God Poet Transmitting.......
Yes... the present dance of politics and Hive Mind control is a Kabuki Theater; a totally staged event, but... it has ALWAYS been like this. It is only due to The Awakening... associated with The Advent of The Avatar... that we are now... more collectively... seeing through it all.
This has ALWAYS been going on. The False Front Leaders... are sock puppets... controlled by bankers. Whoever has the material influence... due to control of the symbolic currency of PRESUMED material wealth... tells the leaders what to do. It doesn't matter if it is a democracy or a dictatorship. Who controls the money controls The False Front Leader(s). The Will of The People is ONLY considered in the run-up to the seizure of power, after that... it's business as usual.
The Dark Side is in a race against time. The embodied conscious light of God is precipitating into an operational force... this will change The World as we thought we knew it. These deluded monsters have hung all their hopes for global control upon The Climate Change Emergency, which... in truth... is a whole lot of bullshit. So... they have to make the conditions of Nature... conform to the disaster schematic... that they are spinning through The Media... round and round The World.
This is why nearly all of the forests of The West are burning at the moment. It fits into their narrative of a climate crisis. In reality... these fires are all being caused by their DEW technology, (and select... on the ground... arsonists...) such as they used to burn down Lahaina.
One of the principal demon-possessed monsters... murking about at the moment... is Bill Gates. He wants to blot out The Sun worldwide... so that we live with a milky sky devoid of sunlight as we once knew it.
They hoped to cull a massive amount of humanity through The Killer Vaccines. This did not go as planned. All of this need to kill out humanity... has nothing to do with their stated arguments... about overpopulation and diminishing resources. It is because The Awakening is going to create a vast army of reactionaries that they cannot control. They need to subdue the population before the population rises up against them.
Now they hope that World War will be a useful diversion. They are also employing programmed degeneracy in the young, and via numerous material models that authenticate such perversity. Witness the opening of The Olympics in Paris. These people are... in fact... clinically insane. They are quite dangerous because of the illusion of power they wield, but that is now turning on them... from every direction they employ it in. It is part of the principle by which Evil destroys itself/
Anything they can use they are using; bad diet... toxic soft drinks... the internalization of chemical soups that war against the immune system... poisoned air... poisoned water... drugs and alcohol... poisoned thinking and feeling... inspired by the behavior of celebrities as role models. This is one example of the material models I mentioned previously.
Perhaps you are horrified and outraged by The Olympic opening number? Do not be discouraged or dismayed. This is overpowering evidence of the presence of The Avatar because you can't have one without the other. The presence of one... guarantees the presence of the other. This is all being forced out into the public view. The smell of desperation is so great that it is difficult for them to breathe. They are at desperation's edge. It's not what it looks like. They are running scared, and panic is nipping at their heels.
The public unveiling of Satanism is compelling evidence of the presence of The Avatar.
What they do in the shadows is being forced into the light. The vampires are being dragged into the sunlight. The creatures of the night are being introduced to a state of eternal day. I am speaking symbolically, but it is just like this.
You can have vast armies. You can have immense wealth. You can have seemingly unassailable fortresses, BUT... how? How are you to defend yourself against the enemy within? How can you protect yourself from something that goes everywhere you go; that is inside of you? There is... and has only ever been... one mind. That mind permits all the little thoughts running around on their private missions... to do what they do... because inviolable laws control ALL actions and reactions. Do this? That happens. Do that? This happens.
God likes to watch. God also likes to live and act vicariously through his creations. The ignorant and uninformed complain that God cannot possibly be like that. I reply... it is what it is. Everything exists because The Divine wanted to experience his creation. You can argue about how and why and what and when for lifetimes! You had better meet it at the marrow. Everything exists and is caused by the Adaptation of one inexplicable thing. You had better learn to adapt to it.
It is you who needs to make the adjustment. It's a fool's gambit to run around adjusting everyone else.
Once you discover The Primal Force... the causeless cause... that force from which all otherwise... adapted force originates... you are made forever free of the influence of all personally directed forces. You are in conflict with no one, so... everyone who is angry with themselves, and... by extension... angry with The World... does not even see you. You are not on their radar... as perceived through the physical senses. Like attracts like.
