Tuesday, August 27, 2024

"Humanity has a Proven Tactic... that Can and Will Drive The Monsters Back Under The Rocks They Crawled Out From Under."

God Poet Transmitting.......

If you can get a larger number of people thinking the same thing, you can bring about a material representation of it in Humanity, AND... in Nature. Here is an example of what I am talking about.

It goes back to the spotted owl, and certainly further than that. It also serves that the people who say they want to save wilderness... are determined to be the only people able to access and enjoy it.

Materialism feeds one of the ugliest expressions life has ever known. So many other terrible qualities; demonic qualities... are spawned from it. I am talking about selfishness. It always seems that those who seem to rule The World... or hunger for the same... have a greater portion of selfishness than anyone else.

When The People lose their sense of what is and is not worth having, they become prey to monsters. Organizations are formed to control and victimize them; like The UN... The WHO... The CDC... The WEF... and so many others. Before Bill Gates, there was John D. Rockefeller. It would be hard to tell either of them apart now. They are so similar in so many ways. It is the nature of the demon who takes possession of those attracted to certain things.

All of these men and women... so alike to each other... are habitations of demons. We are living in a time of Biblical prophecy, and it is accurate because everything repeats. The same conditions constantly reappear so that people can learn the lessons they did not learn before. So long as you are seeking after selfish things... you have sealed your fate.

Sometimes a godly man or woman owes a debt... or has agreed to pay a price for the welfare of many. HOWEVER... if you are not under such an obligation... these monsters cannot touch you. You are ONLY vulnerable to them when you want what they have. Otherwise... you live in two different worlds.

Those who embrace selflessness become invisible to the selfish. They move about unseen... unless they... or The Divine wish for them to be seen. They look like everyone else... so it is hard to tell them apart from everyone else; one's actions are the definer of one's character and fate.

If you are going to get somewhere... with unsavory characters... in an unsavory environment... in the twilight of empire... then you have to be an unsavory character; it explains a lot. The reason that a certain demon-graphic can tell the governments of The World what to do... is because they control access to the currency that makes it possible to operate on a certain level. It is because of the state of The Culture... which is in decline... that they have been able to do this.

Greed is rampant everywhere. They take advantage of this. They pander to the appetites and desires of the masses. They incite hungers that are latent in humanity and they activate these hungers through forms of programming. They promote unacceptable behaviors, and then... through manipulation of the legal system... they make these behaviors acceptable.

Science is for sale to the highest bidder. Scientists will say whatever they are told to say in exchange for money and status. It is possible to prove almost any lie to be true through the right convolutions of logic. So it is that psychologists... because those who pay the science demand it... no longer attempt to resolve the internal conflicts that lead to certain behaviors. They now convince their subject to embrace whatever behaviors they are susceptible and attracted to.

A culture is like a house in which a large number of people live. If the house is not maintained and kept shipshape... vermin will devour it, and this devouring often takes place out of sight... until the house falls down on top of the people who live there. This is where we are at present. The house is falling down on the occupants, and the people in positions of power... who take their orders from the people who control the currency... are hastening the decline by... any... means... available.

Everything that has been said here so far may seem simplistic. It is... nonetheless... true, and it is happening to you... depending on the extent of your investments in it.

There are ways to make a people weak and afraid. All of these ways are presently being employed For the Purposes of Demonstration. Do you wish to be part of the demonstration? Seriously... do you? Where are your treasures stored up? That will account for your place in the demonstration being made.

It is all happening in increments. It is paced to occur at a speed that makes it difficult to notice. Life seems to go on as it always has, and then... (perhaps) you notice certain things have disappeared, and certain other things begin to appear. We are simply in one period that is moving into the next period. The mechanics of existence are like the gears in a watch. Each gear depends on another gear... and time moves accordingly. Circumstance follows circumstance,,, to and from designated states... For The Purpose of Demonstration.

It all seems very mechanical, doesn't it? It is a relentless cycling of events that are very much like the life of a person... moving from young and vital to old and decrepit. Letting Nature take its course will result in predictable results. There is Lower Nature and Higher Nature. The masses follow the one, and the lovers of the ineffable follow another.

Human development is a spiral-like motion. There is the slow and torturous course of evolution, and most people seem content with that. Then there is the hothouse method which is a great deal faster than evolution.

Perhaps this is a good time to post one of my favorite quotes again;

"These three are difficult to obtain in this world and depend on the mercy of the gods- the human birth, the desire for salvation, and the company of the great-souled ones."

Great and terrible possibilities are in The Event Horizon, in the same way that Frodo saw the possibilities in The Mirror of Galadriel. She said that these were things that may and may not yet happen. As it turned out, some of them were true, BUT... the greater misfortunes were averted. Glass half-full... glass half-empty. Either way... the glass is not full. This has a deeper meaning. Some things are gained while others are lost. It is inevitable.

We have to decide what is worth losing and keeping or... it will be decided for us.

