Thursday, September 12, 2024

"God IS Central to EVERYTHING... The Divine is Unseen, but... Far... Far More Present than ANYONE or ANYTHING Else."

God Poet Transmitting.......

We've been occasionally subjective in recent posts... for a few paragraphs; digressions of The Personal as they apply to the wider sea of personalities that surround all of us. Today should put an end to it for a while, BUT... it's healthy to be introspective... as long as one doesn't turn into Proust or Narcissus. Once or twice a year this needs getting done, so... bear with me.

Okay... let's get on with it. The sooner we getter done... the sooner we can move on to The Big Picture. One of my detractors at another site asked me a question, and it's a legitimate question, so... I'm going to answer it. I can't reproduce the wheedling and accusatory tone that the original possessed, that's not my forte, BUT those of you familiar with the territory... will be familiar with the fauna... that haunts that district.

I was asked, and... I'll have to paraphrase, but it will be close enough for rock and roll; if everything is Karma, and there are no innocent bystanders... why should you care what the Israelis do? Why should you care what happens to The Palestinians? After all, they deserve it, don't they? Of course, I never used the word deserving, but... let's cut to the chase, and I'll start on the opposite end.

This is not a thought that originates with me. Many of the things I say are borrowed from The Masters. What I do is present the information in a new and contemporary fashion but... I don't take credit for saying anything. Anyway... when one sees a person suffering from past sins, it is not good form to show a callous indifference to their suffering, and say, “Oh! They brought it on themselves.” One needs to show compassion and provide help at every opportunity that presents itself; no matter what a person's offenses may have been because... “all have sinned and come short of The Glory of God.”

Also... and more impactfully, (one would hope) there but for fortune goes you and I.

Conversely, when a people are being oppressed, one does not applaud those doing the punishing because it's God's will or some other thing a dogmatist might come up with. One is still compelled to speak out against wrongdoing, and... especially so... if it is their dharma, and it is my dharma to do what I do and say what I say.

Oh! Really, visible. Who gave you the right to do this? I will reply with an irrefutable piece of evidence. I lived in Germany for 15 years... married to a German national, and for fifteen years I publicly denied the holocaust, and this was during a period when I was being read all round The World; when I had more than ten times my present readership of so many thousands a post, and I was also appearing on internet radio programs and yadda yadda. I had ads on my sites stating that it was bullshit, and I said it was bullshit... over... and over... and over again.

I did this week to week for 13 years WHILE LIVING THERE. I spoke out in public about it, and it is a crime punishable by 5 years in prison. While I was doing it... people were being thrown into prison, but... I was not, and why? Because it is my dharma to point this out. How is it that in all that time, I was never approached once about it? (though black SUVs did park outside the house now and then) I made no secret about being in Germany. I announced it occasionally; not in a taunting fashion but... usually in relation to something having to do with my being there.

Just because debts accrued... follow a person from life to life... is no reason to dismiss people due to their station or circumstances in life; individuals... families... towns... cities... nations... planets even... all have specific karma. Races and religious groups have collective karma. You also believe this... if... when you see shit happen... you believe it happens for a reason.

If you think there is no reason for things that happen; it was just his or her bad luck, then... basically... you are a stupid and uninformed person because, EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON!

If one were to go blithely about... not caring what happens to anyone else... doing nothing to help others... not speaking out for others... pursuing only one's own selfish ends... one is living a pointless life, and... according to DEMONSTRABLE LAWS... one has arranged to later be placed among other people just like them. Life, by what some consider... uninformed agency... sorts all of us according to disposition... temperament, AND... previous actions.

Some actions lead to (or used to lead to) one being locked up with people of similar disposition. Some actions lead to one rising above their associates, and the reverse, of course. Certain acquired skills distinguish one person from another. The way one looks... because their character has shaped their face... results in instinctive reactions from others. All these are easily witnessed in day-to-day life. Did all of them happen by accident?

