God Poet Transmitting.......
When I finish my lunch, I always go outside for a spell to communicate with The Divine. As I am digesting my food, I like to digest the wisdom that is always there for me at any time that I am sitting in attendance.
Today, a silly thought went through my head about taking some golf balls; hundreds of them have landed in the yard over the years that we have been here. I imagined myself teeing up some balls and whacking them across the fairway in front of the yard and into the traffic on the other side. Of course, I would never do anything like this. I don't even have any golf clubs. A 5-iron would do nicely, I think.
The Divine immediately said to me. “You have to watch out for thoughts like that. Some of them are maliciously directed thoughts... looking for anyone who might be attracted to the action the thought envisions. Others are random detritus... flotsam and jetsam from The Sargasso Sea of The Lower Mind. You must employ the snorting technique that neutralizes the thought, lest it move on and find more willing accommodations.”
I felt the impact of his commentary, and then I saw... in a flash... immense citadels and conning towers of evil purpose, where minions of The Dark Side ply their trade, just as monks around The World... pray for the salvation of its residents, and for a great spiritual awakening. There are those whose intentions are quite the reverse.
The mass of Humanity does not realize how much of the evil committed in The World... is due to these directed and random thoughts... in search of willing hands. Everything outside of us... is motivated... in some fashion... by what is inside of us.
In Times of Material Darkness... the negative qualities of the carnal nature are emphasized, and in many circles become perfectly acceptable; like when you see Abramovitz and Lady Gagme cutting a human cake. Why! It's just fashion! The World of fashion has always been a hotbed of Satanism and Pedophilia, but it's a less controversial term than Satanism. Now even that has gone mainstream, so... it shouldn't be long now.
If you want to know how close we are to a public acknowledgment of The War on Heaven, you need to know how to read the signs. It's why I am a student of Trends and Patterns. Climate Change is the waving banner of The Satanic Forces in their futile efforts against that which... by their own efforts... it is impossible for them even to touch.
The most they can accomplish is to sway the minds of those residents on this plane, and thus foil (they imagine) the work of Heavenly Agency in the ranks of Humanity. On the roof in front of my window here, I see one pigeon chasing another. The carnal force is strong in that pigeon. He does not know or does not care that Spring is long past, and soon... Summer will be too. It is in his nature. It is no fault of the pigeon. Are we also hapless and witless victims of Nature too?
Every morning when I feed the birds. I do an invocation; benediction? It seems to have associations with both because it is seeking guidance and assistance, AND... it is also seeking blessing. And is too... an offering of gratitude, this... saying Grace for the birds.
I say; 'Beloved Divine Mother, please bless these sacraments and transform them into your blessed substance, so that it may awaken them to your presence within, and so they might carry the message of the coming of The Kingdom of Heaven to Earth... round and round this planet to every sentient heart and mind. Let them also bring the glorious news of the coming of The Avatar and the following golden age.'
Birds are often considered to be messengers of The Devas. Hawks are especially noted for this... through their association with Hermes/Mercury... the messenger of The Gods, but hawks do not eat the seeds. They eat the birds who eat the seeds. It's a bit of a mystery... this whole cycle of Nature; yes?
We are... potentially... more than Nature, however, and... one should remember... that having been here in Kali Yuga for much longer than our written histories (badly) remember for us... this is the way it is in that... specific... season. We are coming into that period where the lion lays down with the lamb.
Few who are present here... in this time... realize how sweeping are the changes that are coming. The Old World is passing away, and with it... is passing... all of those who came into power, and were maintained in power... in the temporal format... according to the darkness of the period we are passing out of. All the scoundrels and crooks... you will not see them here again for some while. They have business elsewhere; in that place where Misery throws a never-ending dinner party... for those who love the company.
it will be held... of course... in the grand ballroom of The Overlook Hotel. Food and drink will not be provided. The guests will devour each other, as is the custom, and... they will also feed on themselves. It is the tradition of gnawing one's innards. We do that on this plane as well, with various consuming diseases. Oh! They are in full flower in these times, I'll tell ya.
I suspect the vegans will... cry, havoc! And let slip the dogs of Tofu. Though no one has given it the official title... yet, allow me to pronounce this the Transitionary Age of Insanity. This we see on all sides, and... to whatever distance the technology of Media can reach. This is what is meant to bring down the high and mighties; Gates... Satanyahu... Soros and Son... Rothschild et Familia... Biden has already slipped into the shade and can hear the hooves of The Dark Riders approaching.
Conditions like War... Famine... Plague... and Death are only the symptoms of the madness that consumes those who wield them... to the destruction of The Passing Age and all those employed therein. Arrivadirtnap!
