Monday, September 30, 2024

"In Tandem with Cui Bono is... Follow The Money. These Two... can Accurately Guide Discernment... to The Origins of Crime."

God Poet Transmitting.......

I've mentioned Perspective several times recently. There are many levels on which this is an important feature... tool... defensive shield... and sundry. It has everything to do with how safe you are while passing through this life. Perspective is like a leather-maker tool or one of those jumbo Swiss Army knives. One of the blades... or pull-out attachments is Discernment, and that is a very important quality to have in operation at all times.

In Eastern Teachings they have this saying that The Wise employ; neti... neti... which translates generally into neither this nor that or... if you prefer, not this... not that. You can think of it as a mantra... or a constant act of negation... having to do with The World of The Senses; everything you perceive as being outside of you. Something comparable would be; nothing is real.

Discernment has a lot to do with one's ability to make quality judgments about what is and is not real. I think of Discernment as the capacity to see what causes AND composes something that is in front of you, rather than... simply... just being there... as an object... in front of you. It is how the mesmeric magic of The World is able to seduce The Hive Mind... how eternal truths can hide in plain sight because they are masquerading in temporary forms. That's how it is... 24/7... when a person does not have Discernment in an active state.

For instance... the nation of America is under the control of a band of Ukrainian gangsters. Say whut? That might be the general response. They aren't Ukrainian nationals at this moment, BUT... they originated from there. They are why there is a war going on in Ukraine at the moment, and why there is a state of persistent genocide in The Middle East.

They have members of their organization placed at every level of the infrastructure here. Many of them are dual national government functionaries, like Anthony Blinken, who is The Secretary of State... Mayorkas, who is head of Homeland Insecurity. Merrick Garland, who is head of The Justice Department, and Janet Yellen who heads up The International Bank of Israel, AKA... The Federal Reserve.

The people running things at the level of material perception have many important agencies that they also run. For instance, Mayorkas administers The Secret Service. Garland has oversight of The FBI. Some might say that Blinken does not run the CIA... that they are separate entities. None of these are autonomous operations, and... in actuality... none of the people I just mentioned are actually in charge of anything. They are functionaries.

You could say that all of these people work for The Deep State. On the surface, you probably have the idea that The Deep State is a collection of lifetime bureaucrats at high-level positions, and they network through official channels and through mysterious means.

Long ago in Rome... there were people who knew about how these systems operated; how there were the surface personalities, and... also the people who told them what to do. I think it was Cassius... he of the lean and hungry look... that thinks too much, who came up with the term Cui Bono, which means, who does it benefit? A companion term, that is in an eternal relationship with Cui Bono is... follow the money. These two can accurately guide Discernment to the origins of crime.

Okay... I don't want to get into listing names of empty suits who are basically... highly paid sex workers, but... a prostitute is still a prostitute... no matter how much money is involved.

Without True Perspective and Discernment... you might think these people run their own shop, BUT... it is similar to The Media. Each operation seems to be run by different people. Why then... is the perspective so often so similar? Why do the same obvious lies get told by nearly every media organization? Someone is feeding each of them a common narrative.

Let's say you have billions of dollars; many thousands of people do now. This is the age of getting rich, and also of being poor... while surrounded by riches, which... mostly... remain unseen... due to a lack of Perspective and Discernment. Many people are poor because they have too many desires. They don't know how to narrow their focus. They don't know how to pay attention, AND... through vaccines and bad diets... entire generations of people who cannot focus or pay attention are being born.

It is... it should be... obvious that we are on the verge of a massive die-off that has been engineered by that gangster organization we mentioned in the beginning.

So... let's say you have billions of dollars, who do you answer to? Well... the governments are now all criminal organizations too, BUT... as long as they get their cut through taxes... baksheesh... whatever, the government mafia will be off your back. So... who's left to tell you what to do when you are in a position to buy anyone off that you have to? It's The Banks and The Banksters. They control the flow of money, the same way that another branch of their international criminal organization... controls the traffic... on The Information Highway.

So... The Banks are right up at the top of the temporal power, pecking order. Meyer Rothschild... who was a Ukrainian gangster... knew about this... in an ancient and atavistic... reptile brain sort of a way. It's why he did what he did, and now his offspring and their lackeys control most of the nations of The World through the banking systems...

Let me give you a physics lesson without the math. We'll call it a lesson in metaphysics. You cannot be a filthy rich person and not be a Satanist. It comes with the territory, and that is why The Rothschild family always had a seat in place for Satan at their dinner table. So... now you know who The Banksters answer to. They answer to Satan through his lieutenant, Mammon. Money is energy at a certain level of transfer, and that means it involves the attention... of that aspect of cosmic force... which applies to that level of transfer.

I mention The Cosmic Dial occasionally. This dial... when you turn it up past a certain degree, is monitored by angels. Turn it down past a certain degree and it is monitored by demons. Now... demons and angels are matters of discernment and perception. If your level of perception and discernment is below a certain level of awareness, you see demons. If it is above that level, you see angels. Of course, you likely see neither one. You need a certain super-sensory activation to see them, BUT... that can be arranged.