An intelligent person can trace all visible conditions back to more subtle causes. An intuitive person knows... viscerally... why such and such is so. If you are that oblivious to the inherent principles of existence; the law of cause and effect... the law of action and reaction, which... are... proof... of... Karma, then... you are a dense person indeed, and if you think Karma negates your duty to another OR... if you think the pain and terror of their ignorant state is a cause for contempt... if you are not your brother's keeper, you WILL find yourself in a similar state.

People who employ specious reasoning as an assault weapon against others... because they are bitter about their own failures in life, and who project their lack of character onto others... are merely exposing themselves to the eyes of those who can see right through them. A person's state of being is the result of their errors in judgment... concerning the meaning of events; cynicism and poorly bottled anger... speak to poor self-control and an overweening obsession with oneself. Selfishness and fear are at the heart of all false bravado and moral cowardice.

God is real and interpenetrates everything, and those who speak to that reality... also speak to the reality or... lack of it... in everyone else, even when they have allowed themselves to become mostly unreal. I am going to include an excerpt from the book I linked by Eliphas Levi a few days ago. If you pay attention, perhaps you will get what he is saying about words, and... the power of words and The Imagination.

Amazing events are about to begin taking place; inexplicable things... woo woo is going to become commonplace, and those doing evil, and seducing others into evil... are going to be outing themselves... without being aware of it... until afterward. The towers and citadels of evil are going to topple. The plots of evil are going to turn upon themselves and destroy evil. The faces... public and private faces of the practitioners of evil... are going to be exposed to the eyes of The World and rendered powerless.

Enormous force is presently stirring in the collective unconscious. The surface is powerless to hold back the surfacing appearance of that which is doing the stirring. Believe it or not... God is central to EVERYTHING! He is unseen, but he is more present than ANYONE or anything else. This is one of those times when he starts showing up all over the place at the most opportune AND inopportune moments, as you will see. What James O'Keefe does in a small way... God does in splendid fashion on a whole other level.

I feel sorry for those of you who are intimidated by appearances. It will pass and you will find yourselves again at some point. Only God knows when that will be.

I bear no rancor toward those behaving negatively toward me. It comes with the territory and I've had it far worse than it presently is, and my detractors are in a tiny minority. Some of them have been at it for years and years and were once friendly toward me... until I said something they didn't like or... more likely... did not take them seriously. Look! I don't take myself seriously either, but... nothing sets certain types of people's heads on fire as when you don't take them seriously.

They'll be friendly again, this is something I know to be true. Eventually... EVERYONE comes around to the one... eternally prevailing... impersonal point of view.

Some of us have a small amount of insight into how life works. Loving God has its perks. If most people had even the slightest idea of what comes with loving God... they would do nothing else. However... in the early periods, one is exposed to serious, and intense personal trials. Few can withstand this. It takes everything to make it through into the good times... on the other side of the shadow worlds... that must be traversed to get to the light.

As Lao Tzu once said, “Before you try to fix a bad man, you must first find and fix the problem inside yourself.” Criticism is an art. If the subject of criticism is not improved by the effort, then... what is the point? We'll leave this subject alone now and move on to more useful things in the times to come, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Hopefully, there will be links up shortly at GAB. We need to find them first. So... it might be half an hour or so=

Excerpt from Transcendental Magic by Eliphas Levi;
(page 34 or so-)

“Every form is the veil of a word, because the idea which is the mother of the word is the sole reason for the existence of forms. Every figure is a character, every character-derives from and returns into a word. For this reason the ancient sages, of whom Trismegistus is the organ, formulated their sole dogma in these terms:—
“That which is above is like that which is below,
and that which is below is like that which is above.”

In other words, the form is proportional to the idea; the shadow is the measure of the body calculated with its relation to the luminous ray; the scabbard is as deep as the sword is long; the negation is in proportion to the contrary affirmation; production is equal to destruction in the movement which preserves life; and there is no point in infinite space which may not be regarded as the centre of a circle having an extending circumference indefinitely receding into space.
Every individuality is, therefore, indefinitely perfectible, since the moral order is analogous to the physical, and since we cannot conceive any point as unable to dilate, increase, and radiate in a philosophically infinite circle.

