Thursday, November 17, 2022

"He can Turn The Valley of The Shadow of Death into The Shining Vale of Immortality, IN... A... TWINKLING!!!"

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Certain things are provably true when you find that the lies being told are a cover for the people telling the lies. If you study something deeply and carefully, and... everything you find leads you back to the same perpetrators, and all the ancillary evidence ALSO leads back to the same perpetrators, you come up with a variant on the- 'if it walks like a duck' analogy. In the following examples, it's not so much a matter of who did it as it is a matter of; what... are... you... going... to... do... about... it?

They want to lock us down with Killer Vaccine Passports. They want to genocide us with The Killer Vaccines. They want to herd and corral that which cannot be contained. Why do you think The Declaration of Independence and The Bill of Rights needed to be written down? It is because these Kafkaesque fantasies have been in The Infernal Mind for a very, very long time, and laws needed to be made to protect us from them.

Over time, they have sent a plague of termites disguised as lawyers, (or is it the other way around?) to eat away the foundations of our national charters. Not only do they want to remove our freedoms, BUT... they insist on programming perversity, under the guise of diversity, into the Hive Mind... as a virtue. The bigger part of The Alt.Sex racket is population reduction. The hammering on about climate bullshit, and every other nonsense agenda that the wanna-be elites come up with, are... all... about... reducing our numbers, and getting the survivors to toe... the... line.

The panic and paranoia that are created by the monsters in training are in order for them to gain an elite status, and for the rest of us to cower in fear before them. You need look no deeper than this. Weakness and Fear are at the core of nearly all horrific crimes.

Everyone you see promoting these lies, and buying into these lies, have been bought off or intimidated, one way... or another. The only people who believe in these lies are the kind of people who attend Taylor Swift concerts and watch The Kardashian, First Family of Satanic Witches on TV.

9/11 was a calculated event, designed to eliminate massive evidence of fraud from certain office buildings... and remove basic American freedoms over a fabricated threat by Stone Age Arabs, who were not even involved in the attacks. The attack was gruesome enough, BUT... the aftermath has proven to be the worst of the matter. Incontrovertible evidence implicates Israel... American neo-cons... and compromised foreign and domestic intelligence agencies as being the perpetrators of these acts of terrorism.

Since that time, our most precious freedom of movement has been taken from us. Since then, the people responsible have been practicing the Hegelian Dialectic, over... and over... and over. Free and fair elections are a thing of the past, though... this may have been the case for a much longer period of time.

There are certain rights that you cannot take from people. As soon as you engage in this, you set off trembles on The Cosmic Web of the manifest plane... and Heaven's police force is activated in response. Of course, this sort of thing goes on, and on, and on. It is for The Purpose of Demonstration, to... see... how... we... respond... to the challenges visited upon us by virtue of The Lords of Karma, according to our own actions in former times.

The whole game of Good and Evil is a distraction. There are forces in The World that routinely misdirect the human mind for the purpose of crowd control, AND... as... any... fool... can... see... AS TIME PASSES... the circles tighten. The walls move in. The laws become more rigid and more crazy. The Culture becomes more and more absurd. This is all an orchestrated process to bring Hell on Earth. Working the other side of The Street is The Initiatic Brotherhood. Light shines where Light is present and Darkness covers where Light is not.

There are those who seek The Light, and... there are those who seek The Darkness, AND they all find what they are looking for. The Light, of course... rules. Wherever there is Light, The Darkness is forced to retreat. The Light DOES NOT RETREAT from The Darkness. I recommend that you keep this in mind because... it is not difficult for The Mind to become confused about what is and what is not real. Simply look at The World around you.

I note a pervasive heaviness across the land, now that a 2nd election has been stolen in a row. One does not have faith in The Divine only in the good times. A steady and stable faith WILL carry you through ANYTHING... anything at all. These demons of the moment cannot harm you. They can ONLY cause you to harm yourself or you... masquerading as... someone... else...

Step by step, The Nosferatu Army marches in all directions to subjugate The Willing. They are The Mind-Knockers coming out of the turbulent ocean of The Collective Unconscious. They are the zombies and sleepwalking dead who are awakened by the ever-intensifying false light of Material Culture. They are there, and they are not there. It is your consistent fear that crystallizes them into the shapes they take.

I know how it looks out there. I know how it looks to me and I know how it looks to many others, BUT... the way anything looks is subjective. It is what you have convinced yourself of that you see. Each of us has woven a pattern, and now... it is each of us that seeks to unravel it. Generally... what happens is that one becomes further entangled in the weave as a result of their efforts. You... could... ask... for... help.

