Wednesday, September 25, 2024

"Every One of These People is at Some Stage of Delusion Because All of Them are at Some Level of Self-Involvement."

God Poet Transmitting.......

There are people who spend a large part of their day... connecting the dots... between the agents of darkness... their centers of operation... the organizations... so on and so forth... who seek to control every aspect of our lives. Maybe some of them are right about the associations they come up with. Maybe they get the connections right, but they have an incorrect pecking order, or... they mistake the frontman for the C.E.O. Or they mistake the C.E.O. for the person in charge.

All of the people who do this... spend a lot of time reading the books of the people who influence, and in some cases, shape the perspective they have. The people who write these books... in most cases... are far more concerned with selling books and enhancing their profile... while expanding their presence in the wider world... than they are with telling the truth. First off... very very few of the people who know The Truth... can... or will... speak it.

For the most part, you get relative truth, and that changes constantly... depending on the point of perspective. As things recede in time... they look quite different than they do when close up. Then there is the level of awareness that is possessed by the person looking at it; whatever it may be. Along with this, we have to include their capacity for comprehension, and their ability to see a thing divorced from all taint of personal opinion.

This is not easy to do because... personal opinion is shaped from early childhood. It is shaped by a person's relationship to the planets. If you don't like the designation of planet... let's use archetypal forces... if you don't like that... consider it as the variations of power that operate in life. If you don't like that... go fuck yourself.

My point is that there are a goodly number of these people who have no intention of being in agreement with anyone... who are also only in agreement with this source or that source... who establish their persona and postures by being adversarial... no matter what. Then there are the certified dingbats... the borderline psychotics... and the fringe and specialty brigades of niche players, carving out new territory... to declare themselves the cutting-edge proponents of whatever it is.

For every group of individuals, and for every individual so engaged... there are at least several other groups and individuals in diametrical opposition to them. Take the entire human race and put them in a great big circle facing in. Put something or other in the exact center of them, and that is how many perspectives you have on the matter. Only those who are able to concentrate in such a way... as to enter into the thing or matter, and see it... from the inside out... are in any position to know what they are talking about, and... usually... these people aren't talking about it.

The World is a vast and multi-layered collection of stages on which people perform. You could say that there are almost as many people either on the stage... or waiting to get on the stage... as there are people in that circle. Every one of these people is at some stage of delusion because every one of them is at some level of Self-Involvement.

There is only one real self in existence. This self broke itself into a countless number of different pieces that it scattered far and wide. This was the opening act of creation. That one real self exists... within and apart from... the creation... simultaneously while having created the whole of it out of itself. It created The Dream Web of Maya as an environment for every imaginable action to take place.

Immediately after this act of creation... this self went to sleep... in order to dream the whole of existence, but... a part of this self remained apart as well, but we are getting into an area that can't be talked about, so... let's bypass the technical aspects and get into how this affects you. From the moment of origin... The One Self... The Spirit... The Purusha... went off on a quest of self-discovery, and began to gather together all of the parts of itself... that it exploded out of itself... into environments and players.

Sometimes it wakes up parts of itself, and sometimes it wakes up inside of a part of itself, and it does whatever it pleases it to do... in the process of its self-discovery. This whole thing takes a very long time. This self is awake when everything else is asleep, and asleep when everything else thinks it is awake. Once again, we must demur to continue... due to the limitations of words.

A person awakens... becomes self-realized... when that person has a moment that becomes the moment... in which that person sees everyone and everything as themselves, and thereafter lives in a state of higher love, which is the state The One Self is in at all times anyway. This is not a state you can fake... though plenty have tried. The problem is that the entity you are pretending to be... is also present in you... at the same time, and... has... as a result... earmarked you for The Purpose of Demonstration.

Everything is always and absolutely under control. If you cannot see this it is because you are out of phase with the one... who is in absolute control... of all things... from the inside out. This principle is similar to the one that declares that everything on the visible plane is a product of the invisible planes... through the process of precipitation down to the manifest through four stages of advancement into form.

There is a system and a science behind all of this. There is more than one system actually. I call it... the version I encountered... Ageless Wisdom and it is associated with The Hermetic Perspective, which also includes a few other systems as well. Once again... words become ineffective when what is being discussed is best expressed in symbols and numbers.

Now... let us circumnavigate back; I prefer circumambulate but... potato potahto. In any case, let's come back around to these people who have charts and diagrams that show which bad guys are connected to which bad guys... where and when... and what that means according to what they read somewhere, and which fit nicely into conclusions they had already arrived at... with the other information they cherry-picked to support it.

