Wednesday, August 14, 2024

"Otherwise... The System... doesn't Work; does it? This is a Defining Reach-Around of a Circle Jerk... in Search of Itself."

God Poet Transmitting.......

How about that?!? Imagine scheming so hard and then going on to become a worldwide laughing meme for everyone who sees it!

AND... then being caught out in the same behavior that has made The World what it is today. Yikes!!! Mr. Apocalypse has gone into the next gear. The general reaction to this is what you usually get when people are caught unprepared for it and have to resort to tyrannies high and low.

Now, a vast sea of apologists has appeared to support this... creature, just as a vast and widespread contingent of workers... has surfaced from The Slimy Deep... to stir the hurrahs that are concealed in all our breasts for that jolly... jolly good cretin... Kamala Harris. Those who have contained The World in a thrall of darkness... now see The Light breaking on their schemes. Yikes!

The same thing is going on in The UK... with various forces... representative of various selfish interests... seeking to gain control over the whole of the population... while each of them is at war with the others, and... in conclusion... bringing the entire thing to a rousing stalemate. Then they will just peter away... for lack of focus; because... something has happened at the cosmic switching stations... concerning the routes and intentions of... Power.

In the United States one can see a remarkable coordination between all of the facets of the agendas... gathered under the big tent of progressive interests... in search of a Communist manifest destiny. Uncle June got shelved because of a diminishing shelf life, having gotten a nasty hit from Al's Hammer.

He wandered off West in search of the sunrise.

His #2 in many... many senses of the term, and who advanced to her position by having an over-abundance of the clueless twit gene, and a propensity for consistent and dependable fluffer-work... across the vast pornographic landscape of essential politics. Where you not only do what you have to do (Realpolitik) but also, do whoever... you... have... to... do...

These ambitions... can be noted... for constantly narrowing their attentions... while broadening the horizons, and... giving a whole new meaning to the rituals of genuflection and sexual bondage, as they pertain to the vigils of knighthood... in the chambers of religious penitence... so that one never forgets when it is their turn in the barrel. Otherwise... the system... doesn't work; does it? It's a defining reach-around of a circle jerk in search of itself.

While we're on the subject of the elusive... everlasting blow-job... within the inescapable bio-rhythmic imperative... where the cardinal number is 68, so... you blow me and I owe you one; let us consider Master James Carville, whose forehead and his eyes... seems to indicate whatever peculiar attentions his anterior regions are receiving.

A week ago... he was lamenting the absolute disaster that the Democratic Party had become... in the run-up to the election. Oh! It was woe is us... up and down the corridors of the compromised media. (when has it ever not been compromised?) Now... only a week later he is a member of The Moron Tabernacle Choir. First, they warmed up with a resounding; The Republicans are Weird chant, which They say came from Tim Walz. Now it's all Kamala can't lose and assorted gibberish attending.

James Carville; if you don't know, is a long-time intimate of The Clintons, like the Pederast Podesta Brothers. You remember Bill Clinton of the Mossad-inspired blue dress... who sent Manchurian Fellatio Mistress after his cigar... when he wouldn't pardon the Israeli spy, Jonathan Pollard? Unlike Groucho, it wasn't his mouth he had to take the cigar out of... occasionally.

Yes... when people are led around by their genitals... bad things happen, as is the case with most politicians in these times... BECAUSE... those are the only ones that The Usual Suspects permit to be elected, except for those that they permit... so that they can destroy them... as an example to the rest of them... of what happens when you don't kiss the sphincter ring of The Infernal Pope; like Cynthia McKinnon, James Traficant, and others.

Now... every poll is showing that Kamala is ahead, and ALL of the controlled media is spouting the same narrative, as if... just saying something... made it true. Why are they doing this in the middle of a global awakening? They are doing it because it always worked before, and that is what's going to kill them finally... when they go to the well one too many times.

You might have noted how Trump's plane went down on the way to Montana, and then... guess what? They had to get another plane, and then... guess what? It turned out to be one of Epstein's planes from back when. What do you want to bet all the same electronics were present in that plane?

What is going on at this time... in the center ring of the political circus... is unlike anything I've ever seen before, and no one is using a net. I think that is because, unless the public buys their act, they're going to come crashing down regardless. The whole thing is so transparent! AND STILL... the grazing cattle notice nothing at all. You can see now; can't you? You can see that it is certainly going to end badly for a lot of people because... if you won't wake up when your bed is burning, you are probably not going to wake up at all?

It all comes down to overreaching. It all comes down to your reach exceeding your grasp; Pride going before a fall. It all comes down to expositions of timeless one-up-man-ship by the cosmos... whenever anyone decides to play chess with Death. You get away with shit for so long, you just assume you will get away with it again. Heh heh... not this time. The irony!!! Oh! The Dreadful Irony. It's like Madame La Guillotine... relentlessly falling... in a time called The Age of Reason.

