Tuesday, July 16, 2024

"You Need to Protect Yourself from The Influences that Direct The Lower Mind... You Do This by Not Being Resident in It."

God Poet Transmitting.......

You may remember... about a week ago... I mentioned that The Usual Suspects controlled both the powerful neo-con lobby of devoted war hawks, but also The Communist insurgent forces that are... ideologically warring against them, but really... they are single-purposed, and that purpose is the enslavement and destruction of the human race... in part... or in total... save for what slaves they would retain for their services.

Back when Israel engineered 9/11, Paul Wolfowitz said that the use of the word neo-con was antisemitic. One of the driving intentions of 9/11 was the creation of Homeland Insecurity and the orc army of The TSA. They have owned and operated Homeland Insecurity ever since.

Homeland Insecurity is run by Marrano psychopath, Mayorkas. This agency oversees The Secret Service and also takes precedence over the FBI and all related law enforcement... in times of manufactured stress and uncertainty. It allows for Draconian programming and the lockstep mindset of violent order-takers.

Have you noticed the way that the pro-Palestinian movement is being formed-up and directed these days? They are being represented by... Queers for Palestine... The Anarchists... The Communists... Antifa and assorted troglodytes for the purpose of making the Palestinian movement appear to be a collective of nut-jobs and anti-American forces, when... in truth... The Wide World is pro-Palestinian, and not just this small gaggle of freaks and agenda junkies.

You will also note that every one of the organizations just mentioned are financed and operated by The Usual Suspects... who created all of them in the first place to promote a climate of depravity and brutishness among the lower classes... for the purpose of control. This is not speculation. This is a known fact.

All your appearances are being arranged to control your thoughts and your behavior. You need to protect yourself from the influences that direct the lower mind, and you do this by not being resident in it.

You will also note that despite his hero status of the moment... which has been fashioned toward this end since the election was stolen... if not before... Trump... through his actions... is passionately anti-Palestinian. He also promoted The Killer Vaccines and has yet to admit to any error in this effort.

A reader sent this link in yesterday.

Also... a Christian Zionist who believes himself capable of prophecy said that as a result of an assassination attempt... Trump would be the spearhead returning the United States to a Christian nation. This is some eerie stuff.

The Christian Zionist prophet said the assassination attempt would damage his eardrum.

He was in the ballpark, but he was wrong about everything else. According to my reading of physiognomy and vibration interpretation, something is off about this guy, but... that's just me.

I never trust prophecy much because important details are almost always... and maybe always... left out. What he continues to say sounds a whole lot like outtakes from the Christian Mind movie, but... I could be off-base due to my aversion to religion. I've seen... up close... what the whole intention is, and it could be wonderful in someone's living room, but... at a wider reach? I give it a wider reach.

Christ is a marvel. Christianity is not. Christianity is crowd-control. The value and essence are not in the outer husk. That is usually discarded or used as roughage. It is what is within the concealment that is valuable.

The information in the first link is decades old. The prophecy is a few months old. If Donald Trump is going to profoundly shape the spiritual destiny of America, I can only think it will be after he gets an epiphany on some metaphorical road to Damascus, and that event in PA... whatever it turns out to be... was not the moment. I could see it happening. I did not see it happen yet, BUT... I am beset with grave suspicions about all kinds of occurrences of late.

The Divine... most definitely uses who he chooses, and it doesn't matter what they were when he started to change them. Anything is possible. Everything is under control.

Above all... I see every event... trend... and pattern... being woven together to demonstrate The Will of God in action. From one perspective... there can be no question that Mayorkas and The Deep State were behind the assassination attempt. From a far more unlikely perspective... forces favorable to Donald Trump engineered a game-changer.

I just feel that has to be unlikely... no matter how certain vested interests... will attempt to paint it all through hindsight... in the coming days. Then there is the perspective that all the players are mere pawns... on a gameboard... controlled by The Divine. This is the perspective I favor, and I suspect that all other agendas will be left unsatisfied in the end.

