Tuesday, August 06, 2024

"Yes Indeed... Sweeping Changes, and... a Whitman's Sampler of Bug House... Ghost Rider Stampedes... are Coming Soon."

God Poet Transmitting.......

There are two operational perspectives that appear to me... each and every day; Sweeping Change is one, and the other has various terms as descriptors, such as Insanity... Madness... Crazy Town... Batshit Crazy... Lunacy... well, as the poet said; “things fall apart.” That poem... in so many ways... defines these times... in which we struggle to adapt to... or escape from. Here is an iconic example of the both of them.

You see the palpable... self-evident... in-your-face insanity high and low. At the high-end you see Deep State monsters like Jamie Raskin and Nancy Pelosi. They are probably infected with the spectrum of pervasive sexual twists, and... attendant personality disorders, but they are also equipped with the sort of madness that can immolate an entire country or world.

Everywhere you look in the doings of the high and mighty... you see noticeable signs that these people have broken from their moorings, and are disappearing over the horizon line of this round and spinning planet.

There was Donald Trump talking to reporters... with Karl Schwab on his right... following their meeting. Donald is talking about how they are in deep agreement about whatever This... That... and The Other Thing turns out to be. He also adds that Karl is a fine fellow. In fact, Karl Schwab is a mass-murdering... drunk on power... psychopath with a ruthless disregard for all life; should it get in his fucking way.

I don't know what The Donald is doing with that slithering creature from the planet of molten pig shit.

What I do know is it is not a good look. It's a public acknowledgment of something that certainly does not look good, and would have to travel far away in time and distance for it to be good, and only due to it being far away.

Some will say that he is playing the long con. He'd better be using a long spoon if he's dining with these carrion feeders. There are people who are desperate to believe... in a grasping-at-straws kind of a way... in anything... ANYTHING... that will nourish... even a little bit... their fragile hopes for a better tomorrow.

I'll tell you what it looks like on the surface, and the way it most certainly looks to anyone else... with an IQ over a hundred. It looks like- The Fix is in. It looks like deals have been cut and arrangements made. It looks like shit-outta-luck... grooming his own-self for his turn in The Barrel, BUT... what do I know?

I shouldn't project on The Donald. He's always been a player; loves rubbing elbows with the great and near-great. Loves being The Man... on the scene... in what I call, The Big External. I have memories of other lives now and again when I was also a player; I do not long for their return.

Yes! They are coming... Sweeping Change and the various terms for off-balance careening through plate glass windows, like Arthur Lee... on his way to massive stardom, BUT he took a wrong turn. It's said he was once bigger than Hendrix or Morrison. It didn't go well for him. He will always be one of my favorite music makers; the Fine Young Cannibals of their era.

I've a dear friend who dwells with his wife and child in one of The Crown Colonies. I asked him about the dust-up in Bangladesh... since he hails from there. Here is an excerpt from his reply;

“The regime recently imposed a quota system to allot govt jobs to their goons -- that, coupled with the catastrophic economic situation pushed people over the edge. They poured into the streets by the millions. Since half the population (180 million) is under 25, college and university students were at the forefront and they bore the full brunt of a joint police/military crackdown, aided by armed thugs and goons from the ruling party. Thousands of unarmed students were killed in the last three weeks of unrelenting protests, defying government-imposed curfews, with shoot-on-sight orders in place at the time. Finally, when tens of millions of people from all over the country started their march toward the prime minister's residence, she fled the country, along with countless other high officials. There is likely more chaos to come as India tries to engineer outcomes favorable to them in the midst of a power vacuum.”.

We've heard almost nothing about this event.... until the prime minister hoisted her sari, and booked... ahead of The Mob. The situation in The UK is also more dramatic and expansive than we're told. Yes... Sweeping Changes and a Whitman's Sampler of bug house Ghost Rider Stampedes are coming to a town near you.

This is one long... hot... and drunken summer... slouching toward Davos... with torches and pitchforks... lurching sideways into a fall that no one is going to forget... any... time... soon; he said... as a chorus of disembodied singers appeared outside his window, (but probably in his head) yodeling like a loon; can Visible come out and play? No... he's chained up in the basement... waiting for The Sun to break... upon all the darkest corners of The World.

I just don't know what to think, but when has thinking ever been the answer to anything? The Divine told me earlier today, “Visible, you can't do anything on your own. Make yourself clearly understand this. Everything is done by me. If you don't get in my way, I'll sail you right out of here to the clear... clean... sands of Serenity. Even if you do get in my way, I'll just slip around you and guide your footsteps.

“I love everyone, Visible, BUT I don't like everyone. If I do like someone... they know about it soon enough... once the tractor-trailer load of shit hits them between the eyes, BUT... I do make it all better in the aftermath. I just have to know that they really... really like me too, and that means going through whatever I have to put them through... to get them out of the tangled thorns and grappling hooks... in The Lands of Attachment. You're not doing so bad, are you?” No, Lord... I'm doing well. Please don't ever go away. “Hah! Dear Friend, I am more in residence with every passing hour!”

Well... that was a pleasant exchange. Sometimes it can get a little grim. Clouds pass... temporarily across The Interior Sun. It comes with the territory. I know why it can turn into The High Wide and Lonesome... out here on that endless prairie... at the end of time. The pull of The Dreamweaver is powerful indeed, and in Times of Material Darkness... without the help of The Divine... it is impossible to escape.