Most people don't know that The Age of Reason was also called The Age of Enlightenment. If you study conventional human history, and then you compare it with occult history... you will find yourself laughing much of the way through... until you break into tears. The waste of effort is astounding! People routinely throw their lives away... in pursuit of the same thing... that killed all their predecessors.

People... consistently... continue to eat and drink what is bad for them... do what is ruinous to their reputation, and surround themselves with false friends... for the sake of ambitions that lead... inexorably to being publicly flayed. There is an endless rank of men like Cardinal Wolsey... marching into The Valley of Dreadful Epiphany, and they are all singing The Whiffenpoof Song or... blindly reciting The Charge of The Light Brigade. How many times has the boy stood on the burning deck?

We are looking directly into The Karmic Centrifuge where... what goes around... comes around. We are watching... as bitter men and women... build the bonfire for their Pyrrhic victory. They are presently... intently focused on destroying the economy because, if they can't have it then nobody can!

Panic is moving through the corridors of power, and each of them is telling the other that they have to hold together; gentlemen! If we do not hang together then we shall hang separately! This is now being said by a collective of damaged souls... who are more in need of the ministrations of The Gibbet... than any crew of footpads I have ever seen.

We are in The Time of The Grand Summing Up. The Last Judgment is coming around again because it is NEVER The Last Judgment. It is simply The Next Judgment of the same reprobates come round again, as if... this time... fate will be kinder to them. Ah... no... it won't.

All the while... that men of no conscience and even less integrity... plot to take control of The World; which no one has ever done, at any time... ever, and... never shall... a perfect storm is gathering. It involves not only the adamantine and obdurate... mechanical outworking of The Law of Cause and Effect... action and reaction, BUT also the core essentials of apocalypse, as well as Lady Nature... all coming together with one purpose in mind... to usher in a new age.

I want to remind the reader that I do know what I am trying to say, and... just because I never accomplish it... it shouldn't be held against me.

You do have to remember to put one foot in front of the other, AND... watch where you are going at the same time because... if someone doesn't intentionally trip you for whatever the reason... there are plants and stones that will get in your way, but most of all... by far... it is yourself you need to watch out for on that account, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Links await at GAB=


M - said...

The 100 jews who changed their names video did not surprise me. Most you can tell by looking at their faces. I personally know one keyboardist who changed his name. He tours with The Who.

My question is: If They are so proud of their "heritage" why do They want to hide it? I mean, I kinda get actors - many changed their names because their real ones didn't sound glitzy - but the others?

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Waiting for Reign of Terror II, waiting to be nuked though I wouldn't quite be at Ground Zero, waiting for a few Bay Area cities to be turned to ashes not necessarily by foreign attack, and stupidity at its acme to appear in a multitude of other ways.

Oh well. Nothing vested, nothing lost. BRING IT ON! Then maybe I don't have to go to work tomorrow.

Nostrils to the sky.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for all that you publish.
My words are inadequate to describe how much I enjoy yor wordsmanship,
how deeply relieved I am to read your picture of our world.
Thank you very much for my daily dose of comfort, respite, and sanity.
I believe you have access to God's energies,
and I am grateful for all that you so freely share,
Thank you.

0 said...

Isn't it funny how Control of the world is fundamentally a personal perception issue?

"All the while... that men of no conscience and even less integrity... plot to take control of The World"

If only they could take control of themselves, the world would come to heel.

It doesn't seem to be so much about Control as it seems to be about being able to set the condition and status of Everyone Else, in relation to the one dumb enough to think they know best. But for the purpose of demonstration, there go They.

Good post today. The bit about people seeing things work like they did for so long that they'd never think it wouldn't just keep going their way is sort of a macrocosm of the microcosm of my divorce. I put up with her bad behavior for so long she just assumed she could do what she wanted forever and I'd never call it all to account, even with me telling her at various yearly intervals that this was coming... it was like it went in one ear and skipped registering before blowing out the other ear. Weird to observe, makes me grateful I'm not like that. I leave if I feel unwanted. I don't force things to go my way.

Hope we enter the Hot state sooner than later. And it immolates they deserving of such an ending. Americans are pretty well tapped out dollar wise, and credit cards are pretty much maxed out too. When theres no more credit to spend to get what one needs, ones sorta at the end of that Rope and no shots were fired to put them there. So if they prevent Trump being seated and Accountability being restored, Perhaps we'll have a Revolution After All. We'll just need to make sure none of Americas Sixty Families are the ones drawing up the systems to be implemented post revolution, tho the very fact that we're at this point infers the clowns who ran the old systems already have the new systems up and waiting to be called for by they they terrorize in the national publics.

Guess we'll see what we see.

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now=

"The Corona of The Demon Conceals The Outline of The Angel that is Hidden Behind The Appearances... Created by Our Fear."



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