What can be affirmed of the soul in its totality may be affirmed of each faculty of the soul. The intelligence and will of man are instruments of incalculable power and capacity. But intelligence and will possess as their help-mate and instrument a faculty which is too imperfectly known, the omnipotence of which belongs exclusively to the domain of magic.
I speak of the imagination, which the Kabbalists term the Diaphane, or the Translucid. Imagination, in effect, is like the soul's eye; therein forms are outlined and preserved

Thereby we behold the reflections of the invisible world; it is the glass of visions and the apparatus of magical life; by its intervention we heal diseases, modify the seasons, drive death away from the living, and raise the dead to life, because it is the imagination which exalts the will and gives it a hold upon the universal agent. Imagination determines the shape of the child in its mother’s womb, and decides the destiny of men; it lends wings to contagion, and directs the weapons of warfare. Are you exposed in battle?

Believe yourself to be invulnerable, like Achilles, and you will be so, says Paracelsus. Fear attracts bullets, but they are repelled by courage. It is well known that persons with amputated limbs feel pain in the very members which they possess no longer. Paracelsus operated upon living blood by medicating the product of a bleeding; he cured headaches at a distance by treating hair cut from the patient. By the science of the imaginary unity and solidarity of all parts of the body, he anticipated and outstripped all the theories, or rather all the experiences, of our most celebrated magnetisers. Hence his cures were miraculous, and to his name of Philip Theophrastus Bombast, he deserved the addition of Aureolus Paracelsus, with the further epithet of divine!

Imagination is the instrument of the adaptation of the word. Imagination applied to reason is genius. Reason is one, as genius is one, in the multiplicity of its works. There is one principle, there is one truth, there is one reason, there is one absolute and universal philosophy. Whatso¬ever is... subsists in unity considered as beginning, and re¬turns into unity considered as end. One is in one; that is to say, all is in all. Unity is the principle of numbers; it is also the principle of motion, and, consequently, of life. The entire human body is summed up in the unity of a single organ, which is the brain. All religions are summed up in the unity of a single dogma, which is the affirmation of being and its equality with itself, which constitutes its mathematical value. There is only one dogma in magic, and it is this:—The visible is the manifestation of the invisible, or, in other terms, the perfect word, in things appreciable and visible, bears an exact proportion to the things which are inappreciable by our senses and unseen by our eyes.”

This guy was really on point about a lot of things. I owned his books in my early 20s but did not read much of them. Now... quite a bit later on, I find what used to puzzle me to be clear as spring water in a pool.


AL said...

" I speak of the imagination "

I'm really glad when the Divine created us, his children, that he didn't allow all our power to be made manifest until certain criteria are attained. Can you imagine? :)

Much Love Brutha!

0 said...

This tidbit from "Dashed against the Rocks" by colville seems Apt for this post. Pages 68-70.


"Now let us ask what makes human beings differ the one from the other. The reason we give for this striking natural phenomenon is that in one individual these chord-settings are allowed full amplitude in action, while in others they are sup pressed, and by suppression rendered latent. To illus trate : we will picture a beggar asking alms of a richly dressed gentleman, who passes by entirely oblivious of the suppliant's needs ; but here the wonderful law of sym pathetic action intercedes, making the wealthy individ ual comprehend the necessitous condition of the pauper. At this point the ego enters the chamber of ordeal ; here, in commonplace life, in every-day surroundings, man is tried; this is initiation. The well-to-do man goes on his way, not caring to stop, hurried perchance by the urgency of worldly affairs ; the chord-setting represent ing that differentiation of infinite force called by us compassion, acting upon its concordant chord-setting, loudly proclaims to the ego what is right action, and the opportunity passing when it should be seized, powerfully exerts its force against the will of the personality that would suppress its action. Here is where the battle is fought; simple though the illustra tion may appear, it forcibly sets forth the actual conflict continually waging between divine wisdom and mortal error, carelessness, and ignorance. The man of wealth and position goes on, perhaps, for some distance, the battle all the while continuing; finally, he stops and turns back, he yields to the dominating influence of that chord-setting; he gives the beggar alms and goes on his way with the skies bright above him : he has won a battle he will not have to fight again. Understand that victory is won, not by the giving of alms, but by yielding to that divine force-differentiation. If this chord-setting had not retained its dominance, it would only require a few instances of the above type to render it latent, and when latent the person is no longer amenable to influences calculated to arouse compassion. "

Continued below.