Yet! Lo! He is The Dreamweaver too. He is everything... playing every part... that transpires between the moment he shattered The Mirror... to that moment when he gathers up the final pieces and... does his very own, Now I lay me down to sleep.

I hope all of you make it to Brahmaloka... and do not get put back into Forgotten Anonymity's puzzle-box... until the next go-round.

The time does come... I don't know when it is... that each particle of The Body of God achieves a measure of unified self-consciousness... in its contemplation of the indwelling ineffable. I can't say that all of them are like luminous stars... on the face of a measureless universe of night. That is beyond my understanding and... perhaps... it always will be. However, I do know that it all turns out right for the greater portion of us, and that is why God is never concerned; he knows the beginning and he knows the end.

August 12th approaches, and if Iran has any sense of Irony... something is going to happen cause... turnabout is fair play.

A friend died about six weeks ago. I only heard about it this morning. It is a strange thing because every night when The Sun was going down, I prayed for him, and he was already gone. Rest in the arms of God's everlasting peace, William Crowell. I know you had a hard time of it this year.

When I asked The Divine about it, he said, “The need for prayer does not end just because one of the bodies is no longer visible. No one dies, my friend... unless they are REALLY intolerable and mean, and even then, no one knows but me what happened.

If I am ever surprised about anything, Visible, it is because I set it up that way, That is part of the mystery of anyone's discovery of my presence within.”

Well now, Hoom! Hoom! I get the shivers these days, whenever The Truth walks over old graves that... I pretended to lie down in. Certain things happen when you live a lie. You can't always control the circumstances and conditions you find yourself in, due to not having had command at an earlier time, but whatever you are facing, you don't have to lie to yourself, and... by extension... everyone else.

Living in The Light means growing deeper into The Light. Nothing stands still but the ineffable... everything else is always moving from and to. We live our lives in accord or discord, and it all depends on whether we lie to ourselves or not, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Links will be resident at GAB shortly=

It wouldn't hurt to memorize this. I did; so how hard could it be?

The Emerald Tablet of Hermes

True, without falsehood, certain and most true, that which is above is as that which is below, and that which is below is as that which is above, for the performance of the miracles of the One Thing. And as all things are from One, by the mediation of One, so all things have their birth from this One Thing by adaptation. The Sun is its father, the Moon its mother, and the Wind carries it in its belly, its nurse is the Earth. This is the father of all perfection, or consummation of the whole world. Its power is integrating, if it be turned into earth.

Thou shalt separate the earth from the fire, the subtle from the gross, suavely, and with great ingenuity. It ascends from earth to heaven and descends again to earth, and receives the power of the superiors and of the inferiors. So thou hast the glory of the whole world; therefore let all obscurity flee before thee. This is the strong force of all forces, overcoming every subtle and penetrating every solid thing. So the world was created. Hence were all wonderful adaptations, of which this is the manner. Therefore am I called Hermes Trismegistus, having the three parts of the philosophy of the whole world. What I have to tell is completed, concerning the Operation of the Sun.


0 said...

Good post! Its sure odd how things are about to break one off and then get pulled back just a tad to hold it off for a date further down the road huh.

Saw a post saying the russians called the US to tell them to call off the assasination attempt of putin in moscow at the end of july. If that don't make people see that all national govs are captured/colluding against the national Publics of the world, ain't much else that will.

Hope people stop picking presorted sides and come together to Fuck the Uniparty HARD.


Anonymous said...

I do not put my faith in any(wo)man. They’re too fallible especially when they get a taste of wielding power and that which lines their pocket which comes along with the power. Apparently it’s all just too much of a temptation to resist.
Meanwhile The Kamal’s new slogan should be
“I am the first person with a front hole to run for president of the US “ I mean if they can’t define what is a woman then lets have it upfront (no pun intended)and tell it like they say it is.

Anonymous said...

"they know about it soon enough... once the tractor-trailer load of shit hits them between the eyes, BUT... I do make it all better in the aftermath."

Truth and it's a very long trailer I might add at least mine has been but the smell is beginning to be milder than once it was and for that I am grateful Great Mother!

Good stuff Brutha!

Much love

Anonymous said...

I saw Arthur and the latter-day incarnation of Love twice in 2002, in Manchester UK and in Philadelphia. Both occasions were great but the one in Philly was superlative. Arthur Lee-Brian MacLean and Love--one of he most tantalizing 'what-ifs' of the 1960s rock scene. Flamed out by 1968.


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Re: #2. I call the genders incubators and sperm donors. No idea how that goes over with the 'politically correct' idiots. Then there is the NOSE. Suppose I can call them the snorflers.

My these times are more interesting than any other in recorded history, me thinks. Well, what ever. Nothing vested, nothing to care about besides leaving this place behind, and in a lot of ways; I already have.


Visible said...


He was a truly inspired creative artist. My Little Red Book stands as one of the kinkiest... incredibly tight... and eclectic productions of on the nose timing that I ever heard. Then there's Orange Skies. Someone took some LSD... I am guessing... to get that one written. The tale goes that he was ripped when he went through that plate glass window. Not to mention the six years in spent in prison for something or other.

Sukh said...

Visible Origami:
Ah... The Rebellious Mind of The Fallen Angel... What Grief it Brings... to The Ones that are Present in, and Remain There.



Joseph Brenner

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