Friday, July 19, 2024

"You are The Biggest Enemy of Your own Well-Being. and The Separated Mind is Your Biggest Weapon Against Yourself."

God Poet Transmitting.......

It's been changing for some time. I've been watching it change, and... I have been watching The Change speed up. There first comes the sense of it, but you can't see it yet. Then you can see it... winking in and out of view. If you hold steady. If you are able to... focus. If you are able to... concentrate. You see the wavy motion in it. That is the basic movement pattern of energy... descending into form. Then you notice the increased speed, and also... that something in the atmosphere has become electrified.

A sense of Presence comes into The Moment. Over a period of time... you notice people you have not seen before... appearing in front of you... in The Media. The message has changed. Everything is changing... dramatically changing.

Certain people have come into the possession of a great deal of power that was formerly held by others. These people might have seemed different while they were acquiring the power. They might have changed since then; everything is changing, AND... everything is under control. You don't have to take my word about that, just let your consciousness rise a few degrees in awareness and it will become self-evident.

This is what awakening is about... coming out of a dream and seeing things as they are. You could well be only in a new dream, but it is a better dream... a more light-filled dream... and... perhaps you begin to awaken from that dream as well because... awakening is a progressive event. It comes in stages. If you can keep up with it initially... then it will carry you. It is like catching a wave.

One of the greatest physical thrills in my life was body surfing. I used to go to a place on the West Side of Maui called, Slaughterhouse Beach... out past Napili. It was a perfect cove, and the waves would break a hundred yards offshore, and... you could ride them all the way in. I was a body surfer. It could be challenging there sometimes, BUT.... it was a cove, so... no riptide, like Fleming Beach back down the way. That could be iffy on certain days.

Hurricane Iniki came in (I think it was Iniki) and wiped out Slaughterhouse Beach and that was the end of that. I'm still grateful that I got a few years of it. Things change... you see? Little things change, and big things change, and it often happens in stages. Now and then it happens all-at-once, and you hope you are watching, and not in the middle of it. Hey! Whaddya gonna do?

I can hear The Secret Policeman's Ball playing in the back of my head, BUT... I know, you see? I know that I am surfing The Wave of The Avatar... coming into the beach of manifestation, so... Trump may have plans, and all the people supporting him may have plans, and Jens Stoltenberg may have plans, and Satanyahu may have plans.

Premier Xi might have had different plans... a few days ago... than he does now. Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth, and I can hear God laughing. I can hear the whole of creation laughing, just like I used to hear those waves laughing... as they came in at Slaughterhouse Beach.

All these people have plans, BUT... all of these people are going to have to make adjustments... because The Avatar is here, and all plans go through him. Period.

If you catch a big wave wrong, you can find yourself in trouble, cause it will tumble you and grind your face in the sand, and you can be... down there... for a while. It ALL depends on timing. Everything is copacetic or lethal... depending on your timing. You don't want to get in too soon, and you don't want to get out too late, and how can you be in two places at once when you are nowhere at all? Some phony teachers have got centers all over The World and none in themselves.

The Avatar is going to... automatically... balance everyone and everything. This is going to come as bad news to some, and very good news to others, BUT... mostly... almost no one is going to be getting the news beforehand. You don't have to worry about coming in too soon or getting out too late... if you are already there... because then... things flow around... and through you... instead of you having to flow around everything else... though... I suppose you could probably do that too... if you are always HERE, and never anywhere else.

This is an interesting fellow with chromium steel-plated balls.

He goes where demons fear to tread. At first, I was very suspicious of him. There are a lot of people who do that speaking truth-to-power thing... who turn out to be compromised... like Tommy Robinson OR... utterly self-involved like Alex Jones. For all I know... Alex might be deep cover, and his whole thing just a front, but he makes me cringe.

He makes me embarrassed for him. Is he just playing the fool? I don't know.

The guy with the chromium steel-plated balls though... Wow! Is he for real? I've been watching him for a while now, and he has no filters. Then there's Candace Owens, and Tucker Carlson in recent times, and quite a field of others... all talking clear... and strong... and focused, BUT... like we've been saying... everything is changing. ♫ It's getting better all the time ♫ Still...

...mountains are there in the shadows, and shadows have substance if your faith isn't strong. Fears can take shape in a heartbeat if you don't know that there is ONLY God... ever... and at all times. Then... it will stay better... for as long as you have that uppermost and undermost in your mind.

Still... you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs and there are certain forces that are going to... have... to... be... dealt... with, and... they are being dealt with.

The Avatar comes to restore balance. Certain nations... certain groups... have caused planetary balance to go askew.

It is what has caused the plague of billionaires, and the awful things they have visited on everyone else; people like Gates, Soros, The Koch Brothers... Black Rock... Vanguard... State Street... the WEF... the WHO... the CDC... and others are all linked and associated with one another for global control... and fronting for bankers... who front for The Darkness.

All of these individuals and organizations are... going down. Their term has ended. There will be no take-backs. They are screwed deeply into the place where their souls might once have been located. Oh! They could still capitulate. They could still repent, and some might, BUT... The Divine has a way of hardening hearts... when he wants a particular outcome... for The Purpose of Demonstration.

I don't know what He is going to do... nor what the whirling energy of The Divine Feminine will bring into (and take out of) manifestation. All I know is that his coming is good news, and She is good news or bad news... depending on whether you are dancing with her, or she is dancing on you.

It is the very... very best news. He is bringing the next testament... the new-and-improved testament, and until the priest class and venal annotators get their hands on it... it should be a nice time, and just great sets coming in off the ocean and rolling on the shores; those thundering horses who never make it any further... as far as the physical eye can tell; I watch their white manes billow... till they gallop out of sight.