You will note that almost without exception, all of these gangsters are atheists. Atheism is the religion of Satanism. It is the belief system that drives Materialism. This is why Bill Maher... an agent of this gangster organization... is so passionately opposed to religion. He is one of the highly paid influencers who promotes a certain perspective... that keeps Hive Mind Perspective in monitored blinders.

Here is another great example from the area that Bill operates in.

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. In this case, none of those words would be very nice. Her unhappiness and anger are writ large on her face, and it is examples like this that have motivated my studies in Physiognomy. This is something that... a little contemplation of... could well provide serious rewards.

In every area of life, there are agents of this gangster organization. How powerful are they? They are killing a helpless nation... with impunity, and no one in any area of real influence is saying jack shit about it. Follow the money. If it's real estate... it's still money. If it is another kind of property, it is still money. It all converts, and what does money convert into? It converts into power. What kind of power? Well... a surface impression would be the power of life and death.

They killed Michael Jackson. They have killed so many people that... once again... I'm not going to list them, BUT... do they actually have the power of life and death? No... they do not. It is a very complex matter, and I see no point in getting into it. I prefer simple statements, and... if you can prove a counterargument to anything I say here, I will consider changing my perspective.

One... non-complex example of what I mean is; if you have an interest in operating in an area they control... you have put yourself at their mercy. If you don't give a damn about any of that, they have no leverage. This is one of several ways that good people can get hurt by their own ambitions.

A massive shift is in play right now that is... step-by-step... taking the power out of the hands of those who have been misusing it, AND... turning it against them at the same time. We have been mentioning Mr. Apocalypse for a while now, and... as you can see... he is now going really wide.

A strange weather front attacks The East Coast. A huge trucker strike is coming there on Tuesday.

Something is happening that none of the hallucinating controllers... who thought they were in control... can control, and it is happening to them; not just in The World around them, BUT... inside them where they have no power to do anything about it. It's about to get real strange, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Links await you at GAB=

For those who are interested in such things, I give you, The Most Holy Trinosophia, composed in the dungeons of The Inquisition=


Patanjali's Sutras continue from Book One;

32. Steady application to a principle is the way to put a

stop to these.

The will, which, in its pristine state, was full of vigor,

has been steadily corrupted by self-indulgence, the seeking of

moods and sensations for sensations' sake. Hence come all the

morbid and sickly moods of the mind. The remedy is a return

to the pristine state of the will, by vigorous, positive effort;

or, as we are here told, by steady application to a principle.

The principle to which we should thus steadily apply ourselves

should be one arising from the reality of spiritual life;

valorous work for the soul, in others as in ourselves.

33. By sympathy with the happy, compassion for the sorrowful,

delight in the holy, disregard of the unholy, the psychic

nature moves to gracious peace.

When we are wrapped up in ourselves, shrouded with the

cloak of our egotism, absorbed in our pains and bitter thoughts,

we are not willing to disturb or strain our own sickly mood by

giving kindly sympathy to the happy, thus doubling their joy,

or by showing compassion for the sad, thus halving their

sorrow. We refuse to find delight in holy things, and let the mind

brood in sad pessimism on unholy things. All these evil psychic

moods must be conquered by strong effort of will. This rending

of the veils will reveal to us something of the grace and

peace which are of the interior consciousness of the spiritual man.

34. Or peace may be reached by the even sending forth

and control of the life-breath.

Here again we may look for a double meaning:

first, that even and quiet breathing which is a part

of the victory over bodily restlessness;

then the even and quiet tenor of life,

with-out harsh or dissonant impulses,

which brings stillness to the heart.

35. Faithful, persistent application to any object,

if completely attained, will bind the mind to steadiness.

We are still considering how to overcome the wavering

and perturbation of the psychic nature, which make it quite

unfit to transmit the inward consciousness and stillness.

We are once more told to use the will, and to train it by steady and

persistent work: by "sitting close" to our work, in the phrase

of the original.

36. As also will a joyful, radiant spirit.

There is no such illusion as gloomy pessimism, and it has

been truly said that a man's cheerfulness is the measure of his

faith. Gloom, despondency, the pale cast of thought, are very

amenable to the will. Sturdy and courageous effort will bring

a clear and valorous mind. But it must always be remembered

that this is not for solace to the personal man, but is rather an

offering to the ideal of spiritual life, a contribution to the

universal and universally shared treasure in heaven.

37. Or the purging of self-indulgence from the psychic nature.

We must recognize that the fall of man is a reality,

exemplified in our own persons. We have quite other sins than

the animals, and far more deleterious; and they have all come

through self-indulgence, with which our psychic natures are

soaked through and through. As we climb down hill for our

pleasure, so must we climb up again for our purification and

restoration to our former high estate. The process is painful,

perhaps, yet indispensable.


