Thursday, June 06, 2024

"They are The Lights that God Leaves On while He's Dreaming... in The Penthouse Suite... of The Hotel at The End of Time."

God Poet Transmitting.......

PRIDE is another word... that has been rehabilitated... so as to reverse former cultural taboos... that are most often... historically anyway... associated with cultural decline. PRIDE goeth before a fall... which was a saying that... until fairly recently... was associated with misfortune... is now a positive; for instance... people are now proud of what they were formerly ashamed of, and...

...if one were to fall down upon an enormous... viscous fluid soaked... and dark matter stained mattress... in a pitch-black room... filled with naked strangers... who were all male... and then one engaged in anonymous sexual congress with a large number of others that were present, and then rose up proud and satisfied from the experience... then PRIDE going before a fall is not a bad thing at all... relatively speaking.

I equate it with destroying a village in order to save it.

Something has changed this year... concerning the celebration of every kink... that is obsessed with the places... where The Sun don't shine. The shine has gone off of the stars reflected in the gutter. There has been a shift in The Wind. It's not clear what form this will be taking, BUT... I believe I can assure you... that you are going to notice changes... that were not previously in motion.

Power is something that The Divine provides for the good and the evil... for The Purpose of Demonstration. In Times of transition from one age to the next... power gets rerouted for the purpose of the refurbished archetypes... that are the same archetypes as before... in a new set of clothes, and they radiate like invisible sentinels... over the atmosphere of a protracted period of time. They... in fact... provide the tone in the atmosphere... of that period of time.

If the persistent tide of sexual perversity were allowed to continue as it has been doing...which would include the normalization of sex with children... and animals... and dead creatures hooked up to electrical terminals... like galvanized frogs, and pretty much anything that would hold still... or could be held still, then... it would not be long before the culture imploded, and died in a sewer drain... in a Third World country... during a monsoon.

This is not to be... because a golden age is coming. A golden age... ALWAYS... follows an avatar's visit. Then... inspiration floods the human condition... as if a dam had collapsed, and inundated the creative among us with a flood of burning needs... to make a statement on the beauty and wonder... in various mediums... for some reach of time... as a reflexive response to The Avatar having walked among us. Angels play celestial compositions on heavenly instruments that elevate the heart to a transcendent state. Book it, Dano!

The LGBTQFU movement will melt away like people awakening from a hypnotic trance. All the other uglies of excess... obesity... DEI... and sundry... that are celebrated as one living their own truth... will fall away... as if they had never been... before The Sandblaster of God's transforming love. All the rust... and mold... and filth of the departing age will depart. Count on it.

It hasn't happened in a long time, so only a few of us remember what took place the last time. It's going to be Season's Greetings, every... day... of... the... year! UNLESS you're not here. Then again, that could be a good thing if you got a promotion. Otherwise, I'm guessing you are no longer just treading water.

The Mercy of Heaven is inexhaustible... because its coffers are filled to over-flowing... with the returns on selfless service, righteous prayer, and sacrifice. The Justice of Heaven is precise to a point... placed BETWEEN the closest possible measuring units of The World's finest... laser-triggered... electron microscope... where a hair... looks like ten thousand theater curtains... drawn over the light behind it. Yeah! That's what I'm talking about!

Everything going on... from that doddering and thoroughly corrupt freak in The White House... to the yowling... jackal-eyed Hollywood celebrities... to the vampire bankers... to the soulless psychopaths that are genociding The Palestinians... programmed into The Hive Mind's... mycelium-like... subconsciously interlinked... organic computer. It's the shit beneath the wheels of change... that is ground into The Substance of Things Unseen; The First Matter of Paracelsus under the chaffing dish.

Nothing happens by accident, and if you think The World of the moment is a mindless dystopia... with no end in sight... it just means you can't see far enough ahead to know The Spiritual Sun is rising, OR... you just don't have enough Faith... Certitude... and Determination, so... you'd better start doing push-ups in your mind... metaphorically speaking. You'd better get in shape. You'd better get with the program. You'd better arrive early and leave late because... paying attention is a full-time job.