Study magnetics. Study how magnets work and the principles of electromagnetics. You will see that the rules and laws of physics translate to every other plane of being; whether that be The Emotional Plane or... The Mental Plane or wherever; knock knock. Who's there? Hi! I'm the principle of As Above... So Below. You will encounter me in everything you think, feel, say, and do; BUT... I don't like that! Tough shit.
You can get angry about that. You can get depressed about that. You can be despairing. You can be indifferent. You can care and not care. It really doesn't matter. It is what it is, and... You had better meet it at the marrow; that is what Lao Tzu said, and... I concur.
Find that thing you lost a long time ago and everything will fall into place. Find that aspect of yourself that you... imperiously... cast aside... in order to go your own way, and everything will make sense. Find The Way by which you came here... such a long time ago, and... have now forgotten in this swamp of Materialism and Diversity.
You cannot make The World conform to your way of thinking. Many... MANY people have tried. The Way is ALREADY present. Find The Way. Get back on track! All of your problems emerge from your departure from The Way.
I don't care if you don't like it. I don't care if you stick your fingers in your ears and shout; La La La La La, I can't hear you!!! That changes nothing. You have to stop living in a world of ever-changing perspectives on right and wrong; which shifts in meaning every time someone else perceives it.. What other people do is none of your business. What you do is your business. Control that and you will... effectively... control everyone and everything else, and no one will even notice... until you're gone, and... often not even then.
I found The Way or... The Way found me. I tripped and fell, and by some trick of destiny or fate, I did not land in a world of shit. Oh! That was previously a constant... for a long time, BUT... inexplicably... something different happened on this one occasion and it has been with me ever since.
I cannot take this thing to the bank... or the Justice Department. I can't take it anywhere. It is not negotiable. It takes me. I don't take it. It's a little like going with The Flow, but not the flow that leads to The Abyss. It is a relaxed clench. It is a tightly wrapped and endless unwinding. It is before and after everything that happens, and completely concealed in The Moment.
The World of Appearances is controlled by that which generates The Appearances, but which is utterly detached from them. It is the bane of those attached to them who are then ruled by them. It is the blank screen that The Movie is shown on. It is the force that alerts the construction crew, and that previously alerted the demolition crew, or... was it the other way around?
Both of them have been alerted at the same time in this instance. It's one of those rare anomalies that occur whenever The Avatar shows up... to balance the scales... because disorder has reached that level... that state... which triggers his appearance, and all of what has been in recent times... has been caused by his precipitation into form... for the purpose of awakening and illumination... for judgment automatically dispensed... for the blessings and rewards... that are coming to those... who are standing in The Way of them.
Get behind the thing you got out in front of. Fall back into that which is behind the phenomena you are dancing with. Come into resonance with that which overshadows The Personality. Takes the reins of the horses... that pull the chariot, and...
...one last thing. Reincarnation is a fact; that's the good news, and... the bad news.
End Transmission.......
Links will be at GAB shortly=
Continuing Chapter 18; Freedom and Renunciation...
from The Bhagavad Gita
Listen, Arjuna, as I describe the three types of understanding and will.
To know when to act and when to refrain from action, what is right action and what is wrong, what brings security, and what insecurity, what brings freedom and what bondage: these are the signs of a sattvic intellect.
The rajasic intellect confuses right and wrong actions, and cannot distinguish what is to be done from what should not be done. The tamasic intellect is shrouded in darkness, utterly reversing right and wrong wherever it turns.
The sattvic will, developed through meditation, keeps prana, mind, and senses in vital harmony. The rajasic will, conditioned by selfish desire, pursues wealth, pleasure, and respectability. The tamasic will shows itself in obstinate ignorance, sloth, fear, grief, depression, and conceit.
Now listen, Arjuna: there are also three kinds of happiness. By sustained effort, one comes to the end of sorrow. That which seems like poison at first, but tastes like nectar in the end – this is the joy of sattva, born of a mind at peace with itself. Pleasure from the senses seems like nectar at first, but it is bitter as poison in the end. This is the kind of happiness that comes to the Rajasic. Those who are tamasic draw their pleasures from sleep, indolence, and intoxication. Both in the beginning and in the end, this happiness is a delusion.
