God Poet Transmitting.......
What if The Trump Assassination attempt was a staged event, replete with special FX and a wide reach of players? It would have to indicate that both parties serve a common master and switch places at the behest of a higher authority. It would mean that the stolen election was also a stage-managed event... transparently obvious, and... in plain sight. The evidence is overwhelming that it was staged. Not so obvious is the fact that both sides were in on it.
It certainly looks this way a lot of the time, and history seems to indicate the presence of a mysterious force behind human affairs in the area of government. Atheists and Materialists attribute it to secret societies behind all temporal infrastructure. Those believing in the presence of a divine hand... attribute the various outcomes to The One who dwells in all life; who permits Evil and supports Good
The idea of contrivance makes the raised fist of Trump, and the mouthing of “Fight!” an extraordinarily cynical act. Obviously, his ear wasn't wounded. You'd have seen a wound and there would have been more blood. Still... one can't discount the possibility that the bullet simply grazed the flesh.
It becomes a scene of great complexity to be sure. You have the temporal governments of The World... shifting on commands... given by the weasel-mind-agents of a stronger... material plane... power base. You have The Kingdom of Satan... whose infernal power is magnified in appearance... due to this being a Time of Material Blindness. Then you have The Celestial Hierarchy to which every knee must bow. Period.
It seems to me that we... answer at the level of our awareness... to that specific permutation of Divine Force... within the parameters of its influence on us. If You are in that burgeoning demographic of the stupid and clueless... You are moved and arranged according to the demands of your appetites. Everyone in between the units of measurement on The Dial... that indicates the borderlines of The Carnal Plane... is ruled by the astrology of their appetites and desires, and... there are gradients in the pecking order.
Karma holds your seat... during the period of your presence here, and... only Death displaces you. You come and go, and your position is like a wave on the ocean; peaks and valleys... so to speak. Your comings and goings continue for countless years... until the spark of Divine Hunger is ignited in you. Then... by degrees... you move on a spiral... beyond the sight of The Material Ocean and its inhabitants. Until then... you are here and going through changes.
Here... I would like to point out the value of OM. Whenever you chant anything... on a regular basis... geometrical patterns are created in your various bodies; working toward transformation with less resistance in the higher bodies, and meeting with the greatest resistance from the physical body, BUT... persistence attends to that. Eventually... you are in resonance with the OM on every level at all times, though Time no longer acts on you.
The same applies to the Hare Krishna mantra. I am not attracted to this because it doesn't apply to me, BUT... those who persist in this mantra can ride it like a magic carpet. This is something I know viscerally. I am... however... in the OM camp because every... single... tradition has a form of that sound, whether it be Amen... Amon... Ameen, and so forth.
I'm non-sectarian and attracted to The Impersonal... though... of course... through the personal vehicle as a means of communion; if that makes any sense. I have a front and a back. I believe in a loving and personal God who takes human form so that we might come into tune with him, and then into tune with the teaching he brings on every visit. I also believe in an incomprehensible God... who is in every particle of creation, with the larger portion of that God, AND His Power... always in reserve.
Fundamentalists are a peculiar lot. They are fear-based at their core, so... The Spirit of The Law completely escapes them, and... only The Letter of the Law remains. As history shows... they are an extremely dangerous lot; politically AND religiously. They are how you get Sharia laws... witch burnings... inquisitions, and... in the political arena... the forms of Communism and Fascism; you get lockstep and perfunctory. You get people who are not alive.
I encounter them on the internet, where they use a Bible... that they do not understand... as a club. They scorn everyone who is not like them; trapped as they are in a world of dogma and cant... ritual and mind-numbing routines. Though Love is at the core of The Master's teaching, they know nothing of it... only the rules and regulations. They mind everyone's business except their own.
Fundies would think that this alleged Holy Grail that someone found could be legitimate. They actually think it is a physical object. It is not. So... I should point out that Fundamentalism is simply another form of Satanism. Their Jesus has horns, and he serves their cold and limited vision of existence. They kill in his name without a thought, and so do the fundies from every other creed.
Everything I have mentioned so far has to do with the indisputable fact that The Divine is in control of everything, at... all... times. So... I don't spend a lot of thought on what appearances tell me about The World and what SEEMS to be going on in it. All of that is simply snapshots... screen captures of The Moment, which is always changing because change is the eternal constant of The Material Plane.