Angels never sleep. They are the nightlights that God leaves on while he's dreaming The World... in the penthouse suite... of The Hotel at The End of Time. They are The Boy Scouts of The Devic Realm. They are always prepared. They're like Green Tara... who always has a leg cocked... while seated in her asana. So that she can leap into action... if one of her followers calls her in their distress. Any fool should know that it is the female aspect of The Divine Equation that kicks ass and takes names.

When your mind gets right (you got your mind right now, Luke?) you can see The Holy Family in simultaneous action and inaction at all times. You know who the players are because you are one of them. If you are one of the residences of The Divine... then the power of The Divine attends you. Conversely... it's like rich people and celebrities with houses all over The World, except that The Divine is ALWAYS present, and the other guys are... ALWAYS... on their way out.

You need to know who your friends are, and if you aren't in touch with them now, how can you expect them to come when you need them later on?

The people gorging themselves on bad food, and perverted sex... fixated on external ephemera... grabbing and grasping for crap... that will... most certainly... pull them down to the bottom of the sea... are not going to be around much longer. Their shelf-life is due to expire all over The World... soon... and when that happens... they will self-destruct like the disc in The Mission Impossible CD player... whether anyone accepts the mission or not.

They got as much of a future as a luminescent... gold nanocluster-decorated... polymeric hybrid particle has in an Arcturian centrifuge... set to seven quintillion, five hundred quadrillion (that's how many grains of sand are on all the beaches of The World) rotations a minute... at one million degrees Centigrade. Of course, this probably won't occur to them, BUT that doesn't change the facts of the matter on the face of it.

A theoretical physicist once asked me where I got my numbers from. I said, “One.” Then I told him I had somewhere to be.

When The World falls into disorder and disrepair... certain forces are... automatically... set into motion to counteract the situation. USUALLY... whatever divisory forces are represented by groups and individuals on The Surface; those acting in a discordant fashion toward the general harmony... are allowed to continue to their epiphany. They are... in fact... guided there for The Purpose of Demonstration. They are a teaching moment. Look at the end result for all those Napoleons and Alexanders... and all the tyrants... despots, and world-conquering figureheads... being driven by specific astrological forces.

Everything here is a Purpose of Demonstration acting-out; EVERYTHING!!! It is impossible to know just what The Divine has in mind... with all of the endless repetitions of cosmic forces... embodied in human form... that are created to entertain him. He lets everyone do as they like, and it all resolves according to immutable laws. There is no getting around it. Everyone thinks they can when the time comes, BUT... they never do.

When the kitchen gets so dirty... that it is preferable to get a hotplate... so you can cook in the toilet, the process that got it... to such a state of depravity... is reversed. It's ♫ just the way it goes ♫ Don't be taking Bruce Hornsby literally... even though ♫ some things will never change ♫ because... everything is always going in both directions at once... depending on who is doing the going. Some are always in retreat and some are always pushing ahead, and those roles will switch back and forth for as long as back and forth exists. It is in The Nature of Things.

The Beatles said, “The Fool on The Hill sees The Sun going down, And the eyes in his head see the world spinning round.” I see The World spinning round too. In a parallel universe... where everyone is dumber than a bag of left-handed sky-hooks... some people are bound to think The World is flat. So is their capacity to think outside of the box that The CIA paid them to stay inside of. They don't even know they are there anymore. They just collect their checks.

I tend to think that this Balenciaga designed... VIP killing room at Guantanamo... is also a creation of the same minds that create all the rest of the lies... that are designed to keep people in a state of WTF; like Tavistock writing The Beatles songbook.

They are the same people who created the gas chambers that never were, and the escaped children of Dachau who were raised by wolves in the Black Forest, and... I know it was The United Fruit Company that created the apple... that the lady passed through the electrified fence... to The Man Who Wasn't There at Auschwitz.

“Yesterday, upon the stair,
I met a man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
I wish, I wish he'd go away...

