Friday, April 21, 2023

"Make Your Fealty to What Shines THROUGH The Sun and Not to The Clouds that Come and Go Before The Face of It."

Dog Poet sitting before The Altar of The Sun....... (from which Divine Love shines on everyone)

There were times when I could hear someone say, “Son? I'm afraid you've lost your mind.” The only response I could give at the time was to say, “It is impossible to lose your mind because... under no circumstances will your mind EVER let you go.” You either give your mind something to do... employ it at one task or another, or... your mind will be running the show and telling you what to do, because someone... or something else will be running it, and... in a sense, you will have lost your mind.

You can't lose your mind. It can be hijacked. It can be possessed, but... you have to put yourself in the position for that to happen.

You lose your freedom when you cease to have control over yourself. When you no longer command how you spend your time or where your mind goes, you are no longer in charge. That begs the question of whether you were EVER really in charge; all those decisions you thought you were making... you had no say in... at all.

I went mad on several occasions but it was only a temporary affair because the understanding ALWAYS returned to me that... there is ONLY one mind. I don't care what direction you take it in or what direction it takes you. It always comes back the same thing. Lady Kundalini proved this to me in convincing fashion. There was never a question concerning it after that.

After she made it clear to me, about The Mind, I could put myself into any personality I could think of that I had had any experience of... in real life or in films... feel every aspect of their features and the manner of their perception; the general sense of them in a very specific way. It still comes up for me all the time; if someone I know... at a distance thinks of me. If someone I know is having difficulty... and I guess a whole lot of people I never met... come and go like frames in a camera.

The key is not to be disturbed by any of it; to not be disturbed by anything at all because everything is under control. All the times when this is not a fixed reality in your mind, your mind is not your own, then... it is a question of where your Karma takes you.“Listen up boy! We can do this the easy way or we can do it the hard way. It's your choice.”

“But I don't want to pay attention all the time!” (Whine... whine...) Yeah... And look what happens! Everywhere in The World... at all times... you have people paying attention, and people not paying attention. The events and conditions in The World are all the result of this.

In this world, there is a large demographic of people going along with The Program. Where did The Program come from? Whose program is it? Oh, I see... you do this and you get that. Has that gone well for you so far? “But... we can't have all these people running around and doing their own thing! Imagine how crazy it would get?” Uh-huh... how's it all going at the moment?

Maybe you should look into what going along with The Program implies. I'd start with checking out the qualities and intentions of the people who somehow wound up running The Program.

Here's what happened. Money... or whatever is collectively defined as currency, is what greases the wheels of industry. It is what... gets... things... done on a certain level... seemingly. A time came when a certain group of people took over the money supply, and then? They set the agenda. They are the organ grinder and you are the monkey. They tell you what to do... one way or another, and... you go along with The Program.

However... and it is a big... glaring... HOWEVER... they are not in charge of you. They have simply convinced you that they are, and I happen to know... personally... that this is so because I tried the waters on The Matter.

Yes... they were able to make my life uncomfortable for a time. They locked me up. They tried to kill me, but that... didn't... work, AND... they had to take back all the charges eventually too. So... I don't even have a criminal record. You see... the way you THINK it all works is not how it really works, and if you get sucked into believing that is how it goes, you'll be going along for the ride in whatever direction they decide to take you.

All the temporal authority in The World is nothing more than a costume party. HOWEVER... if you want to play in their theater of operations. If you want something you think they are the ones you get it from, well... there you jolly well are, aren't you?

Then there is the matter of Hostages to Fortune... if you get married and have children. If you have a job. If you have a reputation. If you have property. If you have a bank account, and so on, and so on.

HOWEVER... there is a way to play in their theaters of operation or anywhere else, for that matter... IF your fealty is to what shines through The Sun and not to the clouds that come and go before the face of it. If... in your head... you are working for someone else. If you are working for The Divine while you are in the prison camps of The World. Somehow this works, and I know this works because it is what I have been doing for some time.

Yes... there can be some amount of difficulty and inconvenience getting to the right mindset that happens to be what REALLY runs this world, and you must persist, and you must prove out your faith, and you must never waver, or... they will get their hooks into you again.

Because... if the ones who APPEAR to be in charge can convince you they are in charge OR... if you have come to believe that they are the ones who supply what you imagine you need or desire to have... well... yeah... you're back on the chain gang (Cue cool guitar instrumental.)

That guy's dead now, isn't he? No! He's not dead. He's simply doing something else now under a different name because... there... is... no... death! Chrissie Hynde wrote that song for him.

That is how they keep you in line. That is how they get you to go along with The Program; FEAR OF DEATH, BUT... once you know there is no death then you have nothing to fear or... do you? Well... you would know better than I. We all want to be free, and somehow we have convinced ourselves that we can do that by going into bondage to someone else.

There is no freedom, not ever in the way most people think of it. The ONLY true freedom is in surrender to The Divine because... The Divine alone is free. Once you can step aside and let The Divine live its life in you... you will know what real freedom is because... God... alone... is free.

I lived a life of exceeding difficulty. Most of it was based on my struggle to be free, no... fucking... matter... what, and... I can assure you that I pushed the envelope beyond its capacity to ever get mailed. No one would have recognized it as an envelope when I got done with it, and I should have been gone many times by now, but... I still wouldn't be dead.