The Avatar is here. Trusted sources say that The Aquarian Age began at the start of World War 1. He might appear anytime now. Everything happens according to the sweeping hands of The Celestial Clock. I am told this over and over. It is one of the things I am told most frequently... that everything is triggered and begun or... over with... according to The Celestial Clock. God has perfect timing, and it is all set up in advance because of that Alpha and Omega thing.

Free will does continue. You retain possession of the illusion of free will... for as long as you must live a separate existence. You have it for as long as it pleases you to oppose The Will of God. God doesn't mind. Nothing agitates or worries him because he knows already how everything turns out. If you are in accord with him... existence... eventually... after a period of trial and testing... purification and cleansing... becomes an endless melody of blessings... descending and continuing... for perpetuity.

All you have to do is come into alignment. Some are doing this the hard way. It makes them strong enough to weather what they will be facing later... once The Return is activated. You are the biggest problem that you have, and... your biggest weapon against your own harmony of being... is The Mind... in a state of separation; an imagined separation.

God fulfills every desire. If you had any idea of how real this is... how certain this is... you really would be more careful of what you wish for. Desire is the agency of God's Will, and it NEVER ends. As Lao Tzu said, “If you want to be hot, keep stirring about. Keep still if you want to be cool, and... in all The World, one day no doubt, your way will be the rule.”

Yes... everything is changing. Everything that was has been continued or replaced by what is. What is... is changing, and you are either riding The Wave or being tumbled by it...

...and one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Links are waiting at GAB=

Beginning stanzas of Chapter 18:
Freedom and Renunciation, from The Bhagavad Gita


O Krishna, destroyer of evil, please explain to me Sannyasa and Tyaga and how one kind of renunciation differs from another.


To refrain from selfish acts is one kind of renunciation, called sannyasa; to renounce the fruit of action is another, called tyaga. Among the wise, some say that all action should be renounced as evil. Others say that certain kinds of action – self-sacrifice, giving, and self-discipline – should be continued. Listen, Arjuna, and I will explain three kinds of tyaga and my conclusions concerning them.

Self-sacrifice, giving, and self-discipline should not be renounced, for they purify the thoughtful. Yet even these, Arjuna, should be performed without desire for selfish rewards. This is essential.

To renounce one’s responsibilities is not fitting. The wise call such deluded renunciation tamasic. To avoid action from fear of difficulty or physical discomfort is rajasic. There is no reward in such renunciation. But to fulfill your responsibilities knowing that they are obligatory, while at the same time desiring nothing for yourself – this is sattvic renunciation. Those endowed with sattva clearly understand the meaning of renunciation and do not waver. They are not intimidated by unpleasant work, nor do they seek a job because it is pleasant.

As long as one has a body, one cannot renounce action altogether. True renunciation is giving up all desire for personal reward. Those who are attached to personal reward will reap the consequences of their actions: some pleasant, some unpleasant, some mixed. But those who renounce every desire for personal reward go beyond the reach of karma.


0 said...

A lot of bad results can be avoided if people can learn to control their panic. Shit usually goes sideways the worst when people panic and start going off the rails instead of staying calm and actively assessing the changing dynamic of the context they find themselves a variable within.

Course some people live off the rails and have no plans and work whatever comes as it comes.

All I can say at this point is I'm exhausted. Hopefully not much longer now.


Anonymous said...

The Stew Peters clip knocked me off my chair. Not because I knew this to be true for a very long time but because when you hear the Truth spoken like that it rocks you. It’s a Grand Slam to the mind to hear it come from outside of your own thinking because its validation that you are not a tin foil hat person but that you are in fact in alignment with Truth. You know it in your heart but to hear it spoken like that is very powerful. Thanks for sharing that. I hope it reaches many people who are ready to hear the word and believe in it.

0 said...



Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Yemen. One of the poorest nations on the planet. Nothing to lose. Might as well face a cornered wolverine or honey badger. I think the latter is a bit more intense.

Had a Yemeni lass as a next door neighbour a while back. We used to trade dinners. She's been all over the Middle East, Africa, and I got some delicious foreign meals. She was awesome. Very smart, though maybe a bit short on common sense. She and her U.S. husband moved to New York. The state, but not the city. Well, I can't say it's worse over there than calipornia but I wouldn't pick the two main contenders for worst state in the U.S. to live. Then again, she did have a high paying job lined up, so. . .

Man, that Zhang chicklet is gonna leave Jackie Chan parsecs in the dust. Awesome!

Nostrils to the sky!

Visible said...

Why... why... it's proof that The world is backwards!

Visible said...

Yeah... I sure hope Stew is for real. I would be awfully disappointed if he wasn't. He's so on the money, and you can see from what he does how rare this sort of effort is.

Mike Kilo said...

This is for the information of Nobody (and Everybody, and that includes visible; if you're posting a link (any link) in the comments, and there's a "?" in the URL, you can safely delete that "?" and everything to the right of it

Case in point;

Works just as well as;

Source; trust me bro

bigloner said...

Why... why... it's proof that The world is backwards!

Why soitantly....ynuk...ynuk...nyuk as the gal at the Zhang thang starts doin the curly shuffle. Wooob...wooba...woob....woob...woob...NYYAHHaya!

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now=

"You aren't Allowed to Kill Women and Children... Unless You are Bounty Hunting in Gaza, and Trading Scalps for Shekels."

0 said...

Oh no the pedantic have shown up. :P

The link worked as posted, right?

So thanks for the info, but I'm not here to format things for your consumption.

Source: OhNoBro.


Sukh said...

Mike Kilo:

Thank you for that, I learned something useful.



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