I watch the general mood of the country being shaped by the mind parasites from The Dark Side. I see the Palestinian cause being painted as a hotbed of terrorism and radicals. The press conceals the horrors of day following day in Palestine... where the blasted limbs of the defenseless... tumble slowly in space like a cartoon. The truth is... though; bottom line... there is no Israel... there has only ever been Palestine, and The Palestinians are the people that the invaders pretend to be.

The DNA tells who is who, and that is what it says... convincingly... inarguably.

The Persuaders feed us lies and they print the money. They also adjust and arrange the value of money for the purpose of crowd control. They created The Great Depression, and all the terrible conditions that have come and gone... they have created them. This is also easily provable and inarguable.

This dance of programmed illusions... for the profit of The Possessed... would... ordinarily... go on indefinitely... because there is no shortage of stupid people; AND... people who can be bought off... or intimidated... or disenfranchised... or marginalized... or slandered... imprisoned... or destroyed, and... it's just easier to go along with The Program... than it is to find out that very few people have your back... when you go up against The Controllers who are not actually in control.

The real truth is that Heaven arranges such conditions to see what you are made of, and your further destiny depends on what you deliver or evade. I know this firsthand... and more than once.

Yes... it would just go on and on, and it has gone on and on... so much so that few people believe it will ever turn out different, and they think... they had better mind how they go... lest they run afoul of The Men in Suits.

HOWEVER... a change has come that no temporal force or its representatives can control or get around. It comes with an irresistible force of Uncovering and Revealing. It is attended by an awakening. There are the forces that precede The Coming of The Avatar. All of these forces are extensions of his nature... going before him and softening the ground... so to speak... so that the new planting can take place.

What was it like in those places where Christ appeared... before he appeared, and then... after he appeared? What was it like before Krishna and Buddha... and others? We are about to find out. We already know what it is like in the before times because we are right there... right now.

It's a trick of the mind to see things as they are. How do you do it? You simply do not add in your prejudices and fears to color your observations. You do not let your attractions affect your judgment, nor allow anger and lust to constantly give birth to each other in your persona, and fit you up with magic glasses that see things as they are not.

You do not leap to conclusions. You let it play out before you. You watch it come into being, and you watch who and what is shaping it. You see it identified by The World according to cultural... political, and religious pressures. If you can do this, you have also learned to curb your tongue and watch who you are talking to.

Because you have no skin in any game... you are not bringing personal pressure to bear upon hoped-for outcomes. Because you are detached from the scrimmage of appetites... you are out of The Danger Zone.

Eventually, you become a sanctuary, but this all goes on invisibly and only Heaven sees it taking place, and Heaven WILL set the stage for ANYONE who wants to play by The Rules. Most people don't even know what The Rules are, BUT... there are rules. Oh yes indeed. Once you know what The Rules are, and... you abide by them... you are instantly out of Harm's Way.

Once you know The Rules... the mind-trapping idea of chance and random events is no longer in play. It's magical. It's unbelievable that it could be so, but it is. It's a simple trick of The Mind. You need to learn how to do this... in the moment... without respite. It is a way of looking at things with a divine detachment.

You let it play out, and the Wu Wei of your free being in presence... directs and heals all things... without seeming to be doing anything at all. You are not noticed while you are there and only missed when you have gone. If it's done right, your departure causes others to look for the same thing inside themselves. It's one of life's enduring mysteries.

And one last thing.

The coming generations are always the answer to the question of where did all the beauty go?

End Transmission.......

Links await at GAB=

The Conclusion of Chapter 17
(The Power of Faith) from The Bhagavad Gita


To offer service to the gods, to the good, to the wise, and to your spiritual teacher; purity, honesty, continence, and nonviolence: these are the disciplines of the body. To offer soothing words, to speak truly, kindly, and helpfully, and to study the scriptures: these are the disciplines of speech. Calmness, gentleness, silence, self-restraint, and purity: these are the disciplines of the mind.