In order to control human affairs... to control The World or... at least seem to control The World... you first have to control The Hive Mind. You won't succeed otherwise. That anyone can do such things is not good, BUT... hidden within the process is the potential for a remarkable turn of events. If we... the people... can come together in a commonly shared perspective... we can put the monsters to flight.

We do not have to be in the same room... the same town... the same state or even the same country. We have to be IN THE SAME MIND. This is also a contagious thing. Not only bad things are contagious. Good things can be contagious too. Why do you think The Deep State (for lack of a better word) is so intent on dividing us against each other? It is for this very same reason. It is the means by which they control our conditions of being. We can turn the tables on them by utilizing the process of a unified mind field.

Humanity... especially sleeping humanity... needs to realize... that fighting The System in the streets... or on social media... or any of the other external methods... employed by those who don't know any better... it has a tactic available that can and will drive these monsters back under the rocks they crawled out from under.

We have to unite in a common cause to free The World of these predators, and we can do it in the same place where they employ their greatest weapon against us... IN OUR MINDS. We are all connected to one another... like it or not. We have to stop seeing the disadvantages in conditions and turn our attention to the positive aspects.

Tell yourself that you will now see yourself united with every other mind that is seeking a way free of the machinations of the psychopaths.

Believe that others are doing the same, and bring it to the attention of everyone you feel might profit from a unity of thought. There is only one mind and we are all in it. If enough of us join... in seeing and believing in... an end to the darkness being visited upon us... it will happen.

The Divine and his angels are already in this mindset. If you join with them they will use you as a channel to broadcast this awareness around The World. Very quickly a chain reaction can occur. Stop fighting in ways that only benefit your opponent. Learn to fight in ways they are defenseless against. You're not fighting anyway. You've already won, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Some very interesting links are over at GAB=

Here is an extract from Two Paths in The Bhagavad Gita.
It relates directly to the subject matter of this post=

The divine qualities lead to freedom;
the demonic, to bondage.
But do not grieve, Arjuna;
you were born with divine attributes.

Some people have divine tendencies, others demonic.
I have described the divine at length, Arjuna;
now listen while I describe the demonic.

The demonic do things they should avoid and avoid the things they should do. They have no sense of uprightness, purity, or truth.

“There is no God,” they say,
“no truth, no spiritual law, no moral order.
The basis of life is sex; what else can it be?”
Holding such distorted views, possessing scant discrimination, they become enemies of the world, causing suffering and destruction.

Hypocritical, proud, and arrogant,
living in delusion and clinging to deluded ideas, insatiable in their desires,
they pursue their unclean ends.

Although burdened with fears that end only with death, they still maintain with complete assurance,
“Gratification of lust is the highest that life can offer.”
Bound on all sides by scheming and anxiety,
driven by anger and greed,
they amass by any means they can a hoard of money for the satisfaction of their cravings.

"I got this today,” they say;
“tomorrow I shall get that."
This wealth is mine, and that will be mine too.
I have destroyed my enemies. I shall destroy others too!
Am I not like God? I enjoy what I want.
I am successful. I am powerful. I am happy.
I am rich and well-born. Who is equal to me?
I will perform sacrifices and give gifts,
and rejoice in my own generosity.”
This is how they go on, deluded by ignorance.
Bound by their greed and entangled in a web of delusion,
whirled about by a fragmented mind, they fall into a dark hell.

Self-important, obstinate, swept away by the pride of wealth,
they ostentatiously perform sacrifices without any regard for their purpose.

Egotistical, violent, arrogant, lustful, angry, envious of everyone, they abuse my presence within their own bodies and in the bodies of others.

Life after life I cast those who are malicious, hateful, cruel, and degraded into the wombs of those with similar demonic natures.
Birth after birth they find themselves with demonic tendencies.
Degraded in this way, Arjuna, they fail to reach me and fall lower still.

There are three gates to this self-destructive hell:
lust, anger, and greed. Renounce these three.

Those who escape from these three gates of darkness, Arjuna, seek what is best and attain life’s supreme goal. Others disregard the teachings of the scriptures.
Driven by selfish desire, they miss the goal of life, miss even happiness and success.

Therefore let the scriptures be your guide in what to do and what not to do.Understand their teachings; then act in accordance with them.

Extract from The Bhagavad Gita
Chapter 16: Two Paths


M - said...

"Not only bad things are contagious. Good things can be contagious too."

Some very lovely writing, Vis. I tend to always see the glass half-full. I may be cynical at times (and a realist) but I'm also unapologetically optimistic and hopeful.


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

My way is to walk away. Don't play the games of the status quo, and keep the financial obligations to a minimum. Feed the system a starvation diet. Due to circumstances, I can do that better than most. I never buried myself with superfluous rubbish.

Nostrils to the sky.

Visible said...

When I am pretty sure someone is trying to have a joke at my expense I go with my visceral take on the matter. I hope you understand and like stuff like that.

Asil said...

The revolution that will change the world is the awakening consciousness - coming slow but sure. Love you Visible -

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now=

"Faith Can Rise to The Occasion. Faith is The Degree of Grip One Can Maintain on The One and Only Will. It Takes Practice."



Joseph Brenner

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