I hope I do not seem callous and indifferent. I'm just detached from the spectacle they have created for themselves. It's like watching movies. I don't get sucked into them. I don't emotionally react to them. They're just movies. They're not real. I do feel something for those sucked into the maelstrom of... the whirlwind created by those who have sown the wind. I also know that the angel of redemption stands with an eternally outstretched hand.
No one sends anyone into Hell and Torment. They send themselves. It is the place... whatever place it may be... that possesses all that is sought by those in residence. They couldn't find it anywhere else, so it just happened to be Hell. It could just as well have been Heaven, and... for many others, it is... for a while.
They see God as a diabolical and horned... harsh taskmaster, and so... God assumes that form in which they have imagined him... in which they have clothed him. He might just as well have been a shining figure of everlasting light. We all get whatever we are after, and... often possess it still... long after we have ceased to desire it. A lesson is of little value unless it leaves a lasting imprint. Perhaps that is why people return to the well of their own suffering again and again until epiphany arrives.
I should point out that I am speaking allegorically... euphemistically... about that which is not truly represented in an external fashion, but... is rather an internal experience. Still... fundies must take their scriptural truth... as it appears to them... in that phase of the journey. There's nothing you can tell them that is going to change their minds. You could make them angry though.
The villagers with the torches and pitchforks did not show up at the castle gates for no reason. There had to be a Giles de Rais or Elizabeth Bathory in residence. First, you need the monster. Then comes the outrage. I would think that Gates and Sundry must be feeling a little of the heat by now. Imagine what it will be like for them when a more significant portion of the population is awakened from their slumbers.
Ah well. Look at that! We're at the end of the posting and I was just getting started! That will have to do for the week. I'll see you on Monday at the usual hour. It all works out. It does not work out as everyone might have hoped. That would be pure chaos. The Avatar will see to The Details, and...
... one last thing.
It's been years and I still don't know if this video is real 💀 pic.twitter.com/0PPzSjrI7U
— Defiant L’s (@DefiantLs) August 8, 2024
End Transmission.......
Links should be at GAB=
"Whenever dharma declines and the purpose of life is forgotten, I manifest myself on earth. I am born in every age to protect the good, to destroy evil, and to reestablish dharma. As they approach me, so I receive them. All paths, Arjuna, lead to me."
Nostrils to the sky!
I also had a fun thought many years ago while sitting up in the hillside overlooking a freeway in Los Angeles. What if I take golf balls and hit them down on the freeway? I was within Driver-3W distance, several hundred feet up. The thought of cars swerving, honking, skidding around high-bouncing golf balls was too much fun. Then, after bouncing on the freeway they would land in the nearby neighborhood causing property damage. I thought it would make a good video game. Anyway, love your posts, Les! I feel something coming and I am excited. I’m being a good example to the media consumers around me because I am in a really good mood these days. Grateful and grateful.
You blow air out of your nostrils in a short burst while turning your head slightly to the side as you do so.
Thank you
Farmer (and everyone else)
I take naps in the afternoon for around 12:30 to 3:30 I don't have to do this but I only sleep 5 hours or less at night cause I get up so early, and mostly it is because of the lucid dreaming. That has gotten wild!!! This afternoon I was with Putin as real as real could be. Yesterday I was with Trump for a little while. It varies. Often there are celebrities, just as often it is someone I know well but I forget who they are when I wake up. It is as real as waking life. I go to bed in a state of excitement each time now, and yet... I soon fall asleep. It took a few months of steady focus and the drops, but finally. Oh yeah!
Those are probably visions. It’s a real honor to have em.
I am sure you know it but an oldie and goldie
Chinese one
Once I woke up and recalled I had been dreaming I was a butterfly. After a while I started to wonder if I was a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly dreaming I am a man.
( Tried snorting method, but as I have a deviated septum, it went sideways, along with my spinning head ... jesting).
Interesting times, but I am getting fed up with it.
Yes, it's from the writings of Chuang Tzu; a book I've had all my life.
I feed the birds early every morning as the sun rises. Yesterday after I put polenta out for them … I walked to the back of the property with two of my dogs, Bella and Tex. Beneath the huge pine tree that grows behind the house there was a dead hawk.
It broke my heart to see it. I can’t understand why it happened and I feel very sad. It is the dead of winter where I live and very cold.
I feed the birds polenta in the winter because it has a lot of protein, carbohydrates, minerals and B D and E vitamins.
I tell Jesus, please do not delay any longer – we need you now.
Love to you Visible
A new Visible Origami is up now=
"The #1 Product of Materialism is an Ever-Greater Concentration of Bullshit... Served Warm, with... a Sprig of Parsley Garnish."
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