When I came home last night at three
The man was waiting there for me
But when I looked around the hall
I couldn't see him there at all!
Go away, go away, don't you come back anymore!
Go away, go away, and please don't slam the door... (slam!)

Last night I saw upon the stair
A little man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
Oh, how I wish he'd go away...”

Well, my friends, I am always amused when telling the truth causes the heads of those opposed to the truth... to explode. Perhaps I shouldn't be? I don't know if I'm mean... or I just never grew up. I am totally in a state of arrested development... these days... frozen in that space before Puberty got its hands on me, and... I like it just fine. It does make me a tad mischievous though... so, my apologies if I hurt anyone's feelings... due to poor impulse control on my part.

I'm still wondering why nobody answered Rodney King... when he asked why we couldn't all just get along. I suppose there is some sort of higher process at work, like... when lambs in vengeance suckle at the teats of irony.

End Transmission.......

Some hot links are waiting at GAB (get yer red hots!!!)=

Here are the opening stanzas in Chapter 7
(Wisdom from Realization) in The Bhagavad Gita


With your mind intent on me, Arjuna, discipline yourself with the practice of yoga. Depend on me completely. Listen, and I will dispel all your doubts; you will come to know me fully and be united with me.

I will give you both jnana and vijnana. When both these are realized, there is nothing more you need to know.

One person in many thousands may seek perfection, yet of these only a few reach the goal and come to realize me. Earth, water, fire, air, Akasha, mind, intellect, and ego – these are the eight divisions of my Prakriti. But beyond this I have another, higher nature, Arjuna; it supports the whole universe and is the source of life in all beings.

In these two aspects of my nature is the womb of all creation. The birth and dissolution of the cosmos itself take place in me. There is nothing that exists separate from me, Arjuna. The entire universe is suspended from me as my necklace of jewels.

Arjuna, I am the taste of pure water and the radiance of the sun and moon. I am the sacred word and the sound heard in the air, and the courage of human beings. I am the sweet fragrance in the earth and the radiance of fire; I am the life in every creature and the striving of the spiritual aspirant.

My eternal seed, Arjuna, is to be found in every creature. I am the power of discrimination in those who are intelligent, and the glory of the noble. In those who are strong, I am strength, free from passion and selfish attachment. I am desire itself if that desire is in harmony with the purpose of life.

The states of sattva, rajas, and tamas come from me, but I am not in them. These three gunas deceive the world: people fail to look beyond them to me, supreme and imperishable. The three gunas make up my divine maya, difficult to overcome. But they cross over this Maya who take refuge in me. Others are deluded by Maya; performing evil deeds, they have no devotion to me. Having lost all discrimination, they follow the way of their lower nature


0 said...

For the last week the reflectivity over texas oklahoma and louisiana has been heavily manipulated. Getting some great storms out of it. Check it out today here:

I wonder what it means. Lets see if we see any big cluster outbreaks in illness suddenly show up in the areas where these hashes are playing heavy.


AL said...

"AL... I think you are going to find tomorrow's Petri Dish interesting... in the context of your statements here."

Indeed a great number of souls be coming to get recycled and so few get to be repurposed.

"With your mind intent on me, Arjuna, discipline yourself with the

practice of yoga. Depend on me completely. Listen, and I will dispel

all your doubts; you will come to know me fully and be united with


That says it all for those interested in the repurposing route.

Had a dream last night, I was in a home, older style clean but lived in with many people of all walks of life, many differing ages and from many times through out history seemingly back to the stone ages. Some wearing cloth and what seemed like rags. Some soiled clothing and faces, some with injuries some seemed so beautiful and well dressed. All ages and demeaners but they all seemed to have love for me and that I knew them.

The baby who took to me was hilarious and joyful every time I came near him, his mother so young and beautiful in appearance. I looked at a man he was dirty as if needing a bath and had blood matted to his hair. I looked at him and said I know you and your brother, he said yes you were the only one who would take us into your home when we were homeless and living at the morgue.

