Monday, September 09, 2024

"EVERY ONE OF US Comes Here Marked by Karma; it is Written on Us in The Vibrating and Vital Flame Language of Angels."

God Poet Transmitting.......

Here is only one example of how crazy people are getting.

This is on every news site. They say the whale might have been a Russian spy because... well, I'll let you see what evidence they have in their own words; "When Hvaldimir was found in 2019, Norwegian marine biologists removed a man-made harness with a mount suited for an action camera and the words. "Equipment St. Petersburg" printed in English on the plastic clasps.” Equipment St. Petersburg was printed in English on the whale. Does this smell even worse than that whale probably does right now?

You can travel The World these days, and in every country, you can easily find examples of Batshit Crazy. It might be one of the many forms of crazy that are generated by Materialism. It might be religious. It might be crimes against women by fundamentalist nutjobs in The East. It might be sexually inspired insanity, and that you can find everywhere. There is now a crazy for every once normal thing! Huzzah!

There are millions of people living in areas of specialized niche crazy; progressive liberal crazy... Climate crazies... PC and social justice crazy, which are a lot like progressive liberal crazy. Then there is indigenous culture crazies... who ignore Palestine and hope to breed a super race of indigenous peoples by mating Aborigines with white transsexuals; given that the necessary dynamics for this... in any natural way... is impossible, they are looking at gene-splicing... using tree grafting technologies... so that they will have the lifespan of a redwood.

Recently the offspring of carrots and African snails has been appearing at Whole Foods and the customers are over The Moon about it. Forget 15-minute cities when everyone is living in Nutjob City. How is that supposed to work when no one even knows what time it is? I'll tell you what time it is, ♫ It's Howdy Doody Time ♫

We have been saying this for years now, the greatest danger that humanity faces is already present in everyone's mind. If you do not have a connection to The Divine... The Winds of Crazy are going to blow you away. Psychiatrists and Psychologists can't help you because they are crazier than you are. They had a head start on everyone else. They all read the handbook on ways to lose your shit, and whatever applied to them, started to sprout immediately in the greenhouse of the subconscious.

The subconscious is warm... humid... and dark; perfect conditions!

There is an irony that attends many professions which escape the understanding of The Hive Mind. People often become police officers because of fear and an attraction to crime. People who work with sexual dysfunction... or any area having to do with the secreted regions of The Mind... are searching for answers having to do with their own problems.

Everyone projects onto everyone else... their own motives for actions taken; if it were them... this is what it would mean, and that is not the case at all. There are 36 basic personality types, and you get a wider reach than that because... everyone comes in on a particular ray of the spectrum where... The Impersonal locates the personality wrapper it employs in... each... specific... case. Here is a good primer.

Many of the sciences that humanity at large has been studying are pointless and useless both... except as they apply to the interests of those obsessed with them. There is a higher school of teaching where you find a more timeless perspective on existence. The World teaches one kind of lesson and is also a hard taskmaster. The other... School of The Invisible... teaches Ageless Wisdom.

Unfortunately... the truths that are there to be found... are veiled by another region of crazy... that puts these teachings into disrepute. Whether it is the air-headed new-ager on a trust fund... the charlatans selling mystery... or the sexless monastics who live in terror of a force they do not understand; sex is a beautiful wonder, but it is a terror indeed to those who cannot control it. The School of The Invisible teaches this also; how to harmonically dance with yourself.

The Big Kahuna... the indescribable and incomprehensible originator of all things... has a remarkable sense of humor and also goes to great lengths to show... you... how... it... is... done; if you would only pay attention. Lahiri Mahasaya became a householder... to manifest the template... for the right courses of action, even though he was an extremely high order of realized being and a friend of Babaji himself. Many who saw both of them … at one time or another... remarked on how much Lahiri looked like he might have been Babaji's father.

There are all sorts of interesting things going on that are not to be found in the grubby marketplaces of The World. You have to look for them. Most people are terrified of The Unknown and do not realize that repeated contact with it turns it into The Known. There are no dangers anywhere that you are not carrying with you.

Many people are troubled by my mentioning that there are no innocent bystanders. The truth of the matter is that EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US comes in here marked by karma that is written on us in the hieroglyphic language of angels. They are magnetic attractors that draw us to the events we experience, OR ELSE IT WOULDN'T FUCKING HAPPEN!!!

I know that when you hear about the bad things that happen in life it creates a conflict in the mind. It enrages us because of our impotence; our being unable to do anything about these awful events. You must remember that this period of time we are in... this stretch of recorded history... is a time in which a great deal of karma gets resolved. There are much larger extensions of time... when you don't see much of this at all.