These people have created a dumpster-fire mind in their heads that is chock full of information... some of it is probably factual, and some of it is bullshit... the amounts of each of these is determined... by what the person needed... to paint the big picture of their world view, and... I am wondering... in what way... have they EVER made The World a better place... based on the stuff and nonsense in their heads?

They can chase their tails all the livelong day. They can shout at passersby. They can wave books in the air, but... usually... they die alone, and The World is no better, and hopefully no worse; a finger got stuck into a bowl of water, and then the fingah was removed, and that is a pretty good representation of what remains of their time here.

They have no interest in The Divine because that REALLY confuses the issue. You can sit on a park bench and watch one conspiracy after another walk by. Sometimes they are arm in arm with another conspiracy. Sometimes they are pushing a little conspiracy in a stroller; they're cute when they're young. Sometimes they are injecting a conspiracy into their arm... sometimes they are smoking it, and sometimes they are quaffing it out of a brown paper bag, and sometimes it's accessed through a suppository; whatever works.

All of this is clear evidence that YOU... ARE... GOING... THE... WRONG... WAY, but no one wants to hear that; my investments!!! My investments!!! Yeah... pretty much. So... you were here... you jumped up and down... virtually, and then you were not here, and everything just kept doing what it was always doing; going up... going down... going sideways and around.

What changes The World is a mystery to most people. They've already made their minds up about what it means by a certain point in time, and... let's face it... they don't want to hear about any of that BECAUSE... then they might have to change their viewpoint, and they might also have to admit that they did not have a clue about what was actually going on. Now... it could be argued that I don't have a clue either, but I am not nearly so hard to persuade about that.

Here's something to think about. Certain events are going to transpire in places where there is a higher concentration of people. Some of those places may well cease to exist altogether. Other places will be remarkably untouched. Right now... terrible violence is an everyday fact of life... here and there. In other places... life is pristine and unruffled, except for Nature being red in tooth and claw, but that is how it is in The World of Appetite; in The World of Passion, and... wild and (seemingly) random acts of unfocused energetics.

If you don't live in The World of Appetite... Passion... and seemingly wild and misdirected acts of unfocused energetics, I'm guessing it's going to have far less of an impact on you. According to The Law of Electromagnetics... none of it is going to apply to you at all. Well... we'll see, won't we, and...

... one last thing.

(I apologize for my clumsy and awkward forms of communication here. This is the best I can do at this time, and I hope to get better. These are no easy subjects to discuss. It's why people who know what they are talking about don't say much, but... it's what I do in an OJT kinda way, and I'm stuck with it till it changes. May God improve our sight so that we may see more clearly than we do).

End Transmission.......

Links will be present at GAB=

Perhaps you have noticed that recently... no matter how many comments there may be, it says on the page that there are no comments. This is to keep people from checking. I thought I would mention it in case it makes any difference.

We'll take a break with the additional metaphysics today.


Anonymous said...

First off... very very few of the people who know The Truth... can... or will... speak it. and the loudest ones are paid to forget it. saddly, or ironically regardless of what senario plays out the people were given the script ahead of time. yet this is what they chose. can they stop the reunification of the vibration? what will they choose? the vibration free void or the fire of vibration, isnt the shinny rather dull

0 said...

"usually they die alone"... doesn't Everyone Die alone? Nobody goes with oneself when its time to exit form, except perhaps that which one invited to cohabit in the iteration of form one had for this duration of iterated experience.

The OAHSPE and the Urantia book are huge volumes that review the ideas of the all existing as the hidden unsensed part of self waiting to be recognized by whatever circumstance draws the attention to that aspect of Latent Self.

Curious stuff to think about. I sometimes wonder if the next place I find whats left of myself will be like this place or like hiranyaloka or the amitaba buddahs lands or if it will just be back into the primal causal field of no forms where all forms reside till they get called forth for action once more.


0 said...

I dig the one last thing caterpillar. One would imagine the all might install something similar in the form called forth to produce accountability so that when such ones are attacked at whatever levels the attack produces desolation of the attacker. To they who "take advantage" it becomes just another predictable action that the all can assert a simple solution to that is hidden behind the iterative forms. Curious indeed.

Visible said...

Nobody; if you discount plane crashes, and war zones, natural disasters... or any of the countless permutations where people go in larger groups for reasons having to do with joined karma, then... yes, but I did not mean that literally but rather more allegorically and having to do with empty lives of quiet desperation; the self-imposed solitary departure of those who spent their lives in a continuous argument with existence.