No creature, whether born on earth or among the gods in heaven, is free from the conditioning of the three gunas. The different responsibilities found in the social order – distinguishing Brahmin, Kshatriya, vaishya, and shudra – have their roots in this conditioning.
No, you can't have everyone conform to the way you're thinking. Then why would I want that? My current reality defying standard of living would be down the tubes if it weren't for 'image is all' idiotic aristocrats and the wannabes who eat at my. . .oh, never mind. On the other hand, I can also refuse to have anything to do with those who really rub my fur in the wrong direction.
I have all who I like and 'need' in my life according to the Cosmic Directive. Not a materially (irrelevant) cost effective state for me, but the REAL payoff is incredible. Anyone else in my life would just be another obligatory liability. Well, OK. I'd make an exception for someone who had an Akashic Library Card, in which case they'd probably wanna drop me out of a plane without a parachute for me being such a pain in the butt with all my questions, but hey! Ain't gonna happen.
I'm having fun going against the status quo in every way possible that won't get me arrested. I have tons of neener-neener moments as I contribute as little as possible to this HELL HOLE. Freedom may not be free, but it's a Hell of a lot cheaper than the alternative. Ask any moronic materialist who's in debt up the their nostrils.
Tour de force writing!
Visible shining out the invisible cause of the cacophony of effects
Traveling focus from the outside in, unfolding the inside out
The World of Appearances is controlled by that which generates The Appearances, but which is utterly detached from them. It is the bane of those attached to them who are then ruled by them. It is the blank screen that The Movie is shown on
How many laser pointer pictures must we seek after in vain?
Catching their afterglow of nothing?
When will we get a clue to Who is directing our experience?
Our part in pedaling distortion onto the pure tones?
Why continue to identify with our dying away daily "selvish" death spiral spin?
Being awaits us to be no longer a part of a whole but coming into tighter tuning with the One in a way that makes us more than a point of view apart?
Get behind the thing you got out in front of. Fall back into that which is behind the phenomena you are dancing with. Come into resonance with that which overshadows The Personality. Takes the reins of the horses... that pull the chariot, and...
We can fall back into the face of the Sun at any time we allow
Light overwhelming our knotty dark sides until we refract brighter colors
If there is fascination with unknown corners of creation, why not take a searching light with us while we explore?
Cloaking in darkness to fit in is getting old and brings no joy with our being there
Making our selves small to fit in beds that the blockhearts have made serves no one
Growing together is so much more fun than dying alone
Time to sort ourselves out of stagnant static snapshots
Take back our moving pictures from a death grip
Make a motion in which our souls can join us
A shiver dance that grows out of petty human control
Feeling is Current/Amprage, Thinking is Potential/Voltage. The two in combined action produce Flows. The volts directing which way the amps go.
If one can preclude feeling with thinking then one is willfully in control of self.
If not, then ones driven by how one feels or is made to feel by Others.
Course it gets wild when one then uses the focused concentration of thinking to willfully emote huh. Who knows how that turns out? (prolly the one who drew it forth at the proper now to have it precipitate into kinetic actions at the necessary time.)
Enjoy the Show!
What a cool Goose. :) Something about nature picking self that elevates self...
"knock knock. Who's there? Hi! I'm the principle of As Above... So Below. You will encounter me in everything you think, feel, say, and do; BUT... I don't like that! Tough shit."
Awesome and I needed that Brutha on this day where the wee little one is trying to take the reins once again.
Much Love!
I lived next door to a couple and the husband's hatred for Christmas was palpable. It's fine for THEM to ridicule Christianity but heaven forbid that sickening mockery was swapped out for something relating to the Torah or whatever they deem holy. I was half-hoping the opening ceremonies would be an uplifing, joyous celebration and now am very glad I don't watch the Olympics. Religion and politics should never be a part of it, but as you point out this is what THEY do because THEY are degenerates - and I am being kind.
A new Visible Origami is up now=
"It is Like Great Rivers... Channeled from The Sea, and They Create Many Tributaries as They Flow Through and Around Us.".
Lovely, thank you beaucoup, am
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