0 said...

"In like manner, other centres may be rendered latent by repeated suppression, until we find a person so dead to all appeals from the various chord-settings that his whole course in life is represented by the sum-total of the antagonisms internally produced: results proving this are seen every day. You ask why do people commit such blunders and perform such acts as they do, all the while seemingly unable to help themselves. The reason is that they have rendered latent these centres which otherwise would have given them the power to rightly control their deeds instead of being, as they now are, dominated exclusively by the forces of aggregated matter which we usually call the self-will of the outer personality, as distinguished from the distinctly humane individuality which always responds to a divine appeal. It can be readily seen from this example that a man can mould himself practically as he chooses ; though he may have to encounter many obstacles erected by himself in past periods of earthly existence, as he comes to earth anew with these chord-settings latent, or developed to the extent they were so, at the conclusion of his last earth-embodiment; a man has therefore only to carefully examine the condition of these settings to learn whether they are latent or developed : if latent, he knows well that if he yields to the dominance of the chord-settings of the supreme force — and he needs no monitor other than these to instruct him, their voice being loud-toned, full, strong, deep, and high — to carry him on to the consummation of his highest ideal, their suppression leading him to the lowest condition in which we behold that section of humanity which is dominated by the action of the blind forces inherent in aggregated matter, — forces which are at all times powerfully and intimately associated with every one who possesses a material body. The work of arousing to activity the latent chord-settings is sometimes equiva lent to giving birth to an entirely new condition in the person, the intellect and the imagination having to actively co-operate in the endeavor to produce even the minutest degree of activity. In such persons their hardest experiences may be of the greatest benefit to them, if rightly taken ; for it is through certain orders of experience — not unattended with suffering — that these centres are powerfully acted upon. The fore going illustration of the merchant and the beggar introduces one in whom the action of these centres is to a certain degree active. In experiences where the emotions are intensely aroused their action is far greater, and we may see the result of the conflict, in the event of a person of hitherto unnoticeable traits being developed either into a person of crabbed, irritable disposition or into one of considerable moral beauty and attractive ness, and all because a centre hitherto dormant has been powerfully aroused or more completely suppressed."


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Hmmmmm. I must say, however; THAT I'M ECSTATIC OVER COMMERCIAL PROPERTY HOLDERS GOIN' TITS UP! Along with the rest of the materialistic parasites. Glad my. . uh. . .our landlord ain't one of 'em.

This shoulda been dragged to yesterday's post, but hey. I'm sure Diogenes approves, where ever he is:


Ain't dat supposed to be for personal evolution?

But what is it from the way we act? I've been guilty of it myself, big time when I was young and stupid, but it seems to be to be the best poser you can be.

It's real bad in Japan and China, where 'face' is everything, but it's pretty bad everywhere. People put on fronts for everyone else, and Hell knows what these people really are, 'cept behind closed doors.

What about chicks puttin' on the warpaint, and dressin' to the nines, wasting all this money they don't have on trying to be a decoration? It works for some, but I'm sorry; if you're Krispy Kreme calendar material, or you're 96, or ya look like Marty Feldman, what's the bloody point?

Why does the programming still exist? What's the point? She wants to seduce some rich dude to host her for the rest of her life? (There's a word for dat.) Sorry, but the Marla Maples types is one reason why MGTOW exists. In most of the world, professional parasites are basically 'owned.' In the West, a dude is playing Russian roulette if he goes after one of these high maintenance, drop dead gorgeous 'fashion accessories'. I've said something to this effect before. . .somewhere, but if you want arm candy, it's more cost effective to get a bracelet.