So... for me; I shall fear no evil for God is with me. Also... greater is that which is within you, than that which is in The World, and furthermore; if God is for me, who can be against me? Any commentary that directs to a mindset other than this... resolves into the chattering of silly chipmunks... on a dead log... as the weasel slinks nearby. I pay none of these conversations any mind, nor do I care what The World thinks of me. I care only what God thinks of me.
In this, and ANY LIFE you will serve someone or something, and in every case it is an expression of self-interest or selfless interest; the passion of the promise of gain, as compared with a perpetual disinterest in the same. So... I literally... see most of The World and the people in it as Crazy... aberrated... possessed... or delusional.
In no way do I place myself higher than anyone else, lest I be relieved of my perspective of a pervasive unity; a harmony of being, and of purpose. I am sad for the crazy, but there is little anyone can say or do for them... other than to pray for them... because they become enraged by the presence of truth. One can ONLY lead by example.
It doesn't matter to me if... in the corridors of power, they are all in on it... or whether all the governments of The World are play-acting, and using the populations for cannon fodder, and pieces in play on their psychopathic gameboard. This is the way of things and it is as it is to encourage you to wake up. Once you do... you can move beyond the range of their machinations.
Fortunately for The World, an awakening has come... setting the stage for The Avatar, and... the abusers had better be running this very moment. On their plane of action, there is going to be Hell to pay.
Meanwhile... the pandemic of crazy continues. Could this be one of the major contributors?
I think, and it is easily proven... that Materialism trends always toward one form of insanity or another. Diversity is the main expression of Materialism, and it opens the door for Legion and a thousand other things that bode us no good.
There was a little-known Chinese sage named Gol Fing who invented a game that is played in many lands at this time. He said, golf is a game where the ball often lies poorly, but the player lies well. He did say it in Chinese, but I thought including that would make me look pretentious. I think of life in a similar fashion. I am surrounded by lies... because the appearance of anything is not the whole story, so we make up the part that is missing and few can agree with each other unless they have the same lies in common.
I've known for a long time that Hydrogen and The Sun are the answers to all our energy problems (along with electromagnetics), and the applications and solutions are already known, but they are hidden from public view. Hydrogen is presently a working solution but the people who control the energy markets do not want cheap energy around. It is the same thing with Ketamine. Ketamine is a permanent solution to depression... with no side effects, and it's as cheap as it gets. The AMA-Pharmaceutical gangsters do not want Ketamine around, so they are creating lies about it. They may well have killed Matthew Perry themselves as an object lesson.
There is a lot of money on the table. Human life is nothing by comparison... in the minds of the new breed of sociopaths. The Awakening is screwing their schemes up. All sorts of information is getting out.
The Realm of Materialism is very powerful, but it is not as powerful as you THINK it is. It is powerful because it lives in your head; just like your imaginary enemies and competitors do. You can cast out thought and empty your head of all the controlling images that presently own your time.
I've given you this snorting technique. It's nothing dramatic or attention-getting. It's a brief discharge of air that you use to clear your head, again, and again, and again. I have done it for days and even weeks at a time, and... it is a wonder. Eventually, your mind clears up completely, so that only God remains, and The World has no more power over you. EVERYTHING is handled from The Inside, and everything manifest begins as a thought.
Christ was right when he said to love those who hate and despise you. Buddha said doing so puts hot coals on their heads; not that that should ever be your intention. Understand the reasons that people most often hate someone else. It is because they have what the other wants... OR you can do what they cannot do, OR... won't allow themselves to do, OR... won't put in the necessary work in... to make themselves capable of doing it.
One encounters these things as the price of setting a good example. Such a thing always gets the dogs barking. Also... a good example exposes all those who are setting bad examples. The dogs bark, but... the caravan moves on. When you work for God it doesn't matter what anyone says. God handles the public relations end of things. You rely on God. That is your sole duty... besides paying attention and chasing away thoughts that you know are not His Thoughts. You do that, and he handles everything else.