If you want to fix The World on your own, that... effort... is... permitted. Hard as it may be to believe, everything is permitted, and nothing is real. If you seek the wisdom and counsel of a greater mind, you... will... have... it. If you insist on proceeding on your own, you will have made a reservation for The Purpose of Demonstration. What do you think, “become as a little child” means? What... do... you... think... that... means? It means you take the hand of your parent while crossing the street.

To become as a little child is to place all of your faith in The Divine Parent. It is to depend UTTERLY on that Divine Parent, just as a good child would. A rebellious child does not want to do this. What... is... the... parent... to... do? They know that the child will return to them, beaten and bloody, tired and sadder... but wiser. The World is an instructional vortex... a pinball machine with random, flashing bumpers. Everybody wants a piece of that... until they don't.

The World of immersive sensation... is a dancing hypnotic of sinuous forces... interacting for the purposes of pleasure and pain. It's a cute little creature with porcupine spines. It's a sea urchin that lives in the sidewalks. It is the asp in your bosom. There are 3 of these forces and they account for all you see, and... all... that... drives... and... draws... you... to... it. It kisses and consoles you while it flays the skin from your body; mostly metaphorically speaking, unless you get The Game of Thrones edition.

You can dally through this department store of possibilities for... as... long... as... you... like... OR you... can... ask... for... help.

Yes... there are some nasty customers out there because someone is in need of them, for The Purpose of Demonstration, BUT... my father can handle all comers. He can turn The Valley of The Shadow of Death into The Shining Vale of Immortality, IN... A... TWINKLING!!! He waves his hand and things appear. He waves his hand and things disappear. There is NOTHING he cannot do, and this whole dangerous and disappointing world has been set up TO... DRIVE... YOU... TO... HIM!

It is as simple as that! You don't need to know more than that. If you don't know, then God does. If you think you know, then God does not. His input is canceled out when you usurp him in your efforts to resolve whatever Oedipal Complex has possessed you. Then... depending on how intelligent you are... out of that comes whatever monstrous complexity you build to justify your perspective.

Yes... a lot of bad shit has happened, and there are some seriously crazy individuals and groups running amok, BUT... what has that got to do with you? They will find whatever the shape it is that their madness takes. When The Awakening brings it a little more clearly to their vision... what they have done to themselves and each other... they will short-circuit. They will blow a fuse. They will realize whatever the destiny is that they wove in the guise of their own worst enemy.

It WILL NOT be bad weather everywhere. It is obvious what fates the cities portend. It should be obvious that there are directions in which Life works, and directions in... which... it... does... not... work, AND... that is what The Purpose of Demonstration is for. It shows us what works and what does not, AND... maybe we learn, and maybe we don't.

End Transmission.......

Some links are to be found at GAB=


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

So many of us are here for the wrong reasons in my opinion. The Monopoly players? The materialists? The users and the parasites? Money fer nuthin' and what ever? Well, me thinks the era of retribution on steroids is here full force now. Me thinks that FTX thang is one of the best things that coulda happened. A critical domino to fall and know a whole bunch of other things down that shouldn't exist.

Also, I hate high population density. I think depopulation is great, though me thinks it should be voluntary. I liked this town way better when there were open fields instead of all these disgusting looking flats, not to mention less traffic and lower rent was nice, too. Don't have a clue why anyone wants the alternative. If they do, again, I suggest they move to a favela.

This place also sucks compared to the Otherside. Why does anyone even want to condemn another soul to perpetual inconvenience, obligation, illusion, limitation, and basic slavery to circumstances? Does the majority really innately wanna go through with the liability of crotch droppings, or do they do it because of how they were programmed? With how the infernal things are treated, and the state of society, ya gotta wonder. I can't stand havin' the things around, so I made sure it wouldn't happen. Gods, those things are worse than credit cards.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

I fergot the nostrils to the sky.

robert said...

Merci, Visible!

The inexorable flow of your words
Entering this time bubble from timeless source
Brings us more light to see by, just in time
We enjoy their dancing motion through our minds

Starkly contrasting all the darkness's industrial lies
Queued up outside our mind standing guard
The barest trickle permitted entry leaves a sickening taste

Filling our emptied perception back up with light
Repels reptilian emotional bombs from blowing

The World is an instructional vortex... a pinball machine with random, flashing bumpers. Everybody wants a piece of that... until they don't.

We consume our lamp oil with abandon, until we find we have abandoned ourselves!

The panic and paranoia that are created by the monsters in training are in order for them to gain an elite status, and for the rest of us to cower in fear before them. You need look no deeper than this. Weakness and Fear are at the core of nearly all horrific crimes.

The commie con in a nutshell: appeal to groupthink by wearing Unity's clothes then set up a few to rule over the whole with totalitarian powers...

