Tuesday, July 06, 2021

"It is Sort of Like Teaching Scalded Cats to Jump Through Hoops of Fire."

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

What a farce of a production it all is! I often think of Grand Guignol when I think of present-day dramas and their Potential... Who could have imagined, in the midst of plenty that there would be such a coalition of desperate characters as we have? They are so desperate for attention. They press toward the stage and trample those who stand between them and a few moments of pedestrian fame. They are unaware of who they are and they are unaware of what they do. MEANWHILE... circumstances are being arranged to make it possible for them to know who they are and what they do.

I constantly forget that there is a great difference between some of us and the rest of us. Those of us who KNOW that God is REAL and Present have a different view of world conditions, AND of ourselves. Those who KNOW are under an obligation to Heaven to inform their fellows, sort of like teaching scalded cats to jump through fire hoops. I have found that there are many methods one has the use of between the parameters of soapbox oration and Telepathy, between making a public spectacle of yourself and setting a good example that needs no obvious display.

Once you realize that God is the ALL in ALL and CONSCIOUSLY PRESENT, your problems are over, but your challenges are not. You have to want it VERY BADLY or it will not come, meaning God however you may understand him or her. The THEY and THEM crowd are with LEGION in another location.

One of the MOST IMPORTANT... CRITICAL aspects of conscious existence is being able TO KNOW that appearances are deceiving, and really know this VICERALLY, not intellectually. When you know that the reports of your senses are ONLY a partial reading of WHAT IS, you are in a position to BE INFORMED of what you cannot see or hear or are interpreting as something other than what it is. In this brief and sideways exposition are hidden profound possibilities. We can only say so much because our talents are not equal to the task of LITERAL truth-speaking, ONLY the True Initiates can do this, and even when they do they OFTEN do it through someone else who has been made fit to answer the challenge; Alice Bailey, for instance, and... there are many others. The Initiates of The Great Brotherhood of Light choose those of us who demonstrate the necessary attributes and use us accordingly. Let all who read and comprehend this here take note of it.

If you have given your mind, your heart, your hands, and The Will in you... to the purposes and pursuits of The Heavenly Fellowship, you WILL BE in that Fellowship. We are taken by stages to ever greater levels of awareness, to the extent that we can bear the weight of it. Remember what Christ said about drawing all men unto him? Imagine the spiritual force and focus that this would demand!

If you can just remember to give God the Glory and to diminish your personality you will be okay. Pride INDEED goes before a fall. Then there are the 3 doors that you must ALWAYS pass by; Lust, Anger, and Greed are the doors. Do not enter them. Given how hard it is to be consistent at this, I would say that God is both merciful and patient and truly forgiving. We get away with a lot in the name of experience. If we serve as we go it will never mind or matter. I recognize that that is a strange sentence, but I know what I meant (grin).

My dear friends, I am at pains in this time to avoid fearful projections and the specter of calamity which is very much in the neighborhood. NOTHING matters but your relationship with The Divine. EVERYTHING ELSE is peripheral and incidental to the primary drive to union with The Supernal Being. God is as important as we make him, and... he responds in a certain fashion to those who are lovers of God. When a seeker has discovered the important elements of this relationship, there are NO LIMITS...none.

God is living, conscious, and eternal light, with varying densities deeper into the light. No mortal goes beyond a certain point and remains mortal. Think of the wilderness of the spirit and the weeping and gnashing of teeth for those who have sentenced themselves to darkness. There is no joy there. There is no love, there is no communion or happiness there. WHY? Why would people subject themselves to the sorrow and despair of being cut off from God? Are they REALLY cut off from God? Many of them think so. They believe it gives them an advantage in their mischief. It does not. Often... offenders believe that if they are not caught out HERE, then there is no penalty for their crimes. Time and circumstances will disabuse them of this thinking, I ASSURE you.

The words in the Bible about seeing through a glass darkly are TRUE. This is why we move by Faith as much as anything, and why Certitude and Determination are so important, and... my dear friends these are serious weapons and defenses against the quagmires and tangled vines in our passage. Lao Tzu once said that “Compassion is a weapon from the sky against being dead.” Whoomp!!! People do not see Virtue as a weapon or a defense. I ASSURE you that it is, and that Virtue is composed of a range of qualities, which are reflections of The Qualities of God. Vice... on the other hand is ALWAYS a liability on SO MANY LEVELS. Still... in Times of Material Darkness this is the way of it.

When you measure yourself by The Personality, if you are honest, then you see its many limitations and failings. When you measure yourself by The Individuality there is a lot to feel confident and inspired about. This is The Deity of your Higher Nature walking around in your shoes. It comes by increments and degrees. One HAS TO BE in for The Long Haul. One has to be fixed in their attention upon a distant star that is shining within. As the clutter and confusion are burned away, one can see more clearly through that darkened glass, because... what is it that darkens the glass? That is (SHOULD BE) cause for reflection.