Same with the uber foxy fops. You will be objectifies, and wanted for all the wrong reasons. (I used to want one, but that was a lost cause. . .thank the gods. The regular sausage casings are expensive enough, thank you.)

Ayuh, keep puttin' on aires. Keep up your facade of being something to be envied by buying expensive cars, houses, clothes you can't afford to impress no one and make yourself a target in today's economy.

Not my problem. People like that are not welcome in my sojourn on this Prison Planet. I have enough unwanted issues by simply it being necessary to have a job and running errands, and being a kitchen slave 2-4 hours a week depending on the intricacy of my weekly project. (Bein' a gourmet cook is time consuming.) I don't need any more Cosmically superfluous garbage to interfere with my discretionary moments. . .or personal sovereignty. Considering the only time you are completely sovereign is when there's no one around to compromise yourself with. (The joys of having different sleep schedules, though me and my unpretentious, 'real' flatmate do enjoy each other's company for those hours we share.)


Yes, I admit I'm 'dissy' of many an archetype, though not immune to empathy. It exists completely for the plant and animal kingdoms (Well, not bedbugs and their ilk, but. . .), though I must admit it is not unconditional as far as humanity as a whole goes. I would not feel sorry for them if many select heads of state, various politicians, pharma heads, evil alphabet agency members, bill gates. . .etc. were put in gibbet cages. Or is scaphism better? After being lingchi-ed but not to the point of death?

I'm not evolved enough yet to get to the right frame of mind, I must admit. I'm selective on who I help, and who I walk away from. I also admit I ain't gonna get there until after this disgusting sojourn on this repulsive planet is over. 'Tis a Cosmic Flaw I have no desire to repair at the moment. Too many issues still haunt me.

Nevertheless, NOSTRILS TO THE SKY!

0 said...

one other item...

"Paracelsus operated upon living blood by medicating the product of a bleeding; he cured headaches at a distance by treating hair cut from the patient."

Dr. Abrams and Ruth Drowns figured out how that Worked. Radionics. Drowns could treat a person from a blood spot on a piece of paper regardless where they were in the World. Just in case people wonder how it could be True.


Anonymous said...

Another stellar writing, thank you Mr V. Also thank you for answering my comment some days back regarding what some folks write about you. Like another here, it seems impossible from me to comment as anything but an anonymous. I try but the googlebot doesn’t seem to allow it.

Visible said...


and from there to the Music of The Spheres

Visible said...


That has to be the longest you've ever waxed before!

Visible said...

anonymous; that's perfectly fine. Googles messes with the readers here non-stop. I think they call them filters.

0 said...

Like to Like huh. Perhaps we'll get to meet in being there if not here. :)

Strider Feets said...

Who speaks ill of LV? I remember Visiblisms all the time while out walking.
Especially the there but for the Grace of God go I or don't laugh you're next.
Giving thanks by prayer and voice for every meal, beautiful day, all blessings.

Visible said...

It's over at Truthseeker that it happens. I don't run into it here except with the same person pretending to be different people.

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is now up=

"EVERYTHING Which is not in Resonance with The Supreme Will... is Going to be Squeezed Out of You, and... It Hurts."

Anonymous said...

The World is going to get worse before it gets better and it will effect all humanity. The World is being divided between God and the Devil, Light and Dark, Love and Hate. It will depend of each person if they want to be controlled by the devil or free like God wishes us to be. Like Visible he can see things coming to our world and how many more can too? And it's the others who do indeed need to wake up because it's here now and unfolding like it should. YOU CAN RUN BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE. Take care Love and Light xx

Anonymous said...

I was thinking of that very question a week ago . I was trying to see paramatma in everyone, even the Izzies and what they are doing to the Palestinians and the thing Jesus said on the cross came to me "Forgive them Lord for they know not what they do". And they really don't know. I think they've had guilt,shame, conscience and embarrassment bred out of them.
I suspect we aren't going to put anything right here unless we adopt this attitude ,individually and collectively , difficult as that may be.

Visible said...

Anonymous; "The World is going to get worse." I don't know what happened. This comment just showed up. Sorry about that.



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