If you seek the wisdom and counsel of a greater mind, you... will... have... it

In this dream:
Where being simple is frowned upon by the stupidly complex
Whose entire energy is directed into ever more convoluted rationalizations
Wrapped up in propping up a false identity, to ignore being present to imprisonment

Just being the child who sees and calls out the naked empire
Who plugs the dyke threatening to flood the field
Who stands serene holding on to the Hand which begat him/her

Simplifying back to basics, NOT oversimplifying people into ciphers in the mock virtue of the mob!
Seeing all the way through the matrix, the madness, the mirage

Seeing souls struggle to re-connect to their avatars and live like the Avatar's live

Seeing that only One way works:
Following the flow of Spirit on its unending tidal surge into expression

Resistance creates a heat map for zombies to track
Detached cool attitude rides Passion waves on balance

We throw away the many layers of lies we have told ourselves in groups of unconscious actors

We step out of the iron maidens we made for ourselves from self-loathing

We stand our ground because a Greater some One fashioned it for us

We start to feel more than human misery multiplied by machine

We see more light breaking through the mask of matter
Out of our hearts breaking free of nonsensical nodes
Illuminating our endarkened minds enough to see
What-Is, right in front of us, beckoning us home

Anonymous said...

the people that got vaxxed, deserve it. It's all divine control. And population reduction is great. Look at Switzerland where the elite live. It's like a paradise because of low population density. Look at any third world country for the opposite effect. Reducing the world population is not a bad thing, at all, especially if we remember that the majority of humans on this earth presently have chosen to not spiritually evolve. Therefore removing them is good because once they are dead, the spiritually evolved humans can start progressing towards a new world.

Anonymous said...

Inspired by my own experiences I’ve read every single one of these and others too that are not listed at this site, old ones. 5,000+. Reports. This is a topic you have never broached. Why?

I’ve been reading you work for ten years.

My conclusion is that we are all already dead and in hell and that there is never going to be a utopia on Earth, EVER.

But…I’m peaceful, happily naturally celibate, born this way and I feel it the greatest gift God has given me. No cravings for anything for that matter.

I’m ready to go home anytime. Not attached to anything on this spinning insane asylum.

It seems plain to me that the Old Testament “God “ is a conjured demon and I want nothing to do with it or it’s chosen people. Not an easy thing to do as they own everything.

I feel that the next material stop is Venus as humanity evolves towards the SUN, the light of the next world. I think Earth may get toasted. Soon.


Kazz said...

Anonymous Friday, November 18, 2022 1:17:00 AM

You ~ '...if we remember that the majority of humans on this earth presently have chosen to not spiritually evolve. Therefore removing them is good because once they are dead, the spiritually evolved humans can start progressing towards a new world.'

Have you ever considered that some of those you refer to are simply 'young souls'. The only difference between an acorn seed and an acorn tree is that one has matured and the other has not, therefore, the only difference is that one has not yet reached its potential.

'For it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not from yourselves; it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast.' (Ephesians 2:8-9)

'The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and have it in all its fullness. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep. The hired hand is not the shepherd, and the sheep are not his own. When he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf pounces on them and scatters the flock.…' (John 10:10-12)

Anonymous Friday, November 18, 2022 4:29:00 AM

You ~ 'It seems plain to me that the Old Testament “God “ is a conjured demon and I want nothing to do with it or it’s chosen people. Not an easy thing to do as they own everything.'

The house of Israel and Judah broke the Covenant of the Law by their idolatrous worship (Jeremiah 11:10) and evil behaviour; murder, adultery, stealing, lying, and coveting, because they thought the law was of no effect. God sent them into captivity to punish them, but eventually God's righteousness and holiness provides mercy and compassion toward Israel (penitent thief), freeing them from captivity.

This is good news for all, because it is only through God's Grace that any of us experience the mercy, compassion and forgiveness necessary to ascend to a higher state of consciousness.

"Golden Rule."

"So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets" (Matthew 7:12). "Do to others as you would have them do to you" (Luke 6:31). Those who judge shall be judged, and those who will not forgive will not be forgiven.

I thank God every day for God's Grace, mercy, compassion, love and forgiveness, and I try to extend the same to others, because without the aforementioned their would be no hope for any of us.

As far as, 'I feel that the next material stop is Venus as humanity evolves towards the SUN'.

Sounds like you are attempting to be Icarus, and you know what happened to him. I'll let you in on an 'inside' secret, we can escape imprisonment, but that's not THE WAY!

God Bless
Luv Kazz

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is now up=

"Try to Remember... EVERYONE is Living in A World of Their Mind's Creation. Refine and Elevate your Aspirations."



Joseph Brenner

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