It was then after looking around at everyone I realized how much I loved them and they me and that they were in fact me from other lifetimes, it was quite incredible and I remembered it! I awoke with a song from KT Oslin I believe, in my mind "Do you still love me do ya" and the rush of love went through like never before.

I have read of this but never thought I would ever experience it. The Savior is quite awe inspiring eh Brutha!

Much Love man!

0 said...

Elon eh? And this today when the big starship and heavy booster had a successful test run.

"Tesla CEO Elon Musk is facing a lawsuit alleging he illegally sold $7.5 billion worth of company stock in the fourth quarter of 2022, knowing that the business would disappoint investors after promising an “epic end of year.”

Fortune reports that in a lawsuit filed with a Delaware court last week, shareholder Michael Perry accused Musk of deliberately unloading nearly 45 million shares in advance of poor vehicle sales data to prevent an estimated 55 percent hit in share value. The lawsuit also alleges that almost the entire board of directors collectively violated their responsibility toward shareholders."


URL here:

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Nostrils to the sky.

Missing Munich said...

Hi Les,

a brilliant post as always. I read your musings religiously, but don't comment much. I just want you to know that your writings bring me hope, and we all can use that by the bucket these days.
Off to work for the weekend, as always, hoping for some sane patients and families for a change. The selfishness of some family members (especially of actively dying patients who are put through the wringer with all available medical extension-of-life possibilities)is infuriating and excruciating to watch. That's when the "German" comes out and I have to be very careful not to say the wrong thing.
But, I have hope for my little piece of the world, and you give me hope for the greater world. Thank you for all your writings!

Missing Munich

Visible said...

Missing Munich; it's always great to hear from you. You are one of that large body of people that just come and go, but I never know... who they are... only that they are, and it is a big support to me because I know, these people are reading with a penetrating awareness. It's why they continue to come here. I can hear their minds like those indecipherable voices on the wind. I see the statistics of readers coming and going. Sometimes only a couple of thousand, and sometimes several times that, and even more on occasion. I don't hear from well over 90% of the readers at any time. I've had a long stretch of time to consider what that means... that people would come here again and again and never say anything. I've come to the conclusion that that's not a bad thing. (grin)

The Divine has told me on any number of occasions that I have no idea of who comes to these sites. He lets the implications hang there. That says something too. Heh heh... and on we go.

Visible said...

Missing Munich; it's always great to hear from you. You are one of that large body of people that just come and go, but I never know... who they are... only that they are, and it is a big support to me because I know, these people are reading with a penetrating awareness. It's why they continue to come here. I can hear their minds like those indecipherable voices on the wind. I see the statistics of readers coming and going. Sometimes only a couple of thousand, and sometimes several times that, and even more on occasion. I don't hear from well over 90% of the readers at any time. I've had a long stretch of time to consider what that means... that people would come here again and again and never say anything. I've come to the conclusion that that's not a bad thing. (grin)

The Divine has told me on any number of occasions that I have no idea of who comes to these sites. He lets the implications hang there. That says something too. Heh heh... and on we go.

Anonymous said...

New York Post, The Telegram, one Australian news paper, Yahoo News, Times of India, Economic Times have all posted about "Covid Vaccine deaths" in the past 48 hours. What is going on? Why now? Are the elite planning to "disclose" the truth about the vaccine in order to engineer chaos, to pave the way for a one world government? Clearly the Zionists are about to be defeated, so this may be their "Samson Option". Expose the truth about the vaccine in order to provoke mass anarchy and riots and chaos, and then after a few months, a one world government will be offered as the solution to restore order. What are your thoughts?

Visible said...

Honestly, I don't know, BUT... I am seeing the same things you are, and I am seeing a number of other coincidental associations and I do not believe in coincidences or accidents. So I look for themes and parallels. When I find more, and I say, 'when', not 'if', it will appear in one of the blog postings because everything that touches me or is told to me, comes out here.

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is now up=

"From The Banks that Finance The Wars. Where they get Very Rich, and You get Very Dead... They are Laughing at You."



Joseph Brenner

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