When these three levels of self-discipline are practiced without attachment to the results, but in a spirit of great faith, the sages call this practice sattvic. Disciplines practiced in order to gain respect, honor, or admiration are rajasic; they are undependable and transitory in their effects. Disciplines practiced to gain power over others, or in the confused belief that to torture oneself is spiritual, are tamasic.

Giving simply because it is right to give, without thought of return, at a proper time, in proper circumstances, and to a worthy person, is sattvic giving. Giving with regrets or in the expectation of receiving some favor or of getting something in return is rajasic.

Giving at an inappropriate time, in inappropriate circumstances, and to an unworthy person, without affection or respect, is tamasic.

Om Tat Sat: these three words represent Brahman, from which come priests and scriptures, and sacrifice. Those who follow the Vedas, therefore, always repeat the word Om when offering sacrifices, performing spiritual disciplines, or giving gifts.

Those seeking liberation and not any personal benefit add the word Tat when performing these acts of worship, discipline, and charity. Sat means “that which is”; it also indicates goodness. Therefore it is used to describe a worthy deed.

To be steadfast in self-sacrifice, self-discipline, and giving is sat. To act in accordance with these three is sat as well. But to engage in sacrifice, self-discipline, and giving without good faith is asat, without worth or goodness, either in this life or in the next.


Anonymous said...

In Revelations, the anti-Christ will survive a mortal wound and this will cause awe and even worship amongst the people. Was Trump supposed to get hit in the head rather than the ear? Was the wound supposed to be worse? Would that make him the anti-Christ himself? My brain and my tuition are having a fun game of catch over this one. Something seems off about this event, I’m kind of in a holding pattern on this one. The whole “appearing like angel of light..” sort of thing.
Anyway, thx for another great post, Les!

Visible said...

Dan; that very thought has been running through my head since it happened. There are all these strange crossings and connections, and the Biblical aspects, especially including the two links abut prophecies. Like I said... eerie.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

The supposed (photoshopped) bullet pic. . .the line is HORIZONTAL. That was pointed out by one of my fellow forum members on one of my political sites. Duuuuuuuh. I didn't notice that. But I supposed the one who manufactured that pic was even more out to lunch than I for not angling the line.

Me thinks this was set up to portray the trumpster as a saviour. He wasn't meant to get killed, and I think the blood was fake. Things to get better in the short term. . .long term not so much. Or did I already say that?

I really do see that slum clearance in overdrive has started. On the other hand, I also want off this planet, but I'm still here. I'm so sick of bein' a slave to circumstance and this damn meat suit which I consider a prison, not a temple. Some times I think I never shoulda given up McDouchebaggles. If I hadn't, I'd probably be transitioned already. Or would that have been considered suicide?


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Visible!

The take-away from my morning meditation was: "You have to find the joy in this world;
you have to search for beauty."

Thanks for today's 'one last thing.' Beautiful!


M - said...

Re: the link to the video on ancient Egypt... I've always had a "thing" for Egypt. I've always felt somewhat drawn to all things Egyptian. Might be where my attacment to felines comes from. ;>

and why my black cat is named Prince Ramses XII

AL said...

"something is off about this guy, but... that's just me."

No it's not just you. He had a non matching energy about him, his demeaner was way off from anyone who may be capable of bringing in Gods unadulterated word.

All the worlds a stage as that famous dude once said. God's casting the rolls of this sequel akin to "Of Mice and Men". As we witness the complete melting away of current society's with all there ways and means many feel they have it figured out. I only know of the Idea, unity and love of heaven brought here and it doesn't include much we see around us now.

How we get from here to there and how long that takes will remain a mystery until it doesn't and until then I trust only what comes from that I Am who seems to own the best BS meter known.

They will play their parts until The Divine decides what they will do next.

Best wishes Brutha!

0 said...

This seems apt given Vance.