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Weather attacks? A week of extreme temps (High nineties, low hundreds) in October in the Bay Area. We're really cookin'. I've NEVER seen a year this bad in my life in this town. San Jose was another matter, but I'm glad we got outta that disgusting POS. Never goin' back to that Hell Hole again.

Yes, it seems a 'great reset' is happenin', but it's nothing like the powers that think they are imagined. Wonder how much fun the bottom feeders sent by George Soros are having back east right now? I don't think they signed up for this. Isn't geo-engineering fun? NOT! Gods, I HATE hot weather. Thank the gods it's not June.

Anonymous said...

David Letterman used to have lil’ olde Fran on his show pretty regular. I used to think she was pretty funny back when i didn’t know any better. Now, it’s like being whacked with the ugly stick to lay eyes on that olde mug.

Anyway, it makes one wonder whether this weird outburst about the Supreme Court had anything to do with the recent ruling striking down the Chevron Doctrine, a longstanding legal dingleberry that gave bureaucrats and law enforcement authority to interpret statutes and laws without judicial oversight when carrying out assignments.

That takes all the fun out it for the Comintern.

Could be, olde Fran was mouthing the words, but the squealing was really coming from the deracinated functionaries, covered with a thick, sticky layer of Trump derangement tooting.

One more thing; we got slapped with the outer arm of Helene up here in the Rustbelt, and the satellite images of that storm covered nearly the entire half of the cuntry east of the Miss. Katrina 2.0. That is only possible under unnatural forces. Then the ginormous chemical plant exploding in Georgia, USA was a nice touch.

Hang onto the bar and bite a towel, rough ridin’s gonna be rattlin’ the bones n’ teeth.

p.s. LTPTB, back here, in the Land of Nod, everybody thinks i’m a nutter when i bring up geoengineering.

love yas,


Visible said...

That is interesting news, jc. I did not know about that and it is why The Readers need to put these things up because it really helps my work. What I am looking into for tomorrow's Origami is... how the Hell did the storm hit North Carolina so hard after traveling so many miles and it's a fact that hurricanes traveling over land diminsh in power substantially as they go, AND... could it have anything to do with the discovery of that large Lithium deposit in the hills there?

AL said...

"Discernment, and that is a very important quality to have in operation at all times."

You mean like when reading the Thiaoouba Prophecy? Read it the other day and had to laugh when remembering the author mentioned he had not the imagination to come up with something like this, oh contrary.

Much Love Brutha!

Anonymous said...

the aether is endless unmeasurable energy and add to that the electromagnetic soup that mimics the microwave on defrost(that is dehydating and cooking all life )that humanity can't exist without, add a little man made electrostatic instant heating followed by instant cooling flood the sky beforehand with metallic aeresol from the un mandated geo engineering program thats been going on for over thirty years admitted to by the un in 2013 throw a few other classified things you can cause chaos (this was small compared to what can really be done) that is until the universal balance takes over

Anonymous said...

the lithium battery is a scam just another way to extract control. if the wef 15 minute city thing the us government just agreed to happens once 70 percent of the wef population reductions have occurred and the new world they intend build starts they will use the ancient methods for power that they will claim is new and revolutionary the auto industry and the oil companies have been sitting on this for 30 years and have already built and perfected this tech. of course this is if the universe allows all of this to happen

0 said...

Theres a series on FX called "The Old Man" whose season 2 just kicked off. Its all about a lithium mine curiously enough. Tho its located in Afghanistan. Misdirection?


Visible said...

No idea. the first season was so bad and impossible that I swore I would watch no more. On the other hand, Slow Horses is terrific.

Anonymous said...

I would say t’wouldn’t be without a lot of jet stream steering action, Sri Visible. I’d put bets on Lithium deposits likely being a major factor in this, but as we know, nothing they do is for a single purpose one - off. There’s always multiple angles to their wicked agendas. Lithium mining along with the solar farm scam and it’s destruction of the habitat and life is so egregious, the offense penetrates the marrow. Waste is a cardinal sin.

Here’s some links for anyone interested:



Anonymous said...

Hi Vis, I just wanted to thank you again for your prayers! And thanks to anyone else here who prayed for me! I nearly can't believe the changes I've noticed! I'm so much calmer and finally feel that meditation has an effect. It's not just as if a veil has been lifted, it's more like a thick velvet curtain has been pulled aside! For years I've been reading your blog, most of the time pretty much five days a week and it's as if for most of that time I was a seed in a pot reading your posts as if they were a daily watering without any effect. Now, in the last few months it's started sprouting at an incredible speed! I'm so grateful!

But my rapidly diminishing difficulties pale into insignificance compared to what so many are having to deal with in the south-east of the US at the moment. I add my prayers for those people to the many who are praying for them.

I also really appreciate Patanjali's sutras.

Thank you for all that you do Vis! Your writing is a really important thread running through my days and years.

Agnes (cloggiefroggie)

Anonymous said...

The media isn't saying anything about the hurricane that structure Acapulco either. Apparently it struck twice in a few days ,like hurricanes normally do !!!!September 24 - 26..




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