I'm telling you what I know to be true. It's a very simple thing, BUT... it does take persistence and determination. You have to be relentless. You have to give it your all... or it doesn't work... except inconsistently. People who are angry all the time and hate other people, are really angry with and hate themselves. When you know this it frees you from any attachment to their rancor and mostly inspires pity and compassion. It's an easier way to go, I assure you.
Don't let Misery pull you into the hole that he's in. If you can just keep your eye on The Light, you will... eventually... also pull him out of that hole automatically, further on, just...by... staying... the... course, and...
... one last thing.
This is so darn cool. 🎵🎵
— Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) August 16, 2024
End Transmission.......
Links are dancing about over at GAB (shortly)=
Me and my Cosmic Coworker thought the so called assassination attempt was staged from day one. People don't react like that after they've been shot. I don't think Trump is that far removed from humanity. Me thinks it's to bring him in to fix some problems overtly, but covertly is another matter. I don't trust him for the circumference of one of my virtually non-existent nose hairs. (So I have poor market value.)
Well, what ever. Having nothing vested in this realm of perpetual inconvenience, I can't say I'm at all affected by it. Just passin' through, and parole from my self-imposed prison here may come any day, so hey!
Nostrils to the sky!
THY Will.
THY Power
THY Way of Life.
I do all things, Heavenly and Earthly.
Even greater than these,
THY Will.
Great post thanks Visible.
re: Christ said to love those who hate and despise you.
The Saviour made an exception regarding Pharisees and Scribes whom he called hypocrites and a brood of vipers. The Saviour referred to their father as the devil as a murderer who speaks his native tongue when he lies, and turned over their market tables as he chased them out of the temple.
Vis, The Power of The Ineffable is Carte Blanche.
The Love of The Ineffable goes deep.
It permiates, penitrates and annimates all things.
So much so, some might even think a Moose a Miracle.
Yesterday was the 5,138 birthday of the first recorded date by the Olmecs in The City of The Gods, for what is commonly accepted as The Myan Long Count. However, the long count calander is much much older. as is The City of The Gods.
The first written date of the long count was recorded on that day.
That is my birthday.
If you look at the "Big Picture" on The Giant ancient prophecy stone held by the Hopi near the 4 corners in arizona. It is an image of train riding along the tracks. A Light rail train of sorts.
The end of the line is year 5150. All passengers must exit at end of line. They can do so willingly or will be forefully removed. Either way, All passengers must and will exit. The Train goes out of service.
You see this common theme rising in collective humanity. in the material forms of the france train issues at the olymics, the trump train, the kennedy train, and many other occruances emerging within and around in material form within the collective of humanity.
The maifestation of the dreamers who are all aboard, as they heard the whisper from The Great Conducter in their ears.
In the year 5150, the train runs out of track and training ends.
Ya know, have been asked many times, by the "power elite," many others, the hopi, even clif high when he wrote his expando planet theory prior to 2012, "do we have the right date? Is 12/21/2012? is that the right date" clif asked me. I never answered him before.
Today, i answered him. Here. that is my understanding.
Its when the 'shoot out at the Ok coral happens.' time ends. So to speak.
Remember, the earth never really ends, it only changes form as it has many times throughout the ages. Not everyone dies. There is always a reminant that will survive.
Most do not want to know the year. Even when they ask, they dont really want to know.
they dont really want to know the real meaning of stuff like the warning written upon the georgia guide stones.
They want to ponder its meaning. They think it means only 500 million to be left alive on earth. or its some sick occult thing. Population reduction goals by gates, skull and bones, and big pharma etc. Etc. A warning. and when they were destroyed, they wonder why? are we safe now? did they change their minds? did they destroy them guide stones because of the vax?
The Georgia Guide Stones were written about the ratio percentage of those who are Rh negative and those who are Rh positive on earth.
Out of over 8 Billion people , 6% of the worlds population is Rh Negative. The Georgia Guide stones were destroyed when the percentage of those who are RH negative breached a total populous of 500,000,000 on the planet.
Surpassing the warning written upon them. Crossing the threshold, Tipping the scale.
Wisdom and knowldege is not what saves.
Good to read your thoughts Mr. Visible.
I will never be back.
Uh huh... he said... not holding his breath.
A new Visible Origami is up now=
"Righteous Efforts by Inspired Souls... Do Fall Afoul of The Big Foot Church Daddy with a Sacred Feather Duster up His Ass."
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