"Vance, who overcame a troubled childhood and got a law degree from Yale, is a fan of steep tariffs and robust antitrust enforcement. He joined Sen. Elizabeth Warren on legislation to claw back bonuses from bank executives, and with another Senate Democrat, Sheldon Whitehouse, to end tax-free treatment for corporate mergers done via stock swaps. He was one of the most vocal critics of railroad Norfolk Southern after its 2023 derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, his home state, and has called for treating university endowments — whose nonprofit status carries tax breaks for their wealthy donors — like corporations.

Rather than shrinking regulatory agencies, Vance wants to replace career staff with like-minded political appointees and redirect them toward big tech companies and billionaires, some of whom, like Peter Thiel and Elon Musk, he counts as friends and political allies. And his personal finances, revealed in Senate disclosures, reflect a millennial, tech-bro portfolio: startup investments, a Robinhood brokerage account, and bitcoin, alongside S&P 500 and oil ETFs.

“The people on the left, I would say, whose politics I’m open to — it’s the Bernie Bros,” Vance told The New York Times opinion writer Ross Douthat last month. He shares their distrust of corporate power, a sign of just how sharply the two populist ends of the political spectrum bend toward each other, especially on economic issues.

“Good for Trump, very challenging for corporate America,” Samir Kapadia, a managing principal at Vogel Group, a Washington policy and lobbying shop, told Semafor.

“I don’t think the CEOs who are aligning with Trump realize how dangerous the economic populism will be,” said Milan Dalal, founder of DC consultancy Tiger Hill Partners and a former aide to Sen. Mark Warner, the Virginia Democrat. “Right now, they think they’ll get more tax cuts. But many of these MAGA figures actually favor higher taxes, at least for individuals, and using the tax code and other elements of government to enact revenge against their ideological opponents.”"

quoted from URL here: https://www.semafor.com/article/07/16/2024/wall-street-donors-left-with-few-palatable-options-after-jd-vance-pick

He'll continue the selective targeting of individuals, not corporations... which is what the stakeholder corporation agreement is all about. Big Tech and Big Data have enough detail to use AI to cause problems for the individuals selected, and cause wealth aggregation to those who are part of their club, and its all just claimed to be Market Dynamics.

The ALLIANCE has to make being an American Matter again... since Americans are the worst treated in their own Country and illegals get better treatment. And they have to do that without giving up their centralization achievements to date.

Guess we'll see what shakes out.


0 said...


Doh. More bullshit from the pulpit.


0 said...

You heard of this guy Charles Johnson?


A read thru of his posts on X is eye-opening. Claims Ben Shapiro is the israeli handling Elon Musk. Among other things.


0 said...

Tuckers family was thrown out of us intelligence so he went to Israeli intelligence?


Now it makes sense why I never really followed his narratives.

Used to watch him occasionally at Fox, but never watched since he was let go.

Ah well. If the military is running the fed gov now, we should start seeing Accountability unless they are part of the criminal uniparty just playing their Role.


Visible said...

No. I do not. I'm not surprised at the claims since I have seen just about everything claimed in one place or another.

Anonymous said...

People are losing their minds:



Visible said...

Soon now... that madness is going to sweep through the corridors of corruption. It will be a terrible thing to see. The force of what took this woman was pressing her to disrobe because this is the power of revelation and unveiling and all who conceal such darkness behind their skin and in their aura will be compelled to expose themselves.

Around a decade ago, Mr. Apocalypse spent several days with me. I've only encountered him very briefly since, and he kept saying, "I am going to strip them naked before the eyes of The World, and all will see the darkness and depravity in them. They will become powerless to harm. I will pull their pants down, while they are surrounded by their attendants. Such confusion is going to sweep through their ranks that the disorder that they wished on us, and plotted and schemed for, will become their own destiny and a permanent state." Over and over he said against and again. the same thing, with a few words, changed here and there and I shook continuously with the force of it.

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now=

"You Can be Sure that The Two Sides of The Story are Both Creations of The Single Source That... Manufactures The Lies."

0 said...

Excellent. Lets Crank it Up!




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