Do you know why certain INFORMED temporal authorities are leery about killing certain people? It is because one is quite limited while in the flesh, AND... much, much less limited when out of it. Oh! The damage you can do. Much of what you see happen in The World is the result of people in the flesh being compromised in their minds by people out of the flesh. In Times of Material Darkness, it will give you the conditions we are witnessing now.

What you tell yourself... in your head is real... is what becomes real for you. Mindstuff is plastic and it will shape your world according to the Play-Doh that God provides, and... which you sculpt according to the forms of disobedience to Heaven that you employ in the pursuit of your appetites and desires.

You build your world and then you complain about it. Of course, very few of us know what we are doing in the first place, BUT... that doesn't seem to stop anyone. Is it really so hard to ask for help? Do you really think there is no one there, just... because... you... can't... see... them?

Let The Divine live its life in and through you and... sooner or later... there will no longer be anything for you to have to apologize for because there will no longer be any You left to apologize for; not insofar as your existing in the separate and resisting persona you created for yourself. I can assure you that you are missing a great deal of fun so long as you maintain that illusion of a personal self.

End Transmission.......

Some links are to be had at GAB=


M - said...

Again, how does that grotesque Lizzo-thing wipe her ass? If she does it herself HOW long does it take her? Does she use an implement of some kind or does she just pay someone else to do the dirty deed for her?

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

One more thing me thinks, is to keep your obligations to an absolute minimum. A KISS lifestyle. Your last paragraph has also become quite obvious to me in the last few months, thouhg I'm under the impression I'm working with someone lower in the hierarchy. . .though ultimately, what's the idfference.


Anonymous said...

The One Mind creating the illusion of billions of personal selves who then create whatever it is
that they desire/deserve. It is difficult in the beginning to take responsibility for what we ourselves have
created until we come to the realization that we can align with the Divine and change the outcome
of whatever nightmare we may be living. That's when the real fun begins.

Thank you for another week of mind bending twists and turns on the road to awakening, Visible. Personally, I can only
make sense of it all on a spiritual level. Otherwise, furgedda bout it.

Peace and Love,

robert said...

A zinging ringing dinging of our bells at the start of another round!
Words flying in formations that morph in spontaneous ecstatic movement like starling swarms!
Fresh water from the endless well being all of us are living within!

We all want to be free, and somehow we have convinced ourselves that we can do that by going into bondage to someone else.

Hmmmn... any one wonder whose mindset minions sold us that con?

Is this the same exploit that pimps use to sell the idea of prostitution to female power packs?

The ONLY true freedom is in surrender to The Divine because... The Divine alone is free. Once you can step aside and let The Divine live its life in you... you will know what real freedom is because... God... alone... is free.

We can TRY to be ourselves, try to be free of being too full of ourselves, try to be our own idea of acting like a free individual...

When we are all out of oil, out of breath and out of our minds' idea of what is possible:
We are free to join back to the One who brung us
Rejoin that something larger than ourselves which all souls who know they are souls yearn to find in reunion

All the big cons exploit this most essential drive toward freedom from human limitations, waving jazz hands about a larger picture they see, even though their vision is squinty!

By offering us lines to walk and talk, by further confusing the mind with conflation of self with Self;
The deceivers know that our souls are all-in on the search for the One among the many
Then offer us gauntlet games which will test us to our limits and beyond

As Visible points out, these deceiving parasites are still serving their part in the drama of Self-discovery by testing our integrity of purpose and intention

Would we not prefer tests custom-tailored to our current state of being?
Or stay in the herd running mazes made for masses, leaning out our being to fatten the fatuous?

The One has, in infinite life experiences, tested and weighed and found life worth living, giving full power to everything created, the full power to create for those with the consciousness to commune

May we ride the ever mounting joy of the One Individual living undivided satisfaction of Spirit in One multi-universal Mind!

I can assure you that I pushed the envelope beyond its capacity to ever get mailed

Word flow from a mind that is free of fear!
Alliterative resonance: "get mailed" sounds like "get nailed"

Let The Divine live its life in and through you and... sooner or later... there will no longer be anything for you to have to apologize for because there will no longer be any You left to apologize for;.....I can assure you that you are missing a great deal of fun so long as you maintain that illusion of a personal self.

Giving ourselves away
Dying to our self daily
Letting go and letting the One

Giving ourselves permission to be joyful in anticipation of more intimate union with the wholly Spirit

As the contrast crescendos, is not the choice standing still before us with an enigmatic smile?

Noise and chaos
Silence and higher order

Anonymous said...

but i was doing vipasana meditation in Parvati Valley in the Himalayas and suddenly my mind disappeared, and then the very concept of an "i" , an individual self, disappeared. All that remained was an eternal consciousness and eternal energy, existing eternally in the present moment.

So yea, you can lose your mind. And by doing so, i transcended even the idea of bhakti, because how can there be a devotee when all that exists is one? Or maybe cause i was living in Vrindavan at the time for a year and a half period, maybe Krishna simply played a joke on me and lowered me down to the mayavadi stage. Either way, nothing matters! Isn't God the greatest joker of all? Maybe we'll laugh our way into the funny farm!

brian boru said...

Hi Les,
What did you mean by 'I tried the waters on the Matter'?

Visible said...

I tested the waters. I swam in those currents. I rode that train there and back again.

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now=

"One of The Other Options The Blind Eye in The Pyramid has is The Holographic Jesus-in-The-Sky, 2nd Coming Caper."



Joseph Brenner

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The Sacred and The Profane

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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