The Light of God is within us. We could not live and breathe, nor be animate otherwise. In this time of Materialism the mind of humanity is turned to externalities It is turned AWAY from that distant star. It takes a conscious act of will to turn the attention inward and most especially... to keep it there.

The Good News is that God IS PRESENT, whether you have achieved a dialogue with Heaven or not, is not the important thing, BECAUSE they are ALWAYS listening on the other end, and just because you don't hear anything does not mean the agents of light are absent. They are VERY MUCH present. I went for decades without a dialogue except when I was psychedelicized. It was only in the last ten years that the back and forth has appeared, AND... with the passage of time and events become more frequent in the visitations. This is not something one achieves at a New Age Processing Plant, over the course of 3 weekends, with a four-day intensive at the end. It DOES NOT work like that.

It amuses me no end to see these self-acknowledged yogic experts that also consider themselves Tantric Masters. For some reason, a lot of them come from Germany. I have traveled incognito (heh heh... no one knows who I am anyway, including me.) to New Age hotspots and ecstatic dance sessions. If you have not done this, you do not know just how far out these people can get. Anyway... no yoga is harder to learn than Tantric Yoga and you MUST HAVE a qualified teacher, of which there are MAYBE 3 on the planet. It takes an entire lifetime to grasp only the basics. It is, I ASSURE you, the product of several lifetimes of absolute commitment to get to any significant point of UNDERSTANDING. You CAN learn this, but you had better be in for the whole routine. The level of commitment that is demanded is GREAT.

I am sure there are people in and around The New Age who are sincere and well-intentioned, but the basic drive of all of these operations is MATERIAL PROFIT! This is what I have seen and I've seen no exceptions, it all been full-color glossy brochures and promises made of dust. I have found the same in ashrams and churches of various denominations. These are not the best of times to hie thee away to a nunnery/monastery. I'd be there now if that was in the cards. I tried to join The Trappists when I was young ♫ the hills are alive ♫ If I had known that they automatically refused you twice (I applied twice) and then took you on probational terms, I might still be there AND... still be on probation.

I keep wanting to say, It will be alright. but I do not know that, and in some cases it is DEFINITELY not going to be alright; BUT... for some reason, I am filled with optimism and calm. Here is something by Beethoven; They culminate in the symphony with human voices, the ninth symphony, in which the equilibrium between mind and heart or the "Chymical Wedding" ritual, where the Christ Within – the Adept – is born ("consumatun est"). Johan Herde speaks of Beethoven as "... God acts on earth through evolved men..." and Beethoven speaks of himself as "... I do not have friends, that is why I must live alone, but I know from the deepest of my heart, that God is closer to me than to others. I come close to Him without fear, because I have always known Him...". Oh yeah... you know, I kind of suspected that about him.

I once heard that Bach composed symphonies about the majesty of God as God, and that Beethoven composed symphonies about the majesty of God in man. I may not have the statement right, nor remember where I got it but I think the point gets made.

End Transmission.......

Not many links but you can always go back to yesterday's Mirrors ♫ who wants yesterday's mirrors ♫ There are plenty of links there.

Here's something about The Great Reset

According to FuelEconomy.gov; “the average electric car uses 30 kilowatt hours to travel a hundred miles. That’s the same amount an average American home uses per day. As California shifts to electric cars to reduce carbon emissions, it’s having an impact on the state’s power grid, and the demand is only expected to increase.” I'm guessing that you, the reader, can do the math on this.

Fonzie hits the jukebox and Flight of the Valkeries begins to play
Via Breitbart
Actor Henry Winkler: We Need a ‘Cataclysmic Event’ to Bring the U.S. Back Together

Chalk one up for the good guys-
Via The Washington Examiner
Tennessee mayor powerless to remove 'vile' anti-Biden flag


Thomas said...

Well said, Good Visible!

I find that a simple and effective practice is to simply contemplate the fact that sooner or later, I, the soul, will have returned to God - that I will swim in sea of Heavenly Light, calm, divinely contented, and at peace - that all my desires shall be quenched or dissipated, and that everything I might want to know will be revealed to me. The same is true for all those I love and cherish, and for everyone else, too! We can hasten or retard the process by our actions or inactions, but nothing anyone can do will change it - we shall all return!

In that perspective, *all* will be well.

It is an easy practice, but it takes some concentration (practice makes perfect) - it brings up feelings of peace, gratitude, and love for God.

Those who cause the evil in the world - how they are missing out! Truly, if they knew, they would not do as they do. They are intensely deluded, and they will ruin themselves.

Anonymous said...

"One of the MOST IMPORTANT... CRITICAL aspects of conscious existence is being able TO KNOW that appearances are deceiving, and really know this VICERALLY, not intellectually."