Should one wish to head to The Western Pure Land of Amitabha, all that is required it to call out his name in passing; not the easiest thing because there are entities whose job it is... to make those who put no real time into remembering Amitabha... to cause them to forget Amitabha at the critical juncture, but anyone who wants to go there simply has to make it their PRIMARY objective and the same applies to any other portal into higher states of residence.

0 said...

Yeah to my mind all those people who go in mass events still go alone. While they may share the event that exits them from existence, where they were before and where they go after is purely an individual thing. Who wants to go to the same place as a bunch of other strangers who shared the Exit stage left moment eh? And why would they?

The last few posts have given me pause to think. Am I such as you describe, and after what I think is a fair objective review of self, I realize I take up no argument unless it takes itself up with me first. And when it is done, it holds no further sway in my Mind which returns to a sort of focused waiting while observing state.

I can see how you would imply others who buy the stories and get lost in the neverending details might become such as you laid out, and perhaps thats just a step in the growth of be-coming more than one was because at the very least they will have increased their ability to focus and order those details, relevant or not.

I'm with you on the amitabha thing. I want to exit this form Aware that I'm exiting this form so I Can be present during the Change event. Will have to see if that works out for me like I hope. Since the all looks out for me, I trust it will bring me that which is next needful for me to continue to be-come. And if it doesn't, thats just how it goes and no reason to get emotional about any of it. :)

Thanks for the clarification pal!

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

"It created The Dream Web of Maya as an environment for every imaginable action to take place." Exceptin' the weavin' of a nose hair coat. Now seriously, what comes before that in your post is something that makes we wonder of a question that can't be answered without an Akashic Library Card, it seems. Is every atom a universe unto itself? Is every atom individually sentient? Do they have a social life? Do they talk to each other? Intellectualise? Are they born with PhDs in tact like cats, or are they dumber than a vacuum?

Truth. I've actually had people tell me they don't wanna hear about this or that topic. (Like the realities of factory farming and slaughterhouse practices, not that I even brought up becoming a vegetarian, and once I got into a short discussion about MSM that I walked away from after telling the person the argument was pointless.) People don't like being woken up from their illusions. No problem with me. I'm adaptable.

Visible said...

That was one of the most liberating lessons for me; that I was not required to inform anyone of a contrary nature, and that I could just as well accomplish it in thought... if needs be

AL said...

Knowing the Divine is in control of everyone and thing brings much peace to me when viewing todays panorama of chaos. I just hope my next incarnation is somewhere beyond our current level of resistive training paraphernalia.

Much Love Brutha!

Visible said...

You know Gene, or I hope you know, I would never consider or present you in a negative light in my thoughts, my feelings or my words, and it is a little unsettling that the thought of it might cross your mind. Even those who are inveterate enemies of mine do not get that treatment because it only reflects badly on me, and though no one might be the wiser... concerning what goes on in my head, I would know, and it would cause me to think badly about myself, which is not something that would be useful in my rising out of here, which mostly has my full attention.

Visible said...

Why don't you take your hatred of The Indian people and your infatuation with The Chinese back to 4chan. There is not now, there will never be... a place for you here. Since neither I nor the majority of the readers here ever go to 4chan, you will have the place to yourself and others like yourself.

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now=

"The Intrinsic Value of Whatever You Desire... is Defined... by The Degree of Difficulty... Involved in Apprehending It."

0 said...

You might like the books from J.C. Bose. He devised experiments to show that the only difference between the animal kingdom, the plant kingdom and the mineral kingdom was the ability to express and sense. But that in all 3 kingdoms he could find a reaction to stimulus, which became more Muted as you want from animal as most expressive, to plant as next and mineral as least expressive. It inferred some consciousness or there would be no reaction to stimulus. Everything is alive, just not everything is in an iteration of form that facilitates more than what that individuated consciousness can cogitate. The curious bit is that Bose did that work at the end of the 1880s/1890s. :)


0 said...

I do wonder sometimes but I trust that to be the case, and you've certainly not held back in making what you think of my comments known to me prior so I don't think you'd insult me sideways, I think you'd just come right out and say it.

And if you did I suppose thats ok anyways. Everyones entitled to their own thinking. When I see a post that makes me wonder I try to see it as an opportunity to review how objective I am in my own thinking, just to make sure I'm not the one jerkin off with my assertions of how I think of things. :) Thanks for laying the wonder to rest. Hope I continue to be helpful. Please do tell me if not.


Visible said...

Some of the most powerful arcane and mystical writing took place toward the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries.

Anonymous said...

No apologies needed, just glad you’re here, Les.

Visible said...

Nobody; you comment just showed up 7 hours later.



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