Most people live with a very narrow idea of Time. If they had the panorama view they would be less troubled by what they see. People walk through the most intense theaters of war, and come out without a scratch. Some do it multiple times. In this world... some people have trouble with fire... some with water... some with air and some with Earth, and some... a very few... have no trouble with any of them.

These afflictions materialize in our bodies and wiser practitioners can see that the patient has an imbalance with one or more of these. Harmony is the absolute key here! ♫ gimme that old-time Wu Wei... that old-time Wu Wei. Gimme that old-time Wu Wei. It was good enough for Lao Tzu, and it's good enough for me ♫ I like my religion in The Living State... not in the cemetery wrappings I see it in in these times; why seek ye him among the dead? Right.

As Materialism advances... the atmosphere of crazy... WILL intensify... in the minds of those captivated with it. The appearance of cannibalism at a wider reach will signify that the end is near. People are already engaging in it mentally and emotionally. It is The Nature of The Beast. Materialism is driven by invisible means. The author has various names. One of them is Mammon. No man can worship two masters.

Those seeking truth will find truth. Those seeking destruction will find destruction. It might be in disguise... almost everything is... including each of us, but that won't change the outcome. You may rely on that.

This is a world where everyone gets what they are after, and... where almost everything is not what they thought it was. There are people right this minute that have everything material that one could wish for. Some of them live charmed lives indeed. When you next see them... the conditions will be much different... if they have not acted judiciously and with restraint in this life.

Be cheap and you will find yourself in a place where generosity is absent. Be anything at all, and you will find yourself experiencing all of it all the time. Everything that happens is for The Purpose of Demonstration.

If you are kind... compassionate... and loving... then you WILL find yourself in a world that mirrors all of these. If you are brutish... insensitive, mean, and nasty, well... you do the math. This an ironclad certainty, BUT it does not mean one goes around with the mindset that everyone deserves what they get, so... fuck them! Compassion and a forgiving nature is demanded of you... OR ELSE.

I didn't make the rules, but I do know what many of the rules are. I have discovered them by abiding by them, AND... by breaking them. I have chosen to learn, instead of to disregard the lesson... thinking it an anomaly, and expecting a different result the next time. This is also an indication of insanity.

The Visible World is ruled by Invisible Forces... that all proceed from the origin portal of all force. The prevailing forces... the archetypes... appear by the same process of passing through a prism... and being differentiated accordingly. Turn sound up and you will get light at some point. Turn light down and you will get sound at some point, and...

... one last thing.

Links are in the Ayahuasca lodge over at GAB=

In case you wonder why there is less to offer in this section, besides the fact that no one says anything about it ever... well... here is a quote from The Bhagavad Gita=

“Just as a reservoir is of little use
when the whole countryside is flooded,
scriptures are of little use to the illumined man or woman,
who sees the Lord everywhere.”


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Canna argue wi' anythin' in dis post. (Mixed dialect. Excuuuuuse me.) Nostrils to the sky, and your 'one last thang' is totally appreciated by moi.

M - said...

Poor creature. Beluga whales are exceptionally beautiful. What a horrifying shame.

I worked with a Born-again Christian woman who insisted the family cat was "evil". The cat was probably picking up on the evil inside the woman and reacting to her accordingly. Animals KNOW.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed this article... Well written... will share with others... Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Greetings Mr viz.
Many thanks from myself and my forest buddies.your posts are the highlight of the start of the day.AND the gab links r a force unto themselves.
fwiw- I am certain i am not alone in -reading and am grateful for your effort and sharing of insight and are silient[without commenting ].
SOOOOOOO thanks again
tymeflys :]

Visible said...

Wow! Ty is really angry. I won't publish the comment because it's all screeching ad hominem. He seems to think I get paid by The Usual Suspects to write what I do. Does that make the least sense, given what I write? I hope you can find a solution for this rage. It's not a good look. You can thank me later for not putting up this vituperative invective of yours. Did the kundalini witches leave town?

Anonymous said...

I sometimes liken Kundalini awakening akin to a second puberty, albeit far more tactical and transformative, at least internally. With puberty one gains the capacity to pro-create... men begin generating semen, woman begin to ovulate. Basic needs for the perpetuation of the species follows.

The Kundalini awakening re-routes the pro-creative seed through fluidic ascendance from the base of the spinal column to the crown... acting as a fuel for the the opening and transformation of each chakra nerve plexi.

Rather than simply procreation, the procreative process becomes the fuel for higher neural function, awareness, and the highest potential for creative expression and human evolution in all its permutations.

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is now up=

"God... as God Exists on The Material Plane... is Represented by The Sun. The Sun is God at this Level of Expression."



Joseph Brenner

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