11 And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots:

2 And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord;

3 And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the Lord: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears:

4 But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: and he shall smite the earth: with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked.

5 And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reins.

Justin Virden

Anonymous said...

I cane back to read the rest of this post a bit ago. As I was reading it I thought to myself how beautiful the message put forth through you has increased in the time that I've been reading you. Which started around 2008ish. And then a few lines further down into my reading I came to this: "It was only in the last ten years that the back and forth has appeared, AND... with the passage of time and events become more frequent in the visitations."
Justin Virden

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

We're just passin' through and I KNOW that. I volunteered for this and planned my future out before I got here. Didn't we all? Me thinks the worst is over for the best of us, and the worst is yet to come for the wrong side of history. You can already see it.

Nostrils up.

Anonymous said...

Thought I'd post a comment because this particular line in your 'writing' stood out:
'Once you realize that God is the ALL in ALL and CONSCIOUSLY PRESENT, your problems are over, but your challenges are not.' What else can anyone say to this but this is true.
Really liked this particular writing of yours, you must have a connection to something I do too. Gee, what could that be?
We are not out of the woods yet my friends, many challenges remain ahead, but I can see a clearing up ahead. A resting place for a bit? Or another trap? Can't stay long.
Clearing of the mind, like before you 'thought' you knew something/anything, because you didn't 'claim' to know anything, I was just looking. Never seen anything like that before, how odd and wonderful. I'm not buying anything though, just wanted to see what there was. Besides what would I trade for it?, I only have what God gives me when I need it. Really don't need anymore trinkets, although it does look nice. Got a reliable lighter?
Be vigilant. Very well written and meaningful work Mr V.

robert said...

Visible One,

Remember what Christ said about drawing all men unto him? Imagine the spiritual force and focus that this would demand!

A perfecting use of the imagination! Said with elegant sufficiency!

Imagining the uplifting spiritual force which envelopes the Word in embodiment and forever in the Akashic record, has a tornado power which most fear will shatter their sense of self.
It will and does and nothing can stand in the way of the call...

Then there are the 3 doors that you must ALWAYS pass by; Lust, Anger, and Greed are the doors. Do not enter them. Given how hard it is to be consistent at this, I would say that God is both merciful and patient and truly forgiving. We get away with a lot in the name of experience. If we serve as we go it will never mind or matter

As much as the mass mind is triggered by all three, it is anger which is the trap for those with hearts.
So much ugly desecration of the pure beuaty in creation brings a righteous fury, but that must be directed perfectly to serve a higher purpose.
Otherwise, we get caught in our own indecisive moments then self-consciousness brings a crashing wave of loathing and guilt to soak up the unused energy and we wallow in a mire of routine disempowerment.

Idle hands and idle minds sucking at the media teat open the door to the darkness lurking inside subjective bubbles....

Only the insane ego in a bottle prefers the madness that is known to the wonder that is unexplored.
Holding to our inner vision, against the tide of time and spaced out specters, is an active state of being, but holding love in reserve for expression by compassion is a hyper active state of being.

When you measure yourself by The Individuality there is a lot to feel confident and inspired about. This is The Deity of your Higher Nature walking around in your shoes.

This is what the facile argument passing gas exchanges misses completely!

The One is unconstrained by any hint of group think, Procrustean levelling that leaves everyone equally dead, free of any hint of self-conscious braking action which breaks the heart of feeling wonder.

This false dichotomy poses by sophisticated liars, between the individual and the good of the group, is a very old mind fuck.

In the experience of the adolescent united states, we have evidence that when people are free to voluntarily cooperate, civilization steps forward and everyone may rise in joy and freedom to learn.
The opposite history is censored, more so now than ever, to hide the cruel failure and ulimate hypocrisy of the groupthink exploiters.
Collectivists are a caricature of the common good, an egotist's lazy way to apprentice to the sorcerer.

Notice the automatic inversion of the truth behind every brazen lie and con game?
Infantile reaction to the true meaning, to confuse the heart and seduce the carnal mind.

Who needs esoteric powers when we have found love with the One? When our spirit has met the soul, the feeling has melded with the idea and the mind is serving the heart in full willingness?
When the Child of the One comes to play and we feel loved enough to play along?

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now=

"This Pathetic Wilderness of Human Ignorance is a Chosen Vale of Enterprise for Some."

Hassan R said...

"God is living, conscious, and eternal light, with varying densities deeper into the light." -- indeed, dear Visible. It reminds me of a verse from the Qur'an that I often try to reflect on:

"God is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The example of His light is like a concave mirror within a lamp, the lamp is within a glass, the glass is like a radiant planet, which is lit from a blessed olive tree that is neither of the east nor of the west, its oil nearly radiates light even if not touched by fire. Light upon light. God guides to His light those whom He pleases. God sets forth parables for mankind; God is aware of all things." -- Chapter 24, verse 35



Joseph Brenner

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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