Mind and let no thought enter that is not in harmony with The Mind of The Divine, and... Love God with all your heart... all your soul... and your strength... and with all your mind.

The World is The World is The World. It is what it is. It does what it does. Do not expect it to do other than what it does. Its job is to ensnare and entrap you, BUT... you get access to... whatever candy is accessible... to you... at your level of access, and that's fine for a lot of people, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Links are over at GAB=

Here are a couple of excerpts from
Transcendental Magic by Eliphas Levi

“The number nine is that of divine reflections; it expresses the divine idea in all its abstract power, but it also signifies extravagance in belief, and hence superstition and idolatry. For this reason, Hermes has made it the number of initiation, because the initiate reigns over superstition and by superstition, and alone can advance through the darkness, leaning on his staff, enveloped in his mantle, and lighted by his lamp. Reason has been given to all men, but all do not know how to make use of it; it is a science to be acquired. Liberty is offered to all, but not all can be free; it is a right that must be earned. Force is for all, but all do not know how to rest upon it; it is a power that must be seized. We attain nothing without more than one effort. The destiny of man is that he should enrich himself with what he gains and that he should afterwards have, like God, the glory and pleasure of dispensing it.”

“Thus every man bears about him the history of his life, which is legible for the initiate. Now, the future is ever the consequence of the past, and unexpected circumstances do not appreciably alter results reasonably calculated. The destiny of each man can be therefore foretold him. An entire existence can be judged by a single movement; one piece of awkwardness may be the presage of a long chain of misfortunes. Caesar was assassinated because he was ashamed of being bald; Napoleon ended his days at St Helena because he admired the poems of Ossian; Louis Philippe abdicated the throne as he did because he carried an umbrella. These are para¬doxes for the vulgar, who cannot grasp the occult relations of things, but they are causes for the adept, who under¬stands all and is surprised at nothing.

Initiation is a preservative against the false lights of mysticism; it equips human reason with its relative value and proportional infallibility, connecting it with supreme reason by the chain of analogies. Hence the initiate knows no doubtful hopes, no absurd fears because he has no irrational beliefs; he is acquainted with the extent of his power, and he can dare without danger. For him, therefore, to dare is to be able. Here, then, is a new interpretation of his attributes; his lamp represents learning, the mantle which enwraps him his discretion, and his staff is the emblem of his strength and daring. He knows, he dares, and is silent. He knows the secrets of the future, he dares in the present, and he is silent on the past. He knows the failings of the human heart; he dares make use of them to achieve his work; and he is silent as to his purposes. He knows the principle of all symbolisms and of all religions; he dares to practice or to abstain from them without hypocrisy and without impiety; and he is silent upon the one dogma of supreme initiation. He knows the existence and nature of the great magical agent; he dares perform the acts and give utterance to the words which make it subject to human will, and he is silent upon the mysteries of the great arcanum.

So may you find him often melancholy, never dejected or despairing; often poor, never abject or miserable; persecuted often, never disheartened or conquered. He remembers the bereavement and murder of Orpheus, the exile and lonely death of Moses, the martyrdom of the prophets, the tortures of Apollonius, the cross of the Savior. He knows the desolation in which Agrippa died, whose memory is even now slandered; he knows what labours overcame the great Paracelsus, and all that Raymond Lully was condemned to undergo that he might finish by a violent death. He re¬ members Swedenborg simulating madness and even losing reason in order to excuse his science; St. Martin and his hidden life; Cagliostro, who perished forsaken in the cells of the Inquisition; Cazotte, who ascended the scaffold. In¬ heritor of so many victims, he does not dare the less, but he understands better the necessity for silence. Let us follow his example; let us learn diligently; when we know, let us have courage, and let us be silent.”


0 said...

"So may you find him often melancholy, never dejected or despairing; often poor, never abject or miserable; persecuted often, never disheartened or conquered."

Yep. The trials that come with consistency validate for the one inhabiting the iteration of form what oneself is made of. What more is needed.


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Wonder if anyone else has the 'Sean Combs Files' to release if anything happens to Sean? Would be hilarious if he's got a backup no one knows about.

Nostrils to the sky!

Love To Push Those Buttons said...


2 hilarious links that have nothing to do with this post:

Mass Hezbollah Casualties Reported After Goats Rectums Explode.


Even funnier, considering it's sung by a sausage casing.

AL said...

"What stuns me... what absolutely stuns me is how The American People can simply stand around... "

You know the first graders are good at this and there are billions of them currently incarnate. I don't remember being there at this moment but I'm certain I was just like them and probably worse.
I remember in 2020 getting a nagging feeling right about when they said "two weeks to flatten the curve and wear a mask" that I could not partake and I would be eating a lot of shit for it. People looking at me every where I went with dirty looks because I was not able to wear a face diaper, something inside me would simply not allow it so I rolled on baby.

"rely on The Divine to handle your affairs... in front of and behind you, and... through you. Pay attention. Pay attention all the time. Stand guard at The Gateway of The Mind and let no thought enter that is not in harmony with The Mind of The Divine, and... Love God with all your heart... all your soul... and your strength... and with all your mind."


Love it man and only the best advise do you submit good Sir!

Farmer said...

Is there any way to clear the Fluoride calcite coating? Thank you for the snorting technique - it works. and last two paragraphs sums up all of spirituality….as far as I know it. Much appreciated.

Farmer maloney.

Visible said...

Here's little something, but the best way is always to reduce the poisons that cause the condition... whatever they may be and let the body do what it does best according to the workings of Nature. Yes... technique when engaged in on a regular basis wll empty the mind and keep it that wsay.

Visible said...

uh oh! that's how it starts.=



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